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General Introductory Report of the Bureau,


History and Pharmacology of Papaya Vulgaris, E. M. HALE, M.D.
Schema of the Provings of Papaya Vulgaris,
Provings of Viburnum Opulus,


Schema of the Provings of Viburnum Opulus,
Clinical Experience with Viburnum Opulus,
Schema of the Provings of Caladium Seguinum, A. C. COWPERTHWAITE, M.D.

Fragmentary Observations on the Report of the

Bureau of Materia Medica, Pharmacy and

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Soon after the appointment of the Bureau of Materia Medica, Pharmacy and Provings, the chairman undertook, by correspondence with the several members of the bureau, to establish a plan of work for the coming year. It was generally desired that we should undertake the proving of one or more remedies, but opinions were so diverse as to the drugs which should be selected for this purpose, that the chairman called a meeting of part of the bureau at Chicago, in order that a more satisfactory consultation might be had. At this meeting, after a full consideration of the question, the following plan was adopted:

The bureau will pursue a systematic study of the following named drugs: Caladium Seguinum, Papaya Vulgaris, and Viburnum Opulus.

These drugs will be studied with special relation to their (1) History, (2) Pharmacology, (8) Toxicology, (4) Provings, (5) Mode of Action, (6) Clinical Application.

To facilitate the work of provings, each drug will be placed in the hands of a sub-committee, under whose direction the provings of that drug will be conducted. These sub-committees are constituted as follows:

Caladium Seguinum-E. A. Farrington, M.D., T. F. Allen, M.D., A. C. Cowperthwaite, M.D.

Papaya Vulgaris-E. M. Hale, M.D., W. H. Leonard, M.D., J. Heber Smith, M.D., L. D. Morse, M.D.

Viburnum Opulus-W. J. Hawkes, M D., O. S. Wood, M.D., with the invited co-operation of Prof. H. C. Allen, M.D., of Michigan University.

In addition to these committees, Miss Kate Parsons, M D., has been selected to obtain provings of each of the above named drugs upon women.

Special papers, relating to the drugs proven, will be presented for discussion, as follows:

History and Pharmacology-E. M. Hale, M D., and J. Heber Smith, M.D.
Toxicology-L. D. Morse, M.D., and O. S. Wood, M.D.
Critical Examination of Provings-T. F. Allen, M.D.
Differential Diagnosis-E. A. Farrington, M.D.

Arrangement of Schema-A. C. Cowperthwaite, M.D.

Mode of Action-Pathogenetic and Therapeutic-Wm. Owens, M.D., and W. J. Hawkes, M.D.

Primary and Secondary Action, and Action on Genito-Urinary System-W. H. Leonard, M.D., and E. M. Hale, M.D.

Action on Female Generative System-Kate Parsons, M.D.

A circular setting forth this plan was prepared and forwarded to each member of the bureau, and after receiving their endorsement, was given to the profession, who were urged to participate in the work of proving these drugs.

I then wrote Rev. E. E. Reinke, of the island of Jamaica, who kindly furnished me a full supply of the fresh bark and leaves of both Caladium and Papaya, and these I forwarded to members of the bureau and to such others as signified their willingness to assist in the provings, together with instructions as to the proper method of preparing the tincture. This occupied until November, during which month the work of proving began.

In the provings of Caladium, Dr. E. A. Farrington had charge of twenty-five provers, but from these he only obtained six provings which he considered worthy to enter into our report. Dr. T. F. Allen obtained several provings, but, in some manner, the day books were lost, and the result of these provings does not enter into our report. I personally conducted seventy provings of Caladium, made mostly by medical students, the work extending from November 1, 1880, to March 1, 1881. I first caused twenty provers to take the 30 dec. dil. Of these only three reported symptoms. I next caused fifteen provers to take the 6 dec. dil., and, at the same time, fifteen other provers to take 3 dec. dil. Of the former, nine reported effects, and of the latter only seven reported.

I then instituted provings with the mother tincture; twenty provers taking doses ranging from ten to one thousand drops, but obtaining no effects whatever, not a single symptom having been elicited.

As regards Papaya, Dr. E. M. Hale instituted twenty provings, but notwithstanding his efforts no symptoms were elicited. Dr. W. H. Leonard was more successful and has supplied us with five excellent provings of this drug. Dr. L. D. Morse conducted one proving without results. He also instituted a series of experiments on dogs, for the purpose of ascertaining the toxicological effects of the drug. He reports as follows: "I prepared the tincture according to the directions you sent, and then had it administered to large and small dogs, both by the stomach and hypodermically. The most careful watching of the animals for hours after failed to bring forth any tangible symptoms. The largest dose given was one ounce of the strong tincture, out of which a great part of the alcohol had been carefully evaporated."

Viburnum has been more prolific in results. Dr. W. J. Hawkes has furnished us several excellent provings, and the provings furnished by Dr. H. C. Allen are valuable acquisitions to our Materia Medica.

Dr. Kate Parsons instituted provings of each of the drugs upon women, using both dilutions and mother tincture. She obtained no results whatever in Caladium and Papaya, except three provers of the latter had a dull frontal headache, and only elicited a single reliable symptom from Viburnum, viz.: "Menstruation anticipated three days."

I received requests from several parties, not connected with the bureau, that I should send them preparations of Papaya, that they might assist in the work of proving the same. In each instance I responded, but as yet have never heard from any of these parties a second time.

Thus it may be seen that this bureau have faithfully striven to perform their duty in an acceptable manner. They have endeavored to enrich our Materia Medica from sources which promised much, but which have yielded little. Not that a huge mass of symptoms was to be desired, but we had hoped to present some strong out

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