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"SYDNEY ONCE A WEEK."-It is a neat, well-printed little pamphlet, containing twenty-four pages of reading matter. which consists of short original papers, written in a light free style, and of a few extracts from other publications. Its purpose is to give its readers "a good sixpennyworth of literary pabulum, composed of ingredients at once sparkling, amusing, and original, and so arranged as to avoid a suspicion of dulness." Taken as a whole, the magazine, which is edited by Mr. C. H. Barlee, is a very creditable production, as well to the publishers as to the authors, and if conducted according to the plan indicated in the few words above quoted, it will be an acceptable addition to our colonial literature.-S. M. Herald.

The Echo says:-It is a very readable publication, and, while it cannot aspire to rank as the equal of the most popular English magazines, it deserves to find favour on account of the local interest which attaches to its papers. The original papers, of which there are several, are written in a light, easy style, and with considerable ability. We should like to see the magazine prove to be a success, for the desirableness of building up a respectable colonial literature will hardly be denied by any one. and the establishment of a good magazine is one of the means towards that end. The publishers. Messrs. Gibbs, Shallard, and Co., are entitled to commendation for the admirable way in which they have got up the magazine.-Echo.

THE NEW MAGAZINE.-Sydney Once a Week Magazine for Town and Conntry Readers is the title of a new weekly, edited by Mr. C. H. Barlee, issued from the Sydney Press, which bids fair to secure a good share of public support. Its moderate price, its handiness, the entertaining reading it affords, and the concise, pleasing manner in which the various topics of the day are touched in its columns, must naturally render the Sydney Once a Week a welcome visitor in every house, and an agreeable companion to every reader.— Southern Argus (Goulburn).

"SYDNEY ONCE A WEEK," a magazine bearing the above title, has made its appearance in our city. It is edited by Mr. Barlee, formerly a member of the literary staff of he Melbourne Argus, and a

humourist of some note. The work contains sketches, tales, and articles, along with the usual miscellanea of a magazine. Judging by the contents of the first number, we think the magazine stands a better chance of succeeding than many of those publications which are born but to die, and which, in some cases, are disgraceful to the literary efforts of our city.Evening News.

The Singleton Argus says:-The number is very readable, well printed by Messrs. Gibbs, Shallard, and Co., and contains a varied selection of original and extract matter. We wish the proprietor every success with his venture, and trust that his efforts will do something more substantial to encourage a taste for colonial literature than those of others who have trodden in the same uncertain path, have succeeded in doing. We hail with pleasure all respectable efforts to establish a republic of letters in this colony, which at present is too much confined in its patronage to newspaper literature only. Mr. Barlee's venture is the best effort in this direction that we have seen for some time.

"ONCE A WEEK."-Under the title of "Sydney Once a Week," the first number of a neatly got-up octavo of over thirty pages has just been issued. It is edited by Mr. C. H. Barlee, who is, we understand, assisted by a numerous staff of able contributors. The contents of this new publication are varied and interesting-too varied, in our opinion, for the space at the disposal of the editor. If we may be permitted to offer a suggestion with regard to the future, we would recommend that everything in the shape of "news" items should be omitted. We heartily wish the proprietors success in their undertaking, and certainly are of opinion that the excellence of "Once a Week" well deserves it. -Yass Courier.

THE Contents of the new venture give promise of a deserved success, should it ever be attained. There is an attractive variety about the articles, and the tastes of every class of readers are consulted. Thus we have a trenchant article, short and pithy, on the political status in quo, a couple of spirited domestic sketches, some comic matter, and some chapters especially intended for boys. Among the last is a scholarly commentary on a passage from the "Paradise Lost"-intended for the use of University candidates-a clever set of

recurrent verses in Latin and an enigma in French. The palindrome and enigma are an immence improvement. on the foolish anagrams and sphinx-like puzzles which usually fill this department of our current literature, and should commend the production to parents. We hope the new organ will enjoy a longer term of existence than some of its predecessors.-Namoi Independent.

THIS serial contains well written papers and sketches, entitled "The Public Health," "Muff Cricketing," "Best Dog in the colony," and a general summary of the Russo-Turkish War. Altogether Once a Week promises well; and without country readers (who will probably support it best), the 170,000 residents of Sydney should keep it going-but we doubt it. The price is 6d., and the publishing office 279 George-street, Sydney.-Molong Express.

