Abbildungen der Seite

Could I with faithful pencil trace
That graceful mein, that lovely face,
Those eyes which shed celestial rays,

A thousand bards would claim the praise.
Of Devon, all the tuneful Nine

Have fung, in ftrains, like her divine.
Or preft by gratitude, fuppofe

I praise a mind that conftant glows
With all that's wife, that's great, and good,
The real wealth of noble blood;

Where can a nobler current glide,
Spencer, and Marlb'rough feeds the tide,
And Poynts, who taught the way to fame;
And ftampt with science William's name.
The nations with one voice would say,
Thus I praise Devon every day.
What shall I do, or how impart
Feelings, which overflow my heart;
The grateful trembler fain would speak,
The spring is warm, but words are weak.
What praise to her shall mortal give,
Who, like an angel, bids me live;
She, who like heaven o'er my head,
Her beams upon the evening fhed
Of a long day; whofe ftorms, alș,
Oft fhook the fand within my glass.
Yet still be mine to praise the morn

That fees another Devon born;
Where, as within an infant rose,

A matchless mother's beauty glows;

Mr. Poynts was preceptor to the late Duke of Cumberland, and father to the Countess Dowager of Spencer.






Or a young Marlborough, in whose eye,

His great forfather's flame I spy.
Heroes and statesmen are the fruit,
That spring from fuch a noble root.
Thus time for many an age shall trace
The blooming wonders of that face;
And unborn heroes fpring from thee,
Their country's guardian, God's to be.

I thought to have concluded with the foregoing lines, and with tolerable chearfulness; but that fickle dame I just now mentioned, will not suffer me to do so. I am unhappily forced to add, that the attorney who undertook, with Mr. Batten, the joint friendly bill before the Barons of Exchequer, in order to obtain permiffion for Mr. Woodward to fell out the ftock his brother had left him, has fent me in his bill, which amounts to forty three pounds thirteen fhillings, and one penny. What I fhall do I know not. If he has not lenity, the Lord have mercy upon me. But as he is a generous and opulent man, I hope he will give me time; more particularly, as he must feel the deception that occafioned our ill fuccefs.

G. A. B.


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