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tainly bear in mind when they proceed that the right hon. Gentleman had now to take this matter into their considera- made himself master of it, and would tion. But my right hon. Friend has be able to answer his Question. The stated no more than the truth when he subject was one of great importance to says that we should run a risk of doing the administration of justice in Ireland, mischief instead of good if we were to especially in the province of Ulster, place the adoption of the principle of in- where he was sorry to say strong party discriminate open competition before and religious feelings prevailed. At the that which is an indispensable prelimi- last Assizes for Monaghan there were nary-namely, a thorough re-organiza- several trials arising out of the disturbtion of the Civil Service, with a view to ances which took place on the 13th of a division being made between the July. Among these trials there were merely mechanical and the intellectual those of an Orangeman named Baird, work. And inasmuch as the Government his son, and another party, who were do not wish to subsist upon promises charged with the murder of a man to the House, but rather upon labour in named Hughes, who was a Roman Caa practical form, we cannot undertake tholic. Indictments were also found to concur in any votes that would for against a large number of Roman Caour part end in promises only. We trust tholics and against seventeen or eighteen the House will give us a reasonable Protestants, for riots and assaults arising time to see whether we are or are not out of the same transactions that led to disposed to act upon the principle we the murder; and there were also inforhave previously announced. It is fortu- mations taken against a number of pernate that the Motion of the hon. Mem- sons for violating the Party Processions ber is not a distinct Motion, but an Act, but these were not brought to trial. Amendment to the Motion that you, Sir, Also, at the same Assizes, a man named do leave the Chair. We shall, there- M'Kenna, a Roman Catholic, was tried fore, without giving any opinion adverse for the murder, in November last, of one to the terms of the hon. Member's Mo- Clark, a Protestant; but this occurred tion, although we regard it as being too in a hotel, and not during a riot. Now, wide, vote that the House resolve itself he had to inform the House that, in the into Committee of Supply in order that year 1866, also at these Assizes of Monawe may take the Vote for the Miscel-ghan, an Orangeman named Gray, who laneous Services, which the public interest requires.


The House divided:-Ayes 281; Noes 30: Majority 251.



bore rather a notorious character in Ulster, was tried for the murder of a Catholic named Shevlin, who was shot

Question put, "That the words proposed to be left out stand part of the at the election of 1865, and four witnesses swore that it was Gray who fired the fatal shot. But he was acquitted. He was defended by an able and learned Gentleman, who was then an eminent Member of this House - the present Chief Justice of the Queen's Bench in Ireland. On Gray's trial not one of the twelve jurymen was a Roman Catholic. A Mr. Crawford was foreman of the jury. Some strong articles were written on Gray's acquittal in the English journals, and the subject was brought under discussion in that House, the present Attorney General for Ireland declaring that Shevlin's life was wantonly taken without provocation, and that his death was as clear a murder as ever was committed. The panel from which the jury was taken by which Gray was acquitted consisted of 300, a larger number than was ever before known in Monaghan. But among them there were only sixtyseven Roman Catholics. The population of Monaghan consisted of 90,000 Roman

MR. DOWNING said, he rose to call the attention of the House to the proceedings in the criminal trials of "The Queen against Baird," "The Queen against M'Kenna," and "The Queen against Sheridan and Others,' ," in the course of which, on a challenge to the array, the jury panel was quashed, on the ground, among others, that the said panel had been partially and improperly arrayed by the sheriff of said county; and to ask questions in reference thereto of the Attorney General for Ireland. He had already postponed this matter at the request of the Attorney General for Ireland, who wished to be further informed on the subject, and he hoped