ONCE A WEEK.-This is the title of a new pamphlet, edited by Mr. C. H. Barlee, of Sydney. We have received a copy and were highly amused, as well as entertained with the writings; there is such a versatility about them that all must be pleased. It is notified that a summary of the events of the present war will be given for the accommodation of its readers, and so do away with the tedious task of perusing the complications daily appearing in our metropolitan journals. Among numerous, articles, in various strains, there is a very humorous writing, entitled "My Balloon Adventure; but to our fancy, the most amusing is one called "The best dog in the colony." There is a very good article termed "Et cetera," which gives an abstract of the events of the week, In next issue a story will be commenced, under the impressive heading of "The Mystery of the Wiseman's Ferry Road." It is a useful, handy little book, and well worth patronage. The price is sixpence.-The Australian.

The Tenterfield Star says:-Besides containing a large amount of current news, it possesses the attraction of affording to its readers much useful and scientific information, combined with well written tales and humourous sketches, and other entertaining matter. The price is sixpence, and this moderate charge should command for the magazine the wide circulation which it justly deserves.

The Moruya Examiner says:-We have looked the book carefully through and can confidently recommend it to our readers and predict its success.

THE new candidate for public favour contains a number of smartly written original articles and some well-selected extract matter. It is got up in good style, and well printed, containing twenty-four demy octavo pages.-Albury Banner.

THE new publication is both instructive and entertaining; it is deserving of a good circulation.-Border Post (Albury).

THE new publication is both well got up and very readable.-Western Post (Mudgee).

THE Bathurst Free Press says:-It contains a large quantity of interesting reading matter-grave, gay, ponderous, and light. The editorship is evidently in good hands, and if the editor's hopes are realized the paper will take its place with "The pleasant books that silently among

Our household treasures take familiar places, And are to us as if a living tongue

Spake from the printed leaves or pictured faces.' For he makes his bold assertion: "We shall do our best to force ourselves into notice, and to compel attention." Once a Week is well worth the sixpence that is charged for the single copy.

Another attempt has been made to establish a literary magazine in Sydney. The new venture takes the title of the Sydney "Once a Week." Its type dress is admirable, but then the printers are Messrs. Gibbs, Shallard, and Co. The number before us very fairly sustains the aim stated, and we shall be glad to see the magazine prosper.-Maitland Mercury.

It is very creditably got up and judging from the matter which this number (No. 1) contains, it is a magazine that will no doubt receive a large measure of support among Australian readers.-Western Examiner (Orange).

The Murrurundi Times writes:-"The contents have a varied range, and many of the articles possess a degree of humour and literary merit which will commend them to the majority of our readers. We shall be glad to find enough appreciation to support anything in the shape of smart writing which has about it no unworthy element."

"SYDNEY ONCE A WEEK "-We have received the first two numbers of a small neatly got up magazine bearing the above title, which, in view of its superiority to the majority of weekly publications lately issued from the Sydney Press, we feel it our honest duty to notice with approbation. Its contents (those of the two issues we have received) are not only well written, but are for the most part original and local. They comprise a great variety of light and instructive reading matter, which should commend ONCE A WEEK to public favour. Politics, the public health, and other grave matters are ably treated in its leading columns. There are also well written original humorous sketches-we note specially "The Best Dog in the Colony" and "My Balloon Adventure,' and a few happy clippings from comic exchanges; a page of town gossip; and an epitome of the week's war news. Admirably written papers, entitled " Gossip with the Boys," appear in each issue, and are, it is said, to be continued regularly. The verses in the first Lumber, entitled

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'An Australian Idyll" are very far above the average of contributions to the "poets' corner." It is an affecting story, well told. After the custom of English magazine conductors, the proprietors of Sydney ONCE A WEEK offer prizes to successful competitors in the riddle arena. In the

second number appeared the prologue of a story called "The Mystery of Wiseman's Ferry," which is to be the pièce de résistance in the way of serial romance, ONCE A WEEK which is edited by Mr. C. H. Barlee, a litterateur of lengthened colonial experience, and published by Messrs. Gibbs, Shallard, and Co., we can conscientiously recommend as a weekly magazine, entertaining, instructive, and of high tone. Those who have not seen this publication should buy copies, and judge of its merits for themselves. We are certain they will endorse our opinion.-Cumberland Mer.

