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out upon the drummer for waking them so soon, but there is no use of whining-up we must get and that "instanter, as we are promised the advance back to Corinth. The teams are now all loaded. The Seventh feel slighted in not being called upon for their services. The teams are soon moving, the Seventh taking the advance; but before going far we are halted by the Colonel of the Sixty-sixth Indiana, commanding forces, and informed that he had promised the Sixty-sixth the advance. Captain Lawyer is then ordered to march with the Seventh in the center. We move on briskly and arrive in camp 5 o'clock P. M.

Sunday, 8th.-This morning the boys remain in their bunks unmindful of reveille, showing a determination to obtain some sleep and rest after the two days, trip to the mills. No news came with this evening's mail and everything seems quiet and dull in and around Corinth. During the latter part of this month, (February) nothing of note occurs, and also during the month of March a dull monotnoy prevails in the camp of the Seventh, Colonel Babcock having been for some time president of the Military Commission in session at Corinth, for reasons best known to himself resigns his colonelcy of the Seventh regiment and leaves the service; and we all regret to see him leave for he has been to us a good, brave and faithful officer. The following testimonial from his companions in arms will speak for itself.

Whereas, Colonel Andrew J. Babcock has resigned his commission as Colonel of the Seventh regiment

of Illinois Infantry Volunteers, and we the officers and men of the Seventh having been long under his command, both appreciate his worth and deeply regret his separation from us, therefore be it

Resolved, That in Colonel A. J. Babcock the stateof Illinois and the army of the United States have lost a brave, competent and meritorious officer.

Resolved, That we, who have for nearly two years been associated with him in his duties, in the garrison and in the field, through many toilsome marches and in the hard fought battles of Donelson and Corinth, bear witness that he has proved himself a most daring, discreet and loyal leader; and that in the execution of his office, as well as his personal bearing, he has won not only the confidence and respect but also the esteem and affection of all his command.

"Resolved, That as Colonel Babcock from tho first organization of the first regiment of Illinois-from the opening of the war to the present date, has proved himself before us, as a commander most efficient as a man and a brother in arms at once just, genial and generous, we sincerely hope and trust that his affairs may again permit the government to avail itself of his invaluable services in the field; and should such be the case, it will be our highest happiness to be again associated with him in the service of our common country.

R. L. METCALF, Pres., Surgeon Seventh Ill. Inft.,

J. S. ROBINSON, Secretary,


As the Colonel leaves us we remember those wintry days of battle on the Cumberland hills before Fort Donelson, and how with the private soldiers he › endured the battle's privations there; and how amid

smoke and flame he led the Seventh on to glorious victory. We also remember how he moved upon Corinth's bloody field and proved himself a leader true, when darkness and gloom seemed to mantle the Seventh's brave soldiers. May he on his return to civil life receive tokens of gratitude from Illinois' grateful people.

April 6th.-We remember to-day, that one year ago we stood upon Shiloh's plain, and stemmed the wild tide of battle that rolled there. To-day preparations are being made by the officers and soldiers of the post to celebrate the closing hours of that great battle.

April 7th.-In compliance with orders from headquarters the 3d brigade commanded by Colonel Bane, is marched and put into position in front of Division Head- quarters, where a large flag-staff has been erected and preparation made for speaking, &c. One o'clock P. M. all the infantry regiments, battalions of cavalry and artillery are on the ground, and after they are arranged and in position, General Dodge gives the command, attention! and reads in a loud and clear voice the order of the day: 1st music, 2d raising of the flag, 3d salute, 4th music. After the salute and the martial notes had died away, General Dodge said, "Fellow officers and soldiers of the 2d division, we have assembled here to celebrate an eventful day--the day on which Shiloh's great battle closed. Brave men, you remember it well, and I am glad in my heart that you were there and performed so well your part. But I cannot talk.

to you, my heart is too full, and for your further entertainment I will introduce (though he needs no introduction,) the gallant Colonel M. M. Bane, the popular commander of the 3d brigade, whose empty sleeve will tell you quickly that he has a right to speak." Colonel Bane takes the stand and delivers. a good speech, full of enthusiasm and soul, which is often interrupted by loud bursts of applause. After Colonel Bane closes, the division is formed and marched in review, and then the regiments are con ducted to their respective camps, long to remember their first anniversary of the battle of Shiloh.


Marching orders-Leaving Corinth-The column headed toward the Tuscumbia Valley-Camp at Burnsville-Iuka, Mississippi -Camp near Bear River-Our advance disputed-Crossing Bear river-Skirmish with the enemy-The regiment falling back -Camp near Bear River-Colonel Rowett after the sheepPlans for ambushing the rebels-The failure-Arrival of reinforcements-Foraging-The arrival of Col. Straight-Some bold movement contemplated-The Alabama cavalry and the Kansas Jayhawkers on the war 'path-Arrival at Tuscumbia, Alabama-The springs-The Seventh ordered to South Florence, Tennessee river-The soldier's wayside dream-Flags of truce-Battle of Town creek-Crossing Town creek-Following the enemy-The march back to Corinth-The destruction of property-Swimming Bear river-Arrival at Iuka-Arrival at Corinth-Receiving news concerning the fall of RichmondThe excitement.

Remaining in camp at Corinth without anything of note occurring until the evening of the 14th, we receive marching orders. The guerrilla Roddy, having been hovering around Glendale and Iuka, committing unwarranted depredations for some time, the rumors this evening, confirmed by general indications are, that General Dodge is about to start on an expedition against him, and the camps seem in a bustle all around Corinth this evening.

Wednesday, 15th.-Reveille is beat early this morning and soon the Seventh is on its feet. At sunrise we report to brigade headquarters. It falls to the third brigade to take the rear, and in conse

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