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Wednesday, August 24, 1870.

The Convention assembled at 10 o'clock A. M., preparatory to organization, when REV. COLLINS STONE, Principal of the American Asylum, Hartford, Conn., called the meeting to order and said:

As a member of the Committee appointed by the Conference of Principals, held in 1868, I will read the Circular calling this Convention:

NEW YORK, April 15, 1870.


At the National Conference of Principals of Institutions for the Deaf and Dumb, held at Washington, May 12-16, 1868, the following resolution was adopted, (Proceedings, p. 149):

"Resolved, That in the opinion of this conference, there should be held, from time to time, General Conventions of all persons engaged in the Education of the Deaf and Dumb; and that Mr. I. L. PEET, of New York, Dr. JOSEPH H. JOHNSTON, of Alabama, Rev. COLLINS STONE, of Connecticut, Dr. H. W. MILLIGAN, of Wisconsin, and W. O. CONNER, of Georgia, be appointed a committee to make arrangements for such a Convention, either in the year 1869 or 1870, and to issue a call for the same, inviting all teachers of deaf mutes and principals and trustees of institutions to assemble, without regard to the method or system they may use in their labors."

This committee have received from Rev. THOS. MAC INTIRE, Principal of the Indiana Institution, a letter from which the following is an extract:

"At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of this Institution, held this day (April 7th), the following action was had with reference to the proposed meeting of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf and Dumb:

"Resolved, That the Board of Trustees of this Institution, in view of the near approach of the time for the assembling of the National Convention of Instructors of the Deaf and Dumb, and believing that Indianapolis would be a most central, convenient, and suitable

place for the assembling of such Convention, do hereby extend to the committee a cordial invitation to hold the said meeting in this Institution, at such time in the month of August as shall, on consultation, be thought best.

"Resolved, That our Superintendent is hereby empowered and requested, should the invitation be accepted, to tender the hospitalities of the Institution to the members of the Convention, and to make such other arrangements as may

pleasant and profitable meeting, be necessary to secure to them a

After due deliberation, the Committee have accepted this invitation, and now give notice that the Convention will be held at the Indiana Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, in Indianapolis, on Wednesday, the 24th of August, 1870.

It is respectfully suggested that you prepare one or more papers on such subjects as may seem to you of importance in connection with the work of instructing the deaf and dumb, to be presented at the Convention.

Mr. MAC INTIRE has kindly consented to act as Local Committee, and to him, therefore, all letters of inquiry or of acceptance should be addressed.

In behalf of the Committee,


After reading, Mr. STONE continued: In pursuance of this Circular, the Convention is assembled. For the purpose of a temporary organization, I move that HARVEY P. PEET, LL. D., of New York, take the chair.

The motion was seconded and adopted.

Dr. PEET, on taking the chair, said:

Gentlemen of the Convention: I return you my sincere and cordial thanks for the honor which you have done me in placing me in the chair temporarily, preliminary to a permanent organization. I feel a very deep interest in the cause of deaf mute instruction, although I have not, at the present time, the discharge of any of the executive duties of the office which I have held for thirty-eight years. I have attended every convention that has been held to advance the interests of the cause, and I hope that in time to come, when this convention shall have adjourned, similar conventions will continue, from time to time, to be held. I fully believe that the interests of the cause will thereby be promoted-that it will tend to advance the literature of the profession, and finally arrive at the best results which human labor can achieve.

W. J. PALMER, of the North Carolina Institution, offered the following:

Resolved, That J. C. Gordon, of the Indiana Institution, be elected temporary Secretary of the Convention.


J. C. BULL, of the American Asylum, Hartford, Connecticut, offered the following:

Resolved, That a Committee of three be appointed on Credentials and Enrollment.


The Chair appointed Messrs. J. C. Bull, John W. Swiler, of the Illinois Institution, and D. R. Coleman, of the North Carolina Institution, committee.

After consultation, the Committee submitted the following


The Committee on Credentials and Enrollment respectfully report that the following named persons are entitled to seats in this Convention, viz:

AMERICAN ASYLUM.-Collins Stone, Principal; John C. Bull, Mrs. J. C. Bull, J. R. Keep, Job Williams, Abel S. Clark, Mrs. A. S. Clark. NEW YORK INSTITUTION.-Isaac Lewis Peet, Principal; Harvey P. Peet, LL. D., Emeritus Principal; Mrs. H. P. Peet, G. C. W. Gamage, Miss Harriet C. Gamage. Rev. T. Gallaudet, D. D., Member of Board of Directors.

PENNSYLVANIA INSTITUTION.-Joshua Foster, Acting Principal; James J. Barclay, Secretary Board of Directors.

OHIO INSTITUTION.-Gilbert O. Fay, Superintendent; George W. Halse, Miss Louisa K. Thompson, Miss Cassie H. Smith, Miss Hannah Davis, Plumb M. Park, J. D. H. Stewart.

