(100.) Of Quarrels to be avoided, Pr. 3.30; 17.14; 20.3; 25. 8; Col. 3. 13; whence they arise, Jam. 4. 1.* (101.) Of the Tongue, -the importance of governing it, Ps. 39. 1; Jam. 3. 2, &c.;-double, censured, 1 Tim. 3. 8.* (102.) Of Reviling or railing-forbidden, Matt. 5. 22; 1 Cor. 6. 10; 1 Pet. 2.23; 3.9; 2 Pet. 2. 11; Jude 9; to be avoided, 1 Cor. 5. 11.* (103.) Of Taciturnity-recommended, Pr. 11. 12; 14. 3; 17.28; Mic. 7. 5; Jam. 1. 19; should be properly timed, Pr. 25. 15; 29. 11.* (104.) Of Scolding, clamorous, censured, Pr. 15. 1; Eph. 4. 31.* (105.) Of the Whisperer, -an odious character, Pr. 16. 28; Rom. 1. 29; 2 Cor. 12. 20.* (106.) Of Tale-Bearing-censured, Lev. 19. 16; Pr. 11. 13; 17.9; 18.8; 20.19; 26. 20, 22; 1 Tim. 5. 13; 1 Pet. 4. 15.* (107.) Of False Witness,-laws against it, Ex. 23.1; Deut. 19. 16, &c.;-strictly forbidden, Ex. 20. 16; Pr. 6. 16, 19; 19.5, 9, 28; 21. 28; 25. 18.* (108.) Of Covetousness-forbidden, Ex. 20. 17; Deut. 5. 21; Rom. 7.9; 13.9;-censured, Pr. 23. 7; Luke 12. 15; 1 Cor. 6. 10; Eph. 5.5; Col. 3. 5; 1 Tim. 6.9; Heb. 13.5; 1 John 2.15;-threatenings against, Is. 57. 17; Jer. 6. 12, 13; Mic. 2. 1, 2; Hab. 2. 9, 11; Rom. 1. 18, 29; of Achan, Josh. 7. 21;-of Gehazi, 2 Kings 5. 20;-of Balaam, Num. 22. 17, 21; 31.8; 2 Pet. 2. 15; Jude 11;-of Ahab, 1 Kings 21. 22; - of Judas Iscariot, Matt. 26. 14;-of Ananias and Sapphira, Acts 5. 1, &c.;-the folly of it, Ecc. 4.8.* The covetous man nothing can satisfy,' as the poet Saady has observed, but the dust that fills his mouth when laid in the grave.'t The more he gets, the more he would get; for Crescit amor nummi, quantum ipsa pecunia crescit, 'The love of money increases, in proportion as money itself increases.'† A man may possess much earthly goods, and yet have neither the heart nor power to enjoy them. Possession and fruition are not necessarily joined together; and this is also among the vanities of life, and was, and still is a very 'common evil among men.' It belongs to God as much to give the power to enjoy, as it does to give earthly blessings. This a wise heathen clearly saw and well expressed: Di tibi divitias dederunt, artemque fruendi, 'The gods have given thee riches, and the art to enjoy them.' Horace. Ep. 1. i. ep. 4. v. 7.§ "An untimely birth is better than he," (Eccles. 6. 3.) which seems to come into the world in vain, leaves it in obscurity and disgrace, has no name to be remembered, and has neither seen the sun, nor known any thing, -even 'this hath more rest than the other,' the miser, who, with his coffers filled, should have lived a thousand years, and had a hundred children, 'whose soul was not filled with good,' who never could have enough, nor yet enjoy what he had. It had rest in the womb, and now rests in the grave: its pain was transient; its unhappiness a mere negation of pleasure; and it lived not, as the miser, to incur guilt and misery.