Abbildungen der Seite

Can non ier, s. the engineer that

manages the cannon

Cir cum fuse, v a. to pour round
Cir cum scribe, v a. to limit
Cir cum spect, a. watchful
Cir cum vent, v a. to cheat
Com plais ance, s. civility
Com plai sant, a. civil
Con tra dict, v a. to speak a--

Counter charm, v a. to destroy
an enchantment
Coun ter scarp, s. that side of

the ditch next the camp Coun ter sign, v a. to sign an order of a superiour to render it more authentick

D.. De com pose, v a. to dissolve a mixed body

Dis com mend, v 2. to blame Dis com mode, v a. to put to inconvenience

Dis com pose, v a. to disorder, Dis con cert, v a. to unsettle the mind

Dis content, s. want of content
Diş en gage, v a. to set free
Dis es teem, v a. to despise, to

Dis pos sess, v a. to deprive of
Dis re pute, s. an ill character
Dis res pect, s. incivility


In ex pert, a. unskillful
In se cure, a. not safe
In ter dict, v a. to prohibit
In ter fere, v n. to interpose
In ter lace, v a, to intermix
In ter lapse, s. time between two

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In ter line, v a. to write between lines

In ter link, v a. to join one to another

In ter lope, vn. to run between parties

In ter reign, s. the time a throne is vacant

In ter rupt, v a. to hinder
In ter sect, v a. to cut, v n. te-
cross each other
In ter sert, v a. to put between.

Ma ga zine, s. a store-house
Mis ap ply, v a. to use in a

wrong manner

Mis as sign, v a. to assign er roneously

Mis be come, v a. not to suit. Mis be have, v n. to act im- › properly

Mis re cite, v a. to recite false ly

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O ver cast, v a. to darken
O ver cloud, v a. to cover with

Gar re teer, s. an inhabitant of Over come, v a. to subdue

a garret

Gas co nade, s. a boast, v n. to brag, to boast

Gaz et teer, s. a writer of news


Im por tune, v a. to tease In cor rect, a. not exact In de vout, a. irreligious In di rect, a. not straight In dis creet, a. imprudent a,

O ver count, v a. to rate above. O ver do, v a. to do more than enough

O ver drive, v a, to drive too s hard..

Over-float, v n. to swim
O ver flow, v a. to deluge
Over fly, v a. to cross by flight..
O ver freight, v a. to load too.

Over glance, v a. to look hastily O ver throw, v a. to defeat

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O ver pass, v a. to pass over
Over pay, v a. to pay more than
the price
Over plus, s. surplus
Over poise, v a. to out weigh
Over press, va, to over whelm
O ver prise, v a, to value too

ver rate, v a. to rate too much Over reach, v a. to deceive Over roast, v a. to roast too much

Over rule, v a. to influence by power

Over run, va to ravage Over see, v a. to superintend Over secn, a. mistaken

O ver set, v 2 to turn up side down

Over spread, v a. to cover over Over strain, v a. to stretch too


O ver top, v a. to rise above
O ver veil, v a. to cover
O ver weak, a. too weak
Over weigh, v a. to preponde

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Re fe rce, s. one to whom any

thing is referred

Re in spire, va to inspire again Re in stal, v a. to seat again Re in vest, v a. to vest again, Re or dain, v a. to ordain anew Re pos sess, v a: to possess 4gain

Re pri mand, v a. to.reprove Re u nite, v a. to unite again


Over swell, v a. to rise above
ver take, v a. to come up to
ver tax, v a. to tax too high Solitaire, s. a recluse

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Un der line, v a. to draw a line under

Un der pin, v a to prop Un der prize, va. to under va lue

Un der prop, v a. to support
Un der rate v a. to rate too low
Un der shot, part. a. moved by
water passing under it
Un der stand, v a. to compre

Un der take, v a. to engage in
Un der work, s. petty affairs
Un fore seen, a. not seen before
Un fram ed, a. not formed
Un po lite, a, not civil

Vo lun teer, s. a soldier who enters freely


Where un to, ad to which

Un der lay, v a, to lay under Where up on, ad. upon which


Words of four syllables, accented upon the first

Ab so lute ly, ad. completely
Ac ces sa ry, s. he who contributes


Ac ces so ry, s. he who accedes to
Ac cu rate ly, ad, exactly
Ac cu rate ness, s. exactness

