Abbildungen der Seite

trude, v a. & n. to enter without invitation by a kind of violence In trust, va. to charge with a secret In twine, v a. to twist together In vade, v a. to enter a country by


In reigh, v a. to utter reproach
In vent, v a. to find out

In vite, v a. to ask, to allure
In volve, v a. to comprise
In ure, v a. to habituate
In urn, v a. to put in a tomb
In wrap, v. a. to involve

In wrought, a. adorned with work In wreathe, v a. to surround as with a wreath ร


Ja pan, s. varnished work raised in gold and colours Japan, y a. to embellish with raised figures

Je june, a. empty, wanting

Jo cose, a. merry, airy

Mis doubt, v a. to suspect of deceit, s. suspicion

Mis give, v a. to give in a wrong way

Mis guide, v a. to guide ill
Mis judge, vea. to judge wrong
Mis lay, va. to place wrong
Mis lead, v a. to misguide.
Mis like, va. to disapprove, s. dis-

Mis match, v a. to match unsuitably
Mis name, v a. to name wrong
Mis spend, va. to spend bad
Mis place, v a. to place wrong
Mis quote, v a. to quate falsely
Mis rule, v a. to govern wrong
Mis shape, v a. to shape ill
Mis state, v a. to state wrong
Mistake, v. to act erroneously
gs misconception

Mis teach, v a. to teach wrong
Mis term, V a. to give a wrong


Mis tune, y a, to time ill

Mis trust, v a. to suspect s. diffi



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Mo lest, v a. to disturb

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Ma chine, s. any complicated piece Mo rose, a. sour of temper

of workmanship

Main land, s. a continent

Main tain, v a. to preserve, v n. to assert as a tenet

Main top, s. top of the main mast Ma lign, a. malicious, v a. to regard with malice

Mamma, s. the fond word for mother
Ma tross, s. an under gunner
Ma ture, a. perfect by time, v a. to

Me seems, impersonal verb I think
Me thinks, defective verb, it seems

to me

Miss cal, v a. to name improperly Mis cast, v a. to make a wrong ac-


Mis chance, s. ill-fortune

Mis cite, y a. to quote wrong
Mis claim, s, a mistaken claim
Mis deed, s. a bad action
Alis do, y a, to do wrong


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O bese, a. loaded with fat
O bey, v a. to comply with
Object, va. to oppose
O blige, v.a. to bind, to gratify
Oblique, a. not direct
Ob scene, a. immodest

Ob score, a. dark, abstruce, v a to darken

Ob serve, v a. to regard attentively vn. to be attentive

Ob struct, v a. to hinder, to oppose
Ob tain, v a. to procure
Ob test, va, to beseech

Ob trude, va, to thrust into by force ab tund, y a, to blung

Ob tuse, a. dull, blunt

Oc clude, v a. to shut up
Oc cult, a. secret, hidden ́
Oc cur, vn to happen
Of fence, s. scandal
Of fend, v a. to make angry
O mit, v a. to leave out
Opaque, a. without light
Op pese, v a. to hinder
Op press, v a. to overpower
Or dain, va. to appoint

Out bid, v a. to bid a higher price
Out do, v a. to excell, surpass
Out face, v a. to brave

Out last, y as to surpass in duration

Out lie, y a. to exceed in lying
Out five, y a. to survive

Out run, v a. to excel in running Out sail, v a. to leave behind in sailing

Out sell, va, to sell for more

Out shine, v a. to excel in lustre
Out stretch, y a, to spread out
Out strip, v a. to out go

Out swear, v a, to out do in swearing

Out vote, v a. to exceed in voting
Out wear, v a. to wear longer

Out weigh, v a. to exceed in weight
Out wit, v a. to cheat


Pa rade, s. military order
Pa role, s. a word given as an assur-


Patrol, s the act of going the rounds in a camp to keep order

Per ceive, v a. to discover
Per chance, ad perhaps
Per force, ad. by violence
Per form, v a. to execute
Per fume, y a. to scent
Per fuse, v a. to overspread
Per haps, ad. it may be so
Per mit, v a. to suffer
Per plex, v a. to embarrass

Pla toon, s. a body of musketeers
Po lice, s. civil government
Polite, a. of genteel manners
Fol lute, v a. to make unclean
Po made, s. a sweet cintment
Por tend, v a. to foretoken
Possess, va. to occupy
Pre cede, v a. to go before
Pre clude, v a. to shut cut
Pre fer, v a. to regard, more
Pre fix, va. to place before
Pre form, v a. to form before hand
Premise, v a. to lay down premises
Pre pare, v a. to make ready
Pre sage, v n. to forebode
Pre sent, va. to lay before
Pre scribe, v a. to direct
Pre sent, va. to introduce.
Pre serve, v a.

to defend s. finit
-preserved whole in sugar
Pre side, v n. to rule over
Pre-sume, vn to venture
Pre tence, s. false claim
Pre tend, wa, to allege falsely
Pre vail, va. to overcome
Pre vent, v a. to hinder
Proceed v n. to go forward
Proclaim, v a. to tell openly
Pro fane, a. polluted, v a. to violate
Pro fess, va. to declare
Pro file, s. the side face
Pro fuse, a. exuberant
Pro lix, a. long, tedious
Pro long, v a. to lengthen out
Pro mote, v a. to forward
Pro pense, a. inclined

'pose, v a. to offer.