VIRGINIA INSTITUTION.-J. C. Covell, Principal; Mrs. J. C. Covell. INDIANA INSTITUTION.-Thos. Mac Intire, Superintendent; Horace S. Gillet, Wm. H. Latham, Walter W. Angus, Sidney J. Vail, H. N. Mac Intire, John L. Houdyshell, Naomi S. Hiatt, Eugene W. Wood, Joseph C. Gordon. P. H. Jameson, J. M. Kitchen, Trustees.

NORTH CAROLINA INSTITUTION.-W. J. Palmer, Principal; D. R. Coleman.

ILLINOIS INSTITUTION.-Philip G. Gillett, Principal; H. W. Milligan, John W. Swiler, Henry C. Hammond, Miss Anna B. Osgood, Miss Elvira P. Gage, Selah Wait, Franklin Read.


MISSOURI INSTITUTION.-W. S. Marshall, Vice Principal; Mrs. W. S. Marshall, Benj. T. Gilkey, Mrs. B. T. Gilkey, Miss Lydia A. Kennedy.

LOUISIANA INSTITUTION.-J. A. McWhorter, Superintendent.

WISCONSIN INSTITUTION.-Edward C. Stone, Principal; W. A. Cochrane, Mrs. W. A. Cochrane, Z. G. McCoy, Miss E. Eddy, E. G. Valentine, G. F. Schilling, L. Eddy.

MICHIGAN INSTITUTION.-E. L. Bangs, Principal; Thos. L. Brown, A. W. Mann, W. L. Brennan.

IOWA INSTITUTION.-Benjamin Talbot, Superintendent; C. S. Zorbaugh, Henry A. Turton, Miss Ellen J. Israel.

NATIONAL DEAF-MUTE COLLEGE.-E. M. Gallaudett, Ph. D., LL. D., President; Prof. Samuel Porter, Prof. Edward A. Fay.

ALABAMA INSTITUTION.--Joseph H. Johnson, Principal; Mrs. J. H. Johnson, John A. Hoge. Wm. Taylor, Trustee.


MINNESOTA INSTITUTION.-J. L. Noyes, Superintendent; Cyrus L. Williams.

ARKANSAS INSTITUTION.-E. P. Caruthers, Principal.

MARYLAND INSTITUTION.-C. W. Ely, Principal; Chas. M. Grow, Mrs. C. M. Grow.

CLARKE INSTITUTION.-Leroy J. Dudley, Director.

PITTSBURGH DAY-SCHOOL.-J. G. Brown, D. D.; Mrs. J. G. Brown, Archibald Woodsides, Mrs. A. Woodsides, Miss Woodsides. WEST VIRGINIA INSTITUTION.-H. H. Hollister, Principal. NOVA SCOTIA INSTITUTION.-J. Scott Hutton, Principal. FORMER TEACHERS.-W. H. De Motte, W. Willard, M. L. Brock. HONORARY MEMBERS.-His Excellency, Conrad Baker, Governor of Indiana; S. T. Gillett, D. D.; W. H. Churchman, Supt. Ind. Inst. for the Blind; Hon. Barnabas C. Hobbs, Supt. Pub. Inst. for State of Indiana; Hon. J. W. Langmuir, Inspector of Asylums, Prisons, and Public Charities, Province of Ontario, Dominion of Canada.*

On motion of Dr. E. M. GALLAUDET, the report was accepted, and the Committee continued.

Mr. MAC INTIRE moved that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair, to nominate permanent officers.


*NOTE.-For convenient reference, the names of persons who came in after the presentation of this report, and the names of Honorary Members submitted by the Committee on Invitation, have been incorporated in this roll.

The Chair appointed Messrs. Mac Intire, P. G. Gillett, Keep, McWhorter, and Johnson said committee. The committee retired for consultation.

THE CHAIR-While the committee is out, it might be well for the Convention to be occupied with some matters concerning which no special action may be necessary. There may be letters from members belonging to Institutions not represented, and which it has been customary, on such occasions, to read. If there be any such in the possession of the chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, which he wishes read, they can be presented at this time.

The following letters were laid before the Convention, which, by unanimous consent, were read by the Secretary:


VINEYARD GROVE, MASS., August 17, 1870. MR. MAC INTIRE-Dear Sir: Before I knew that the teachers of the deaf and dumb would meet in convention this summer, I had arranged with my children to spend the month of August with them in this favorite resort; and when your kind invitation reached me, to be present at the convention in your Institution, I regretted that I could not accept it, consistently with the plans already formed.

Assure the brethren and friends who may be present that I shall be with them in spirit-that they have my best wishes for the full enjoyment of the occasion, and my prayers for their happiness and success in all the future of life.

Your sincere friend,



To Mr. Mac Intire and the Ladies and Gentlemen of the Convention : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: It would afford me a special pleasure to be with you and join you in your deliberations and discussions of matters pertaining to the great, good, philanthropic cause in which we are engaged, but circumstances beyond my control detain me for the present in other scenes, and I can only send you the expression of my sympathies; as the old dramatic poet upon one occasion made one of his characters say:

"The stern necessity

Of time demands my services awhile,
But my full heart meanwhile remains
In use with you."

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