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" I'll do them juftice. Let every man who knows that nation fpeak of it as he found it; if he lived in their intimacy for years (as I did), and if he found them ill-natured, ill-mannered, treacherous, and cowardly, let him fpeak his mind. I quarrel with... "
Letters on Several Subjects - Seite 176
von Martin Sherlock - 1781
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, Band 24

Edmund Burke - 1800 - 614 Seiten
...a tongue to fpeak, or a pen to write, wherever I go I'll do them juftice. Let every man who ino-jis that nation fpeak of it as he found it ; if he lived...treacherous, and cowardly, let him fpeak his mind. I quarrel « ith no man who judges for himfelf, and who fp.-aks the truth. But let the indulgence I grant, be...
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The Flowers of Modern Travels: Being Elegant, Entertaining and ..., Band 2

John Adams - 1792 - 332 Seiten
...fpeak, or a pen to write, wherever I go I'll do them juftice. Let every man who knows that nation fpcak of it as he found it. If he lived in their intimacy for years (as J. did,) and if he found them ill-natured, ill-mannered, treacherous, and cowardly, let him fpeak his...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1800 - 624 Seiten
...vir» tues, which grace and adorn it. In England the French have few friends. But they have еж; j and that one am I. They could not, I acknowledge,...quarrel with no man who judges for himfelf, and who fpsaks the truth. But let the indulgence I grant, be granted to me again ; and let me be permitted...
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Annual Register of World Events, Band 24

1800 - 620 Seiten
...a' tongue to fpeak, or a pen to write, wherever I go I'll do them juftice. Let every man who knrws that nation fpeak of it as he found it ; if he lived...years (as I did), and if he found them ill-natured, ill-mann:red, treacherous, and cowardly, let him fpeak his mind. I quarrel with no man who judges for...
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The Flowers of Modern Travels: Being Elegant, Entertaining and ..., Band 1

John Adams - 1816 - 350 Seiten
...speak, or a pen to write, wherever 1 go I'll do them justice. Let every man who knows that nation speak of it as he found it. If he lived in their intimacy for years (as 1 did.) and if he found them ill-natured, ill-manuer«d, treacherous, and cowardly, let him speak his...
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Mirabeau's Letters During His Residence in England: With Anecdotes ..., Band 2

Honoré-Gabriel de Riqueti comte de Mirabeau - 1832 - 382 Seiten
...speak, or a pen to write, wherever I go I'll do them justice. Let every man who knows that nation speak of it as he found it ; if he lived in their intimacy...ill-natured, ill-mannered, treacherous, and cowardly, let him speak his mind. I quarrel with no man who judges for himself, and who speaks the truth. But let the...
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Cours de versions anglaises ou Recueil choisi d'anecdotes, traits ...

P. Sadler - 1841 - 360 Seiten
...letter of Sherlock, concerning France and the french. 1781. Let every man who knows that nation speak of it as he found it; if he lived in their intimacy...did), and if he found them ill-natured, ill-mannered (1), treacherous, and cowardly (2), let him speak (5) his mind. I quarrel with no man who judges for...
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