Abbildungen der Seite

As sume, v a. to take
As sure, v a. to give confidence
As tringe, v a. to draw the parts

Atone, v n. to answer for
At tach, v a. to arrest, to seize
At tack, s. an assault
it tain, v a. to gain
At taint, v a. to degrade

At tempt, v a. to venture' s. an


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essay Attend, v a. to regard, v. n. to give attention

At test, v a. to bear witness.
At tire, s. clothes, dress
At tract, v a. to draw, to allure
A vail, v a. to profit, s. advan.

A venge, v a. to punish
Aver, y a. to declare positively
A vert, v a. to turn aside
A vouch, v a. to affirm
A vow, v a. to declare
A wait, v a, to expect,

A wake, vn, to break from sleep

A ward, v a. to adjudge
A while, ad. some time


Ba boon, s. a large monkey Bash aw, s. a Turkish viceroy Be calm, v a. to still the elem


Be came, the preterite of be


De cause, conjunct, for this rea


Be deck, v a. to adorn
Be dew, v a. to moisten gently
Be fall, v n. to happen

Be fit, v a. to be suitable to
Be fore, ad. sooner than
Be friend, y a. to favour
get, v a, to generate
De gin, v a, to do the first act

Be gone, interject. go away
Be guile, v a. to delude
Be half, s. profit, support
Be have, v n. to conduct ones

Be head, v a. to cut off ones head
Be hold, v.a. to view, to sec
Be lief, s. credit given to what
we know not of our-

Be long, v n. to be the property of

Be low, prep. under in place
Be moan, v a. to lament
Be neath, ad in a lower place,
prep. under
Be night, v a. to involve in

Be nign, a. kind, liberal
Be numb, v a. to make torpid
Be queath, v a. to leave by will
Be reave, v a. to take away

Be seech, v a. to entreat
Be side, prep. near

Be sides, ad. over and above
Be sot, v a. to infatuate

Be stow, v a. to give

Ee speak, v a. to order before hand

Be stride, v a. to step over
Be times, ad. seasonably
Be tray, v a. to discover
Be wail, v a. to bemoan
Be ware, v n. to regard with


Bro cade, s. variegated silk
Ca bal, s. a secret science of the
Hebrew rabbins

Ca jole, v a. to flatter, to soothe Cal cine, v a. to burn to a ca.x v n. to become a calx

Cam paiga, s. open level ground.

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Canine, ..of the properties of Con front, v a. to stand face to

a dog

Ca reer, s. full speed, race
Ca ress, v a. to endear, to fon-

Car touch, s. a case for holding


Cas cade, s. a water fall
Cha grin, s. ill-humour
Chas tize, v a. to punish
Com plain, v a. to lament
Com plaint, s. a disease
Com plete, a. perfect, full
Com ply, v n. to yield to
Com pose, v a. to put together
in order

Com posed, a. calm, serious.
Com press, v a. to embrace
Con ceal, v a. to hide
Com prise, v a. to contain
Con cede, v a. to admit
Con ceit, v a. to imagine, s.



Con ceive, v a. to understand
Con cent, s. harmony

Con cern, v a. to relate, s. affair,

Con cert, v a. to settle
Con cise, a. brief, short
Con clude, v a. to decide.
Con cur v n. to meet in



Con found, v a. to perplex
Con fuse, va. to disorder
Con fute, va. to disprove
Con join, v a. to unite
Con jure, va. to summon in a
sacred name

Con nect, v a. to join
Con nive, v n. to wink at
Con sent, vn. to agree to
Con sign, v a. to transfer
Con tempt, s. scorn
Con tend, v a. to strive
Con test, v a. to dispute
Con trast, v a. to place in oppo

Con trive, v a. to invent

Con vene, v a. to call together
Con verse, v n. to discourse
Con vert, v a. to change
Con vey, v a. to carry off
Con vict, v a. to prove guilty
Con voke, v a. to call together
Co quette, s. a vain girl
Con volve, v a. to roll together,
Cor rect, v a. to chastise
Cor rupt, v a. to infect

