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Willoughby, he received of the Lady Wharton three hundred and ten pounds: I confess and declare, that I received of the Lady Wharton, at two several times (as I remember) in gold, two hundred pounds and an hundred pieces, and this was certainly pendente lite; but yet I have a vehement suspicion that there was some shuffling between Mr. Shute and the Register, in entering some orders, which afterwards I did distaste.

"5. To the fifth article of the charge, viz. in Sir Thomas Monk. Monk's cause, he received from Sir Thomas Monk, by the hands of Sir Henry Helmes, an hundred and ten pounds; but this was three quarters of a year after the suit was ended: I confess it to be true, that I received an hundred pieces; but it was long after the suit ended, as is contained in the charge.

and Ascue.

"6. To the sixth article of the charge, viz. in the cause Treavor between Sir John Treavor and Ascue, he received, on the part of Sir John Treavor, an hundred pounds: I confess and declare, that I received at New Year's-tide an hundred pounds from Sir John Treavor; and because it came as a New Year's gift, I neglected to inquire whether the cause was ended or depending; but since I find, that though the cause was then dismissed to a trial at law, yet the equity is reserved, so as it was in that kind pendente lite.

"7. To the seventh article of the charge, viz. in the Holman cause between Holman and Young, he received of Young and Young. an hundred pounds, after the decree made for him: I confess and declare, that, as I remember, a good while after the cause ended, I received an hundred pounds, either by Mr. Tobie Matthew, or from Young himself; but whereas I understood that there was some money given by Holman to my servant Hatcher, with that certainly I was never made privy.

"8. To the eighth article of the charge, viz. in the cause

Fisher and between Fisher and Wrenham, the Lord Chancellor, after Wrenham. the decree passed, received from Fisher a suit of hangings, worth an hundred and sixty pounds and better, which Fisher gave by advice of Mr. Shute: I confess and declare, that some time after the decree passed, I being at that time upon remove to York House, I did receive a suit of hangings of the value, I think, mentioned in the charge, by Mr. Shute, as from Sir Edward Fisher, towards the furnishing of my house, as some others that were no way suitors did present me the like about that time.

Kennedey and Vanlore.

"9. To the ninth article of the charge, viz. in the cause between Kennedey and Vanlore, he received a rich cabinet from Kennedey, prized at eight hundred pounds: I confess and declare, that such a cabinet was brought to my house, though nothing near half the value; and that I said to him that brought it, that I came to view it, and not to receive it; and gave commandment that it should be carried back, and was offended when I heard it was not; and some year and an half after, as I remember, Sir John Kennedey having all that time refused to take it away, as I am told by my servants, I was petitioned by one Pinckney, that it might be delivered to him, for that he stood engaged for the money that Sir John Kennedey paid for it. And thereupon Sir John Kennedey wrote a letter to my servant Shereborne with his own hand, desiring that I would not do him that disgrace as to return that gift back, much less to put it into a wrong hand; and so it remains yet ready to be returned to whom your lordships shall appoint.

"10. To the tenth article of the charge, viz. he borrowed of Vanlore a thousand pounds, upon his own bond, at one time, and the like sum at another time, upon his lordship's own bill, subscribed by Mr. Hunt, his man: I confess and declare, that I borrowed the money in the article set down, and that this is a true debt. And I remember well that I

wrote a letter from Kew, above a twelvemonth since, to a friend about the King, wherein I desired that, whereas I owed Peter Vanlore two thousand pounds, his majesty would be pleased to grant me so much out of his fine set upon him in the Star Chamber.

"11. To the eleventh article of the charge, viz. he Scott. received of Richard Scott two hundred pounds, after his cause was decreed (but upon a precedent promise), all which was transacted by Mr. Shute: I confess and declare, that some fortnight after, as I remember that the decree passed, I received two hundred pounds, as from Mr. Scott, by Mr. Shute; but, for any precedent promise or transaction by Mr. Shute, certain I am I knew of none.

