Abbildungen der Seite


op i nate, a. not expected

In or di nate, a. irregular

In qui e tude, s. want of quiet In san i ble, a. incurable

In si di ous, a. treacherous

Mis ma nage ment, s. ill conduct Mo nar chi cal, a. having the power vested in a single person

Mo nop o lize, v a. to engross the sale of any commodity

In si nu ate, v a. to advance into no- Mo not o nous, a. having the same.

tice, to hint

In si pi ence, s. folly

In so lu ble, a. not to be dissolved
In te gri ty, s. honesty
In tel li gent, a. knowing
In tem pe rate, a. immoderate
In ten tion al, a. designed
In tol er ant, a. not enduring
In trac ta ble, a. ungovernable
In va li date, v a. to weaken
In vet er ate, a. long established
In vi go rate, va. to strengthen
In vin ci ble, a. unconquerable
In vi si ble, a. not to be seen
I ras ci ble, a. disposed to anger
I ron i cal, a. expressing one thing
and meaning another

Ir ra tion al, a. void of reason

Ir rev er ence, s. want of veneration 'I tin e rant, a. wandering


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Mo ra li ty, s. the doctrine of the duties of life

Mor da ci ty, s. a biting quality
Mu ni ci pal, a. belonging to a cof-

Mu nif i cence, s. liberality
Mu nifi cent, a. generous
Mys te ri ous, a. beyond reason
My tho lo gy, s. system of fables

Na ti vi ty, s. birth

Ne ces si tous, a. pressed with want
Ne ces si ty, s. want
Ne fa ri ous, a. wicked
Neu tra li ty, s. indifference
Noc ti fe rous, a. bringing night
No to ri ous, a. publickly known
No vi ci ate, a. the state of a novice
Nu me ri cal, a. denoting number

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O be di ent, a. submissive
Ob li te rate, v a. to efface
Ob scu ri ty, s. darkness
Ob se qui ous, a. obedient
Ob tain a ble, a. that may be pro-

Oe co no mist, s. a good manager
Om ni po tent, a. almighty
Om ni ci ence, s. infinite wisdom
Op pro bri ous, a. disgraceful
Or bi cu lar, a. spherical
O ri gi nal, a. primitive

Or tho gra phy, s. the art of spelling


Pa ra ly sis, s. a palsy

Pa ren the sis, s. a mark in writing
Par ti ci pate, v a. to partake of
Par ti cu lar, a. not general
Pa ter ni ty, s. fathership [serveď
Per cep ti ble, a. that may be ob
Pe ren ni al, a. perpetual
Per pe tu al, a. never ceasing
Per plex i ty, s. anxiety


Per son i fy, v a. to change from a thing to a person Phi lo so phy, s. natural or morai knowledge

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Pre ci pi tate, a. headlong
Pre do mi nance, s. superiority
Pre do mi nate, vn. to prevail
Pre no mi nate, v a. to forename
Pre rog a tive, s. peculiar advantage
Pre ser va tive, s. that preserves
Pro fes sion al, a. relating to a calling
Pro fes sor ship, s. the office of a
publick teacher
Pro fun di ty, s. depth
Pro gres sion al, a. advancing
Pro lix i ty, s. a tiresome length
Pro pen si ty, s. inclination
Pro pin qui ty, s. nearness
Pro pi ti ate, v a. to conciliate
Pro pi tious ly, ad. favourably
Pro por tion ate, a. properly adjusted
Pro pri ety, s. justness
Pro vi sion al, a. providing for

Re an i mate, v a. to revive
Reci pro cal, a. alternate
Re frac to ry, a. obstinate
Re ge ne rate, v a. to renew
Re mark a ble, a. worthy of notice
Re mov a ble, a. that may be re-

Re mu ne rate, v a. to reward
Re peat ed ly, ad, over and over
Re pub li can, s. one who wishes to

have a republican government Re spect a ble, a. deserving respect Re triev a ble, a. that may be retrieved

Re turn a ble, a. allowed to be re-
ported back

Re ver be rate, v n. to bound back
Ri di cu lous, a, worthy of laughter


Sa lu brious, a. wholesome
Sep ten tri on, s. the north
Se re ni ty, s. calmness
Se ri ous ness, s, gravity
Ser vil i tv, s. meanness

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Sim pli ci ty, s. plainness
Sin ce ri ty, S. frankness
So-li citor, s. one who petitions
So li di ty, s. firmness
So phis ti cal, a. fallacious
Stu pi di ty, s. dulness