De camp, v n. to move off
one D cant, y a. to pour off
De cay, v a. to decline
De cease, s. departure from life
De ceit, s. fraud, artice
De ceive, v a. to dělude
De claim, v n. to harangue
De coy, v a. to entrap, s. allurç-

Con demn, a. to censure
Con dense, v a. to make closer
Con dign, a. suitable

Con dole, v n. to lament in oth

ers sorrow

Con duce, v n. to promote
Con duct v a. to lead

Con fess, v a. to disclose
Con fest, a. known, open
Con fidé, v n. to trust in
Con fine, v a. to bound
Con firm, v a. to settle
Con form, v a. to comply


De crease, v n. to grow less, v aɔ to make less

De crease, s. the state of grow
ing less

De cree, s. an edict, a law
De duce, v a. to draw from
De duct, v a. to subtract

De fect, s. want, fault

De fence, s. vindication

De fend, v a. to protect

De vice, s. contrivance

De vise, v a. to contrive De void a. empty, vacant?

De file, v a. to pollute, s. a nar- De vote, y a. to dedicate

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De vour, v a. to destroy
De vout, a. pious

Diffuse, v a. to pour out
Di gest, v'a. to range in order
De late, v a. to extend
Di rect, a. straight

Dis arm, v a. to spoil of arms
Dis band, v a. to dismiss.
Dis burse, v a. to lay out money
Dis card, v a. to put away
Dis cern v a. to distinguish
Dis charge v a, to perform
Dis creet, a. prudent
Discuss, v a. to examine
Dis dain, v a. to scorn, s.

Dis ease, s. distemper


Dis gorge, v a. to discharge by the mouth

Dis grace, s. shame

Dis guise, s. a counterfeit Disgust. s. aversion v a. to of fend

Dis like, va. to disapprove
Dis may, v a. to terrify
Dis miss, va, to send away
Dis mount, vn, to alight from a

Dis play, a. to exhibit to view
Dis please, v a. to offend'
Dis pose, v a. to employ to any
end, o n. to bargain
D's praise, a. to blame
Dis prove, v io comfute
Dis pute, vn, to contest
Dis seni, n. to differ
Dis solve, v. to be melted
Dis suade, v a. to div. rt from.
Dis tract, va. to peoplex.
Dis train, v a. to seize
Dis trust, s. difidence

Disturb, v a: to perplex
Di vert, v a. to turn aside
Di vest, v a. to strip

Di vorce, va to seperate man

Di vulge, v a. to publish
Dragoon, s. a horse-soldier


Escape, v n. to get out of danger, a timely flight

E spouse, v a, to marry and Es say, va. to attempt

E duce, v a. to extract from
Effect, s. consequence, v a, to bring
to pass

Eject, v a. to cast out
E lude, v a. to escape
Em boss, v a. to engrave
Em broil, va. to disturbe
E mit, v, to send forth.
Em pale, v a. to fence in
Em-ploy, v a. to exercise

En act, v a. to perform, s. purpose
En camp, v a. & n. to pitch tents
En clase, v a. to fence in

En dear, v a. to make beloved
Eu dict. v a. to prosecute

En dow, v a. to enrich with portion
En dure, v a. to bear

En force, va, to strengthen

E state, s. condition of life

Es teem, v a. to set a value, s. ref


E strange, v a. to withdraw
E vent, s. incident

E vert, v a. to destroy
Ex act, a. nice, accurate
Ex act, v a. to require

Ex alt, v a. to raise, to elevatey
Exceed, v a. to outgo

Ex cell, v a. to surpass
Ex cept, v a. to leave out
Ex cess, s. superfluity
Ex cise, s. a duty, a tax
Ex cite, v a. to rouse

Ex claim, v a. to cry out.
Ex clude, v a. to shut out

Ex cuse, v a. to extenuate an offence.
Ex cuse, s. an apology
Exempt, v a. to privilege

