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firft feems derived from the Sanferit Prachinvau, generally pronounced Prachinbau, from which the Greeks made Spartembau in the accufative cafe; the two others are undubitably Sanfcrit, though much diftorted, but I fufpect them to be titles, rather than proper names.

III. This would be a proper place to mention the pofterity of Noah or Satyavrata, under the names of Sharma or Shama (for both are ufed,) Charma and Jyapti. They are mentioned in five or fix puránas, but no farther particulars concerning them are related, befides what is found in a former effay on Egypt. In the lift of the thousand names of Vishnu, a fort of Litany, which Brahmens are obliged to repeat on certain days, Vishnu is called Sharma, becaufe, according to the learned, Sharma or Shama, was an incarnation of that deity. In a lift of the thousand names of Siva, as extracted from the Padma-purána, the 371ft name is Shama-Jaya, which is in the fourth cafe, anfwering to our dative, the word praife being underftood: Praife to Sharmaja, or to him who was incarnated in the houfe of Sharma.

The 998th name is Sharma-putradaya, in the fourth cafe alfo, praife to him who gave offspring to Sharma. My learned friends here inform me, that it is declared in fome of the puránas, that Sharma, having no children, applied to Siva, and made Tapafya, to his honour. Ifwara was fo pleafed, that he granted his requeft and condefcended to be incarnated in the womb of Sharma's wife, and was born a fon of Sharma, under the name of Baleswara, or Ifwara the infant. Baleswara, or fimply Ifwara, we mentioned in a former eflay on Semiramis; and he is obviously the Affur of Scripture.


In another lift of the thousand names of SIVA (for there are five or fix of them extracted from fo many puránas) we read, as one of his names, BALESA ISA or IswA'RA the infant. In the fame lift SIVA is said to be VARAHI-PALACA, or he who foflered and cherifhed VARAHI, the confort of VISHNU, who was incarnated in the character of SHARMA. From the above paffages the learned here believe that SIVA, in a huinan fhape, was legally appointed to raife feed to SHARMA during an illness thought incurable. In this fenfe JAPHET certainly dwelt in the tents of SHEM. My chief pandit has repeatedly, and moft pofitively, affured me, that the pofterity of SHARMA to the tenth or twelfth generation, is mentioned in fome of the puránus. His fearch after it has hitherto proved fruitlefs, but it is true, that we have been able to procure only a few fections of fome of the more fcarce and valuable puránas. The field is immenfe, and the powers of a single individual too limited.

V. The ancient ftatues of the gods having been deftroyed by the Muffulmans, except a few which were concealed during the various perfecutions of thefe unmerciful zealots, others have been erected occafionally, but they are generally reprefented in a modern drefs. The ftatue of Bala-Rama at Mutra has very little refemblance to the Theban Hercules, and, of course, does not anfwer exactly to the defcription of Megafthenes. There is, however, a very ancient ftatue of Bala-Rama at a place called Baladeva, or Baldeo in the vulgar dialects, which anfwers minutely to his defcription. It was vifited fome years ago by the late Lieutenant STEWART, and I shall defcribe it in his own words: " Bala-Rama or Bala-deva is reprefented there with a ploughfhare in his left hand, with which he hooked his enemies, and in his right hand a thick cudgel, with which he cleft their fculls; his fhoulders are covered with the skin of a tyger. The village of Baldeo is thirteen miles E. by S. from Muttra."


Here I fhall obferve, that the ploughfhare is always reprefented very fmall 1ometimes omitted; and that it looks exactly like a harpoon, with a ftrong hook, or a gaff, as it is ufually called by fifhermen. My pandits inform me alfo, that Bala-Rama is fometimes reprefented with his fhoulders covered 'with the fkin of a lion.


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N the Adhuta-cofa we find the following legends, which have an obvious relation to the Deities worfhipped in the myfteries of Samothrace.

In Patala (or the infernal regions) refides the fovereign queen of the Nagas (large fnakes or dragons :) fhe is beautiful, and her name is ASYORUCA. There, in a cave, fhe performed Tapafya with fuch rigorous aufterity, that fire fprang from her body, and formed numerous agni-tiraths (places of facred fire) in Patala. Thefe fires, forcing their way through the earth, waters, and mountains, formed various openings or mouths, called from thence the flaming mouths, or juálá-muc'hi. By SAMUDR (OCEANUS) a daughter was born unto her called RAMA-DEʼVÍ. She is moft beautiful; fhe is LACSHMI; and her name is A's YO'TCERSHA' or A's YO'TCRISHTA. Like a jewel the remains concealed in the ocean.

The DHARMA-RAJA, or King of Juftice, has two countenances; one is mild and full of benevolence; thofe alone who abound with virtue, fee it. He holds a court of juftice, where are many af fiftants, among whom are many juft and pious kings CHITRAGUPTA acts as chief fecretary. These holy inen determine what is dharma and adharma, juft and unjuft. His (Dharma rajas) ferVOL. V.



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