Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


Matter, constitution of, 305;
discontinuity of, 308
Mendelejeff, 154

Mercurous compounds, constitu-
tion of, 223; formulæ deter-
mined by specific heat, 135
Mercury, density of, 67, 121;
specific heat of vapour, 122
Methyl, 100, 273; carbylamine,
236; cyanide, 236; oxide
chlorhydrate, 231, 250
Meyer, Lothar, 163, 167
Mitscherlich, 56

Molecular combinations, 248;
diameters, 320; dissymmetry,
301; heats, 130; symmetry,
300; volatilities, 136
Molecular volumes of liquids,
189; of solids, 194

Molecules, integral and element-
ary, 38; mean velocity of,
316; number in unit volume
of gases, 322

Monatomic gases and vapours,


NASCENT state, 208
Naumann, 115

Neutrality, permanence in mu-
tual decomposition of salts, 13
Nicklès, 249

Nitrogen, atomicity, 227; binox-
ide, Dalton on, 23; chloride,
210; constitution of acids of,
241; substitution derivatives,

ODLING, 90, 199, 203

Organo-metallic radicals, ato-
micity, 271

Oxygen, atomicity, 218, 231
Ozone, 119

PERIODIC Law, 158, 163, 170
Peroxides, constitution of, 219,

[blocks in formation]

SALTS, constitution of, 83; dou-
ble salts, 253, 334; hydrated,
formulæ of, 181; permanence
of neutrality on mutual de-
composition, 13
Schelling, 306

'Series of masses' of Richter, 15
Sesquioxides, constitution of,
222; formulæ of, 61, 197
Silicon, atomicity of, 220; specific
heat, 127

Specific heat, 52; table of, 124;
abnormal, 127; of gases under
constant volume, 121; of
liquids, 129
Stas, 51

Sulphur, density, 68, 119; varia-
tions in atomicity, 231


energy of molecular motion,

Tetratomic gases, 71

Thomson, 28, 64

Thomson, Sir W., on molecular
motion, 324; on vortex motion,

Titanium, atomicity, 220
Trichlorhydrin, isomers of, 285
Trivalent radicals, 203
Troost, 102, 116

Tungsten, variations in atomicity
of, 233

Types, 85, 198, 260; condensed,
89, 199

UREA, 237

[blocks in formation]
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