Abbildungen der Seite
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Im bit ter, v a. to make bitter Im bold en, v a. to encourage Im bo som, v a. to hold on the bosom

Im mense ly, ad. infinitely
Im mor al, a. wanting natural.

Im mor tal, a. free from death
Im par tial, a. equitable
Im patient, a. not able to endure
Im peach ment, s. hindrance
Im pel lent, a: an impulsive

Im pen dent, a. hanging over
Im pli cit, a. entangled
Im poi son, a. to kill with poi-


Im por tant, a. weighty
Im port er, s. one who imports
goods &c.
Im posture, s. a cheat
Im pres sion, s. a stamp
Im pri son, v a. to confine
Im prop er, a. unfit


prove ment, s. instruction
Im pul sive, a. impelling
Im pure ly, ad. with impurity
Im pur ple, v a. to make red
In ac tive, a. idle, sluggish
In car nate, a. clothed with flesh
In cau tious, a. unwary
In censor, s. one who inflames
In cen tive, s. incitement
In ces sant, a. continual

In cisi on, s. a cut, a wound
In cite ment, s. motive
In ci vil, a. unpolished
In clu sive, a. comprehending
In constant, a, changeable
In cum bent, a. resting upon
In cum ber, v a, to embarrass
In cur sion, s. an attack
In cur vate, v a. to bend
In den ture, s. a covenant
In dig nant, a. angry


In duce ment, s. motive
In dul gence, s. fondness
In dul gent, a. kind
In fec tion, s. contagion
In fer nal, a. hellish
In fla tion, s. flatulence.
In flec tion, s. a bending
In flic tive, a. laid on as a pun

In for mant, s. one who gives information

In frac tion, s. a breach
In fringe ment, s. violation
In gres sion, s. an entering
In ha bit, v a. & n. to dwell
In he rent, a. existing in
In hu man, a, cruel
In hu mate, v a. to bury
In jec tion, s. a casting in
Initial, a. placed in the begin

In junc tion, s. order
In qui ry, s. search

In scrip tion, s. a written title
In sip id, a. without taste
In sol vent, a. not able to pay
In spec tor, s. a superintendant
In sta ble, a. inconstant.
In tention, s. purpose
In tent ly, ad. eagerly
In tes tine, a. internal
In trench ment, s. a fortification
with a trench

In tru sion, s. encroachment
In va lid, a. of no weight, weak
In vec tive, s. censure
In ven tor, s. a contriver
In ver sion, s. change of order

Ja pan ner, s. one skilled in ja pan work

Je june ness, s. poverty, dryness
Jews mal low, s. an herb
La men ter, s. he who mourns

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Mis ma nage, v a. to manage ill
Mis pris ion, s. a mistake
Mis u sage, s. an ill use
Mo les ter, s. one who disturbs
Mu ta tion, s. change

Nar cis sus, s. a daffodil
Nar ra tion, s. a relation
Nar ra tor, s. a relater
Ne ga tion, s. a denial
No li tion, s. unwillingness
Non sol vent, a. not able to pay
No vem ber, s. the eleventh
month of the year
Nu tri tion, s. nourishment

Ob jec tion, s. an opposition
Ob jec tor, s. one who objects
Ob la tion, s. an offering
Ob lique ly, ad. not directly
Ob nox ious, a. liable to punish-


Ob scure ly, ad. not clearly Ob ser vance, s, attention

Ob struc tion, s. hinderance
Ob struc tive, a. hindering
Ob tru sion, s. the act of ob

Ob tuse ness, s. bluntness
Ob um brate, v a. to shade
Oc ca sion, s. occurrence
Oc clu sion, s. a shutting out
Oc to ber, s. the tenth month
Of fence ful, a. injurious
Of fence less, a. innocent
Of fen sive, a. displeasing
Or gan ick, a. instrumental
Out bra zen, v a. to out do in

Out land ish, a. foreign
Out rage ous, a. violent

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Plum pud ding, s. a pudding

made with plumbs Por ten tous, a, ill boding Pos ses sion, s. having in one's own power

Pos ses sor, s. owner

Pro tec tion, s. a defence
Pro tee tor, s. a defender
Pro trac tion, s. delay

Pro vin cial, a. relating to a province

Pro vi sion, s. a stock

Pre caution, s. preventive mea- Pru den tial, a. prudent


Pre cau tion, v a. to forwarn
Pre ce dence, s. priority
Pre ce dent, a. going before
Pre cep tive, a. containing pre-


Pre cep tor, s. a teacher
Pre cise ly, ad. accurately
Pre ei sion, s. exactness
Pre dic tion, s. prophecy
Pre fer ment, s. advancement
Pre figure, v a. to represent be-
fore hand

Pre pon der, v a. to out weigh
Pre sump tion, s. confidence
Pre ten tion, s. a claim
Pre vail ing, a. predominant
Pro bos cis, s. the trunk of an