* • Comprehensive Bible, Index to Subjects in voce. 1. Idem, Note on Eccles. 5. 10. + Idem, Note on Job 3. 15. Idem, Note on Eccles. 6. 2. (109.) Of Concupiscence (inordinate affection)-censured, Ex. 20. 17; Gal. 5. 16; 1 Thess. 4.5; 1 Pet. 2. 11.† (110.) Of Bribery-censured, Ex. 23.8; Deut. 16. 19; Job 15. 34; Pr. 17. 23; 29.4; Ecc. 7.7; Is. 5. 23; Ezek. 13. 19; Amos 2. 6.† (111.) Of Usury, -laws against it, Ex. 22. 25; Lev. 25. 36; Deut. 23. 19;-censured, Pr. 28.8; Ezek. 18. 8, 13, 17; 22. 12;-may be taken of strangers, Deut. 23.20.† (112.) Of Eraction-censured, Neh. 5. 6; 10. 31; Ezek. 22. 12; 45.9; Matt. 18. 28; Luke 3. 13.† (113.) Of Oppression--forbidden, Ex. 22. 21; Ps. 12. 5; Pr. 22. 16, 22; Jer. 22. 17; Ezek. 22. 29; Mic. 2. 2; Zech. 7. 10.† (114.) Of Restitution for injuries-enjoined, Ex. 22. 5; Lev. 6. 4; Num. 5.7; Not only confession, but restitution, in every possible case, is necessary in order to obtain forgiveness.* 1 Sam. 12.3; Ezek. 33. 15; 'The sin is not forgiven, unless that which is taken away be restored;' says Augustine. Luke 19. 8. (115.) Of Self-Interest to be disregarded, 1 Cor. 10. 24; Phil. 2. 21; 2 Tim. 4. 10; - of Nabal, 1 Sam. 25. 10.† (116.) Of Deceit-censured, Lev. 19.11; 25. 14; Ps. 5. 6; 55.23; Pr. 20. 17; Jer. 22. 13; 1 Cor. 6. 8; - of others, to be guarded against, Pr. 14. 15;-in matters of religion, Jer. 29.8; Matt. 24.4; Eph. 5.6; 2 Thess. 2. 3;-self, Is. 30. 10; James 1. 22, 26.† (117.) Of Hypocrisy-censured, Job 8. 13; 15.34; 27.8; 36.13; Is. 29. 13; 33.14;58.2; 59.5; "They hatch cockatrice' eggs, and weave the spider's web:" Weak and unstable, says Mr. Paxton, as the spider's web are all the professions and works of the hypocrite. The filaments which compose the flimsy texture in which she dwells are finely spun, and curiously woven; but a single touch dissolves the fabric: equally frail and evanescent are his wisest and most elaborate contrivances. She fabricates her web to be at once a covering to herself, and a snare to her neighbour; and for the same odious purposes he assumes the garb of religion: but the deceitful veil which he throws over the deformity of his character can remain only a short time; like the spider's web, it shall soon be swept away, and his loathsome form exposed to every eye. Like her he shall perish in the ruins of the habitation which he constructed with so much care, and where he reposed with such fatal security. * Jer. 3. 10; Ezek. 33.31; Matt. 6. 2,5; 7.21; 23. 13, 23, 28; 24. 51; Luke 12. 1; 16.15; 1 Pet. 2. 1; Rev. 3. 1.† (118.) Of Pride, or conceit, reproved, Ps. 101.5; 131.1; 138.6; Pr. 3. 7; 6. 