Abbildungen der Seite

Sanc ti mo ny, s. saintliness
Sanc tu a ry, s. a holy place
Scan da lous ly, ad. shamefully
Se mi qua ver, s. a note in musick
Se mi vow el, s. a consonant which

makes an imperfect sound Sen su al ist, s. a carnal person Sen su al ly, ad. in a sensual man


Se pa ra ble, a. that may be separated

Ser vice a ble, a. useful

Shat ter brain ed, a. inattentive Sher if fal ty, s. office of a sheriff Shoul der clap per, s. who affects familiarity

Shoul der shot ten, a. strained in the shoulder

Sin gu lar ly, ad. particularly Slan der ous ly, ad. calumniously So li ta ry, a. living alone, s. one living alone

Spat ter dash es, s. covering for the legs

Spec u la tive, a. theoretical
Spec u la tor, s. an observer
Spi ri tu ous, a. vived

Sta tion a ry, a. fixed

Stu di ous ly, ad. attentively,

Sub se quent ly, ad. afterwards
Sump tu ous ly, ad. expensively


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War ran ta ble, a justifiable

Wa ter colours, s. colours made use of by painters,

Wa ter mel on, s. a plant

Wea ther beat en, a. seasoned by the weather

Ta bu lat ed, a, having a flat sur- Won der fully, ad. in a wonderful: Te di ous ly, ad. irksomely


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A do ra ble, a. that ought to be adored

Ad ven tur er, s. one who ventures
Ad ver tise ment, s. information
A dul ter ate, v a. to corrupt by

A dul te ry, s. violation of the bed
of a married person
Af fec tion ate, a. full of affection
Af fi ni ty, s. relation oy marriage
Af fir má tive, a. that which af-

A gra rian, a. relating to fields Alchy mi cal, a. relating to alchymy

Am bas sa dor, s. one sent upon publick business

Am mo ni ac, s. a gum

As sur ed ly, ad. certainly
As tro lo ger, s. one skilled in the


As tro lo gy, s. the science concern ing the stars

A to mi cal, a. relating to atoms A tro cious ly, ad. in a wicked man→ nér,

A tro ci ty, s. horrible wickedness. At tain a ble, a. that may be obtain ed

At tor ney ship, s. the office of an attorney

A vail a ble, a. profitable
Au da ci ty, s. boldness
A vi di ty, s. greediness
Aus te ri ty, s. severity
Au then ti cate, v a, to establish

Au to ma ton, s. a machine having
power of motion within itself

Bar ba ri ty, s. savageness

Am phi bi ous, a. that can live in Be at i tude, s. blessedness

two elements

An ni hi late, v a, to destroy An nu me rate, v a. to add to a former number

An nun ci ate, y a. to bring tidings An ti po des, s. they who live on the other side of the globe,

A po cry pha, s. books added to the sacred scriptures

A pos tro phe, s. a figure in rhetorick, a mark in writing

Ap pro pri ate, v a. to sign to a par ticular use

Ap prov a ble, a. worthy of apprcbation

A rid i ty, s. dryness

A rith me tick, 3. the science of numbers

Ar ti cu late, v a. to form, words Ar tifi cer, s. an artist

Ar til le ry, s, cannon &c.

Be nefi cent, a. kind
Be ne volence, s. kindness
Be nig ni ty, s. graciousness
Bru tali ty, s savageness
Buf foon e ry, s. low jests
Ca la mi tous, a. miserabla
Ca lam i ty, s. misfortune.
Cal los i ty, s. a swelling without

Ca lum ni ate, v a. to slander
Ca ni cu lar, a. belonging to the dog


Ca non i cal, a. according to the ca


Ca pit u late, v n. to surrender ca certain stipulations

Car na li ty, s. lust

Ca tho li can, s. an universal medi cine

Ce le bri ous, a. famous

Ce le bri ty, s. fame

A scrib a ble, a. which may be as- Ce le ri ty, s. swiftness


As sas si nate, v a. to murder

As si du ous, a. constant in application

As sign a ble, a. which may be assigued

As si mi late, v a. to counterfeit

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Con ven ti cle, s. a secret assemble Con ver sa ble, a. qualified for con- . versation

Con ver ti ble, a susceptible of change.