Sub or di nate, a inferiour in order
Sub stan ti al, a. real, solid

Su per flu ous, a. exuberant

Sup port a ble, a. tolerable

Su pre ma cy, s. highest authority
Sus cep ti ble, a. capable of admit-

Sym bo li cal, a. typical
Symphoni ous, a. harmonious
Sy no ny mous, a. of the same import

Te me ri ty, s. rashness
Te nu i ty, s. thinness

Te pi di ty, s. lukewarmness
The ologist, s. a divine

Trans fer a ble, a. that may be trans-

Ty pog ra phy, s. the art of printing
Ty ran ni cal, a. cruel

Un blam a ble, a. not culpable
Un brother ly, a. not suiting a bro-.

Un cour te ous, a. uncivil
Un cul pa ble, a. not blamable
Un go vern ed, a. not governed
Un na tu ral, a. contrary to nature
Un peace a ble, a. quarrelsome
Un plau si ble, a. not plausible
Un po pu lar, a. not popular
Un stead i ly, ad. unconstantly
Un u su al, a. not common
Un wit ting ly, ad. ignorantly
Up hols ter er, s. who furnishes

Ux o ri ous, a. over fond of a wife

Va li di ty, s. efficacy
Ve na li ty, s. prostitution
Ve lo ci ty, s. speed
Ve ne re ous, a. lustful
Vicinity, s. neighborhood

Vir gi ni ty, s. the purity of a vir-

Vi ri li ty, s. manhood
Vo lup tu ous, a. luxurious
Vora ci ty s, greediness.


Words of fonr Syllables accented upon the third,

Ab o li tion, s. act of abolishing
A ca de mick, a. relating to a uni


Ac ci den tal, a. happening by


Aç qui si tion, s the thing acquired Ad a man tine, a. having the qualities of adamant


Ad mi ra tion, s. wonder
A do les cence, s. youthfulness
Ad van tage ous, a. profitable
A'du la tor, s. a flatterer
Af fir ma tion, s. the act of affirm-
Ali men tal, a. that nourishes
Arliga tor, s. the crocodile of A

An no ta tion, s. explication
An no ta tor, s. a writer of notes
A pos tol ick, a. taught by the A-

AÞ para tus, s. tools, furniture
Ap po si tion, s. the putting two

nouns in the same case

Ar bi tra tor, s. a judge chosen by
both parties to determine be-
tween thein

Ar ti fi cial, a. hot natural
At tes ta tion, s. evidence
Aug men ta tion, s. an increase

Că la min co, s. a kind of stuff
Ca te na tion s. link after link
Cir cum spec tion, s. caution
Cir cum stan tial, a. accidental
Coexistence, s. existence at the
same time

Co gi ta tion, s. thought

Com pen sa tion, s. recompense
Com pe tition, s. rivalry
Com pli ca tion, s. a mixture

Con ju ga tión, s. act of uniting
Con se quen tial, a. conclusive
Con stel la tion, s. a cluster of stars
Con'ster na tion, s. amazement
Con tem pla tion, s. study
Con ver sa tion, s. familiar dis-

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De can ta tion, s. act of decanting
De ci ma tion, s. tithing

De cla ma tion, s. an harangue
De cli na tion, s. obliguity
De di ca tion, s act of dedicating
De di ca tor, s one who inscribes

his work to a patron with com-


De gra da tion, s. degeneracy, base-
De le ga tion, s. commission, a send-
De po si tion, s. testimony
De re lic tion, s. an utter försaking
Des pe ra tion, s. despair
De tes ta tion, s. abhorrence
De tri men tal, s. mischievous
De vas ta tion, s. waste, havock
Dia bol ick, a. devilish

Di mi nu<tion, s. act of lessening
Dis ad van tage, s. loss, injury
Dis af fect ed, a. ill disposed
Dis af fec tion, s. want of zeal for
the reigning Prince

Com pli men tal, a. expressive of Dis a gréement, s. difference


Com pre hen sion, s. capacity

Com pre hen sive, a. having the

power of comprehending

Con do na tion, s. pardoning
Con fir ma-tion, s. proof

Dis com po sure, s. disorder

Dis in her it, v a. to deprive of in-

Dis pen sa tion, s. exemption
Dis pro por tion, s. unsuitableness
Dis pu ta tion, s. controversy

