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" The first motive which ought to impel us to study is the desire to augment the excellence of our nature, and to render an intelligent being yet more intelligent. "
Culture and Anarchy: An Essay in Political and Social Criticism - Seite 5
von Matthew Arnold - 1929 - 166 Seiten
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The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art, Band 6

1867 - 796 Seiten blame when we blame curiosity. Montesquieu says : — " The first motive which ought to impel us to study is the desire to augment the excellence of...fruit of this passion ; and it is a worthy ground, though we let the term curiosity stand to describe it. But there is of culture another view, in which...
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Every Saturday: A Journal of Choice Reading

1867 - 1618 Seiten
...mean to blame when we blame curiosity. Montesquieu says : " The first motive which ought to impel us to study is the desire to augment the excellence of...fruit of this passion ; and it is a worthy ground, though we let the term curiosity stand to describe it. But there is of culture another view, in which...
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The British Controversialist and Literary Magazine

1867 - 972 Seiten say no more. MT CULTURE. — Montesquieu soys : — " The first motive which ought to impel us to study is the desire to augment the excellence of our nature, and to render on intelligent being yet more intelligent." This is the true ground to assign for the genuine scientific...
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Culture and Anarchy: An Essay in Political and Social Criticism

Matthew Arnold - 1869 - 344 Seiten
...and for culture, viewed simply as a ^.»**".»"*" v*^B*ri^.»**tfa.r." • "™ " ' ••- . ruit of this passion ; and it is [a worthy ground, even...though we let the term curiosity stand to describe it. ""HuTtfiere is of culture another view, in which not solely the scientific passion, the sheer desire...
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The Record of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Band 35

1915 - 846 Seiten
...imperative. — Chrittian Science Monitor. The Motive for Study The fresh motive which ought to impel us to study is the desire to augment the excellence of...render an intelligent being yet more intelligent. — Matthew Arnold. FRATERNITY DIRECTORY Honorary Eminent Supreme Arehon JUDOE ARTHUR J. TUTTLE, Michigan...
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Three Lectures on English Literature

Sir William Symington M'Cormick - 1889 - 196 Seiten
...not surrender our first position. Montesquieu has said: " The first motive which ought to impel us to study is the desire to augment the excellence of...render an intelligent being yet more intelligent." Now, what I wish especially to point out to-day is the possibility of this primary motive, true culture,...
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Christian Thought, Band 8

1891 - 492 Seiten
...Culture and Anarchy." He quotes Montesquieu, who says : " The first motive which ought to impel us to study is the desire to augment the excellence of...intelligent being yet more intelligent." " This," says Arnold, " is the true ground to assign for the genuine scientific passion, however manifested,...
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Educational Review, Band 1

Nicholas Murray Butler, Frank Pierrepont Graves, William McAndrew - 1891 - 560 Seiten
...same subject Matthew Arnold quotes Montesquieu as follows: "The first motive which ought to impel us to study is the desire to augment the excellence of...render an intelligent being yet more intelligent." Again he says that culture is "an inward and spiritual activity having for its characters increased...
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Heredity and Christian Problems

Amory Howe Bradford - 1895 - 326 Seiten
...same subject Matthew Arnold quotes Montesquieu as follows: " The first motive which ought to impel us to study is the desire to augment the excellence of...render an intelligent being yet more intelligent." 2 Princi1 Essay on Culture, Emerson. 2 Culture and Anarchy, Arnold, p. 6. pal Shairp's idea of the...
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Heredity and Christian Problems

Amory Howe Bradford - 1895 - 308 Seiten
...same subject Matthew Arnold quotes Montesquieu as follows : " The first motive which ought to impel us to study is the desire to augment the excellence of...nature, and to render an intelligent being yet more intelligent."2 Princi1 Essay on Culture, Emerson. 2 Culture and Anarchy, Arnold, p. 6. 123 pal Shairp's...
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