"12. To the twelfth article of the charge, viz. he Lentall. received in the same cause, on the part of Sir John Lentall, an hundred pounds: I confess and declare, that some months after, as I remember, that the decree passed, I received an hundred pounds by my servant Shereburne, as from Sir John Lentall, who was not the adverse party to Scott, but a third person, relieved by the same decree, in the suit of one Powre.


"13. To the thirteenth article of the charge, viz. he Wroth and received of Mr. Wroth an hundred pounds, in respect of Waynewathe cause between him and Sir Arthur Maynewaringe: I confess and declare, that this cause, being a cause for inheritance of good value, was ended by my arbitrament, and consent of parties; and so a decree passed of course. And some month after the cause thus ended, the hundred pounds mentioned in the article was delivered to me by my servant Hunt.

"14. To the fourteenth article of the charge, viz. he Hansby. received of Sir Raphe Hansby, having a cause depending before him, five hundred pounds: I confess and declare, that there were two decrees, one, as I remember, for the

inheritance, and the other for goods and chattels, but all upon one bill; and some good time after the first decree, and before the second, the said five hundred pounds were delivered me by Mr. Tobie Matthew, so as I cannot deny but it was upon the matter, pendente lite.

"15. To the fifteenth article of the charge, viz. William Compton. Compton being to have an extent for a debt of one thousand and two hundred pounds, the Lord Chancellor stayed it, and wrote his letter, upon which part of the debt was paid presently, and part at a future day. The Lord Chancellor hereupon sends to borrow five hundred pounds; and because Compton was to pay four hundred pounds to one Huxley, his lordship requires Huxley to forbear it six months, and thereupon obtains the money from Compton. The money being unpaid, suit grows between Huxley and Compton in Chancery, where his lordship decrees Compton to pay Huxley the debt, with damages and costs, when it was in his own hands: I declare, that in my conscience, the stay of the extent was just, being an extremity against a nobleman, by whom Compton could be no loser. The money was plainly borrowed of Compton upon bond with interest; and the message to Huxley was only to intreat him to give Compton a longer day, and in no sort to make me debtor or responsible to Huxley; and, therefore, though I were not ready to pay Compton his money, as I would have been glad to have done, save only one hundred pounds, which is paid; I could not deny justice to Huxley, in as ample manner as if nothing had been between Compton and me. But, if Compton hath been damnified in my respect, I am to consider it to Compton.


"16. To the sixteenth article of the charge, viz. in the cause between Sir William Bronker and Awbrey, the Lord Chancellor received from Awbrey an hundred pounds: I do confess and declare, that the money was

given and received; but the manner of it I leave to the witnesses.

"17. To the seventeenth article of the charge, viz. in Mountathe Lord Mountague's cause, he received from the Lord gue. Mountague six or seven hundred pounds; and more was to be paid at the ending of the cause: I confess and declare, there was money given, and (as I remember) by Mr. Bevis Thelwall, to the sum mentioned in the article after the cause was decreed; but I cannot say it was ended, for there have been many orders since, caused by Sir Frauncis Englefeild's contempts; and I do remember that, when Thelwall brought the money, he said, that my lord would be further thankful if he could once get his quiet; to which speech I gave little regard.

"18. To the eighteenth article of the charge, viz. in the Dunch. cause of Mr. Dunch, he received of Mr. Dunch two hundred pounds: I confess and declare, that it was delivered by Mr. Thelwall to Hatcher my servant, for me, as I think, some time after the decree; but I cannot precisely inform myself of the time.


"19. To the nineteenth article of the charge, viz. in the Reynell cause between Reynell and Peacock, he received from Peacock. Reynell two hundred pounds, and a diamond ring worth five or six hundred pounds: I confess and declare, that, at my first coming to the seal, when I was at Whitehall, my servant Hunt delivered me two hundred pounds, from Sir George Reynell, my near ally, to be bestowed upon furniture of my house; adding further, that he received divers former favours from me; and this was, as I verily think, before any suit begun. The ring was received certainly pendente lite; and, though it were at New year'stide, yet it was too great a value for a New year's gift, though, as I take it, nothing near the value mentioned in the article.

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