Pro ce dure, s. proceeding
Pro ces sion, s. a formal train
Pro con sul, s. a Roman officer
Pro cum bent, a. lying upon
Pro cu rer, s. a pander
Pro duc tion, s. fruit
Pro duc tive, a. fertile
Pro fes sion, s. a calling
Pro fu sion, s. extravagance
Projec tile, a. impelled forward
s. a body put in motion
Pro lif ick, a. fruitful
Pro mo tion, s. advancement
Pro mul gate, v a. to publish
Pro por tion, s. cqual degree,
v a. to adjust by compara-
tive relatica

Pro po sal, s. an offer

Pro rup tion, s. a bursting out,

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Re ces sion, s. retreating
Re ci sion, s, the act of cutting of
Re ci tal, s. repetition

Re cur ence, s. a return
Re dem tion, s. ransom
Re dun dance, s. superfluity
Re dun dant, a. superfluous
Re flec tion, s. censure
Re fresh ment, s. relief
Re gard ful, a. attentive
Re gard less, a. heedless
Rejec tion, s. a casting off [ply
Re join der, s. answer to a re-
Re li gion, s. reverential piety
Re li gions, a. pious
Re lu cent, a. shining
Re luc tant, a. unwilling
Re main der, s. what is left
Re mem ber, va, to bear in

Re miss ness, s. negligence
Ren coun ter, s. a sudden com-


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Re pri sál, s. something seized as a compensation for robbery

Re pub lick, s. a commonwealth
Re pug nance, s. reluctance

pug nant, a. reluctant Re pul sive, a. driving off Re pur chase, v a. to buy again Rescis sion, s. the act of cutting off

Re sem blance, s. likeness
Re sem ble, v a. to compare
Re sist less, a, not resisting
Re spect ful, a. full of outward

Re splen dent, a. bright
Re spon dent, s. one who an-

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Spe cif ick, a. peculiar to the species

Stag na tion, s. cessation of mo


Sto mach ick, a. relating to the stomach

Sub dea con, s. the deacon's


Sub mer sion, s. the act of drowning

Sub mis sive, a. humble Sub rec tor, s. a rector's vicegerent

Sub pa na, s. a writ commanding attendance

Sub scrib er, s. one who subscribes

Sub scrip tion, s. any thing underwritten

Sub trac tion, s. the taking of a part from the whole

Suc ces sion, s. right of inheri


Suc ces sive, a. following in order

Suc cinet ly, ad. briefly
Sure foot éd, a. treading firm-

Sur pass ing, a. excelling
Sur pris ing, a. wonderful
Sur ren der, v a. & n. to yield
Sur rep tion, s. surprise
Sus pen sion, s. interruption

Te ha cious,a. holding fast
Ter rif ick, a. causing terrour
Teu ton ick, a. spoken by the
ancient germans

Thence for ward, ad, from that time

Tor na do, s. a hurricane Tor pe do, s. a fish whose touch benumbs

Torpes cent, a. growing torpið

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Tre men dous, a. dreadful
Tri bujnal, s. the seat of a judge
Tri um phant, a. victorious

Un ci vil, a. impolite
Un clas sick, a. not classiek
Un clois ter, v a. to set at large

from a monastery

Un come ly, ad. not comely
Un court ly, a, inelegant of man-


Un crowd ed, a. not straitened by want of room

Un daunted, a. unsubdued by fear

Un err ing, a. certain

Un fad ing, a. not liable to

Un faith ful, a. perfidious
Un feel ing, a. insensible
Un fer tile, a. unfruitful.
Un friend ly, a. not kind
Un fruit ful, a. not fertile
Un fur nish, v a. to deprive
Un gain ly, a. awkward
Un gard ed, a. careless

Un gen tle, a. harsh, rude
Un gent ly, ad. harshly
Un gra cious, a. unpleasing
Un great ful, a. unthankful
Un hand some, a. ungraceful
Un hap py, a. wretched
Un hope ful, a. leaving no room
to hope

Un hurt ful, a. harmless
Un kind ly, a. unnatural, ad.
without affection

Un know ing, a. ignorant
Un law ful, a. contrary to law
Un learn ed, a. ignorant
Un peo ple, v a. to depopulate
Un plea sant, a. troublesome
Un pli ant, a. not easily bent

Vex a tious a. troublesome
Vi bra tion, s. the act of move-

ing with quick returns

Vice ge rent, s. a lieutenant Vin dic tive, a. given to revenge W "Well wish er, s. one who wishes well

What ev er, pron. any thing When ev er, ad. at whatsoever time

Where ev er, ad at whatsoever place

With stand er, s. an opponent Wrong head ed, a. having a perverse understanding


Words of three Syllables accented upon the third

Ad ver tise, v a. to make pub- Ar ti san, s. professor of an art


C (great guns Ap pre hend, v a, to conceive Can no nade, va to batter with

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