TABLE V Words of one syllable explained. Ache, s. a pain, Ape, s. a kind of monkey, Ark, s. a kind of ship, Apt, a. ready, quick, Art, s. a trade. Awe, s. fear Axe, s. with. Bar, s. a piece of wood, &c laid across, Bard, s. a poet, Berk, s. the rind of a tree, Bent, s, a degree of flexures Bide, v. n. to dwell, Bite, s. a trick, Blade, s. the sharp part of a weapon the spire of grass, Blain, s. a blister, an instrument to cut Bleed, v. a. to let blood, Block, s. a heavy piece of wood Baa, s. the cry of a sheep, v. n. Bioat, v. a. to swell, to cry like a sheep.. Babe, s. an infant, Bloom, s. a blossom, Back, s. the hinder part of the Boast, v. a. to display ones ac tions' Bray, v. n. to make a noise as an ass, Breathe, v. n. to live, Brink, s. the edge, van, to be patient Broth, s. a liquor in which meat is boiled, Brouse, c. n. to feed, the eyes. Burgh, s. a corporate town, C. Cab, s. a measure of three pints Cant, v. n. to talk in jargon, Carve, v. a. to cut or engrave, Catch, v. a. to lay hold of, Cause, s. that which produces Cease, v. n. to leave off, Cede, v. a. to yield, Cense, s. public rates, Cense, v. a. to perfume, Cent, s. a hundred, Chafe, v. a. to heat, Chain, s. a fetter, Chance, s. fortune, Choose, v. a. to take by way Chop, v. n. to light upon a Chyle, s. juice in the stomach Clasp, . a. to shut with a clasp Class, s. an order of persons, cloths, Coal, s. fossil, Close, v. a. to shut, Cover with Clout, s. cloth for any mean use Cloy, v. a. to surfeit, Clump, s. a small cluster of trees, Coast, s. the shore, Chalk, s. fossil, v. to mark Coil, s. bustle, with chalk, Cool, a somewhat cold, Cramp, s. spasın, Death, s. mortality, Cream, s. the unctious part of Debt, s. what one owes milk, Deed, s. an action, Deer, s. an animal Deep, s. the sea, of Delve, v. a. to dig, Damp, s. moisture, Dance, v. n, to move in measure Dart, v. a. to throw, s. a missle Dash, v. a. to throw against, when any Date, s. the time Den, s, a cavern, Door, s. the entrance of a Dose, s. so much medicine as is Dote, v. n. to have the intellect Draff, s. any thing thrown away to trail along the ground, Drain, v. n. to draw off water, &c. s. a ditch, Dram, s. the eight part of an ounce, a small quantity of spirits. Draw, to pull along, |