Abbildungen der Seite

Fu mid, a moist wet
Hu mour, s. temper
Hurry, s. haste, tumult
Hurt ful, a. pernicious

Hy phen, s. a mark of conjunction

Ice house, s. a house to preserve ice
I con, s. a picture
I cy, a. full of ice

Idiom, s. a mode of speaking
Id iot, s. a fool, a natural
I dle, a. lazy, not busy
I dol, s. an image worshiped
Illness, s. badness of any kind
Im post, s. a tax, a toll
In cense, s. perfumes
In come, s. revenue

In dex, s. a mark, a hand
In fiux, s. an infusion
In got, s. a mass of metal
In gress, s. an entrance

Ink stand, s. a vessel to hold ink
In let, s. entrance.
In ner a. not outward.
In quest, s. judicial enquiry
In stance, s. importunity.
In step, s. a part of the foot
In sult, s. an act of contemp
In ward, ad. within
Irk some, a. wearisome
Is sue, v n. to come out.
Itch y, a. infected with itch

Ja cent, a. lying at length
Jack boots, s. boots for armour
Jar gon, s. unintelligible talk
Jas per, s. a beautiful green stone
Jeer er, s. a scoffer

Jew el, s. an ornament of great value
Job ber, s. who sells stock in the pub-
lick funds

Joc key, s. one who rides a race
Join er, s. a carpenter

Join ture, s. estate settled on a wife
Jol ly, a. cheerful

Jos tie, v a. to rush against
Jour nal, s. a daily account
Joy ous, a. merry, gay
Judg ment, s. opinion, sentence
Jug gle, v n. to play tricks
Jumble, v a. to mix confusedly
Junc ture, s. union, joint

ror, s who serves on the jury

Jury, s. a company of men sworn to
do justice in civil cases

Just ness, s. equity

Keep er, s. one who holds for another
Ken nel, s. a house for dogs
Ker nel, s. a gland.

Kid nap, v a. to steal human beings
Kidney, s. the inner part of the body
Kil ler, s. who deprives of life
Kind ness, s. benevolence

King dom, s. the dominion of a king
King like, a. royal

Kins folk, s relation

Kins man, s. one of the same family
Kitch en, s. the place where provis
sions are cooked

Kit ten, s. a young cat
Knap sack, s. a soldier's bag
Kna vish, a. dishonest

Knight hood, s. the dignity of a knight,
Knob by, a. full of knobs
Knot ty, a. full of knots
Know ledge, s. information
Knuc kle, s. a joint


La bour, s. painful exertion
La bour, va. & n. to toil
Lac ker, s. a varnish

Lac ky, s. a foot-boy

Lad der, s. a frame to climb by
La dy, s. a woman of high rank
Lamb kin, s. a little lamb
Lam bent, a. gliding lightly ove
Lame ly, a. like a cripple
Lam mass, s. the first of August
Lam prey, s. a kind of fish
Land grave, s. a German title
Land scape, s. a prospect of a coun

Land ward, ad. towards the land
Lan guage, s. speech
Lan guid, a. faint
Lan guish, v n. to pine
Lan guor, s. faintness

Lan teru, s. for holding a cand
Lar der, s. where meat is keps
Lar gess, s. a gift

La rynx, s. the windpipe
Last ing, a. durable-
Last ly, ad. in the last place
La tent, a. concealed
Lat ter. a. happening after
Lat tice, s. a kind of winde y

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La ver, s. a washing vessel.
Laugh ter, s. convulsive merriment
Lav ish, a prodigal, wasteful
Laun dry, s. a room where clothes
are washed

Faur el, s. a kind of tree
Law ful, a. agreeable to law
Law suit, s. a contest in law
Lawyer, s. a professor of law

Lay man, s. one distinct from the

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La zar, s. one discased

Ja zy, a, unwilling to work
Lead en, a, made of lead
Lead er, s. a captain
Lead ing, part. a. principal
Leaf y, a. full of leaves

Leak y, a. letting water in or out-
Lean ness, s. want of flesh

Leap year, s. every fourth year
Learn ed, a. versed in science
Learn er, s. one who learns
Learn ing, s. literature
Lea ven, s. ferment

Lec ture, s. a discourse in form
Le gal, a. lawful

Le gate, s. ambassador of the Pope
Le gion, s. a body of five thousand

general Business

Le gume, s. seeds, pulse in
Lei sure, s. freedom from
Lem ma, s. a proposition
Length en, v a. & n. to grow long
Len til, s. a kind of plant
Leo pard, s. a beast