17; 8.13; 14.16; 16.18; 17.19; 21.4; 26.12; 29. 23; Ecc. 7. 16; Is. 5. 21; Jer. 9. 23; Luke 1.51; 18.9; Rom. 12. 16; 1 Cor. 4.7; 8.2; 2 Cor. 10. 18; Gal. 6.3; Phil. 2.3; Jam. 4.6; or ambition to exalt one's self, Ps. 131. 1; Pr. 17. 19; 18. 2; 25.6; Jer. 45.5;-reproved, Matt. 18. 1; 20. 20; Luke 22.24; Mark 9.34; 10.42; Luke 11.43; 14.9; Rom. 12.16; 1 Thess. 2. 6;-motives to guard against it, Ps. 10. 4; 12.3; 18.27; Pr. 6. 17; 13. 10; 15.25; 16.5; 28. 25; Is. 14. 13, &c.;-the marks of it, Ps. 13. 4; Pr. 17.19; 30.12; Matt. 23.5; Luke 11.43; John 7. 18;-of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, Num. 16. 1; of Haman, Esth. 3. 1, &c. ;-of Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 4. 30; of Simon Magus, Acts 8. 9, 10;-of Herod Agrippa, 12.22.* (119.) Of Humility-recommended, Ps. 138.6; 144. 3; Pr. 11. 2; 16.19; 18.12; 22.4; 25.7. Be humble; affect not high things; keep thyself quiet; and thou shalt live at ease, in safety, and in peace. 'Why was it,' says a wise heathen on this subject, that Dædalus winged his way safely, while Icarus his son fell, and gave name to the Icarian sea? Was it not because the son flew aloft, and the father skimmed the ground? For both were furnished with the same kind of wings. Believe me, that he who lives privately, lives safely; and every one should live within his own income. Envy no man; pray for a quiet life, though it should not be dignified; seek a friend; and associate with thine equals.' Ovid, Trist. 1. iii. El. 4. v. 21-28.† Is. 57. 15; Mic. 6.8; Matt. 18. 4; 23.12; Luke 18. 14; Rom. 12. 3, 10, 16; Phil. 2.3; Col. 3. 12; James 4. 10; 1 Pet. 2. 17; 5.5;-examples of it in Elijah, 1 Kings 19. 4;-Daniel, Dan. 2.30;-the Psalmist, Ps. 131. 1;-John the Baptist, Luke 3. 16;-Peter, Acts 3.12; 10.26;-Paul and Barnabas, 14. 15;-Paul, 1 Cor. 15.9; 2 Cor. 12. 11; Eph. 3.8; 1 Tim. 1. 15.* (120.) Of Mocking-at others censured, Job 13.9; Ps. 35. 16; Pr. 17.5; 30.17;-of Ishmael at the birth of Isaac, Gen. 21.9;-of young men at Elisha, 2 Kings 2. 23;-of the Athenians at Paul's preaching, Acts 17. 32.* (121.) Of Scoffers-at God and religion described and condemned, Ps. 1. 1; Pr. 3.34; 9.7; 13.1; 14.6; Is. 29.20; 2 Pet. 3. 3;-at their neighbours, censured, Pr. 10. 10.* (122.) Of Obedience, the rewards of it, Lev. 25. 18; 26. 3, &c.; Deut. 11. 13, 22; 28.1, &c.; 30. 1, &c. ;-with threatenings in case of disobedience, Deut. 8. 1, &c.; 29. 9, &c.;-must be universal, 2 Cor. 7. 1; Jam. 2. 10, 11;-better than sacrifice, 1 Sam. 15. 22; Ps. 50.8; 51. 16; Pr. 15.8; Is. 1. 11, &c.;-Jer. 7. 21; Hos. 6. 6; Am. 5. 22; Mic. 6.6; Matt. 9. 13; 12. 7.* (123.) Of Disobedience, curses attending it, Lev. 20. 14; Deut. 28. 15.* (124.) Of Temperance, -recommended, Pr. 23.1; 1 Cor. 9. 25; Gal. 5. 23; Eph. 5. 