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The interest of the story in no way flags. The "War News" and "Town Gossip' are readable articles, and the comic papers sparkle with humour. There are several pieces of original poetry; and two or three pages devoted to "Columns for young readers," containing charades puzzles, &c. Altogether the number does credit to editor and printer.-S. M. Herald. We heartily recommend the magazine to our readers.-Grenfell Record.

The Coonamble Independent says:-"The first number, which we have received, is well and ably written-the best sketch, in our opinion, being a very humourous one, entitled the " Best Dog in the Colony." We wish the proprietor every success, as, in our opinion, the publication, if well conducted, will supply a want long felt in Sydney, and add to the far too small stock of Australian literature. We have every confidence in recommending "Once a Week" to the favorable notice of our readers."

"SYDNEY ONCE A WEEK."-We have just received the eight number of "Sydney Once a Week," and a rather close inspection of its contents reveals the fact that it is, if anything, an improvement upon its predecessors. The conception of the publication of such a periodical was extremely happy in its character, as it gave opportunities for manifestations of local literary talents of various orders that otherwise might be lost to the general public, and also established a magazine in the colony respectable and worthy of acceptation. The original articles in the present number are agreeably and vigorously written, and the few clippings inserted selected with good taste, while all are neatly and carefully printed and revised. -Echo.

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We shall feel obliged to our Subscribers by an early intimation of any irregularity in the delivery of weekly numbers, that it may at once be rectified.

NB. -Advertisements for "SYDNEY ONCE A WEEK" will be received up to ten o'clock on Thursday morning.



NOTWITHSTANDING what Mr. ANTHONY TROLLOPE was pleased to call the "blowing" propensities of Australians, they do not possess any real belief in themselves. That a thing is American is regarded as actual proof by the American that

it is infinitely superior to anything other land can turn out: while any in any of the Australian colonies, as we all of us have disheartening evidence, to say that such or such an article is colonial is, in nine cases out of ten, to place a stigma on it, to denounce it as inferior. It is quite possible that the American War of Independence and its results did much towards dowering the Yankee with that superb belief in himself which, though at times it may arouse our laughter, is, for all that, a quality of tangible com

mercial value. It is also probable that few Australians would care to "cut the painter," if it were only by such a course that a more individualised nationality could be secured. Be that as it may, it is extremely discouraging to the local producer to find that in the average colonial mind there is an unreasonable antipathy to the colonial-made article. This antipathy especially affects the colonial wine market, though we are bound to admit that there are signs to be seen of its abatement. A taste for Australian wines is gradually growing in Australia, but with nothing like that stride which we should like to see made. Why should it ever be with regard to race settling nights, to occasions of regatta prize distributions, or to intercolonial cricket match luncheons, that the newspaper reader, glancing at the report of such festive meetings, invariably comes across an allusion to "sparkling Champagne," or "fiz," or "Moet" or "Roederer"? Surely, on such occasions, preference might be given to local vint

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Hermitage at thirty shillings the dozen? Let us have done with such arrant snobbery. They who prefer "fiz," by all means let them have it. We simply protest against an absurd conventional rule, which is not only based on a false conception of hospitality, but which is calculated to affect the Australian wine trade most injuriously. How can Australians expect to push their wines abroad, if at home they just barely tolerate them? This is a question which we conceive deserves the thoughtful consideration of every truehearted Australian. The subject has its ridiculous side. The contempt displayed by the colonial mind for things colonial, leads to trickery on the part of the local producer, which, if not excusable, may fairly enough, under the circumstances, be condoned. Colonial-made wines are palmed off as port over half the counters in the city. 'Tis the same with the beer. affect to sneer at drink it as "English" with condescending approbation. The ways of the bottler are past finding out, and who can fathom the infinite ingenuity of the label maker? 'Tis a pity that clever men should be driven into forgery by reason of the population of a large colony determining to act up to the wretched principle of the proverb which says, "a prophet is without honour in his own country." We wish that

Men who "swankey,"

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