Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Globe of M. Behaim-Europe and America.. 426 Globe of Martin Behaim-Asia.............
Globe of John Schöner-Western Hemisphere, 430

COSTER, ANNA VALLAYER (With a Portrait).





Benson J. Lossing 719
...Alice Cary 514
Carl Spencer 705
...Justin M'Carthy 259
Miss S. C. Woolsey 919

Elizabeth Akers Allen 810

Annie Moore 226

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Mauselein and the Frog.


[blocks in formation]







UNITED STATES.-The Autumn Elections, 153, 313.

Senator Morton's Appointment as Minister to En-

gland, 153; he declines the Mission, 313. Resigna-

tion of General J. D. Cox, 313. Opening of the Third

Session of the Forty-first Congress, 470. The Presi-

dent's Annual Message, 470. San Domingo, as

treated in the President's Message, 471. The San

Domingo Commission, 630, 792. Revival of Com-

merce Suggestions of the President, 472; Congres-

sional Bills relating to, 473, 790. Expenses of the

Government, 472. Reduction of Taxation, 472, 473.

Civil Service Reform, 472. The Public Lands, 472.

Patents, 473. The Census Bureau, 473. Pensions,

473, 789. Indian Council at Ocmulgee, 631; Presi-

dent's Message on, 790. Connecticut Democratic
Convention, 631. Connecticut Republican Conven-
tion, 791. Statistics of the Income Tax, 631. Sta-
tistics of Commercial Credit, 700. Affairs in North
Carolina and Arkansas, 791. Carnivals at Washing-
ton and New Orleans, 791. The New Hampshire
Election, 943. The New Loan, 943. Conviction of
Governor Holden, 943. The High Commission, 943.
Disasters-153, 313, 631, 632, 791, 943, 945.
Congress-470, 473, 630, 631, 789, 790. Congressional

Action on the Income Tax, 475, 789, 942. Robert

C. Schenck, appointed Minister to England, resigns

his Seat in the House, 630. Alabama Claims, 630.

Salaries of Chief Justice and his Associates, 631, 790.
Territorial Government for District of Columbia,
631, 790.
Confirmation of D. D. Porter as Admiral,

631. Representatives and Senators from Georgia,

631. Newly elected Senators, 631, 791. Pension

Acts, 789. Commissioner of Fisheries, 789. The

West Point Cadets, 789. Homesteads for Sailors and

Soldiers, 789. The Test Oath, 789. Railroad Grants,

789, 790, 941. Assistance to Sufferers from the Eu-

ropean War, 790. The Brooklyn Navy-Yard, 790. Ap-

propriations for Public Buildings, 790, 942. Southern

Pacific Railroad, 790, 941. The High Commission,

790. The Steamboat Bill, 941. Congressional Election

Bill, 942. Centennial Celebration, 1876, 942. Consti-

tution of the Forty-second Congress, 942. Southern

Affairs, 942.

Obituary.-General R. E. Lee, 153. Mrs. General

Belknap, 632. George Holland, 632. Hon. John
Covode, 632. Thomas Garrett, 791. George Ticknor,
Alice Cary, 776, 791. J. B. Magruder, 791.
Mrs. Hawthorne, 945. Robert Chambers, 945.

Harper's School and Family Series of Readers, 141.
Literary Selections for the Students of the Normal
School for Young Ladies of the City of New York,

CANADA.-President's Message on the Fisheries
Question, etc., 471. The High Commission, 790.


sage on the Cuban Insurrection, 470; on the Peace

Conference between Spain and the South American

Republics, 471; on San Domingo, 471; on the Mex-

ican Free Zone, 471. Caballero De Rodas resigns,

and is succeeded by Valmaseda, as Captain-General

of Cuba, 632. Situation of the Cuban Insurgents,

792. Hurricane in Cuba, 154. Cuban Affairs, 943.

Cabral's Revolution in San Domingo, 632. Grant of

the Mexican Congress to Tehuantepec Canal, 632.

Capture of Maracaibo, 632. Captain Selfridge's

Darien Expedition, 792. Radical Triumph in Porto

Rico, 944. Improvements in Jamaica, 944. Meeting

of Mexican Congress, 944. Columbia and Bolivia,


EUROPE.-Siege of Paris, 153. Peace Negotiations

between Bismarck and Favre, 154. Surrender of

Toul, Strasburg, and Soissons, 154. Gambetta's

Proclamation, 154. Surrender of Metz, 313. The

Abortive Armistice, $13. Defeat of the Army of the

Loire, 473. Fatal Delay of the French, 633. Unsuc-

cessful Sorties, 633. Defeat of Chanzy at Le Mans,

633. The Army of the North, 633. Bourbaki's Fail-

ure in the East, 633. Bombardment of Paris, 633.

Surrender of Paris, 792. Capture of Longwy, 792.

Terms of the Armistice, 792. Election of Members

of the National Assembly, 793. Proceedings of the

Assembly, 793. The Provisional Government, 793.

