trude, v a. & n. to enter without invitation by a kind of violence In trust, va. to charge with a secret In twine, v a. to twist together In vade, v a. to enter a country by assault In reigh, v a. to utter reproach In vite, v a. to ask, to allure In wrought, a. adorned with work In wreathe, v a. to surround as with a wreath ร J Ja pan, s. varnished work raised in gold and colours Japan, y a. to embellish with raised figures Je june, a. empty, wanting Jo cose, a. merry, airy Mis doubt, v a. to suspect of deceit, s. suspicion Mis give, v a. to give in a wrong way Mis guide, v a. to guide ill Mis match, v a. to match unsuitably Mis teach, v a. to teach wrong -term Mis tune, y a, to time ill Mis trust, v a. to suspect s. diffi dence L Mo lest, v a. to disturb Ma chine, s. any complicated piece Mo rose, a. sour of temper of workmanship Main land, s. a continent Main tain, v a. to preserve, v n. to assert as a tenet Main top, s. top of the main mast Ma lign, a. malicious, v a. to regard with malice Mamma, s. the fond word for mother Me seems, impersonal verb I think to me Miss cal, v a. to name improperly Mis cast, v a. to make a wrong ac- count Mis chance, s. ill-fortune Mis cite, y a. to quote wrong N. O bese, a. loaded with fat Ob score, a. dark, abstruce, v a to darken Ob serve, v a. to regard attentively vn. to be attentive Ob struct, v a. to hinder, to oppose Ob trude, va, to thrust into by force ab tund, y a, to blung Ob tuse, a. dull, blunt Oc clude, v a. to shut up Out bid, v a. to bid a higher price Out last, y as to surpass in duration Out lie, y a. to exceed in lying Out run, v a. to excel in running Out sail, v a. to leave behind in sailing Out sell, va, to sell for more Out shine, v a. to excel in lustre Out swear, v a, to out do in swearing Out vote, v a. to exceed in voting Out weigh, v a. to exceed in weight P. Pa rade, s. military order ance Patrol, s the act of going the rounds in a camp to keep order Per ceive, v a. to discover Pla toon, s. a body of musketeers to defend s. finit 'pose, v a. to offer. Pro pound, v a. to offer to considéra tion Pro voke, a. to incense "Per spire, v n. to be excreted by the Pur sue, a, to follow after skin Per tain, v n. to belong Per vade, v a. to pass through Pe ruse, a. to read over Pur suit, sendeavour Pur vey, n. to buy in provisions R Ra goot, s. meat stewed and high ly seasoned Rat toon, s. a West India fo v n. to spring back Rebound, Ss. the act of flying back Rebuff, v a. to bear back, Rebuke, va. to reprehend Re charge, v a. to`attack again Re claim, v a. to reform Re lease, v a. to set free, s. a te- Re lent, vin, to soften Re mark, v a. to observe s. obser- Re mind, va to bring to recollection Re mit, v a. to forgive Re morse, s. sorrow Re mote, a. distant Re move, v n. to change place Re cline, v a. & n to lean back, to Renew, v a. to repeat repose Re clude, v a. to open Re cluse, s. one shut up Re count, v a. to relate in detail Re dound, v n. to conduce in the Re dress, v a. to remedy, s. relief, Re duce, va. to diminish Re frain, v n. to forbear Re gret, s. bitterness of reflection Re hearse, v a. to repeat be glad Re nounce, va. to disown, vn to deciare renunciation Re nowa, s. praise widely spread Re peal, v a. to abrogate, s. reve cation Re peat, y a. to recite Re pel, v a. to drive back Re plete, a. compleatly filled Report, v a. to publish, s. rumour Re prieve, v a. to respite after seg- Re proach, v a. to censure, s. cer sure Re proof, s. reprehension Re, pulse, v a. to beat back, s. a de Re pute, v a, to account, s. opinion Re quite, y a. to recompence Re serve, v a. to keep in store Re sign, v a. to give up n. to Re sist, v a. to oppose Re lapse, v n. to fall back, s. a falling back Re late, y a. to tell. Re solve, v a. to determine, s. res- Resort, v n. to frequent, s. recourse Relax, v a. to slacken v n. to be Re source, s. expedient mild Re spect, v a. to regard. Re spire, v n. to breathe Sub due, va to conquer Sub ject, v a. to reduce, a. liable Sub lime, a. lofty, high Re suit, s. consequence v n. to fol- Submit, v a. to resign to authority low as a consequence Resume, v a, to take again Re tail, v a. to sell in small parts Retard v a. to keep back Re tire, v n. to withdraw Sub orn, v a. to procure by indireci means Sub scribe, v a. to write under Re tort, v a. to return an argu- Sub sist, v n. to exist ment Re tract, v a. unsay, recant Re treat, s. retirement, v n. to retire with less elegance Retrieve, v a. to recover Sub tract, v a. to withdraw Re turn, v n. to come back, v a. to Sup ply, v a. to fill up, s. relief repay Re turn, s. act of coming back Re venge,s. an injury, v a. to injure Re verse, s. change, v a. to overturn Re view, s. examination, v a. to ex- Re vile, v a. to vilify Re vise, v a. to review Sup port, s. maintainance, v a. to Sup press, v a. to conceal Sur charge, v a. to over-loað Re vive, v a. to bring to life again, Sur vey, v a. to view, s. a prospect v n. to return to life Re voke, v a. to recall Re volt, v n. to fall off Re volve, v a. to consider Re ward, v a. to recompence, a bounty Se crete, v a. to put aside Sur vey, y a. to measure Sus tain, v a. to bear Se cure, a. safe, careless, v a. to Trans mute, v a. to change from one nature into another Trans pire, v a. to emit in vapour Vn. to come into notice Trans place, v a, to remove Se lect, v a. to choose, a. nicely cho- Trans plant, va. to remove sen Shal loon, s. woollen stuff Trans port, v a. to carry from one place to another Un apt, a. not apprehensive Un bent, a. relaxed, not bent Un bolt, va, to unbar Un born, a. not, brought into life Un case, v a. to uncover Un clasp, v a. to loose a clasp Un dress, v a. to strip, s. a loose dress Un due, a. not legal. Un less, conjunct. except Un wrought, a. not manufacture 1 Ver bose, a. exuberant in words Vouch safe, v a. to grant, v n. to condescend W Weak side, s. a foible, infirm y Where in, ad. in which Where of, ad. of which Where on, ad. on which Where to, ad. to which Where with, ad with which With all, ad. likewise With draw, retreat With hold, v a. to keep fon With in, prep. in the inner part TABLE VIII. Words of three syllables, accented upon the first Abject ly, ad. in an abject manner Ad vo cate, s. one who pleads for Ab ject ness, s. meanness Ab le gate, v a. to send abroad A ble ness, s. force, vigour 1 Ab ne gate, v a. to deny another Af fa ble, a. easy of manners Af fa bly, ad. courteously Af flu ence, s. riches, plenty Af flu ent. a. wealthy Af ter ward, ad, in succeeiung time A gen cy, s. the quality of acting Ag gran dize, va. to make great A go nize, v n, to be in pain. Adjective, s. a word expressing the Al chy mist, s. a professor of alchy quality of a noun Ad ju tant, s. an officer Ad ju vant, a. helping metal Ad mi ral, s. an officer of the navy G |