Pro pound, v a. to offer to considéra


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Pro voke, a. to incense

"Per spire, v n. to be excreted by the Pur sue, a, to follow after


Per tain, v n. to belong

Per vade, v a. to pass through
Per verse, a. stubborn
Per vert, v a. to corrupt

Pe ruse, a. to read over
Pis tole, s, a con

Pur suit, sendeavour

Pur vey, n. to buy in provisions


Ra goot, s. meat stewed and high ly seasoned

Rat toon, s. a West India fo
Re bate, vn, to blunt

v n. to spring back

Rebound, Ss. the act of flying back

Rebuff, v a. to bear back,


va. to reprehend
Ss reprehensIONE
Re call, va. to revoke
Re cant, v a. to retract
Re cede, v n. to fall back
Receipt, 6. act of receiving
Receive, v a. to take
Re cess, s. retirement

Re charge, v a. to`attack again
Recite, v a. to rehearse

Re claim, v a. to reform

Re lease, v a. to set free, s. a te-
mission of claim

Re lent, vin, to soften
Relief, s. succour
Re lieve, v a. to assist
Re main, v n. to continue

Re mark, v a. to observe s. obser-

Re mind, va to bring to recollection
Re miss, a. slothful

Re mit, v a. to forgive

Re morse, s. sorrow

Re mote, a. distant

Re move, v n. to change place

Re cline, v a. & n to lean back, to Renew, v a. to repeat


Re clude, v a. to open

Re cluse, s. one shut up
Re coil, v. to fall back

Re count, v a. to relate in detail
Re course, s. application
Recruit, v a. to repair s. a supply
Re cur, v n. to have recourse to
Re leem, va. to ransom-
Re doubt, s. a fortification

Re dound, v n. to conduce in the

Re dress, v a. to remedy, s. relief,

Re duce, va. to diminish
Re fine, v a, to parify.
Re fit, v a. to repair-
Reflect, va & a. to throw back
Re form, v a. to grow better s. a

Re frain, v n. to forbear
Re fresh, v a. to relieve.
Re fund, v a. to pour back
Re fuse, v a. to deny
Relate, va, to prove erroneous
Re gain, v a, to recover
Re gale, v a. to entertain
Regard, v a. to value s. respect

Re gret, s. bitterness of reflection
va. to repent

Re hearse, v a. to repeat
Reject v.a. to cast off
Rejoice, va to exhilarate, v

be glad

Re nounce, va. to disown, vn to

deciare renunciation

Re nowa, s. praise widely spread
Re pair, v a. to mend, s. reparation
Re past, s. a meal, food

Re peal, v a. to abrogate, s. reve


Re peat, y a. to recite

Re pel, v a. to drive back
Re pine, v n. to be discontented
Re place, v a. to put back or in a
new place

Re plete, a. compleatly filled
Reply, v n. to answer

Report, v a. to publish, s. rumour
Repose, v n. to rest, s. quiet
Re press, v a, to crush

Re prieve, v a. to respite after seg-
tence of death, s. respite

Re proach, v a. to censure, s. cer


Re proof, s. reprehension

Re, pulse, v a. to beat back, s. a de

Re pute, v a, to account, s. opinion
Re quest, va. to intreat, s. à petition.
Require, v a. to demand

Re quite, y a. to recompence
Re sent, v a. to take ili

Re serve, v a. to keep in store
Re side, v n. to dwell

Re sign, v a. to give up

n. to Re sist, v a. to oppose

Re lapse, v n. to fall back, s. a falling back

Re late, y a. to tell.

Re solve, v a. to determine, s. res-

Resort, v n. to frequent, s. recourse
Re sound, v a. & n. to echo

Relax, v a. to slacken v n. to be Re source, s. expedient


Re spect, v a. to regard.