Catholics, and 30,000 of all other deno- | tholics who were tried before Mr. Justice minations, or three Roman Catholics to Lawson were convicted of an assault, one Protestant. The panel was four not of a riot. One of them was senProtestants to one Roman Catholic. The tenced to two years' imprisonment with manipulation of that jury, and of the hard labour. Two others were sentenced jury which tried the case in the last to eighteen months' imprisonment, and Assizes, was so self-evident, that he the four women were sentenced to twelve thought the House would agree with months' imprisonment with hard lahim that the jury system in Ireland re- bour. In the other Court two persons quired amendment. Out of the first were tried for the murder of Hughes, forty-eight names on the panel that tried and they were acquitted. There were Gray, who was an Orangeman, only two twelve Orangemen and not a single were Roman Catholics. Out of the first Roman Catholic on that jury. On sixty-nine names only three were Roman that trial a policeman named MacCatholics; but then to show the libe- donald stated that he did not try to break rality of the sheriff, in the next forty-into the house, because he might have eight names there were sixteen Roman been shot himself, but he went to the back Catholics. It was, of course, intended, and was sure to be the case, that the jury who tried Gray were taken from the first forty-eight names. The sheriff of this year took a most active part in the election at which Shevlin lost his life, though, in 1838, he had been dismissed from the magistracy on account of partiality. At the trial a person of the name of Mitchell was sub-sheriff. Now it was worth stating that up to 1862 or 1863 Orangeism was not known in Monaghan, and the people lived together on the best of terms; but at that period the Rev. Dr. Bayley was appointed to the rectory of Monaghan, and an Orange lodge was established, of which he believed Dr. Bayley was the chaplain. On the 1st of July last year an Orange flag was hoisted on the steeple of the church-which he (Mr. Downing) thought was a desecration of the House of God-and this flag remained flying till the 12th. The 12th was a Sunday, but on the 13th, which was a fair day, a band of Orangemen marched into the town with drums and banners, and it was quite clear that a collision was inevitable. A collision did take place. The Orangemen entered the Orange Hall and Baird's house, where they had arms, and commenced firing on the crowd, and Hughes, an innocent man who was standing in the street, was shot. After that an assault was made by some of the Roman Catholic party on a man named Wilson. For that assault seven persons were indicted, and among them four women. A large number of Catholics were indicted for riot, and seventeen Orangemen were indicted, and were to be tried at the same Assizes, at which Judges Lawson and Morris presided, for whom he entertained personal esteem. The seven Ca

of Baird's house and asked them to stop the firing. He did not go into the house to see who was firing, for soon after the man was shot the firing ceased. At the opening of the Assizes the Judge charged the grand jury, and stated, that he could not understand how, in a proclaimed district, men carried arms who had no licenses, and that the administration of justice in that way was defective. M'Kenna was put on his trial the next day. He was defended by two very able barristers. Mr. Butt put in a challenge to the array on five issues. Four of them were traversed by the Crown. One was admitted that the subsheriff was an Orangeman. The issue that went to the jury was this-Did the sheriff, in contravention of his duty, to which he was sworn, act as a partizan? The jury found that he did, and the consequence was that the panel was quashed. That was the conduct of the sheriff of Monaghan, and he would state to the House the consequences arising from that finding. In charging the jury the Judge said that it was no matter whether the sheriff or sub-sheriff was an Orangeman, for that was no disqualification. In point of law that might be correct, but he recollected many magistrates having been removed from the Commission of the Peace because they had declared themselves Repealers. When Mr. Roche, the father of Lord Fermoy, was appointed sheriff of Cork, an objection was raised in the Dublin Mail that he was a Repealer, in consequence of which the Lord Lieutenant wrote to that gentleman inquiring if he was. Mr. Roche, as every high-minded man, declined giving a reply to the question, although he was no Repealer, and the consequence was that he was

not appointed to the office. He did not | questions he would ask the Attorney think the Government ought to allow an General for Ireland was, whether that Orangeman to fill the high and import- sheriff still retained his office; and, if ant office of sheriff, because to be an so, whether it was the intention of the Orangeman was to be a partizan. On Lord Lieutenant to supersede him. It the trial of M'Kenna's case the panel was not surprising when such proceedconsisted of 250 persons. In the jurors' ings took place that a want of confidence book, there were 1,200 names in round was felt in the administration of the numbers, 400 of them being Roman law in Ireland, and that men occasionally Catholics, showing a proportion of two took the law into their own hands. At Protestants to one Catholic. Out of the late trials, on the 5th of March, the first seventy names on the panel Mr. Riley, who defended the prisoners, there were only seven Catholics, and of wrote to the high sheriff, asking him these three were ineligible; so that there to ensure a fair proportion of the priwere only four Catholics left. Such was soners' co-religionists on the panel. The the state of the panel when import- reply of the high sheriff was that he ant cases involving party and religious intended making no alteration in the considerations were about to be tried. panel, except by adding some fifty jurors Although there were sixty magistrates to the long panel, thus making it 250 in the county of Monaghan, not one of of those forty-nine were Protestants. them was put on the panel until a demand was made by the attorney for the prisoners, and then one was placed on the panel. He was aware that the sheriff did not take an active part in framing the panel, but he was responsible to the Crown and was sworn to act fairly between party and party. In 1864 Mr. Riley, who was a Catholic, had the arrangement of the panel, and he returned 200 names, forty-eight of them being Catholics, and 152 Protestants. In 1865, Mr. Mitchell, the sub-sheriff at the last Assizes, admitted that he took the panel of 1864, and altered it, for he appointed 200, of whom forty-one were Catholics and 159 Protestants. But it was not so much the small proportion of Catholics as the position assigned to them on the list, which made it almost impossible for them to serve on the jury; for the prisoner could only challenge twenty peremptorily, and in the first sixty-seven names, there were only three Catholics. In 1867, the same principle was carried out. When M'Kenna was placed in the dock the finding to which he (Mr. Downing) had referred took place. On the next day, when he was again placed in the dock, Mr. Justice Morris stated that the panel had been quashed. That panel was admitted to be one affecting every case, and the consequence was that 100 Catholics and thirteen Protestants were set at liberty on entering into their own recognizances, and yet the jury taken from that panel convicted the seven Catholics who were now undergoing their sentences. That was all owing to the conduct of the sheriff. And one of the

