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THE leading pathological propositions set forth in this volume, by which we trust all progressive physicians and patients will be guided in the application of our various prescriptions, are:

1. That all diseases originate in a disturbance of the soulprinciple, which consists of Motion, Life, and Sensation.

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2. That the effect of such disturbance is a development of local suffering, invariably in the region of the greatest previous weakness, or where there is the most constitutional tendency to disease.

3. That the concomitants are an increase of motion and of temperature, or else a reduction of temperature and a diminution of motion, in the fluids and forces of the parts assailed.

From the above propositions we are authorized to conclude that all diseases are characterized by active and passive symptoms or states; and we hereby suggest, with all due deference, that friendly physicians and all patients be regulated by these principles in the administration of appropriate remedies.

Spring Time Diseases.

When we emerge from the Winter months into the terrestrial thawings and atmospheric changefulness of the coming Spring, the eccentric action of this peculiar season upon the fluids and solids of the body, is irregular and disease-generating. Dense fluids descend from the brain and lungs, and disperse through the lower viscera-laying the foundation for various stomach, membranous, and liver disorders, resulting in obstructions, diarrhoea, congestions, and inflammations. Meanwhile the

lighter and rarer fluids ascend from the bowels and liver, and diffuse themselves through the solids and nerves of the throat, face, and brain. These currental and vitalic changes occur in every human body, just as surely as the upward flow of sap in trees, at the very beginning of the Spring months. In the perilous passage between Winter and Spring more children get sick, and more adult invalids depart for the next Sphere before they should, than during any other season of the year.

PREVENTION AND REMEDIES: May holy angels throw their strong, white arms around the multitudinous little ones of earth; and may the understandings of all parents be opened to the true ways of life and health. Especially do we pray for the protection and conservation of the diseased, the suffering, the famishing, and the unhappy. Let them organize themselves into systematic, thorough-going, wide-awake defenses against the approaches and invasions of the ruffian, Gen. De Bility. Each human being is provided by the Father and Mother with ample constitutional means of resistance. Whole troops of WILLPOWERS are garrisoned in every visceral organ of the body; indeed, it is literally true to say that every organ—from the top of the head to the depth of the abdomen—is naturally an impregnable fortification.

Incredible as it may seem, it is nevertheless true, that man's body is a strong tower of defense, a fort of marvellous construction, which no atmospheric changes can affect or touch, if the proprietor but understood the shielding power and vast sweep of the invisible Will. Faith, knowledge, imagination, affection, intuition, and fidelity, enter as ingredients into the composition of WILL. It is not what phrenologists term Firmness, it is not an obstinate and dogged principle of stubbornness in the mental constitution-not a "will" and a "won't" propensity-quite otherwise; by Will we mean the concentrated whole-hearted

ness of the brain and soul-life flowing like sunlight within the blood to any desired part of the physical economy, distributing the fertilizations of sublime health and strength through every crevice, and tissue, and nerve of the dependent frame.

We admonish each of all our readers to put forth this regenerating, this anti-suicidal, this immortal energy of the spirit. Suppose that Spring is about to burst upon you, with its varied terrestrial and atmospheric characteristics; with its fickleness of sunlight, hesitancy of temperatures, and with its changefulness of electrical and magnetic currents. Go forth, then, armed with well-balanced manhood! Like a strong, wellformed, beautiful woman, go forth lovingly to greet and cheer on the Spring; do not remain in the house all day, whether sick or well, but walk forth, panoplied with the WILL-POWER, and thank the universal God of Nature that in him you "live, and move, and have a being." Be always very thankful; let your face shine with gladness, your cheeks blush with youthful vigor, (although the record may be that you are more than sixty years old,) and the host of overseeing intelligences will drop a "new lease upon life" in your heart, which will then steadily beat against your bosom as the nearest friend you have. Do not get a "bad cold;" do not permit yourself to cough; do not get the habit of taking on rheumatic pains. All these ailments may be prevented. Bathe your feet in cold water before walking; keep them protected against the dampness of the ground; breathe deeply while walking, allowing the breath to escape only through the nostrils; swing your arms, firmly shutting and opening your hands occasionally; be strong and energetic, not flexible as India rubber, in putting forth muscular effort; get honestly warm and generally fatigued-earn and deserve your weariness-then, on returning to thy habitation, go into thy chamber, lock the door against every external intruder, and

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