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spired apostle would, in the general, discountenance marriage, since it was of the greatest importance to the existence and happiness of future generations, and expressly agreeable to a divine institution.*-Between persons of different religions, censured, Gen. 34.14; Deut. 7.3; Josh. 23.12; 2 Kings 8.18; 2 Cor. 6. 14;-none in heaven, Matt. 22.30; Mark 12.25; Luke 20. 35;-attended with feasting, Gen. 29. 22; Matt. 22.3; John 2.1; -the happiness of a suitable one, Pr. 12.4; 18. 22; 19. 14; 31. 10, &c.;-the misery of an unsuitable one. Pr. 12. 4; 19.13; 21.9, 19; 25.24; 27.15.†

(68.) Of Husbands-their duty, Gen. 2. 24; Pr. 5. 15, 18; Mal. 2. 14, 15; 1 Cor. 7.3; Eph. 5. 25; Col. 3. 19; 1 Pet. 3. 7.†

(69.) Of Wives not to be slandered, Deut. 22.13;-when not to cohabit with, Lev. 20. 18;-their duty, Gen. 3. 163 Eph. 5.22; Col. 3. 18; Tit. 2. 5; 1 Pet. 3. 1.†

(70.) Of Chastity-recommended, 1 Thess. 4. 3; Col. 3.5;-an example of it in Joseph, Gen. 39.7;-in Job, 31. 1.†

(71.) Of Adultery-forbidden, Exod. 20.14; Lev. 18.20; Deut. 5. 18; -punishable with death, Lev. 20. 10; Deut. 22. 22;-will be punished by God, Mal. 3.5; 1 Cor. 6.9; Heb. 13.4;-not to be committed in thought, Matt. 5. 28;-the temporal evils of, Prov. 6. 26, 32;-motives to avoid it, Prov. 5.15; 6.32.†

(72.) Of Parents to be honoured, Exod. 20. 12; Deut. 5. 16; Eph. 6. 2;-law against cursing them, Exod. 21. 17; Lev. 20.9; Pr. 20. 20;or smiting them, Exod. 21. 15;-their duty, to educate their children religiously, Gen. 18. 19; Deut. 4.9; 6.6,7; 11.19; 32.46; Ps. 78. 5; Pr. 22. 6; Joel 1.3; Eph. 6. 4;-not to spare necessary correction, 1 Sam. 3. 13; Pr. 13.24; 19.18; 22.15; 23.13, 14; 29.15, 17; -not to discourage them too much, Eph. 6. 4; Col. 3.31;-to provide for their children, 2 Cor. 12. 14; 1 Tim. 5.8;-partiality to children to be avoided, Gen. 37. 3,4; Matt. 22.16; 1 Tim. 5. 21;-their joy or sorrow from their children's education, Pr. 10.1; 15.20; 17.21, 25; 19.13; 29.15, 17;-examples, of Abraham, Gen. 18. 19;-of David, 1 Chr. 28.9; of Job, Job 1.5;-of Lemuel, Pr. 31.1;-of the parents of Timothy, 2 Tim. 1.5; 3. 15.†

(73.) Of Children-to be instructed, Gen. 18. 19; Deut. 4.9;6.6; 11.19; Ps. 78.5; Eph.6.4;-their duty; to regard the directions of their parents, Lev. 19.3; Pr. 1.8; 6.20; 13.1; 15.5; 23. 22; Luke 2. 51; Eph. 6. 1; Col. 3. 20;-not to grieve their parents, Prov. 19.62; -not to rob their parents, Prov. 28. 24; not to despise them, Deut. 27. 16; Pr. 15.5, 20; 23.22; 30.17; Ezek. 22.7; to honour and maintain them, Ex. 20. 12; Deut. 5. 16; Eph. 6. 2, 3;-the smiting of their parents punishable with death, Ex. 21, 15; Lev. 20.9; Deut. 21. 18, &c.;-not to bear malice, but to love one another, John 13.34; 15. 12, 17; Rom. 12.9,10; Heb. 13.1; 1 John 2.9,10; 3.23; 4. 7, 11, 20;-to suffer for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generation, Ex. 20. 5; Deut. 5.9; - this to be reversed, Ezek. 18. 1, &c.;good, a blessing to their parents, Pr. 10. 1; 15.20; 23.24; 27.11; 29.3;-wicked, and undutiful, a disgrace and a curse, Pr. 10.1; 17.21, 25; 19.13; 28.7; 29.15.*