A similar letter was written by Mr. Riley to the sub-sheriff, who added fifty names to the panel, but forty-nine of them were Protestants, and only one was a Catholic, thus aggravating the case to a considerable extent. Mr. Riley then wrote to the Lord Lieutenant, who replied that it was a matter in which he could not interfere. The result was that the trial proceeded, with the consequences which he had described. The case reminded one of the declaration of Lord Denman-a name that will be ever revered, not so much from his professional knowledge, great as it was, as for his high sense of justice and unbending independence-in relation to the O'Connell trial. He feared that, to use his words, trial by jury in Monaghan had been nothing but a mockery, a delusion, and a snare. The jurors' book was made out and returned by parochial constables who were appointed by grand juries. In the county of Cork, out of thirty collectors, not one was a Roman Catholic. Several hon. Members had on former occasions attempted to induce Parliament to alter the present mode of selecting juries in Ireland, and he wished to ask the Attorney General whether he intended to bring in a Bill for this purpose? The other question he had to ask was, whether the jury panel having been quashed for partiality, it was intended by the Secretary for Ireland to recommend a free pardon to the seven persons who were convicted before Mr. Justice Lawson and sentenced to many months' imprisonment? He should be glad to know, moreover, whether the Attorney

General would so alter the present sys- The hon. Member (Mr. Downing) gave tem as that jurymen should be selected notice of his intention to ask certain in criminal as well as in civil cases by Questions as to what occurred upon a ballot? The sub-sheriff for Monaghan trial at which he (the Attorney General admitted that he had been an Orange- for Ireland) was not present, and he man for many years, and that he knew had accordingly asked that the matter a great many Orangemen. He stated, should be postponed in order to enable however, that he could not tell how him to become acquainted with what many Orangemen were on the panel- had occurred at Monaghan. In Ireland, whether there were as few as ten or as where confidence in the administration many as 100. The high sheriff on his of the law was everything, it was most part denied that he was an Orangeman, important that the administration of but admitted that he did subscribe a trial by jury should be above suspicion. few shillings to give the Orangemen It appeared that two men, Baird and something to drink-a very unfortunate M'Kenna, were to be tried at the last thing for a high sheriff to do. He held Assizes, and if the charges against them in his hand a document under the hand were true the lives of both were in of the clerk at petty sessions certifying jeopardy. Baird was charged with against twelve Orangemen, but no step shooting a man named Hughes in the whatever had been taken to bring them street, by firing from a window, and to trial. The people of Ireland would M'Kenna was charged with shooting watch with great anxiety the answer of the hon. and learned Gentleman to the appeal now made to him, and he hoped that answer would be such as to give satisfaction.

VISCOUNT CRICHTON said, it was only justice to the Rev. Mr. Bayley to state that he had been curate for ten years in the parish next his own, and that during that time no Orange flags had ever floated from his church. Mr. Bayley, on the contrary, had always discouraged any displays of this kind, and had incurred the displeasure of some of his parishioners in consequence.

COLONEL STUART KNOX said, this was not a question of putting people on the jury panel for their religion, but for their fitness. He protested against any comparison between the Orangemen and the Repealers of thirty or forty years ago.

The latter were rebels, but the Orangemen were loyal men, who had combined, and would combine, together to support the Queen and the Constitution under which they lived. The subsheriff said he did not know how many Orangemen were on the panel, and that was the best proof of his impartiality. Orangemen, being loyal men, had as much right to be upon the jury panel as any other persons.