Re spire, v n. to breathe
Re spond, v n. to answer
Re sponse s. an answer
Re store, v a. to give back
Re straih, v a. to repress
Re straint, s. limitation
Re strict, Va. to confine

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Sub due, va to conquer

Sub ject, v a. to reduce, a. liable
Sub join, v a. to add

Sub lime, a. lofty, high

Re suit, s. consequence v n. to fol- Submit, v a. to resign to authority

low as a consequence

Resume, v a, to take again

Re tail, v a. to sell in small parts
Re tain, va. to keep

Retard v a. to keep back

Re tire, v n. to withdraw

Sub orn, v a. to procure by indireci


Sub scribe, v a. to write under
Sub scribe, v a. to give consent
Sub serve v a. to serve under
Sub side, v n. to sink down

Re tort, v a. to return an argu- Sub sist, v n. to exist


Re tract, v a. unsay, recant

Re treat, s. retirement, v n. to retire
Re trench, v a. to cut off, v.n. to live

with less elegance

Retrieve, v a. to recover

Sub tract, v a. to withdraw
Sub vert, v a. to overturn
Suc ceed v a. to follow
Success, s. good luck
Su perb, a. stately
Su pine, a. negligent

Re turn, v n. to come back, v a. to Sup ply, v a. to fill up, s. relief


Re turn, s. act of coming back

Re venge,s. an injury, v a. to injure
Re vere, v a. to venerate

Re verse, s. change, v a. to overturn
Re vert, v n. to return

Re view, s. examination, v a. to ex-

Re vile, v a. to vilify

Re vise, v a. to review

Sup port, s. maintainance, v a. to

Sup press, v a. to conceal
Sup pose, v a. to imagine
Supreme, a. highest

Sur charge, v a. to over-loað
Sur mise, v n. to think
Sur mount, v a. to overcome
Sur prise, v a to astonish
Sur round, v a. to encompass

Re vive, v a. to bring to life again, Sur vey, v a. to view, s. a prospect

v n. to return to life

Re voke, v a. to recall

Re volt, v n. to fall off

Re volve, v a. to consider

Re ward, v a. to recompence,

a bounty

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Se crete, v a. to put aside

Sur vey, y a. to measure
Sus pect, v a. to imagine

Sus tain, v a. to bear

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Se cure, a. safe, careless, v a. to Trans mute, v a. to change from one

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nature into another

Trans pire, v a. to emit in vapour

Vn. to come into notice

Trans place, v a, to remove

Se lect, v a. to choose, a. nicely cho- Trans plant, va. to remove


Shal loon, s. woollen stuff

Trans port, v a. to carry from one

place to another

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Un apt, a. not apprehensive
Un bar, v a. to unbolt

Un bent, a. relaxed, not bent
Un bind, v a. to loose

Un bolt, va, to unbar

Un born, a. not, brought into life
Un bred, a. not educated

Un case, v a. to uncover
Un chain, v a. to let loose
Un chaste, a. libidinous

Un clasp, v a. to loose a clasp
Un couth, a, strange, odd
Un done, a. not done, ruined

Un dress, v a. to strip, s. a loose dress

Un due, a. not legal.
Un fit, a, improper
Un firm, a. weak, feeble
Un fold, v a. to display
Un furl, v a. to expand
Un horse, v a, to dismount
Un just, a. iniquitous
Un kind, a. not favourable
Un known, a. not known

Un less, conjunct. except
Un ripe, a. not mature
Un safe, a. dangerous
Un shod, a. having no shoes
Un taught, a. not instructed
Un til, ad. to the time that
Un true, a. false, not real
Un truth, s. falsehood
Un veil, va, to disclose
Un wise, a. foolish

Un wrought, a. not manufacture 1

Ver bose, a. exuberant in words Vouch safe, v a. to grant, v n. to condescend


Weak side, s. a foible, infirm y
Where as, ad. when on the contrary
Where at, ad. at which
Where by, ad. by which

Where in, ad. in which

Where of, ad. of which

Where on, ad. on which

Where to, ad. to which

Where with, ad with which

With all, ad. likewise

With draw, retreat With hold, v a. to keep fon With in, prep. in the inner part


Words of three syllables, accented upon the first

Abject ly, ad. in an abject manner Ad vo cate, s. one who pleads for

Ab ject ness, s. meanness

Ab le gate, v a. to send abroad

A ble ness, s. force, vigour


Ab ne gate, v a. to deny
Ab ro gate, va. to repeal
Ac ci dent, s. casualty
Ac cu rate, a. exact, nice
Ac tive ly, ad. busily, nimbly
Ac tu al, a. real in act
Actuate, v a. to put m action
A cu ate, v a. to sharpen
Ad a mant, s. a diamond
A de quate, a equal to


Af fa ble, a. easy of manners

Af fa bly, ad. courteously

Af flu ence, s. riches, plenty

Af flu ent. a. wealthy

Af ter ward, ad, in succeeiung time

A gen cy, s. the quality of acting

Ag gran dize, va. to make great
Ag gra vate, va. to provoke
Ag gra gate, v a to collect many
into one number

A go nize, v n, to be in pain.
A go ny, s. the pangs of death

Adjective, s. a word expressing the Al chy mist, s. a professor of alchy

quality of a noun

Ad ju tant, s. an officer

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Ad ju vant, a. helping


Ad mi ral, s. an officer of the navy


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