Proclamation of Louis Napoleon, 793. The Franco-

Prussian Treaty, 944. Napoleon's Protest, 944. Ger-

man Entry into Paris, 944. Paris under the Mob,

945. Changes in the British Cabinet, 634. The Queen's

Speech, 793. Mr. Disraeli's Attack on the Govern-

ment, 793. Army Reform, 793. Vote in Rome on

Annexation to Italy, 154; Removal of the Capital to

Rome, 634. Italy and the Pope, 793. Opening of

the North German Parliament, 473. Opening of the

Reichstag, 945. The Luxembourg Difficulty, 473,

793. Bismarck on Neutral Rights, 634. Rehabilita-

tion of the German Empire, 634. The Duke of Aosta

chosen King of Spain, 154; his Election by the

Cortes, 314; his Assumption of the Crown, 634.

sassination of General Prim, 634. Russia's Protest

against the Treaty of 1856, 314. The London Con-

ference, 634, 945.

ASIA.-Chinese Affairs, 314, 634.

141. Dr. Hart's Composition and Rhetoric, 141.
Smith's Condensed Etymology of the English Lan-
guage for Common Schools, 141. French's Mental


Arithmetic, 141. Peck's Elementary Treatise on

Mechanics, 141. Willson's New Speller and Analyzer,

141. Estelle Russell, 141. Sand's Monsieur Sylves-

tre, 142. Benjamin's Choice of Paris, 142. The Heir

Expectant, 142. Dickens's Mystery of Edwin Drood,

142. Hitchcock's New and Complete Analysis of the

Holy Bible, 142. Grace Aguilar's Women of Israel,

142. Saving Knowledge, 143. Clark's Work-day

Christianity, 143. Dr. Wilberforce's Heroes of He-

brew History, 143. Dr. Molloy's Geology and Reve-

lation, 143. Lange's Commentary, 143. Dr. Hanna's

Life of Christ, 143. Mommsen's History of Rome,

143. Scott's School History of the United States, 144.

Irving's Life of Washington, condensed, 144. Bonar's

Life of Rev. John Milne, 145. Life of Arthur Tap-

pan, 145. Chambers's Cyclopedia, 145. Appleton's

Almanac, 300. Josh Billings's Allminax, 300. Nast's

Almanac, 300. Beecher's Morning and Evening Ex-

ercises, 300. The Adventures of a Young Naturalist

in Mexico, 301. Figuier's Earth and Sea, 301. Pou-

chet's Universe, second Edition, 301. Weidenman's

Beautifying Country Homes, 301. Herbert's Poetical

Works, 301. Milton's Ode to the Nativity, illustrated,

302. Mrs. Browning's Poetical Works, 302. Bryant's

Song of the Sower, 302. Mother Goose in her New

Dress, 302. Rolfe's Edition of the Merchant of Ven-

ice, 303. Dickens's The Child's Dream of a Star, 303.

Grimm's Household Stories, 303. Popular Fairy

Tales, 303. Miscellaneous, 304. New Department

in Harper's Weekly, 305. The Speaker's Commen-

tary, 459. Bulwer's Life of Palmerston, 459. Thin's

Tien-tsin Massacre, 459. Zell's Cyclopedia, 459.

Konewka's Evening Amusement, 460. Lays of the

Holy Land, 460. Tony and Puss, 460. Eiloart's From

Thistles-Grapes? 460. Which is the Heroine? 460.

Collins's The Vivian Romance, 460. In Duty Bound,

460. Judd's Margaret, 460. Valerie Aylmer, 460.

Douglass's With Fate against Him, 460. Taylor's

Joseph and his Friend, 461. What was She? 461.

Ingelow's Monitions of the Unseen, 461. Weeks's Epi-

sodes and Lyric Pieces, 461. Light at Even-tide, 461.

Thompson's The Theology of Christ, 461. Bagster's

Analytical Greek Lexicon, 461. Beecher's Our Seven

Churches, 462. Huxley's Lay Sermons, Essays, and

Reviews, 462. Lubbock's Origin of Civilization, 462.

Strength and Skill, 462. Lockyer's Astronomy, 463.

Miscellaneous, 463. Alexandre Dumas, 620. Albert

Barnes, 620. Dean Alford of Canterbury, 621. Blunt's

Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology, 621.