Al le go ry, s. a figurative discourse
A mi ca ble, a. friendly
A mi a ble, a. lovely

Am pli fi er, s. who enlarges
Ani ma tive, a. giving life
Ar bi tra ry, a. despotick

Action a ble, a. admitting an action- Ar chi tec ture, s. science of buil

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Cau tion a ry, a. given as a security

Ce le ba cy, s. single life
Cen su ra ble, a. culpable
Ceremony, s. outward rite
Chi ro man cy, s. art of foretelling
by inspecting the hand
Corrigi ble, a. which may be cor-

Cov et a ble, a. to be wished for-
Co vet ous ly, ad eagerly.

De li ca cy, s. softness
Des pi cable, a. mean /
De sul to ry, a. unsettled
Dex ter ous ly, ad. expertly
Dit fi cul ty, s. hardness.

Dig ni ta ry, s. a clergyman above
a parochial priest
Iys en ta ry, s. looseness

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La pi da ry, s. a dealer in stones Le gen da ry, a, pertaining to a le gend

Le gis la tor, s. a maker of laws -Le gis la ture, s. the power of ma king laws

Lei su ra ble, a. done at leisure
Li ber al ly, ad. bounteously
Liber tan ism, s. irreligion
Li mi ta ry, a. belonging to the boun

Line al ly, ad. in a direct line
Li ne a ment, s. feature

Lit er al ly, ad. according to prim itive words

Lit er a ture, s. learning

Li ve ry man, s. who wears a liv ery

Lu mi na ry, s. a body that gives

Ma nagé à ble, a. governable
Man i fest ly, ad. clearly
Ma tri mo ny, s. marriage
Me di ta tive, a. given to medita-


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Ob du rate ly, ad. inflexibly
Ob sti nately, ad. stubbornly.
Oc cu pan cy, s. possession
O di ous ly, ad. abominably
O di ous ness, s. hatefulness
O li gar chy, s. aristocracy
O pe ra ble, a. practicable
Opera tive, a. having the power
of acting

Op er a tor, s. who performs any


Or di na ble, a. sucir as may be ap-~ pointed

Or di na ry, a. usual, mean,



judge of ecclesiastical causes Or tho doxy, s. soundness of doctrine


Pa ci fi er, s. one who pacifies
Pa la ta ble, a. pleasing to the pal-


Pal ia ment, s. a dress

Pa ne gy rize, v a. to praise highly
Par al lel ism, s. state of being par-

Par si mo py, s. frugality,
Par ti

Pa tri ot ism, s love of ones coun> try

Pen e tra ble, a. that may be pier

Pe ne tra tive, a, subtile
Per emp to ry, a. dogmatical
Perish a ble, a. liable to perish
Per ma nent ly ad. lastingly
Per son a ble, a. handsome
Pet ti fog ger, s. a low rate lawyer
Fis ca to ry, a. relating to fishes
Pit e ous ly, ad. in a piteous man-
Pla ne ta ry, à. pertaining to the
Pos i tive ly, ad, absolutely
Pos ture mas ter, s. who teaches ar
tificial contortions of the body


Prac tica ble, a. feasable
Prac ti cal ly, ad, in relation to action
Pre ben da ry, s. stipendiary of a

Pre fer a ble, a. eligible before some-
thing else

Pri mi tive ly, ad. originally
Prin ci pal ly, ad. chiefy
Pri va tive ly ad. negatively
Pro fi ta ble a. advantageous
Prò fi ta bly, ad. gainfully

Prom i so ry, a. containing a prom-

Pro pa ga tor, s. a promoter.
Pulmo na ry, a. belonging to the

Pul ve ra ble, a. possible to be redur
ced to dust,

Pun ish a ble, a. worthy be to pur ished


Ra di cal ly, ad. originally
Ra tion àl ly, ad. reasonably
Ra ven ous ly, ad. with raging vora
Rea son a ble, a. having the facul-
ty of reason

Re me di less, a. cureless
Re pa ra ble, a. capable of being a.

Re vo ca ble, a. that may be reçak-

ple, s. a word partaking at Right e ous ness, s. justice

once of a noun and verb. Pas tu ra ble, a. fit for pasture Pa tri mony, s. an estate


Sa git ta ry. s. one of the signs of the


Sa lu tą ry, a. wholesome

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