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earth to hell with Caliban.1 In Caliban, too, and Gonzalo's ideal commonwealth2 he no doubt gave utterance to the thoughts which the beginning of the newly-founded colonial empire of England raisd in him, and from the tracts about which in 1610 on the Bermudas and Virginia, he took the storm and the much-vext Bermoothes.3 The play preserves the unities of time and place as well as that of action, to which alone Shakspere generally attends, a fact which led Warburton to suspect that the play had an Italian origin, and Halliwell quotes Thomas's Historye of Italye (1561) to show that Prospero was probably the deposed Duke of Milan mentioned there. The unity of time requird that the play should take in acting the same time as the events that occasion it; and the action of The Tempest is comprised within three or four hours. The unity of place requird that the different scenes should be reachable by the characters in the same time, and here the only dis

1 In my Introduction to the Dallastype Double Text Shakespeare edition of The Tempest, 1895, I noted that-" The hint for Caliban, Shakspere may have got from Job Hartop, in Hakluyt's Voyages III., 493, A.D. 1600: When we came in the height [latitude] of Bermuda, we discouered a monster in the sea, who shewed himselfe three times vnto vs from the middle upwards, in which parts hee was proportioned like a man, of the complection of a Mulato or tawny Indian."

"So Trinculo may well have been puzzled whether his Monster was a Fish or a Man, as he had 'finnes like armes.'-F. That Hartop's Monster attracted the attention of Englishmen is shown by Purchas putting it both into his Pilgrimage (1613, 1614), p. 910, and his Pilgrimes (1625), iv. 1178."-M.

Taken probably from Florio's englisht Montaigne's Essays, 1603, extract in 1 Hazlitt, Pt. II., iv. 7, with the Search for the Island of Lampedusa, from Harrington's Ariosto, canto xli., A.D. 1591, ib. pp. 3-6.-M.

8 For a specimen see Furness's Variorum edition of The Tempest, p. 849. Shakspere seems to have been particularly cognisant of Jourdan's A Discovery of the Barmudas, a pamphlet.-M.

tance to be traveld is from the sea-shore to Prospero's cell. As in Pericles and The Tempest, the forgiveness is wholly on the men's part-Pericles's and Prospero's -I propose to put these two plays together as the first Group of the Fourth Period. The Tempest was first printed in the Folio of 1623, and the text is remarkably pure.


The date of The Tempest is fixt by the metrical evidence and the style to about 1610-11. Jonson's mention of Servant-monster in Bartholomew Fair, 1614, may have referd to Caliban. I don't believe that Shakspere borrowd anything from Jacob Ayrer's play of Die schöne Sidea. The Tempest was playd before Prince Charles and Elizabeth on May 20th, 1613, as payments for the presentation are mentiond in Lord Harrington's accounts as Treasurer (Vertue's MSS.).

A great number of fruits, plants, and flowers are mentiond in The Tempest, and yet, from the manner in which their names are employed, it is impossible to fix the season of the Play. (See Ellacombe, New Shaks. Soc. Trans., 1880-6, pp. 67-70.)

[blocks in formation]

SCENE.-A Ship near Shore; afterwards an Island.


SCENE I.-On a Ship at Sea. A tempestuous noise of Thunder and Lightning heard.

Enter a Ship-Master and a Boatswain.

Master. Boatswain !

Boats. Here, master: what cheer?

Mast. Good, speak to the mariners: fall to 't

yarely, or we run ourselves aground: bestir, bestir.

Enter Mariners


Boats. Heigh, my hearts, cheerly, cheerly, my hearts! yare, yare. Take in the topsail; tend to the master's whistle. -Blow till thou burst thy wind, if room enough!


Alon. Good boatswain, have care.

master? Play the men.

Boats. I pray now, keep below.

Where's the

Ant. Where is the master, boatswain?

Boats. Do you not hear him? You mar our

[blocks in formation]

these roarers for the name of king? To cabin: silence! trouble us not.

Gon. Good, yet remember whom thou hast aboard.

Boats. None that I more love than myself. You are a counsellor: if you can command these elements to silence, and work the peace of the

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