(74.) Of Brethren, -to forgive each other, Matt. 5. 23, 24; 18. 21, 22; to bear one another's burdens, and admonish each other, Gal. 6. 2; 2 Thess. 3. 13-15;-to confess their faults, and pray for each other, Jam. 5. 16;-to love each other, Rom. 12. 10; 1 Thess. 4.9; Heb. 13. 9;-how to prevent anger and hatred between, Matt. 18. 15.*

(75.) Of Masters, their duty to instruct their servants as well as their children, Gen. 18. 19; Josh. 24.15; Acts 10.2;-not to permit them to labour on the sabbath, Ex. 20. 10; to use them with tenderness, Lev. 25. 43, 46, 53; Deut. 24.14; Job 31. 13; Matt. 8.5; Luke 7.2; Col. 4. 1; Eph. 6.9; -to pay them duly, Lev. 19.12; Deut. 24. 15; Jer. 22. 13; Mal. 3.5; Jam.5. 4.*

(76.) Of Servants, laws concerning them, Ex. 21. 2, 26, &c.;-fugitive, not to be delivered up, Deut. 23.15;-not to be oppressed, 24. 14;-an Israelite to have his liberty in the seventh year, or at the Jubilee, Ex. 21. 2; 25. 40;-their duty, to be diligent and obedient, Eph. 6. 57; Col. 3.22; 1 Tim. 6.1; Tit. 2.9; 1 Pet. 2. 18;-not to purloin, Tit. 2. 10;-not to be slothful or wasteful, Pr. 18.9; John 6. 12.*

(77.) Of Magistrates, -to be respected, Ex. 22. 28; Deut. 17. 8, &c.; Acts 23.5;-heathen, to be obeyed by Christians, Rom. 13. 1, 3; Tit. 3. 1; 1 Pet. 2. 13;-not a terror to the good, but to the evil, 4. 7.*

(78.) Of Old age, -to be respected, Lev. 19.32; 1 Tim. 5.1;-what renders it valuable and venerable, Pr. 21.31; 20.29;-the infirmities of it, Ecc. 12. 1, &c.; as exemplified in Barzillai, 2 Sam. 19. 33-40. The whole of this little episode is extremely interesting, and contains an affecting description of the infirmities of old age. The venerable and kind Barzillai was fourscore years old; his ear was become dull of hearing, and his relish for even royal dainties was gone: the evil days had arrived in which he was constrained to say, 'I have no pleasure in them:' Ec. 12. 1.) Non eadem vini, atque cibi, torpente palato, gaudio, Nor wine, nor food, his torpid palate please.' (Juvenal, Sat. x. v. 203.) As he was too old either to enjoy the pleasures of a court, or to be of any further service to the king, he finishes his affecting address to the aged monarch, with the request that he would suffer him to enjoy what old men naturally desire, to die in mine own city, and be buried by the grave of my father and my mother;' at the same time commending his son Chimham to his kind offices.+-The duty required of it, Tit. 2. 2;-of the antediluvians, Gen. 5. 1, &c.

(79.) Of Young persons, their duty, Lev. 19. 32; Pr. 1.8; Ecc. 12. 1; Isa. 3.5; Lam. 3. 27; Tit. 2.6; 1 Pet. 5. 5;-examples of good ones: Obadiah, 1 Kings 18.12;-Josiah, 2 Chr. 34.3;-Jesus, Luke 2. 52;-Timothy, 2 Tim. 3.15;-bad ones: Er, the son of Judah, Gen. 38.7; the sons of Eli, 1 Sam. 2. 12; 3. 13, 22;-Absalom, 2 Sam. 15. 2, &c.; those that mocked Elisha, 2 Kings 2. 23.*

• Comprehensive Bible, Index to Subjects, in voce.

