Chall place the accent over the accented syllable or syllables cach word, both principal and secondnary, for the ease, facility and convenience of both teachers and learners. It is to be hoped, that the parents and guardians of children, will be particularly careful in having them made acquainted with accent, lest they should be neglected in this very importat part (and indeed the soul) of pronunciation. By attending to the rules already laid down, and to the mode which will be followed in the execution of the ending work, children will be made acquainted, imperceptibly, with the accent ry word. Lessons of easy words of one syllable by which children will goon know both the sound and use of e final, to be red thus Words of one syllable, alike in sound and natural to the ear; and therefore, easy to be spelled and pronounced. Easy lessons of one syllable, of things most natural and common to children Familiar words of two syllables accented on the first syllable. Ab bot flan nel gos pel grate ful gra vy gul let gun ner Ham let ham mer fop pish hand ful bal lad Dar ling fo rest han dy bar ber di al fro zen hap py hang er hard ship har dy bit ter dung hill Gal lon har lot bri er El bow gal lop har per hart burn har vest has ty hat chet help ful her mit hin der hin drance ho ly home ley hope ful hor net hor rid horse man host ler hun dred B2 |