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unite the mixture over the fire. Apply it cold, using your hands to all parts of the patient's throat, breast, back, sides, hips, legs, arms, feet, and hands, every morning, applying plenty of the ointment, and concluding by wrapping the feet and hands in folds of flannel. For food, use well-toasted rye bread with a few spoonfuls of chocolate. Whisky and linseed-oil, equal parts, a little at a time, will be useful. Three or four times a week swallow a tea-spoonful of powdered willow charcoal in a little gin, or sweet oil, and warm water. Use your hands magnetically while applying the ointment. The patient must Will to become whole.

The Duodenum and Sore Eyes.

Almost all cases of common sore eyes, with occasional inflammation, can be traced to a disordered state of the stomach and duodenum. Even if the food be properly digested, there is some derangement in the lower departments, where the bile joins the chyle, and where the ultimates of food are prepared, y the magnetic action of the mesenteric glands, for assimilation with the blood.

REMEDY.-About ninety minutes after eating dinner and supper, take a table-spoonful of the following tincture, as a promotive of secondary digestion: Mandrake, rhubarb, and red-pepper, of each (powdered,) one drachm; put them in one pint French brandy; let it stand a week; then add one pint of water, shake, and use as directed. If you travel, or cannot be at home at meal times, take a little bottle of this preparation with you. Wash your eyes in buttermilk whenever possible, or rub them with buckwheat flour. But without a radical change in your diet, the above medicines will avail you nothing. Do not eat meat at breakfast or supper; and not largely of any kind of animal food at any middle meal. No pastries of any description at any time; no fruit or vegetables for supper. "Under all cir

cumstances keep an even mind." We will give every tobacco chewer a great task to perform for his own good-Abandon the use of Tobacco in every form, and pledge yourself, in heaven's name, never to use it again!

Prevention of Scarlet Fever.

If you suspect that your child, or any member of your family, is about to have scarlet fever, the best preventive is: Give three drops of belladonna, in a wine-glass of water, three times a day. Burn coffee in the room twice per day, and treat mag. netically according to directions already given. Do not let the patient go out of the room until the inflammation of the tonsils and the fever symptoms subside, and then only when the earth is dry and the sun warm. Gargle with salt and vinegar in warm water, and sleep with the head more elevated than usual. If the bowels are costive, and the system is very feeble, give a tea-spoonful of castor-oil in as much good brandy, with a little water. Wash the body with some cooling fluid, or anoint with sweet oil, and manipulate.

Dry and Humid Asthma.


The only sure course to adopt in the treatment of this troublesome disease, is to apply your remedy just before a recurrence of the constrictions and paroxysm. The pneumogastric nerve is implicated; in fact, the disarrangement of this nerve is, in nine-tenths of cases, the cause of the disease. The dry asthma is quite unlike the humid affection; and the paroxysmal asthma is different from either; but the fundamental methods of the periodical treatment should be uniform-namely: When the symptoms are slight, give the whole surface a thorough oiling (1 tea-spoonful of Cajaput oil in 1 pint of Olive do., mixed with sufficient alcohol to unite the oils,) and immediately prac

tice respiration, full and slow, expanding the bronchial tubes by throwing the head and shoulders backward. Use your Will. Wear a jacket next to your body made of oiled silk. Keep the skin clean as possible. When the breathing is most difficult, inhale a little, now and then, of the vapor of saltpeter.

The Wheezing, or Hay Asthma.

Pathological authorities will, no doubt, hesitate to believe that this species of asthma can be reached through the spine and kidneys. Let us try. Infuse two ounces of black henbane (hyos cyamus niger,) in one quart of brandy. Whenever the attack threatens to be severe, apply an onion poultice, saturated with this tincture, to the back, opposite the stomach. We think a few applications of this remedy, in connection with the breathing effort, will accomplish a cure.

Hemorrhage of the Lungs.

Adopt our principles of Self-Healing, and begin the work of Personal Reform from this hour. Get the resinous exudation of a pine tree, one drachm; the same quantity of cayenne pepper; make into pills of two grains each. DOSE.-One pill at ten o'clock each day, or immediately after considerable bodily exercise, and one the last thing at night. Take, occasionally, a tea-spoonful of olive oil in a little cider-brandy. Eat nothing sweet, drink nothing over-heating, but "be thou whole."

Treatment for Catarrh and Cough.

Many persons are afflicted with catarrhal symptoms; offensive breath at times; take cold easy; expectorate hard and dry mucous; and have a hacking cough.

Abolish the use of all sweet food and drinks; may eat plentifully of eggs, if not hard-boiled or fried in swine's grease;

no meat of any kind oftener than twice a week. The only two medicines we can discern are, first, the homeopathic preparation of Phosphorus, three drops in a wine-glass of water, whenever the symptoms are severe or troublesome, two hours between doses; and second, a lemon, slightly sweetened, as medicine every evening, between supper and bedtime. As soon as the symptoms subside, use the lemon-juice now and then, but only during the early part of the day. The bowels and digestive system generally must be kept healthy and prompt, by means of kneading and vigorous manipulations. No cathartics of any kind should be administered. These directions will cover a multitude of catarrhal cases, unless the patient is suffering from several diseases combined.

Soreness in the Lungs.

With a just and systematic treatment of the lungs, in the inception of their disturbance, all future trouble may be avoided. Watch the period of greatest uneasiness. When are you most conscious of having lungs? At what hour is the disturbance most distinctly realized? Apply your treatment accordingly. In going from the house into the open air, or the reverse, it is wisdom to keep the mouth firmly closed, using the nose for heating the atmosphere before it reaches the lungs. All persons, whether sick or well, should adopt this rule.

Sulphuric Ether for Deafness.

The new cure for deafness, which has created so much excitement among the physicians of France, has long been well known in this country. It consists in dropping sulphuric ether into the aural conduit. Several physicians in this city and elsewhere have, for years, employed it either alone or in combination with glycerine. By the latest accounts from Paris, we

see that the opinion was beginning to gain ground, that the virtues of this remedy, though great, had been overrated.

Origin and Use of the Probang.

The probang was invented by a surgeon, to push down into the stomach substances which lodge in the throat or æsophagus. It is, properly speaking, a surgical instrument. Of late, it has been used to touch ulcers in the trachea, a dangerous method, which should not be adopted. A flexible piece of whalebone, with an oval piece of ivory, or a piece of sponge, fixed to the end, is called a probang.

Remedy for St. Vitus' Dance.

The best and simplest remedy for St. Vitus' Dance, in the young, is cold water and human magnetism. The water should be applied to the whole body every day, by means of a wet sheet and a plunge-bath afterward, and the magnetism by means of another's hands rubbing the body entirely and rapidly dry. Passes should be made from the back and sides of the neck to the ends of fingers and toes. Take mandrake-root, two ounces; lobelia leaves, half an ounce; boil in half gallon of water to one

pint. When cold, add one-half pint of brandy and half pound DOSE. One tea-spoonful before breakfast and

of sugar.

dinner. Anoint the body with sweet oil.

Pain in the Joints.

In cases where the joints are painful and stiff, and particularly where the bones of the neck and back head are sore and rheumatically affected, we prescribe the following palliative, which may be applied with the hand: Common brandy, two gills; laudanum, one ounce; oil spearmint, one drachm; tincture arnica, two ounces. Mix, and use whenever the pain and rheu. matic achings are troublesome.

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