+ Idem, Note in loco.

(80.) Of Truth or sincerity, Ps. 15.2; 51.6; Pr. 3.3; 8.7; 12. 17, 19; 1 Cor. 5.8; Eph. 4. 25; -purity of intention, Josh. 24. 14; 1 Sam. 12.24; Ps. 15. 2;-Christian faith, Gal. 3. 1; Jam. 5. 19.*

(81.) Of Lying, forbidden, Lev. 19.11; Pr. 24.28; Eph. 4. 25; Col. 3.9;-hateful to God, Pr. 6.16, 17; 12. 22;-threatened with severe punishment, Ps. 5. 6; Pr. 12.19; 19.5, 9; Rev. 21. 8, 27;-abominable in the sight of men, Ps. 101.7; 119.163; 120.2; Pr. 13.5; 19. 22;-characteristic of a wicked man, Ps. 52.3; 58.3; Pr. 14. 5, 25; Isa. 30.9; comes from the devil, John 8.44; Acts 5.3;-examples, of Cain to God, Gen. 4. 9;-of Sarah, 18.15; - of Jacob to his father, 27. 18; of the prophet in Bethel, 1 Kings 13. 18; - of Gehazi, 2 Kings 5. 25;-of Ananias and Sapphira, Acts 5. 1, &c.*

(82.) Of Honesty, in our dealings enjoined, Lev. 19. 13, 35; Deut. 25. 13; Pr. 11.1; 20. 10, 14. "It is naught, it is naught, saith the buyer: but when he is gone his way, then he boasteth." Such tricks in trade, if not actionable, are certainly dishonest; and to make them a subject of boast is to proclaim that a man is an artful knave, who has met with another simple enough to be cheated. St. Augustin (De Trinat. 1. xiii. c. 3.) relates, that a certain mountebank, having promised to shew what was in every man's heart, stood up, and in a single sentence redeemed his pledge: 'Vili vultis emere, et caro vendere.' ' You all wish to buy cheap, and to sell dear.' He was applauded; for every one felt it to be a description of his own heart, and was satisfied that all others were similar.t Pr. 20. 23; 28.8; Jer. 17.11; Hos. 12.7; Mic. 6.8, 11; Mark 10. 19.* (83.) Of Selling, -frauds to be avoided in it, Lev. 19. 13, 36; 25. 14; Pr. 11. 1; 16.11; 20. 10, 23.*

(84.) Of Theft, -forbidden, Ex. 20. 15; Deut. 5. 19; Eph. 4. 28; -laws relating to it, Ex. 22. 1; Num. 5.5.*

(85.) Of Equity-the great rule of it, Lev. 19.18; Matt. 7. 12; 22. 39; Rom. 13.8; James 2.8;-Justice required of man, Deut. 16. 20; Jer. 20. 3; Matt. 7.12; Luke 6.31; Rom. 13.7; Phil. 4.8; Isa. 66. 1; Ezek. 45.9; Mic. 6.8.*

(86.) Of Partiality,--to be avoided, Matt. 22.16; Jam. 2. 1, 9; Jude 16.* (87.) Of Meekness, -exercise of, required, Gal. 6.1; Eph. 4. 1, 2; 1 Tim. 6. 11; 2 Tim. 2.25;- the fruit of the Spirit, Gal. 5. 22. 23; Eph. 5. 9;-its blessedness, Ps. 25.8; 37.11; 147.6; 149.4; Pr. 3. 34; Isa. 57.15; 66.2; Matt. 5.5; 11.29; Col. 3.12; Jam. 3. 13;-of Abraham to Lot, Gen. 13.8; - of Moses, Num. 12. 3; - of Micaiah to the prophet Zedekiah, 1 Kings 22. 24; of Jeremiah, Jer. 26. 14;-of Jesus, Isa. 53.7; Matt. 11. 29; John 18. 19, &c.*