18; Tit. 1.8; 2.2; 2 Pet. 1.6.* (125.) Of Drunkenness-censured, Pr. 20. 1; 23.31; Is. 5. 22; Luke 21.34; Rom. 13. 13; 1 Cor. 5. 11; Eph. 5. 18; 1 Thess. 5.7; 1 Pet. 4. 3;-leads to other vices, Pro. 23. 31-33; Is. 5. 11, &c.; 28. 7; Hos. 4. 11; Hab. 2.5;-to poverty, Pr. 23. 21;-destroys health, Pr. 23. 29, 30;-the cause of quarrels, Pr. 23. 29, 30;-excludes from the kingdom of heaven, Matt. 24. 49; Luke 12.45; 1 Cor. 6.10; Gal. 5. 21;-examples of it, of Noah, Gen. 9.21;-of Lot, Gen. 19. 33, 35; -of Nabal, 1 Sam. 25. 36;-of Elah, 1 Kings 16.9; - of Benhadad, 1 Kings 20, 16.* • Comprehensive Bible, Index to Subjects, in voce. + Idem, Note in loco. (126.) Of Murder-forbidden, Ex. 20. 13; Deut. 5. 17;-punishable with death, Gen. 9. 6;-laws relating to it, Num. 35.30; Lev. 24. 17; -uncertain, how expiated, Deut. 21. 1; of Abel by Cain, Gen. 4. 8; -of the sons of Gideon, Judg. 9.5, 24;-of Abner by Joab, 2 Sam. 3. 27; of Amasa by Joab, 2 Sam. 20.8;-of Baasha by Zimri, 1 Kings 16.9;-of Naboth by Ahab, 1 Kings 21.8;-of Zechariah by Joash, 2 Chr. 24. 21;-of Zechariah king of Israel by Shallum, 2 Kings 15. 10 ;-of Amon by his servants, 2 Kings 21.23.* (127.) Of Revenge-to be refrained from, Lev. 19. 18; Pr. 20. 22; 24. 29; Matt. 5. 39; Rom. 12.19; 1 Thess. 5. 15; 1 Pet. 3. 9.* (128.) Of Enemies, their cattle to be brought to them if found astray, Ex. 23.4; their misfortunes not to be rejoiced at, Job 31.29; Ps. 35. 13; Pr. 24. 17;-good to be done for their evil, Pr. 25. 21; Matt. 5.44; Luke 6. 27, 35.* (129.) Of Fornication-forbidden to the Israelites, Lev. 19. 29; Deut. 23. 17;-a law concerning it, Deut. 22. 28;-censured in general, Pr. 2. 16;5.3; 6.25; 7.6; 22.14; 23.27; 29.3; 31.3; Ecc.7.26; Hos. 4. 11; Matt. 15.19; Mark 7.21; Acts 15.20; Rom. 1.29; 1 Cor. 5.9; 6.9; 13.15; 2 Cor. 12. 21; Gal. 5.19; Eph. 5.3,5; 1 Thess. 4.3; 1 Tim. 1. 10; Heb. 12. 16; 13.4; Rev. 2.14, 20; 21.8; 22.15;-motives to avoid it, Pr. 2. 16; 5.3; 6.2437.539.18; 29. 3; Hos. 4. 10; 1 Cor. 6. 18; Eph. 5.5; Col. 3. 5; Heb. 13.4; Jude 7; Rev. 21.8; 22.15;-laws relating to it, Ex. 22. 16; Lev. 19. 20;the price of it not to be given to the sanctuary, Deut. 23. 18.* (130.) Of Sensuality-censured, Am, 6. 4; Luke 16.19, &c.; 1 Cor. 15.32; Jam. 5. 5.* (131.) Of Lusts of the flesh to be repressed, Matt. 5. 29; 15.19; Rom. 8. 13; 1 Cor. 9.27; Gal. 5. 16, 19; Col. 3.5; 1 Pet. 2. 11;unnatural, Rom. 1. 26; Eph. 5. 12; 1 Thess. 4. 5.* (132.) Of the Flesh, -the motions of it tending to sin, Rom. 7.5;not to walk after it, but after the Spirit, Rom. 8. 9, 12; 13. 14;-the works of it, Gal. 5. 19; to be abstained from, 1 Pet. 2. 11; 2 Pet. 2. 10.* (133.) Of the Body, -to be kept pure, Rom. 12.1; 1 Cor. 6. 13; 1 Thess. 4. 4; not to be disfigured, Lev. 19.28; 21.5; Deut. 14. 