THE ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR IRELAND (Mr. SULLIVAN) said, that the matter to which his attention had been called was one of the gravest importance. It was only right to state that he was not responsible for the delay in bringing this matter before the House.

a man in a house. Both cases arose
out of circumstances in reference to
which the political and religious pas-
sions of the people were strongly ex-
cited. Baird was acquitted, and having
regard to various circumstances which
the jury were bound to weigh, it was
impossible to find fault with the verdict.
M'Kenna was then put upon his trial,
and the array was challenged on his
behalf. It was the greatest misfortune
which could befal the administration of
the law that religious considerations
should enter into the selection of juries
-but the charge against the sheriff
was that he had designedly inserted the
names of Protestants upon the panel,
intending to prejudice the trial of
M'Kenna and the counsel for the
Crown could take no other course but to
consent to try that issue. The mode of
appointing triers was peculiar, and per-
haps not over satisfactory, but it had
been transmitted from very ancient
times. The two first persons who
answered to their names were sworn,
and in this case it was certainly a
remarkable circumstance that the per-
sons appointed to try such a
issue were both Roman Catholics. They
were, however, as he understood, respect-
able men, and great weight must be
attached in law to their finding, which
was adverse to the sheriff. It appeared
that there were 1,215 names upon the
jurors' book, of which, forming the best
judgment that his information enabled
him to do, 423 were Roman Catholics.
It certainly was a great misfortune that


506 out of 250 names returned to form the them a sentence disproportionate to the 1 panel only twenty were from the Roman facts adduced in evidence. The present Catholic barony of Farney, and these jury system was universally acknowwere placed at the end of the panel; ledged to be unsatisfactory, and he had and no doubt it was a circumstance found it so in practice. With respect to having great weight with the triers. the proposal to select jurors by ballot, The explanation of the sheriff was that an admirable Amendment was to be the barony of Farney being very remote found in the Business Paper of the House from the town of Monaghan, it would to the Jurors Bill introduced by the hon. have been inconvenient for jurors to and gallant Member for Longford (Mr. attend, and he swore that their names O'Reilly). But it was one thing to sewere placed upon the list without any lect a general panel for the Assize by intention of prejudicing M'Kenna. In ballot, and it was another to select a a case, however, like that of the last jury to try a particular case in that Assizes, where the list for trial was one manner. However advantageous the of the heaviest that had ever been known adoption of the former system might be, in Monaghan, the convenience of jurors the latter would never be tolerated for was not, in his opinion, a matter for a moment, because it would take away the sheriff to consider. When the lives from the prisoner the safeguard which of two men were at stake he was bound he now possessed in the right of chalto get the best panel he could pro-lenging, without assigning any reason, cure. Personally little blame could be a certain number of jurymen. He could attached to Mr. Coote, for he swore that not hold out to his hon. Friend any hope he had neither hand, act, nor part in the that a Bill would be brought in during preparation of the list, but, legally, he the present Session; but no doubt the must of course be held responsible for condition of our jury system would enthe acts of his subordinate; it was not gage the attention of Her Majesty's Gofor him (Mr. Sullivan) to determine what vernment as soon as the state of Public steps should be taken. But what occurred Business afforded a convenient opportuat the last Assizes necessarily formed a nity. With respect to the complaint of great obstruction to the law, and, speak- his hon. Friend about the party procesing as the public prosecutor in Ireland, sion he could give no information, as he in virtue of his office as Attorney Gene- knew nothing about the matter, which ral, he was bound to say that when had not occurred during his period of M'Kenna came up for trial again next Office, but he thought it required explaAssizes it was impossible that the state nation. He trusted that his hon. Friend of things which existed at the last trial would be satisfied with the answers he in the town of Monaghan could be suf- had given. fered to continue. Without saying whether the sheriff was wrong or whether he was right, when confidence had once been shaken in the array it would present a serious obstacle to the due administration of justice, if, on a subsequent occasion, the people of the county saw the panel again prepared by the same persons that had been found guilty of framing it so as to press with harshness against a particular prisoner. As regarded the observations said to have been delivered by Mr. Justice Morris, who tried the case, he had inquired particularly into them, and concurred in the propriety of the warning which he had addressed to the triers. It would be, of course, for the Lord Lieutenant to say with respect to the rioters how in his opinion they ought to be dealt with, but he felt persuaded that Mr. Justice Lawson would never have passed upon

MR. O'REILLY said, that in answer to the question whether the fact of a man's belonging to an Orange society was not sufficient to disqualify him from serving as a juror, he wished to state that an Act of Parliament had been passed which suppressed the original Orange Society.

MAJOR KNOX: You will find that is not so.

MR. O'REILLY said, it was on account of its signs and passwords and oaths that the original Orange Society was suppressed; and a case was laid before ex-Chancellor Napier, and new rules were formed, signs and passwords and oaths were abolished, and a new society was constituted so as to evade the law, and there the fact of being an Orangeman was not a legal disqualification. He believed that in this particular case the evidence of the sub-sheriff was

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