Con for ma tion, s. the act of pro- Dis til la tion, s. act of falling in

ducing suitableness


Dis tri bu tion, s. act of distributing
Diuretick, a. provoking urine

E du ca tion, s. knowledge
E le gi ack, a. mournful
E le va tion, s. dignity
E lo cu tion, s. eloquence
E mu la tion, s. contest

E qui noc tial, s. the great line encompassing the earth at equal distance from each pole

E qui noc tial, a. pertaining to the equinox

E ruc ta tion, s. belching
E ver las ting, a. perpetual
Ex cla ma tion, s. outcry

Ex hor tå tion, s. incitement to good
Ex pec ta tion, s. act of expecting
Ex pe di tion, s. haste

Ex pla na tion, s. the sense given
Ex pli ca tion, s. interpretation

Fall ing sick ness, s. epilepsy
Fas ci na tion, s. enchantment

Fir ma men tal, a. celestial

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Le gis la ture, s. the power of making laws [lines Line a tion, s. draught of a line or M

Ma chi na tion, s, artifice

Ma cu la tion, s. a stain

For ni ca tion, s. commerce with an Ma the ma ticks, s. the science that

unmarried person G

Gene ra tion, s. act of begetting, family

Gra du a tion, s. regular progression

Gra tu la tion, s. salutation of joy
Gra vi ta tion, s. act of tending to
the centre

Im ma ture ly, ad, too soon

Im mo la tion, s. act of sacrificing
Im pre ca tion, s. a curse
Im pu la tion, s. a censure
In ca pa cious, a. narrow
In cli na tion, s. affection
In co he rent, a. inconsistent
In con coc tion, s. not digested
In con sis tent, a. absurd
In cor rect ness, s. inaccuracy

In cul ca tion, s. frequent admonition

In de vo tion, s. irreligion

In di ca tien, s. a mark
In di ges ted, a. not formed

In dis creet ly, ad. with nt prudence
In dis cre tion, s. imprudence
In fa ma tion, s. heat

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on re sis tance, s. the principal of 'Re pa ra tion, s. amends

not opposing

Objur ga tion, s. reproof
Ob ser va tion, s. a remark
Ob tes ta tion, s. supplication
Oe ci den tal, a. western
O cu pa tion, s. employment
Om ni pre sent, a. present every

Open heart ed, a. candid
Oper a tion, s. agency, action
Or di na tion, s. the act of investing
one with sacerdotal power
Ori en tal, a. eastern,

Or ni men tal, a. serving to decoration

O ver flow ing, s. exuberance


Pal pi ta tion, s. beating of the heart Pe cu la tion, s. robbery of the publick

Pe ne tra tion, s. acuteness
Pen ny roy al, s. an herb
Per fo ra tion, s. piercing through
Per o ra tion, s. the conclusion
Per pe tra tion, s. the act of com-
mitting a crime* *

Per turba tion, s. disquiet of mind, &c.

Pes ti len tial, a. malignant Po li ti cian, s. one versed in the arts of government

Popu la tion, s. the number of inha bitants

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Pre con cep' tion, s. previous opinion Pra de ter mine, v a. to determine before hand

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Re pre hen sion, s. reproof
Re sig na tion, s. act of resigning
Re so lu tion, s. determination
Res pi ra tion, s. act of breathing
Res ti tu tion, s. act of restoring,
Re sur rec tion, s. return from the

Re tri bu tion, s. repayment
Re vo ca tion, s. recalling
Re vo lution, s. a change in the



Sa cer do tal, a. priestly
Sa cra men tal, a. belonging to a


Sa lu ta tion, s. greeting
Sci en tif ick, a. producing demon
strative knowledge

Se mi co lon, s. half a colon
Se ques tra tion, s. retirement
Si mu la tion, s. pretence`
Spe cu la tion, s. mental view
Spe cu la tor, s. an observer
Spo li a tion; s. robbery
Sti mu la tion, s. excitement
Stran gu la tion, s. suffocation
Sub rep ti tious, a. fraudulently ob~~

Sub dr vi tion, s. act of dividing
Super lu nar, a. above the moon
Su per stition, s. over nicety in reli

gious duties, false religion Sup pli ca tion, s. humble petition Sy co phan tick, a. flattering


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Un col lect ed, a. not colected
Un der stand ing, s. intellectual »

Un de serv ing, a. not having merit
Un suc cess ful, a. not succeeding
Un suf fi ci ent, a. inadequate
Un sup port ed a, not sustained

Recol lec tion, revival of memory Relaxation, s. abatement of rigour

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