1;changed at the resurrection, Matt. 22.30; 1 Cor. 15. 42, 51; Phil. 3.21.* (134.) Of Self-denial, a Christian duty, Matt. 16. 24; Mark 8.34; Luke 9. 23.* (135.) Of Purity of heart, or perfection of character-required, Rom. 6. 19; Eph. 1. 4; Phil. 2.15; 2 Pet. 3. 14;-respecting the works of the flesh, Gal. 5. 16; Eph. 5.3; Col. 3.5; 1 Pet. 2. 11.* (136.) Of the Heart-should be pure, Josh. 24.14; 1 Sam. 16.7; 1 Chr. 28.9; 29.17; Ps. 7.8; 24.4351.6; 73.1; 119.80; 125.4; Pr. 4. 23; 23.26; 24. 9; Matt. 5.8; Luke 8.15; 11.39; Rom. 2. 29; 1 Tim. 1.5; 2 Tim. 2. 22; James 4.8;-the evidence of its being so, Ps. 15. 4; Matt. 12. 35; 15. 18; Luke 6. 45; James 3. 11;under the direction of God, and therefore a subject of prayer, 1 Kings 8. 58; Ps. 51. 10; 119.36; 141. 4; Jer. 32.40; Gal. 4. 6; 2 Thess. 3.5.* (137.) Of Thoughts-govern the actions, and therefore to be attended to, Pr. 4. 23; 23.7; Matt. 5. 28, &c.; 15.18; Acts 26.9; Rom. 2. 15; 2 Cor. 10.5; 1 Tim. 1. 13.* (138.) Of Wishes, evil, to be suppressed, Job 31. 1, 30; Ps. 40. 14.* (139.) Of Perfection-to be aimed at, 1 Kings 8.61; Matt. 5. 48; Luke 6.36; 2 Cor. 13. 9, 11; Eph. 5.1; Heb. 13. 21;-not attainable by man, Job 4.18; 15. 14; Pr. 20. 9.* (140.) Of Merit-not to be pleaded with God, Deut. 9.4; Job 35. 7; Pr. 16.2; Rom. 4.2; 11.6; 2 Tim. 1. 9; Tit. 3. 5.* (141.) Of Ingratitude, -censured, Ps. 7. 4; 100.7, &c; Pr. 17. 13; Jer. 3.5; 2 Tim. 3.2;-of Pharaoh's butler to Joseph, Gen. 40.23;of the Israelites to the family of Gideon, Judg. 8.34;-of Saul to David, 1 Sam. 18. 6, &c.* (142.) Of Murmuring, or unreasonable complaining, censured, 1 Cor. 10. 10; Phil. 2.14; Jude 16;-of the Israelites at Moses in Egypt, Ex. 5.20; 14. 11;-at Marah, Ex. 15. 23;-at Sin for want of bread, Ex. 16. 2;-for water, Ex. 17. 2;-at Taberah, Num. 11. 1;-at the report of the spies, Num. 14.1;-after the death of Korah, &c. Num. 16.41 ;— loathing manna, &c. Num. 21. 5.* (143.) Of Infidelity, or Unbelief, -the causes of it, John 5. 44; 2 Cor. 4.4; Eph. 2. 2; 2 Thess. 2. 12;-consequences of, Matt. 24. 11, 12; 2 Tim. 3.2-5; 2 Pet. 2. 12;-the danger of it, Mark 16.16; Luke 12. 46; Rom. 1. 28; 2 Tim. 2. 12; Rev. 21.8;-of the Israelites, Ps. 106. 24; of the inhabitants of Nazareth, Matt. 13.57;-of the brethren of Jesus, John 7.5; - of the Jews at Jerusalem, John 12.37;-at the preaching of Paul, Acts 12. 44.* (144.) Of Infidels or Unbelievers, Christians should not marry with them, 2 Cor. 6. 14, 15, 19; to be shunned, Matt. 6.15; Rom. 16. 17; 1 Tim. 6.5; Phil. 3. 2; 2 Thess. 3. 6, 14;-how to be distinguished in order to be avoided, 1 Thess. 5. 21; 1 John 4. 1-3;-threatenings of God against, Pr. 3. 34; 19.29; Jer. 14. 15; 23.32;-obstinate, their * Comprehensive Bible, Index to Subjects, in voce. |