(88.) Of Patience, recommended, Job 2. 10; Ps. 37.1,7; Pr. 3. 11; 24.10; Ecc. 7.8; Mic. 7.7,9; Luke 21.19; Rom. 12. 12; 1 Thess. 5. 14; Heb. 10.36; 12.1, &c.; Jam. 1.3; 5.7; 1 Pet. 2. 19; 2 Pet. 1.6;-of Moses, Num. 12. 3;-of Job, Job 1. 20;-of David, Ps. 40. 1; of the Thessalonians, 1 Thess. 1. 3;-of the religious in former times, Heb. 10. 34;-of Christ, Isa. 53. 7; 1 Pet. 2. 23.*

(89.) Of Charity, and general benevolence. -Charity, from the Latin charitas, properly signified love, though now restricted to alms-giving.†Recommended, Ex. 23. 4; Lev. 19. 18; Deut. 15. 7; 22. 1; Job 31. 16, &c.; Pr. 24. 17; 25.21; Ecc. 11.1; Matt. 7.12; 22.39; Jam. 2.


(90.) Of Love,-brotherly, Lev. 19. 18; Matt. 22. 39; John 13.34; 15. 12, 17; Rom. 12. 9, 10; 13.8; 1 Cor. 13. 1; Gal. 5. 6, 13; 6.2; Col. 3. 14; 1 Thess. 3.12; 4.9; Eph. 5.1,32; 5.2; Phil. 2.1; 1 Tim. 1.5; Heb. 13. 1; James 2.8; 1 Pet. 1.22; 3.8; 4.8; 1 John 2. 9; 3. 10, 23; 4. 7, 11, 20; 2 John 5;-not in word but in deed, John 3. 18, "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth." "If love consisted in word only, then love ceaseth as soon as the word is pronounced. Such was the love between Balak and Balaam. But if love consisteth not in word, it cannot be dissolved; such was the love of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the rest of the patriarchs.' Yalkut Rubeni, fol. 145. 4.†-The peculiar law of the gospel, John 13. 34, "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." The Mosaic law commanded men to 'love their neighbour as themselves;' and this implied that reciprocal and social love of believers of which our Lord spake: but this was now to be explained with new clearness, enforced by new motives and obligations, illustrated by a new example, obeyed in a new manner, and carried to a new extent. They were required to love each other for his sake, and in imitation of him,-' even as I have loved you,' -and be ready on all occasions to lay down their lives for each other. By this the primitive Christians were particularly known among the Gentiles: See, said they, how they love one another; and are ready to lay down their lives for each other.'t John 15. 12, 17; Gal. 6.2; 1 John 3. 23; 4.21.*

(91.) Of Cruelty, -forbidden, Gen. 49. 5, &c.; Deut. 25. 3; Pr.11. 17; 12. 10; Ezek. 18. 18; of Simeon and Levi, Gen. 34.25; 49.5; -of Pharaoh, Ex. 1. 14; of Adonibezek, Judg. 1.7; of Menahem, 2 Kings 15. 16;-of Jehoram, 2 Chr. 21.4;-of Herod the great, Matt.

2. 16.*

(92.) Of Mercy, -the duty of man, Pr. 3.3; Zech. 7. 9; Luke 6.36; 10. 30, &c.; Rom. 12.8; Col. 3. 12; Jam. 3. 17;-the reward of it, Ps. 37.26; 112.4, &c.; Pr. 3.4; 11.17; 16.6; 21.21; Isa. 58.6; Matt. 5.7; Luke 6.35; Jam. 2. 13.*

* Comprehensive Bible, Index to Subjects in voce.