Le per, s. one infected with a lepro


Let tuce, s. a plant

Le vel' a. even, plane

Le vel, s. a plane

Le ven, s. ferment

Light ness, s. levity

Light ning, s. the flash attending



Light some, a. luminous
Like ly, a. such as may please
Like ly, ad. probably

Li ken, v a. to represent
Like ness, s. resemblance
Like wise, adv. in like manner.
Lim ber, a. flexible

Lime stone. s. the stone of which
lime is made

Li mit, s. boundary
Lim ner, s. a painter
Lim pid, a. clear

Li my, a. viscous

Lin en, s. cloth made of flax
Li on, s. a fierce and wild beast
Li quid, a. not solid

Li quid, s. liquid substance.
Li quor, s. strong drink
List ed, a. striped
List less, a. careless
Lit ter, s. a portable bed
Lit tle, s. a small part.
Live long, a. tedious
Living, s. support
Li zard, s. an animal
Load stone, s. the magnet
Loath some, a. abhorred

Lob by, s. an opening before a room-
Lob ster, s. a shell fish

Lo cal a. belonging to a place
Lo cust, s. a devouring insect
Lodg er. s. one who lives in the house.
of another;

Lodg ing, s. temporary habitation
Lof ty. a. sublime

Lo gick, s. the art of reasoning
Log wood, s. wood used for dying,
Lone ly, a. solitary

Le ver, s. a mechanical power used Lone some, a. dismal

to elevate

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Long boat, s. the large boat belong
ing to a ship

Long ing, s. earnest desire
Loose ly, ad. not fast
Loos en, va. & n. to relax
Lord ship, s. a title of honor
Loud ly, ad. with noise
Love ly, a. amiable
Lov er, one who is in love
Love suit, s. courtship
Low born, a. meanly decended
Low era. &n to become

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Luke warm, a. indifferent

Lum ber, household stuff
Lump ish, a. heavy
Lum py, a. full of lumps

Lu nar, a. belonging to the moon
Lun cheon, s. a handful of food
Lu pine, s. a kind of pulse
Lurk er, s. a thief lying in wait
Lus cious, a. sweet
Lust ful. a. libidinous
Lustre, s. brightness

Lyrick, a. belonging to a harp

Ma dam, s. a title of honor
Mad den, y n. to become mad
Mad der, s. a plant used in dying
Mad ness, s. distraction

Ma gick, s. the art of putting in ac-
tion the power of spirits
Mai den, s. an unmarried woman
Main ly, ad. chiefly
Ma ker, s. creator
Mal lard, s. the he of the duck
Mal let, s. a wooden hammer
Mai lows, s. a plant

Mam mon, s. riches
Man age, v a. to conduct
Man date, s. a command

Man ful, a. bold, stout
Man gle, va. to lacerate

Man gy, a. infected with the mange
Man hood, s. human nature
Man ly, a. becoming a man
Man ner, s. form, method

Ma nor, s. Lordship, a large estate
Man sion, s. a house, abode
Man tle, s. a kind of cloak
Mar ble, s. a kind of stone
Mar gin, s. the border
Mar ket, s. a publick sale
Mar quis, s. an order of nobility
Mar row, s. an oily substance with
in the bones

Mar ry, v a. & n. to wed

Mar shal, s. the chief officer of arms Mar tyr, s. one who suffers death for the sake of truth and yirtute,

Mar yel, v n. to be astonished Ma son, s. a builder

Mas sive, Mas sy,

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Mas ter, s. a director, a governout,
Mas tiff, s. a dog of large size
Match less, a. without equal
Ma tins, s. morning worship
Ma tron, s. an elderly lady
Mat ter, s. body, substance
Mat tock, s. a farming utensil
Mat tress, s. a quilt

Max im, s. a general truth
Mean ing, s. purpose
Mean ly, ad. without dignity
Mean ness, s. want of excellence
Meas ly, a. scabbed with the measles
Mea sure, v a. to compute the quan
tity of any thing by rule

Me dal, s. an ancient coin
Med dle, v n. to interpose
Med lar, s. a tree and its fruit
Med ly, s. a mixture
Med ley, a. confused
Meek ly, ad. mildly
Meek ness, s. gentleness
Meet ing, s. au assembly
Meet ness, s. fitness

Mel low, a. soft with ripeness
Mel lon, s. a plant, a fruit
Mem ber, s, a limb

Me nace, v a. to threaten

Men sal, belonging to the table
Men tal, a. intellectual

Men tion, s. the recital of any thing

Mer cer, s. one who sells silks
Mer chant, s. one who trafficks
Mer cy, s. clemency, pity
Mer it, s. deserved reward
Mer it, v a. to deserve
Mer ry, a. cheerful, gay