Cor rob o rate, v a. to strengthen Cor ruò ti ble, a. that may be corrupted

Cos mop o lite, s. a citizen of the

De bi li ty, s. weakness
De ca den cy, s. decay
De capi tate, v a. to behead
De cep ti ble, a. liable to be deceived
De ci sive ly, ad. conclusively
De cla ra ble, a. capable of proof
De cre pi tude, s. last stage of decay

Com pa tri ot, s. one of the same De cum ben cy, s. act of lying down


Com pen di ous, a. short
Com port a ble, a. consistent
Com pos i tor, s. he who adjusts the
types in printing

Com pul so ry, a. having the power
of compelling

De du ci ble, a. collectible
De for mi tý, s. ugliness

De ject ed ly, ad. în a dejected mar


De is ti cal, a. belonging to deists
De lec ta ble, a. pleasing
De ii be rate, a. circumspect
De li cious ness, s. delight

Can ca te nate, v a. to link together.
Con ca vi ty, s. inside of a hollow De li ri ous, a. raving


Con ceal a ble, a. that may be concealed

De li ver ance, s. surrender, rescue
De mo ni ac, s. one possessed by the


De mon stra tive, a. power of demonstration®

Con dem na ble, a. blameable
Con fa bu late, v n. to chat together
Con fec tion er, s. one who makes De ni a ble, a. that may be denied
De pra vi ty, s. corruption
De pre ci ate, v a. to undervalue
De sir a ble, a, worthy of desire
Dic ta tor ship, s. the office of dre

sweet meats
Con fes sion al, a. relating to confes-
Con firm ed ness, s. a confirmed

Con for ma ble, a. agreeable to
Con for mi ty, s. resemblance
Con ge ni al, a. partaking of the
same genius

Con nec tive ly, ad. in conjunction
Con sid er ate, a. prudent
Con spi ra cy, s. a plot

Con spi ra tor, s. one who plots Con sum a ble, a. that may be sumed


Con tam i nate, v a. to defile


Di la ce rate, v a. to tear, to rend
Di lu ci date, v a. to make clear
Dis cer ni ble, a. perceptible
Dis con so late, a, without comfort
Dis cov e ry, s. the act of finding
what was hidden

Dis cri mi nate, v a. to mark
Dis fi gure ment, s. defacement
Dis ho nes ty, s. want of probity
Dis or der ly, ad. confusedly

Con tempt i ble, a. worthy of con- Dis par age ment, s. injurious com


Con ti nu ance, s. permanence'

Con trol a ble, a. subject to control
Con ve ni ence, s. fitness,


Dis pa sion ate, a. calm

Dis pen sa ry, s. a place where me:

dicines are dispensed

Dis qual i fy, v a. to unfit
Dis qui e tude, s. uneasiness
Dis quis i tion, s.ĝexamination

Dis sol va ble, a. capable of dissolu-

Dis tract ed ly, ad, madly
Di ver si ty, s. difference

Di vi si ble, a. capable of being di-

Do ci li ty, s. aptness to be taught
Duplici ty, s. deceit.

E con o my, s. frugality
Ef fec tu al, a. powerful
Ef flu vium, s. particles flying
from bodies

E gre gi ous, a. eminent

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Ex em pli fy, v a. to illustrate
Ex on er ate, v a. to unburden
Ex or bi tance, s. enormity
Ex pe di ence, s. fitness

Ex pe ri ment, s. trial of any kind
Ex pli cit ly, ad, plainly

Ex po si tor, s. an expounder
Ex tem po re, ad. without premed

off Ex ten u ate, v a. to lessen
Ex ter mi nate, v a. to root oat
Ex tra va gance, s. wildness
Ex tra va gant, a. wasteful
Ex u be rance, s. luxuriance
Exu be rate, v n. to abound greatly

E la bo rate, a. requiring tabour
E ma ci ate, v n. to lose flesh
E man ci pate, v a. to set free
Em bas sa dor, one sent on publick

Em broi de ry, s. variegated needle

E mer gen cy, s. sudden occasion
E mo lu ment, s. profit
Em pha ti cal, a. forcible
En cour age ment, s. support
En thu si asm, s. heat of imagina-

En thu si ast, s. one of warm ideas
En tic ing ly, ad, in a winning man-


E phe me ral, a. lasting only for
one day,

E phe me ris, s. a journal
E pi to mise, v a. to abstract

E ques tri an, a. skilled in horsman-

E qui va lent, a. equal in value
E quiv o cate, v n. to use words of
double meaning

E ra di cate, v a. to pull up by the


E ru gi nous, a. of the nature of

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Fa ci li ty, s. easiness
Fas ti di cus a. disdainful
Fa tu i ty, s. foolishness

