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" Culture, however, shows its single-minded love of perfection, its desire simply to make reason and the will of God prevail, its freedom from fanaticism, by its attitude towards all this machinery, even while it insists that it is machinery. Fanatics,... "
Culture and Anarchy: An Essay in Political and Social Criticism - Seite 19
von Matthew Arnold - 1929 - 166 Seiten
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The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature, Science, and Art, Band 6

1867 - 796 Seiten
...onwards to a more complete perfection. Culture, however, shows its singleminded love of perfection, its desire simply to make reason and the will of God...strength and activity, or whether it is a political organization, or whether it is a religious organization, — oppose with might and main the tendency...
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Every Saturday: A Journal of Choice Reading

1867 - 1618 Seiten
...onwards to a more complete perfection. Culture, however, shows its single-minded love of perfection, its desire simply to make reason and the will of God...strength and activity, or whether it is a political organization, or whether it is a religious organization, — oppose with might and main the tendency...
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The Cornhill Magazine, Band 16;Band 20

George Smith, William Makepeace Thackeray - 1867 - 800 Seiten
...onwards to a more complete perfection. Culture, however, shows its single-minded love of perfection, its desire simply to make reason and the will of God prevail, its freedom frorn» fanaticism, by its attitude towards all this machinery, even while it insists that it is machinery....
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Prose masterpieces from modern essayists [ed. by G.H.P.

Prose masterpieces - 1884 - 348 Seiten
...more complete, an harmonious perfection. Culture, however, shows its single-minded love of perfection, its desire simply to make reason and the will of God...prevail, its freedom from fanaticism, by its attitude toward all this machinery, even while it insists that it is machinery. Fanatics, seeing the mischief...
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Representative Essays: Selected from the Series of "Prose Masterpieces from ...

George Haven Putnam - 1885 - 424 Seiten
...more complete, an harmonious perfection. Culture, however, shows its single-minded love of perfection, its desire simply to make reason and the will of God prevail, r SWEETNESS AND LIGHT. IOI its freedom from fanaticism, by its attitude toward all this machinery,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Culture & Anarchy: An Essay in Political and Social Criticism : And ...

Matthew Arnold - 1891 - 438 Seiten
...complete, a harmonious perfection. . Culture, however, shows its single-minded love of perfection, its desire simply to make reason and the will of God prevail, its freedom from fanaticism, by its atti* tude towards all this machinery, even while it insists that it is machinery. Fanatics, seeing...
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Sweetness and Light

Matthew Arnold - 1896 - 56 Seiten
...more complete, an harmonious perfection. Culture, however, shows its single-minded love of perfection, its desire simply to make reason and the will of God...prevail, its freedom from fanaticism, by its attitude toward all this machinery, even while it insists that it is machinery. Fanatics, seeing the mischief...
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Selections from the Prose Writings of Matthew Arnold

Matthew Arnold - 1897 - 460 Seiten complete, a harmonious perfection. Culture, however, shows its single-minded love ofj perfection, its desire simply to make reason and the! will of God prevail, its freedom from fanaticism, by its I attitude towards all this machinery, even while it insists 15 that it is machinery. Fanatics, seeing...
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Selections from the Prose Writings of Matthew Arnold

Matthew Arnold - 1897 - 464 Seiten
...— J Culture, however, shows its single-minded love of perfection, its desire simply tn m^" menn — and the will of God prevail, its freedom from fanaticism, by its attitude towards all t)iis machinervTj;ven while it insjfits 15 that^ i> ff marhmpry Fanatics, seeing the mischief men do...
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Selections from the Prose Writings of Matthew Arnold

Matthew Arnold - 1898 - 458 Seiten
...10 complete, a harmonious perfection. Culture, however, shows its single-minded love of perfection, its desire simply to make reason and the will of God...towards all this machinery, even while it insists 15 that it is machinery. Fanatics, seeing the mischief men do themselves by their blind belief in some...
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