Ex ert, v a. to use an effort

Ex hale, v a. to draw out vapours

En gage, v a. to make liable or sub. Ex haust, va, to diminish totally


En hance, v a. to advance

En join, va. to direct

Ex hort, v a. to incite by words

Ex ile, v a. to banish

Ex ist, v n. to be, to have a being

Enjoy, v a. to feel with pleasure v n. Ex pand, va. to spread out

to live in happiness

En large, v a, to make greater

En list, v a. to enter into military

Enough, 's what is sufficient
En rage, v a. to irritate
En rich, v a. to make rich

En rol, v a. to leave in writing
En shrine, v a. to preserve sacred
Bu slive,
v a. to deprive of liberty
En sue, v a &. n. to follow
En sure, v a. to secure any thing
En tail, v. a. to fix the descent of an


En throne, v a. to place on a throne
En tice, v a. to allure
En tre, a. undivided

En tomb, va, to put into a tomb
En trap, y a. to cusnare
En treat, va to solicit
E quip, v a. to furnish.
Brase, v a. to destroy

Ex panse, s. extension

Ex pect, v 2. & n. to wait for
Ex pel, v a. to drive out
Ex pense, s. cost, charges
Ex pert, a. skilful

Ex pire, v a. & n. to breathe the
Exploit, s. an achievement
Explore, v a. to search into
Ex port, v a. to send over sea
Ex pose, v a. to lay open
Ex pound, v a. to explain
Ex punge, v a. to blot out
Ex tend, v a. to stretch out.
Ex tern, a. outward
Ex tinct, a. extinguished
Ex tort, v a. to wrest from.
Ex tract, v a. to draw out
Ex treme, a. outmost
Ex ult, v n. to rice


Fare well, ad. ace of departure
Fatigue, s. weariness. v a. to thre
Fore bode, v n. to foretell

[blocks in formation]

Il lude, v a. to deceive
Il lume, v a. to enlighten

Im brown, v a. to make brown
Im brue, v a. to steep,

Im bue, v a. to tincture deep
Im burse, v a. to pay back
Im merse, v a. to put in water
Im mence, a. unlimited
Im mure, v a. to confine
Im pair, v a. to diminish
Im park, v a. to enclose

Im part, v a. to communicate.
Im peach, y a. to accuse

Im pearl, v a. to dress in pearls
Im pel, v a. to drive on
Im plant, v a. to infix

Im plore, v a. to supplicate
Im ply, v a. to comprise

Im port, y a to carry from abroad

In fiate, v a. to swell with wind
In flect, v a. to bend · (ment
In flict, va to impose as a punish-
In form, v a. to instruct
In fract, v a. to break
In fringe, va. to violate
Jn fuse, v a. to instill

In graff, v a. to plant a sprig of one
In graft, tree in the stock of ana


In gress, s. entrance

In gulph, v a. to swallow up

In here, v n. to exist in something


In herse, va. to enclose in a monu

In hume v. a. to bury
In ject, a. to cast in
In join, v a. to command
In lay, v a. to insert

In nate, a. natural, inborn
In quire, v. a. to ask about

In sane, a. not sound in mind

In scribe, v a. to write on any thing
In sculp, v-a. to engrave
In sert, v a. to put in order
In shrine, v a. to place in a shrine
In sist, vn. to maintain positively

Im pose, v a. to enjoin, s. to com- In snare, va, to entrap


Im press, v a. to print
Im print, v a. to mark
Im pugn, v a. to attack
Im pure, a. unchaste
Im pute, v a. to attribute
In cense, v a. to provoke
In cite, v a. to stir up-
In cline, v n. to lean to

In clude, v a. to comprehend

In spect, v a. to look over
In spirě, v a. to animate

In stall, v a. to advance to any office
In stead, prep in room of
In stil, v a. to infuse by drops
In stinct, s. natural tendency
In struct, v. a. to teach

In sult, va. to treat with contempt
In tend, v a. to regard

In tense, a. vehement

In crease, v a. to make greater, s. In tent, a. anxious, s. a design


In crust, y a. to cover over

In deed, ad. in reality, in truth

In dent, va. to mark counterparts in dign, a. unworthy

In ter, v a. to lay in the ground
In thrall, v a. to enslave

In tire, a. whole

In trench, v a. to fortify

In trigue, s. a plot, v n. to form plots

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