Feli ci tate, v a. to make happy
Fe ro ci ty, s. savageness

va po rate, v n, to fly away in

Fer men ta tive, a. causing fermen


Fer til i ŵy, s. fruitfulness
Fic ti tious ly, ad. falsely
Fi de li ty, s. faithfulness
Forget ful ness, s. oblivion
Fra gi li ty, s. brittleness
Fu turity, s. time to come

Geo gra phy, s. knowledge of the

Ge om e ter, s. one skilled in geometry

Ge om e try, s. the science of quan-

Gram i ne ous, a. grassy
Gram ma ri an, s. one who knows

Gram ma ti cal, a. belonging to

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High spir it ed, a. bold, forward.
Hi la ri ty, s. merriment
His tor i cal, a. pertaining to history
Huma ni ty, s. tenderness
Hu mi di ty, s. moisture
Humility, s. modesty

Hy dro gra pher, s. one who draws maps of the sea

Hy dro gra phy, s. description of the waters of the globe Hy drom e ter, s. an instrument to measure moisture of the air Hy po cri sy, s. dissimulation Hys te ri cal, a. troubled with the fits


I con o clast, s. a breaker of images
I den ti cal, a. the same

I den ti ty, s. the same thing
I dol a trous, a. tending to idolatry
I dol a try, s. the worship of idols
I do ne ous, a. proper, fit
Il fa vour ed, a. deformed
11 li te rate, a. unlettered
Ill na tur ed, a. cross, peevish
Il lu mi nate, v a. to enlighten
Im mis ci ble, a. not to be mingled
Im mo de rate, a. excessive
Im modes ty, s. want of modesty
Im mo la tion, s the act of sacrific-

Im move a ble, a. not to be shaken
Im mu ni ty, s. privilege
Im mu si cal, a. inharmonious

Im mu ta ble, a. unchangeable

Im pro ba ble, a. unlikely
Im pro per ly, ad. not fitly
Im prov a ble, a, capable of being

Im pu ni ty, s. freedom from punishment

Im pu ta ble, a. accusable
In ac cu rate, a. not exact
In ad e quate, a. not equal to
In an i mate, a. void of life
In ar a ble a. to be tilled
In ca pa ble, a. unable
In cer ti tude, s. uncertainty
In ces tu ous, a. guilty of incest
In clin a ble, a. disposed to
In com pe tent, a, not adequate
In con gru ous, a. inconsistent
In cor po ral, a. immaterial
In cor po rate, v a. to mix together
In cor po rate, v n. to unite
In cre di ble, a. not to be credited
In cu ra ble, a. hopeless

In de fi nite, a. not limited

In del i ble, a. not to be effaced
In dem ni fy, v a. to secure
In di ge nous, a. native of a country
In dig ni ty, s. contumely
In dus tri ous, a. diligent
In ef fi ble, a. unspeakable
In el e gance, s. want of elegance
In err,a bly, ad. infallibly

In fa tu ate, v a, to strike with folly

In fin i tude, s. immensity

Im pal pa ble, a. not perceived by In fir ma ry, s. lodging for the sick

the touch

Im pa ri ty, s. inequality
Im pa tient ly, ad. eagerly
Im peach a ble, a. accusable
Im pe di ment, s. hindrance
Im pe ni tent, a, obdurate
Im pe ri al, a. of an Emperor
Im pe ri ous, a. haughty

Im per so nal, a. not varied according to persons

Im per' ti nent, a. untimely
Im pe tu ous, a. violent
Im pla ca ble, a. with malice

Im pli cit ly, ad. with unreserved obedience

Im po li tick, a. imprudent
Im pos si ble, a. not to be done
Im preg na ble, a. not to be moved
Im pri son ment, s. confinement

In fir mi ty, s. weakness

In flam ma ble, a. easy to be set on


In flex i ble, a. not to be bent
In fran ge ble, a. not to be broken
In fu si ble, a. not to be melted
In ge ni ous, a, inventive

In ge nu ous, a. open, generous
In glo ri ous, a. void of honour
In gra ti ate, v a. to put in favour
In gra ti tude, s. unthankfulness
In ha bi tant, s. a dweller
In he ri tance, s. patrimony
In i mi cal, a. hostile
In i qui ty, s. wickedness
In ju ri ous, a. unjust

In oc u late, v a. to propigate by

In o do rous, a, wanting scent

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