Abbildungen der Seite

many, while more remained the comp. of much" (Herford).

moon-calf (ii. 2. 100), an abortion, a monstrosity, a person or conception influenced by the moon.

mow (ii. 2. 9), make grimaces. F. moue, a mouth, a pouting face. O. Du. mouwe, the protruded underlip in making a grimace.

murrain (iii. 2. 76), a plague. M. E. moreine, allied to O. F. morine, a carcass of a beast< O.F. morir, to die<Lat. mori.

[blocks in formation]

pard (iv. 1. 256), panther.

passion (i. 2. 391; iv. 1. 143), strong emotion of any kind. The word is not confined in E. E. to its modern sense of 'anger', but, like the Lat. passio and Gk. råbos, is used for the 'suffering' of any vehement feeling.

patch (iii. 2. 60), paltry fellow, fool. Probably a nickname derived from the fool's patch-like or motley dress. Cf. Midsummer-Night's Dream, iv. 1. 215: "man is but a patched fool." Wright, however, connects it with Italian pazzo, ‘a fool' or 'idiot'.

pertly (iv. 1. 58), briskly. Pert in M. E. is another form of perk (adj.), smart; but in some cases it is short for apert, as in F. malapert, from Lat. male + apertus,

'too open or ready'. The two words became confused, hence the modern meaning 'forward, impudent'.

pied (iii. 2. 60), parti-coloured. Used of Trinculo because of the motley dress which he wore as jester. <Pie, a magpie, Lat. pica. pioned (iv. 1. 64). See note. Poor-John (ii. 2. 26), hake, salted, and dried.

premises (i. 2. 123), conditions previously made. O.F. premisse, <Lat. praemissa (sententia being understood), 'a condition sent or stated beforehand'.

prevent (i. 2. 350), forestall, and so interfere with. In E.E. the original meaning of the word, 'anticipation', rather than 'interference', is generally predominant. <O.F. prevenir, to come before. prime (i. 2. 72), first, chief. <Lat. primus.

quaint (i. 2. 317), trim, fine, dainty. O. F. coint < Lat. cognitus, 'well-known'. Used originally='knowing', 'prudent'. A. W. Verity quotes in illustration from Hampole's Psalter, Ps. cxix. 98: Aboven myn enmys quaynt thou me made", where the A.V. has wiser. But later F. coint, being wrongly supposed to come from Lat. comptus, 'adorned', got the sense 'trim'. This influenced English 'quaint' which got the same sense, in which it is always used by Shakespeare.

rack (iv. 1. 157). See note.

rate (i. 2. 92; ii. 1. 103), estimation. < Lat. ratus, p. part. of reor, I think, deem.

ronown (v. i. 193), report. M.E. renoun or renommee, F. renommé < Lat. re, again, and nomen, name. roarers (i. 1. 16). See note.

sack (ii. 2. 110), a Spanish white wine. Probably a corruption of

[blocks in formation]


sans (i. 2. 97), without. French word borrowed in fourteenth century, and originally used in French phrases only, e.g. sans doute; but used in E. E. in combination with English words, e.g. As You Like It, ii. 7. 166: “Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything".

scamels (ii. 2. 159). See note. scandal'd (iv. 1. 90), scandalous; pass. form with active meaning.

Lat. scandalum, Gk. exávdaλov, stumbling-block, offence, scandal. signories (i. 2. 71), states of N. Italy, under the government of single princes, originally owing feudal obedience to the Holy Roman Empire. It. signoria, lordship, government < Lat. senior, older, superior.

sot (iii. 2. 88), fool. O.F. sot. Among the equivalents given for this by Cotgrave are: "asse, dunce, dullard, blockhead, loggerhead, groutnoll, iobernoll, grouthead, ioulthead".

stale (iv. 1. 187), a decoy, a snare. <O.E. stalu, theft.

stover (iv. 1. 63). See note. swabber (ii. 2. 44), one who sweeps the deck with a swab or mop. Connected with Dutch, zwabberen, to drudge.

taborer (iii. 2. 145), drummer. A tabor is a small side drum generally associated with the fife. Arabic, tabl, a drum.


tackle (i. 2. 147), ropes. M.E. takel. The suffix -el denotes the

agent; thus takel is that which takes or grasps, from its holding the masts firmly.

teen (i. 2. 64), sorrow. M.E. tene, O.E. teóna, accusation, vexation.

tell (ii. 1. 15), count. <O.E. tellan.

trash (i. 2. 81). See note.

trice (v. 1. 238), a moment. Spanish en un tris; from tris, the noise made by the cracking of glass, a crack, an instant.

