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which, through the Redeemer's Love in my heart, were presented unto the Father of us all, through Faith in the Obedience and Merit of the Son of God.

I passed through the house, and saw the Blacksmiths, Weavers, Tailors, Shoemakers, and the Women, Carding and Spinning with the greatest order, as if all were attended to minutely, and every different branch of business separated, so as not to interfere with each other. I believe there is an excellent Committee over the House, which is a handsome commodious Prison, and great encouragement for reformation of all, who will be industrious, and amend their lives. I looked among some who were in fetters, which appeared to be angry, and full of rage, accosting the Keeper thus, "Wont you let us have a little air? we shall not eat the grates," the glass windows being shut down. This youth who then spake was full of malice, because he had been disappointed in making his escape over the Prison-wall, when his seven years were almost up, and therefore had the same term to serve over again, loaded with dreadful irons, which caused his ancles to swell, and be very much inflamed. Any one who has a heart to feel, must suppose my mind would be overwhelmed with this scene of misery, that was added unto, by not having liberty to say one sentence unto them for want of a special permit, which I did not know was necessary. Some of my kind friends procured this for me in two or three days, and I sent for a coach to take me there: but had my pocket bible to sell for three dollars, to supply me with money for the purpose; that I might be led into fellowfeeling with the dishonest characters, who had a claim particularly upon me, Jesus Christ, my Lord, and Master, filling my soul with pity and love unto all, commanding me to pass by none, and set open a door of hope unto them, through His Painful Death of Ignominy, which had prepared the way into Life for all who would repent of their reiterated transgressions, and believe on His Adorable Name, which is God over all Blessed forever.

Three rooms, in the highest story of the Prison, were

the men put in fetters, which I suppose were brought out of the lower cells, to make it more pleasant to my sorrowful heart, which was pierced to the quick, by the scene of those fallen sons of Adam, who were purchased by the Redeeming Blood of King Immanuel, who laid down His Life for us each. In those three rooms I offered up ardent supplications at the entrance, and exhorted them to repent, and be baptized with the Holy Ghost; testifying that Jesus, the Saviour of the world, stood with Open Arms to Receive every returning sinner; that they might be made an heir of God, and a joint heir with Him of the Celestial Regions, where no tempter would assault or tempt any one to sin. The most outrageous among them, pensively sat with the utmost attention, weeping with a contrited spirit, I verily believe; but, I give God the Glory, for He put arguments into my mouth, and melted my heart into tenderness, qualifying me with faith also, that I might bring them to the Merciful Jesus, to cleanse in His Precious Blood, a Fountain set open for the house of Judah, and all the Gentile race, that has sprung from Adam, who first fell by the base insinuations of satan, who was called the serpent for his subtlety, in beguiling the first happy pair, whom God made pure, spotless, and after His own Image Immortal, to worship Him acceptably with the angels; being made a little lower than they. The whole number of prisoners were four hundred and thirty-seven, whom I laboured with, beseeching them to repent of their sins, then they would see good brought out of the present evil; and be glad that they had met with justice in this life, while others, who escape the justice of men, are to be brought before a Righteous Judge, who will say to them, at His Sovereign Bar, "Depart from me ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels." Some whose minds I saw filled with indignation, were made measurably calm; and I felt richly compensated for my sympathy towards those miserable transgressors. God give His Special Blessing to this work, as it is the first Prison my feet have entered, never having strength

before for such an arduous undertaking; neither a command from Him, who appoints His obedient servants' work, according to the measure of faith and grace of true supplication. [New York, 6th mo. 1805.]

This week I have spent in the Almshouse, among seven hundred men, women, and children. Five times I went there, and had three meetings with such as were able to collect together, where they have worship; and then I went from room to room, consoling the blind, lame, deaf, and sick, who were rejoiced to see me; while the blind and lame went after me, from one place to another, till I was astonished at the love they manifested. How good was my merciful Master to me, to furnish we with such power and strength, as was communicated to my soul, through the medium of the Holy Ghost, whom I felt bring all things to my remembrance as occasion required.

My beloved friend, Abigail Eames, was the only companion of all my joys, and sorrows: for she in sympathy was an help-meet of a truth, breathing forth in silence, ardent supplication that I might have the assistance of my God, adequate to the painful task in hand.

