The following Inftrument was tranfmitted to us by John Anftis, Efq; Garter King at Arms: It is mark'd, G. 13. P. 349. [There is alfo a Manufcript in the Heralds Office, marked W. 2. P 276; where notice is taken of this Coat, and that the Perfon to whom it was granted, had borne Magiftracy at Stratford upon Avon.] TE O all and fingular Noble and Gentlemen of all Eftates and Degrees, bearing Arms, to whom thefe Prefents fhall come; William Dethick, Garter Principal King of Arms of England, and William Camden, alias Clarencieulx, King of Arms for the South, Eaft, and Weft Parts of this Realm, fend Greetings. Know ye, That in all Nations and King doms the Record and Remembrance of the valiant Facts and virtuous Difpofitions of worthy Men have been made known and divulged by certain Shields of Arms and tokens of Chivalrie; the Grant or Teftimony whereof appertaineth unto us, by virtue of our Offices from the Queen's Moft Excellent Majefty, and her Highness's most noble and victorious Progenitors: Wherefore being folicited, by credible Report informed, that John Shakespeare, now of Stratford upon Avon in the County of Warwick, Gentleman, whofe Great Grandfather, for his faithful and approved Service to the late moft prudent Prince, King Henry VII. of famous Memory, was advanced and rewarded with Lands and Tenements, given to him in those Parts of Warwickshire, where they have continued by fome Defcents in good Reputation and Credit; And for that the faid John Shakespeare having married the Daughter and one of the Heirs of Robert Arden of Wellingcote in the faid County, and alfo produced this his ancient Coat of Arms, heretofore affigned to him whilst he was her Majefty's Officer and Bailiff of that Town. In confideration of the Premifes, and for the Encouragement of his Pofterity, unto whom fuch Blazon of Arms and and Atchievements of Inheritance from their faid Mother, by the antient Custom and Laws of Arms, may lawfully defcend; We the faid Garter and Clarencieulx have affigned, granted, and confirmed, and by these Prefents exemplified unto the faid John Shakespeare, and to his Pofterity, that Shield and Coat of Arms, viz. In a Field of Gold upon a Bend Sables a Spear of the first, the Point upward, beaded Argent; and for his Creft or Cognifance, A Falcon, Or, with his Wings difplayed, ftanding on a Wreathe of his Colours, fupporting a Spear armed headed, or feeled Silver, fixed upon an Helmet with Mantles and Taffels, as more plainly may appear depicted in, this Margent; And we have likewife impaled the fame with the antient Arms of the faid Arden of Wellingcote; fignifying thereby, that it may and fhall be lawful for the faid John ShakeSpeare, Gent. to bear and use the fame Shield of Arms, fingle or impaled, as aforefaid, during his natural Life; and that it fhall be lawful for his Children, Iffue, and Pofterity, lawfully begotten, to bear, ufe, and quarter, and fhew forth the fame, with their due Differences, in all lawful warlike Feats and civil Ufe or Exercises, according to the Laws of Arms, and Custom that to Gentlemen belongeth, without Let or Interruption of any Perfon or Perfons, for ufe or bearing the fame. In witness and Teftimony whereof we have fubfcribed our Names, and faftned the Seals of our Offices. Given at the Office of Arms, London, the Day-of in the Forty-fecond Year of the Reign of our moft Gracious Sovereign Lady Elizabeth, by the Grace of God, Queen of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. 1599. SHAKE SHAKESPEARE'S WILL. · Extracted from the Regiftry of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Vicefimo quinto die Martii Anno Regni Domini noftri Jacobi nunc Regis Angle, &c. decimo quarto & Scotia quadragefimo nono, Anno Domin. 1616. IN N the Name of God, Amen. I William Shakespeare of Stratford upon Avon in the County of Warwick, Gent. in perfect Health and Memory, God be praised, do make and ordain this my laft Will and Teftament, in Manner and Form following; that is to fay: First, I commend my Soul into the Hands of God my Creator, hoping, and affuredly believing, through the only Merits of Jefus Chrift my Saviour, to be made Partaker of Life everlafting; and my Body to the Earth whereof that is made. Item, I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Judith, One Hundred and Fifty Pounds of lawful English Money, to be paid unto her in manner and form following; that is to fay, One Hundred Pounds in Difcharge of her Marriage Portion within one Year after my Deceafe, with Confiderations after the rate of Two Shillings in the Pound for fo long time as the fame fhall be unpaid unto her after my Deceafe; and the Fifty Pounds Refidue thereof, upon her furrendering of, or giving of fuch fuficient Security as the Overfeers of this my Will fhall like of, to furrender or grant all her Eftate and Right that fhall defcend or come unto her after my Deceafe, or that fhe now hath of, in, or to one Copyhold Tenement, with the Appurtenances, lying and being in Stratford upon Avon aforefaid, in the faid County of Warwick, being parcel or holden of VOL. I. g the the Manor of Rowington, unto my Daughter Sufannab Hall, and her Heirs for ever. Item, I give and bequeath unto my faid Daughter Judith, One Hundred and Fifty Pounds more, if she, or any Iffue of her Body, be living at the end of three Years next enfuing the Day of the Date of this my Will, during which time my Executors to pay her Confideration from my Deceafe, according to the rate aforefaid And if the die within the faid Term without Iffue of her Body, then my Will is, and I do give and bequeath One Hundred Pounds thereof to my Niece Elizabeth Hall, and the Fifty Pounds to be fet forth by my Executors during the Life of my fifter Joan Harte, and the Ufe and Profit thereof coming, shall be paid to my faid Sifter Joan, and after her Decease the Fifty Pounds fhall remain amongst the Children of my faid Sifter, equally to be divided amongst them; but if my faid Daughter Judith be living at the End of the faid three Years, or any Iffue of her Body, then my Will is, and fo I devife and bequeath the faid Hundred and Fifty Pounds to be set out by my Executors and Overfeers for the best Benefit of her and her Iffue, and the Stock not to be paid unto her fo long as she shall be married and covert Baron; but my Will is, that the fhall have the Confideration yearly paid unto her during her Life, and after her Decease the said Stock and Confideration to be paid to her Children, if fhe have any, and if not, to her Executors and Affigns, fhe living the faid Term after my Deceafe; provided, that if fuch Hufband as fhe shall at the End of the faid three years be married unto, or at and after, do sufficiently affure unto her, and the Iffue of her Body, Land anfwerable to the Portion by this my Will given unto her, and to be adjudged fo by my Executors and Overfeers, then my Will is, that the faid Hundred and Fifty Pounds fhall be paid to fuch Hufband as shall make fuch Affurance, to his own Ufe. Item, I give and bequeath unto my faid Sifter Joan Twenty Pounds, and all my wearing Apparel, to be paid and delivered within one Year after my Decease; and I do will and devife unto her the House with the Appur |