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The next business in order is the report of the Committee on Railroad Fare, C. H. Vilas, M.D., Chicago.

DR. VILAS: Mr. President: As the Committee on Railroad Fare, I have only to report that a fair reduction from the regular rates was secured this year from western points. I wish to add that, while I was the only one appointed on the committee, Dr. Cowperthwaite, of Iowa City, aided me very largely in securing reduced rates over the Baltimore and Ohio road.

DR. J. J. YOULIN moved that the report be accepted and the thanks of the Institute be extended to the committee.

The motion was seconded and carried.

DR. J. P. DAKE moved that a Committee on Railroad Fares be appointed by the President for the coming year.

The motion was seconded and agreed to.

THE PRESIDENT: The Committee on Railroad Fares for the ensuing year will be Drs. A. C. Cowperthwaite, C. H. Vilas and N. R. Morse.

We will now listen to the report of the Committee of Arrangements for the International Convention of Homœopathy, to be held in London next month, Dr. I. T. Talbot chairman.

REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION, TO BE HELD IN LONDON, JULY 11, 1881. Your committee, soon after their appointment, solicited information from those intending to go to the Convention and entered into correspondence with the managing committee in London, and endeavored to secure such information as was desirable for the members.

In January of the present year they sought information as to the best arrangements that could be made for the trip. They found that owing to the large number of passengers at the time it would be necessary to sail, the latter part of June, it would be difficult to obtain any great reduction in fares or secure extra accommodations. Moreover the different members chose different lines of steamers, and few were willing to pledge themselves to go so long beforehand. Under such circumstances, the committee felt that all they could do was to get information and lowest terms from all the lines, which they accordingly did, and sent it in a circular to the members of the Institute, soliciting replies from them.

So far as the committee have been able to ascertain, the following physicians purpose to attend the Convention, and sail as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Dr. C. A. Bacon, of New York, and Dr. M. Preston and wife, of Norristown, Pa., have already sailed and may attend the Convention.

The following have proposed to attend, but no definite information in relation to their sailing has been received by the committee: Dr. G. E. Belcher, New York; Dr. L. E. Cross, Stockton, Cal.; Dr. W. H. Randel, Albany, N. Y.; Richard Lewis, Philadelphia.

There are undoubtedly others who intend to go, and from present indications there will be about thirty delegates to represent the Institute in the International Convention.

Respectfully submitted.

B. W. JAMES, M.D.,


On motion, the report was received and referred to the Committee of Publication.

THE PRESIDENT: The next thing in order will be the consideration of miscellaneous business.

DR. A. C. CowPERTHWAITE: Mr. President: I beg leave to offer the following resolution:

Resolved, That hereafter the sectional meetings of bureaus be abolished, and that it shall be the duty of the members of bureaus to have their papers in the hands of the respective chairmen of the same at least two months prior to the meeting of the Institute. It shall then be the duty of the chairman of each bureau to prepare, or cause to be prepared, synopses of these papers to be read before the Institute for discussion, the original papers to be referred to the Publication Committee.

The resolution was seconded by Dr. B. W. James, and adopted by a unanimous vote.

DR. J. J. YOULIN moved that the resolution passed last year providing for sectional meetings of the various bureaus be rescinded.

The motion was seconded by Dr. S. R. Beckwith, and carried. THE PRESIDENT: We are now prepared to hear the remaining reports of bureaus; the first in order of time to-day is the Bureau of Surgery, H. F. Biggar, M.D., Cleveland, O., chairman.

H. F. BIGGAR, M.D.: Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: As chairman of the Bureau of Surgery, I have the honor to report, by title, the following papers:

Blood Poison, by S. R. Beckwith, M.D., Cincinnati, 0.

Rotary Lateral Curvature of the Spine, by J. H. McClelland, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa.

*Constitutional Disturbances, by L. H. Willard, M.D., Allegheny, Pa.

Perinæorraphy, by I. T. Talbot, M.D., Boston, Mass.

Stricture of the Esophagus, by D. W. Hartshorn, M.D., Cincinnati, O.

Varicocele, by J. G. Gilchrist, M.D., Detroit, Mich.

*Supra-Pubic Lithotomy, by Wm. Tod Helmuth, M.D., New York city.

Improvement in the Treatment of Fracture of the Neck of the Femur in the Aged and Feeble, by John E. James, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa.

*Amputations, by G. J. Jones, M.D., Cleveland, O.

* Papers marked with an asterisk have not been received by the General Secretary.

Spinal Abscesses, by H. F. Biggar, M.D., Cleveland, O.

On motion of Dr. Youlin, the papers of the Bureau of Surgery were accepted, and referred to the sectional meeting of the bureau for discussion.

THE PRESIDENT: I will appoint as the chairman of the Bureau of Surgery, A. R. Thomas, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa.

DR. F. R. MCMANUS submitted a supplementary report of the Board of Censors, which was accepted, and the candidates recommended elected to membership. (See complete report of the Board of Censors.)

THE PRESIDENT: The next business in order is the report of the


J. EDWARDS SMITH, M.D., chairman, reported the following papers:

Pseudo-Membrane; Especially the Diphtheritic, by W. H. Winslow, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Cancer and its Diagnosis, by J. Edwards Smith, M.D., Cleveland, O.

On motion, the papers were received and referred to the sectional meeting of the bureau for discussion.

THE PRESIDENT: I will appoint J. Edwards Smith, M.D., of Cleveland, O., chairman of the Bureau of Microscopy and Histology for the ensuing year. We will now listen to the report of the


WM. VON GOTTSCHALCK, M.D., chairman, submitted the following papers, by title:

Medical and Surgical Surface Marks of the Abdomen, by Ambrose S. Everett, M.D., Denver, Col.

Analogy of the Eye and Ear, by W. H. Winslow, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa.

A Contribution to the Physiology of Catamenia, by Wm. von Gottschalck, M.D., Providence, R. I.

On motion, the report was received and referred to sectional bureau meeting for discussion.

THE PRESIDENT: I will appoint as the chairman of the Bureau

of Anatomy and Physiology for the coming year, Dr. William von Gottschalck, of Providence, R. I.

On motion of Dr. N. R. Morse, that we now proceed to the election of officers for the year 1882, it was agreed to.

THE PRESIDENT appointed Drs. I. T. Talbot, of Boston, Mass., and L. S. Ordway, of Hot Springs, Ark., tellers. The balloting resulted as follows:


WM. L. BREYFOGLE, M.D., Louisville, Ky.


BUSHROD W. JAMES, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa.
General Secretary,

J. C. BURGHER, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa.

Provisional Secretary,

J. C. GUERNSEY, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa.


E. M. KELLOGG, M.D., New York city.
Board of Censors,

F. R. MCMANUS, M.D., Baltimore, Md., chairman,
MILLIE J. CHAPMAN, M.D., Pittsburgh, Pa.
L. S. ORDWAY, M.D., Hot Springs, Ark.

E. READING, M.D., Hatborough, Pa.

R. B. RUSH, M.D., Salem, O.

THE PRESIDENT: The Institute will now proceed to the selection of the place of the next meeting.

The following named places were proposed as advantageous points for holding the thirty-fifth session of the Institute: Lake Chautauqua, N. Y.; Washington, D. C.; Richmond, Va., and Omaha, Neb., and their claims to consideration advocated. The place selected for holding the next meeting was Richmond, Va. The time fixed for holding the next meeting is the first Tuesday in June, 1882.

On motion of Dr. Spalding, the Institute adjourned to meet in general session Friday morning at 10 o'clock.

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