When I first was among the sick, an aged handsome woman, requested me to "Let her have a cool garment,” thinking I was the Matron, as they had got a new one: but, my compassionate Jesus bid me tell her thus, "Thou wilt have a robe of righteousness put upon thee, and wilt never need another change of garment after: as Jesus has prepared it for thee, by His Agony and Bloody sweat;" which made her look steadfastly at me, being much surprised at the salutation: notwithstanding, I said, "I will tell the Matron to send thee linen," she having a red flannel raiment on, and feeling the excessive hot weather to burthen her. The remains of beauty, and past prosperity, affected me much, and created thankfulness to my God, that my aged mother was residenced in His Glorious City above. I fell down on my knees, and petitioned Mercy, and the Robe of Jesu's Righteousness to be put on this suffering daughter, that she might fall asleep in the Lord,

and be forever at rest in Zion; and then went and told the Mistress, to be kind to her, and supply her with cool raiment, according to her request: but going again the latter end of the week, I found her still alive, having on the uncomfortable flannel, which so distressed me, that I fell prostrate before Jehovah, and solicited Him to cut short His work in mercy, and adorn the soul of this my sister, in the saint's pure white linen, or the garment of salvation, for the sake of His Only Begotten Son, whose Merit was my plea, knowing the ability of the Father to save. While I was praying with her she shut her eyes, and the flies immediately filled the sockets, which affected me exceedingly when I opened my eyes to look at her: therefore I continued praying till she breathed her last, waving my hand to keep off those troublesome insects, that waited to devour the corruptible body. In half an hour her spirit took its flight, without causing the flesh once to groan, or sigh: for she never seemed in pain after I begun to pray, which astonished all present, as well as myself, who had besought the Lord to put upon her His Righteousness before I left the room, and receive her soul into the mansions of peace. When I arose from my knees I tied up her jaws, and told a number, (who run in from this circumstance) that if they would serve the Living God, He would send at the last, some of His servants to perform this office for them, as He had in rich mercy brought me there for the purpose of praying the spirit of our sister into Life Eternal. We had a blessed time, and many tears were shed; but, for my part, I rejoiced with a glad heart, that another had entered into the saint's rest; believing the Lord was Gracious and Merciful to this soul for His Name's sake, whose Spirit moved upon my spirit to utter this language, when I saw her still clothed with the red flannel, "Lord put upon her thy Righteousness, and receive her soul into thy Kingdom, before I leave this room." It was the prayer of Faith, which brought deliverance to the creature who had been subject to bondage all her days: therefore, I adore Thee who art

seeking to bless all who trust in thy Delivering Arm, which is able to save to the uttermost. Praise God and the Lamb, for the Promised Comforter, O my soul! [New York, 6th mo. 1805.]

Some of my friends went to Bridewell, to ask Thomas Hazard to let me visit the Prison: but knowing how much wretchedness was there, he politely sent word, "That it was not suitable for a female to see the deplorable creatures there, for it was not decent." I sent the messenger back again, to let him know that, "I had seen human nature debased as much as possible; therefore was prepared for the scene if it were ever so degrading to the mind: and must come there." My friend returned to T. H. who received my answer, saying, "I will make the house as decent as I can:" so I went, humbled to the dust, with spiritual sackcloth about my loins, being thankful that I was not one of those forlorn objects of pity, whom my Merciful Jesus commanded me to look after, and set open the door of mercy to the souls, who believed He Died for sin. When I went into the women's ward, there were seventy or eighty of them, placed close to the wall, each sitting on the floor, from the age of sixteen, to fifty years old. The room was spacious, and set all round, which affected me much to see such a number of young lewd girls, with those of advanced years; having been marvellously preserved myself, by the Compassionate God, who gave me my line of inheritance by a virtuous mother and pious father, who trained me up in the Fear of the Lord, both by precept and a righteous example. Grace humbles the soul of its possessor; therefore, may an increase of this spiritual oil be communicated, that my vessel may always supply my lamp of profession, then shall the light burn bright, being trimmed with continual diligence in the Lord's Vineyard.

While I addressed those unhappy mortals, some wept, and others gloried in their shame, smiling at me for the sorrow of heart which I felt on their account. I fixed my eyes on those who laughed till they wept; and then I

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