Mess mate, s. one of the same table Me tre, s. a speech confined to num bers

Mid day, s. noon, meridian

Mid dle, a. coming between
Mid night, s. the depth of night

Mid wife, s. who assists in childbirtin
Mil dew, s. a moisture which cor
rodes the plants
Mild ly, ad. tenderly
Mild ness, s. gentleness
Milk y, a. made of milk
Mil ler, s who attends a mill

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Mencur s. consequence

Mo norch, s. an absolute governor Mion day, s. the second day of the week

Mos grei, a, of mixed breed

Mow er, s. one who cuts with $

Mud dle, v a, to make foul
Muf fe, v a. to blindfold
Mu lish, a, obstinate

Mum my, s. a dead body preserve
Mu ral, a. belonging to a wall-
Mur der, v a. to kill a person
Mur-rain, s. the plague in cattle
Muse ful, a. thoughtful
Mu sick, s. harmonial sounds
Mus ket, s. a soldier's gun

Musk pear, s. a fragrant pear

Musk rose, s. so called from its fre

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Na ked, a, without clothes
Namely, ad. particularly
Name sake, s. of the same name
Nap kin, sa cloth used at table
Nar row, a. not wide

Na sal, a. belonging to the nose
Nas tv, a. dirty, filthy

Alon ster, s. something out of the Na tal, a. relating to nativity

order of nature

Ion strous, a wonderful

Monthly, a. every month

Moorish, a, fenny

Moor land, s. a marsh
Moral, s. duty of life
Mor dant, a, acrid, biting
Mer sel, s. a mouthful
Mer tal, a. subject to death ́
Mortar, s. a vessel, a wide cannon
Mor tar, s. cement

Most ly, ad. for the greatest part.
Mo tion, s. the act of changing place
Mo tive, s. cause or choice

Met to. s. a sentence added to a de-

Motc ment. s. motion

Moul der, v n. to be turned to dust
Moul dy, a. over-grown with concre-


Mountain, s. a large hill
Mourn er, s, one who grieves
Mourn ful, a. sorrowful

Na tion, s. a people

Na tive, a. natural

Na tive, a. original inhabitant

Na ture, s. disposition

Na val, a. belonging to ships.
Naugh ty, a. wicked

Nau seous, a. disgustful
Na ry, s. a number of ships
Near ly, ad. at no great distance
Near ness. s. closeness
Neat Iv, ad. elegantly
Near ness, s. cleanliness
Nec tar, s. drink for the heathen


Need ful, a, necessary
Nee dle, s to sew with
Ne gro, s. a black moor
Neigh bour, s. one who lives near
Nei ther, conjunct, not either
Ne phew, s. the son of a brother

Ner vous, a. vigorous
Ne ther, a. lower

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Neu tral, s. who does not engage on Omen, s. a good or bad sign.

either side

New ly, ad, lately

Nice ly, ad. accurately
Nig gard, s. a miser

Night fall, s. the close of the day

Night gown, s. a loose gown
Night ly, ad. by night

Nim bly, ad. quickly.

Nine pins, s. a kind of play

Nip pers, s. small pincers

Nipple, s, the teat

On ly, a. single, ad. barely
On set, s. attack, storm
On ward, ad. forward
Onyx, s. a beautiful gem
Oo zy, a. muddy, slimy
Open, v. a. to unclose
Open, v. n. to unclose
Op tick, a. visual

Optick, s. an instrument of sigh
Op tion, s. choice

Oral, a. delivered by mouth

Nitrous, a. impregnated with nitre Orange, s. a tree or fruit

Noble, a. illustrious

Or bed, a. round, circular

Nod dle, s. a heid in contempt

Noi ance, s. mischief.

Noi sy, a. clamorous"

Non age, s. minority

Or der, s. method...

Or der, v. a. to regulate

Or dure, s. dung, th

Organ, s. natural instrument

Non plus, s. inability to do or say Orphan, s. a child without parents

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Nur ture, s. food, education

O sier, s, a tree of the willow kind
Os trich, s. a large bird
Other, pron, not riebame
Otter, s. an an phibi

is animal

O val, a. of the form
un egs
Oven, s. for baking bread
Over, prep. above

Out Bound, a. destined to a distant

voyage Out cast, part, banished

Out most, a. reinotest from the mi


Out ward, a. external

Out work, s. the part of a fortifica tion next te enemy

Over, prep. above, beyond
Owing, a. due as a debt

Owner, s. to whom any thing bow longs

Nut meg, s. the kernel of a large yes, s. the introduction to a pros

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