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round, and throwing his strained and wandering eye in every direction.

"It was I who repeated the name you announced to me, Mr. O'Leary," said the Commodore, in an altered and careless tone.

"Was it your honor?" resumed O'Leary, after a pause, and a deep inspiration. "I thought it sounded like a voice I sometimes hear close in my ear, Sir, when I am alone in the mountains.. They tell me 'tis my fetch;* but I have heard it these twenty years, and am to the fore still-its no fetch," he added with a deep sigh: "its only an ould remembrance."

His head sunk upon his breast, and they proceeded in silence to the edge of the glen. It terminated abruptly in a sloping surface of rich and mossy turf,

* It is a common superstition in Ireland to be. lieye that a mysterious voice heard in lonely places gives notice of approaching death-it is called a fetch.

beyond which the sea-bathed track of land, called the Peninsula of Dunore, spread at the mountain's foot, extending to the ocean, undulating with green slopes, intermingled with rocky elevations, and combining many views of maritime and inland scenery, eminently beautiful and romantic. descent, however, was so steep, and so difficult from its smoothness, that the travellers alighted and led their horses.


"There forenent you lieth Dunore, as it is called now," said O'Leary, with emphasis; one of the tongues of land on the coast of Munster, so named by one Mr. Camden, a Saxon churl. But its true and ancient name is DANGANNY-CARTHY, the fastness of the Macarthies, the kings of the country round, of the Coriandri and the Desmondii, and blood relations to the Tyrian Hercules, every mother's son of them."

"Indeed! that is an illustrious descent!"

"Troth, and deed: for was not Ma lech-Cartha, the King of Tyre, says ould Bochart, which manes Malachi Macarthy; that's plain, I believe, any how: and defies Geraldus Cambrensis, Dr. Ledwich, and Sir Richard Musgrave, with ould Saxo Grammaticus to boot, to deny that: and would have been kings of Desmond to this very hour, if right was afore might, and only for the enticing bates of the English to entrap them in their policies, their plots, and their complots-their playing fast and loose, their English earldoms and Eng lish patents, their grantees, and protectees, and governorships, until the Macarthies degendered with the rest, from their ancestors, and never rose to great power from that day forth-that's Florence Macarthy I mane, the FOGH-NA-GALL, the Englishman's hate,* elected to the style and authority of Macarthy More, 1599, even after he descended to be

* The foe of the stranger.

made Earl Clancare, anno 1565, Elizab.

reginæ six."

"Florence?" said the Commodore, dwelling with a peculiar expression on the name. "Florence then is a name given both to the males and females of this illustrious family?"

"It is, plaze your honor, and comes from the Spanish name Florianus, which the Macarthies brought with them on their way from Scythia, as also the O'SULLIVAN BEARS."

"It is an Italian name also; and one Florianus del Campo has, I believe, written on this country," said the Commodore.

"He has, Sir, belied the land, like the rest of them," replied O'Leary.

"The Macarthies followed the fortunes of the house of Stuart, I believe, Mr. O'Leary; at least I have some where read so."

'They did, Sir, to their great moan. Of all the regiments after the surrender

of Condé, Macarthy's alone refused entering the Spanish service, till their colonel got his dismissal in France, from the ra'al King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland."

"They have, however, since distinguished themselves in the service of Spain; and even in the popular cause of South America."


They have, Sir, and every where but at home, God help'em, for a raison they have."

"Do any of the family now remain in this county?"

"None at all," said O'Leary; and then, after a pause, added, "barring the BHAN TIERNA, who isn't in it at this present."

"Ha! I have heard that epithet, accompanied by blessings in the mountains of the Galties: to whom does it belong?"

"To whom does it belong, is itwhy, to whom should it, but to the grate ould ancient Countess of Clancare,

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