troll (iii. 2. 111), roll off the tongue, sing; derivation uncertain. Connected apparently with O.F. troller, which Cotgrave explains by

"hounds to trowle, ravage, or hunt out of order". Skeat therefore defines " 'troll a catch", to sing it irregularly.

try (i. 1. 32). See note.

twilled (iv. 1. 64). See note. twink (iv. 1. 43), the twinkling of an eye. M.E. twinken, to blink, wink.

urchin (i. 2. 326). See note.

vouched (ii. 1. 57), warranted. O.F. voucher, to vouch, cite, pray in aid in a suit. <Lat. vocare, to call upon.

welkin (i. 2. 4), sky, properly a plural word='clouds'. Cf. M.E. welken=O.E. wolcnu, 'clouds', plural of wolcen, 'a cloud'. Cf. Germ. wolke.

wezand (iii. 2. 86), windpipe. O.E. wasend.

whist (i. 2. 378). See note.

yare (i. 1. 6), ready, quick; yarely (i. 1. 3), quickly, nimbly. M.E. zare, O.E. gedro, ready.


a=on, ii. 1. 176.
abuse, v. I. 112.
accidents, v. I. 305.
aches, i. 2. 370.
advance, i. 2. 407.
adventure, ii. I. 178.
after, ii. 2. 10.
again, i. 2. 389.
alone, iv. I. 227.
an, ii. 1. 172

and, i. 2. 186; ii. 2. 15.

as, i. 2. 70.

aspersion, iv. I. 18.
avoid, iv. 1. 142.

azured, v. I. 43.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

engine, ii. 1. 155.
entertainment, i. 2. 464.
envy, i. 2. 258.
estate, iv. 1. 85.
eye, ii. i. 52.

fall, ii. 1. 286.

fated, i. 2. 129.
features, iii. 1. 52.
fellows, ii. i. 264.
filthy-mantled, iv. 1. 182.
footing, iv. I. 138.
foot it featly, i. 2. 379.
for, i. I. 42; i. 2. 232, 272.
forth-rights, iii. 3. 3.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

quality, i. 2. 193.
quickens, iii. 1. 6.

race, i. 2. 358.
rack, iv. I. 157.
recover, ii. 2. 64.
reeling ripe, v. I. 279.
remember, i. 2. 243, 404.
remorse, v. I. 76.
required, v. I. 51.
resolve, v. 1. 248.
revénue, i. 2. 98.
rid, i. 2. 364.
roarers, i. I. 16.
rounded, iv. 1. 158.

sanctimonious, iv. 1. 16.

scamels, ii. 2. 159.
score, v. 1. 174.
securing, ii. I. 300.
sensible, ii. 1. 166.
should, ii. 1. 197.
shroud, ii. 2. 38.
skill-less, iii. I. 53.
sociable, v. 1. 63.
something, i. 2. 413.
sometime, ii. 2. 9.
sort, iv. I. 146.
spiriting, i. 2. 298.
spurs, v. I. 47.
standard, iii. 2. 14.
steaded, i. 2. 165.
still, v. I. 214.
stock-fish, iii. 2. 67.
stomach, i. 2. 157.
stover, iv. I. 63
sty, i. 2. 342.

subtilties, v. I. 124.
sudden, ii. 1. 296.
suffered, ii. 2. 35.
suggestion, ii. 1. 278.
Sycorax, i. 2. 253.

tackle, i. 2. 147.

taken, iv. 1. 190.
tang, ii. 2. 48.
taste, v. I. 123.
tell, ii. 1. 15.
temperance, ii. 1. 41.
tender, ii. 1. 260.
the which, i. 2. 137.
thou 'rt best, i. 2. 366.
time, ii. I. 132.

to, ii. 1. 70.
trash, i. 2. 81.
try, i. I. 32.
twilled, iv. 1. 64.

undergoing, i. 2. 157.
unmitigable, i. 2. 276.
up-staring, i. 2. 213.
urchins, i. 2. 326.
urchin shows, ii. 2. 5.

vanity, iv. 1. 41.
vast, i. 2. 327.

waist, i. 2. 197.
ways, ii. 2. 76.
weather-fends, v. 1. 10.
weighed, ii. 1. 124.
what, iii. 1. 71.
when, i. 2. 316.
while-ere, iii. 2. 112.
whist, i. 2. 377.
who, i. 2. 7.
wicked, i. 2. 321.
windring, iv. I. 128. Į
wink, ii. 1. 232.

wonder'd, iv. I. 123.

worm, iii. 1. 31.
would, ii. 1. 174.
wound, ii. 2. 13.

yarely, i. I. 3.
your, ii. 2. 56.

zenith, i. 2. 181,

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