+ Idem, Note in loco,

(93.) Of Sympathy, -recommended, Ecc. 7. 2, 4; Rom. 12. 15; 1 Cor. 12. 26; Gal. 6. 2; Heb. 13.3; 1 Pet. 3.8.*

(94.) Of Envy, condemned, Job 5.2; Ps. 37.1; Pr. 3. 31; 14. 30; 23.17; 24.19; 27.4; Rom. 13.13; 1 Cor.3.3; Gal. 5. 21; James 3. 14; 5.9; 1 Pet. 2. 1.*

(95.) Of Hatred, -to be guarded against, Lev. 19. 17; Pr. 10. 12, 18; 26.24; 1 John 2.933.15; 9.20.*

(96.) Of Anger, general advice to repress it, Ps. 37.8; Pr. 16.32; "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city." So Ovid, Fortior est qui se, quam qui fortissima vincit mania, nec virtus altius iræ potest, 'He is more of a hero who has conquered himself, than he who has taken the best fortified city.' (See also Horace, Odar. 1. 2. Od. 2.) Alexander, who conquered the world, was a slave to intemperate anger; and in a fit of it slew Clitus, one of his most intimate friends. Q. Curtius, l. viii. c. i. Arrian, l. iv. & Plutarch in Alexandro.†-Pr. 17.14; Eph. 4. 26, 31; Col. 3.8; James 1. 19;-exposes a man, and makes him incapable of friendship, Pr. 22. 24; 25.8, 28;-a mark of folly or madness, Job 5. 2; Pr. 12. 16; 14. 29; 19.11; 27.3; 29.20;-may bring a man to destruction, Job 5.2; Pr. 19. 19; Matt. 5. 22;-one of the works of the flesh, Gal. 5. 20;comes from pride, Pr. 13. 10; 21.24; - its effects on others, Pr. 15. 1, 18; 17.14; 26.21; 29.22; 30.33;-may be innocent, Eph. 4. 26;how pacified, Pr. 15.1; 16.24; 25.15; Ecc. 10.4; Matt. 5. 25;Potiphar's wife to Joseph, 39. 13;-Simeon and Levi to the Shechemites, 34. 27; 49.6;-of Balaam to his ass, Num. 22. 27;-of Moses, Num. 20. 10; Ps. 106.33; - of Saul to Jonathan, 1 Sam. 20.30;-of Jonah, Jonah 4. 1;-of the Jews against Jesus, Luke 4. 20;-of the elder son in the parable of the prodigal, 15. 28;-of reasonable anger, of Jacob with Laban, Gen. 31. 36;-of Moses with the sons of Aaron, Lev. 10. 16;-at the rebellion of Korah, &c., Num. 16. 15;-after the battle with the Midianites, 31. 14;-of Jesus with the Pharisees, Mark 3.5;-of God for sin, Gen. 6.7:30.1,2; Ex. 4. 14.*

(97.) Of Malice-forbidden, Gen. 34. 7, 25; 37.5, 18; Pr. 17. 5; 24.17; 26.24; Mark 6.17; 1 Cor. 5.8; 14. 20; Eph. 4.31; Col. 3.8; Tit. 3. 3; 1 Pet. 2. 1, 16;-of Cain to Abel, Gen. 4.8;-of Esau to Jacob, 27. 41;-of Saul to David, 1 Sam. 19. 10;-of Joab to Abner, 2 Sam. 3. 27;-of Haman to Mordecai, Esth. 3. 6;-of the scribes and Pharisees to Jesus, Mark 11. 18, &c.*

(98.) Of Peace to be cultivated, Ps. 34. 14; 133.1; Pr. 3. 30; 15. 17; 17. 1, 14, 17; 20.3;25.8; Zech. 8. 19; Mark 9.50; Rom. 12.18:14.19; 2 Cor. 13. 11; 1 Thess. 5. 13; Heb. 12. 14; 2 Tim. 2.22; 1 Pet. 3. 11;-by what means, Pr. 15.1; 25.9, 15; Col. 3. 13; 1 Thess. 4. 11;-given by Jesus, John 14. 27; - of God, Phil. 4. 7.* (99.) Of Peace makers, their blessedness, Matt. 5.9; James 3. 18.*

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