Smith's Bible Dictionary, 621. Pond's History of


Relation of Blood to Life, 146. Physiological Ef-

fects of Alcohol, 146. Effervescent Citrate of Mag-
nesia, 146. The Opossum as a House Pest in Costa
Rica, 146. Extinction of Siberian Mammoth, 147.
American Shells in European Waters, 147. Eucalyp-
tus-Tree, 147. Carbuncle in Animals, 147. Test of
actual Death, 148. Microscopic Examination of va-
rious Atmospheres, 148. Physiology of Meat Ex-
tracts, 148. Reproduction in Nais, 148. New Aus-
tralian Fish, 148. Action of Chloroform on Plants,
149. Longevity of Animals, 149. Ozone produced
by Flowers and Essences, 149. Increase of Temper-
ature by Nervous Action, 149. Canine Madness in
France, 150. Typhoid Fever, 150. Mr. Swainson's
Collection of Birds, 150. Organic Effect of differ-
ently colored Light, 150. Huxley's Classification of
Races, 150. Colored Starch, 151. Bleaching by Oil
of Turpentine, 151. Cause of Motion of Glaciers,
151. Large Scottish Salmon, 151. Aymara Indians
of Bolivia, 151. Glucose in Fermenting Liquids, 151.
Organic Matter in Water, 151. Temperature of the
Cranial Cavity, 152. Ratio of Height to Weight of
the Human Body, 152. Currents of the North At-
lantic, 152. Continuity of Liquid and Gaseous Forms
of Matter, 153. Nature of the Sun's Corona, 305.
Poisonous Serpents in Australia, 306. Hermit Crabs
climbing Trees, 306. Danger from using the Waste
Gas of Furnaces, 306. Purification of Olive-Oil, 306.
Changing the Colors of the Flowers of the Hy-
drangea, 306.
Phillip Carbo-Oxygen Lamp, 306.
Testing Adulteration of Milk, 306. Photographing
on Wood for Engraving, 307. Alcohol from Lichens,
Cultivation of Cinchona-Tree in Jamaica, 307.
Purification of Iron by Sodium, 307. German Method
of refining Paraffine, 308. Antíflamine, 308. Physical
Geography of North America in the Pliocene Period,
308. Fluid Alloy of Sodium and Potassium, 308.
Chinese Use of Arsenic in Agriculture, 308. Graft-
ing of Part of one Animal in another, 308. Poison
Gland of an East Indian Serpent, 309. Pegging Lob-
ster Claws, 309. New Site for the British Museum,


God's Church, 621. Payne's Prophecy a Preparation

for Christ, 621. Murray's Outline of Sir William

Hamilton's Philosophy, 622. Headley's Sacred Heroes

and Martyrs, 622. Hunt's Bible Notes for Daily Read-

ers, 622. Furness's Jesus, 622. Gray's The Children's

Crusade, 622. Abbott's Prússia and the Franco-

Prussian War, 622. Hugo's The Destroyer of the

Second Republic, 622. Renan's Constitutional Mon-

archy in France, 622. Adams's Memoir of Washing-

ton Irving, 622. Mrs. Austin's The Shadow of Mo-

loch Mountain, 622. By the Sea, 622. Shiloh, 622.

Mrs. Charles's The Victory of the Vanquished, 623.

Taylor's Translation of Faust, 623. Whittier's Mir-

iam, 624. Browne's The Suitors, 624. Wiseman's

Translation of Lenore, 624. Longfellow's Poets and

Poetry, 624. Lowell's Posies for Children, 624. Ken-

drick's Our Poetical Favorites, 624. Alice Cary, 776.

Plutarch's Morals, 777. The Bret Harte Literature,

777. Rawlinson's Manual of Ancient History, 778.

Dr. Thomas's Universal Pronouncing Dictionary of

Biography and Mythology, 778. The Recovery of

Jerusalem, 778. Maudsley's Body and Mind, 778.

Mimpriss's Gospel Treasury, 779. Hamilton's Moses,

the Man of God, 779. Macduff's Memories of Patmos,

779. M'Call's Culture and the Gospel, 779. Crosby's

Jesus: His Life and Work, 779. De Mille's Crypto-

gram, 779. Trollope's Sir Harry Hotspur of Humble-

thwaite, 779. Mrs. Prentiss's Life and Nature under

the Tropics, 780. Miss Mulock's Fair France, 780.

Taine's Rome and Naples, 780. White's Words and

their Uses, 781. Porter's Books and Reading, 781.

H. W. Preston's Aspendale, 781. Lewis's Our Girls,

928. Ginx's Baby, 928. The Pilgrim and the Shrine,

929. Barnes's Life at Threescore-and-Ten, 929.

Parker's Ad Clerum, 929. Seelye's Lectures and Es-

says, 929. Washburn's History of Paraguay, 930.

Life of John Adams, 930. Morilet's Travels in Cen-

tral America, 930. Earl's Dene, 930. Daisy Nichol,

931. Miss Mulóck's Translation of Motherless, 931.

Bred in the Bone, 931. Fenton's Quest, 931. Blue

Jackets, 931. Emma Parker; or, Scenes in the

Homes of the City Poor, 931. Miss Warner's Oppor-

tunities, 931. Brotherhead's Himself his Worst En-

emy, 931. MacDonald's Phantastes, 931. The Win-

dow; or, The Songs of the Wrens, 931. Mrs. Clem-

ent's Hand-Book of Legendary and Mythological

Art, 932. Todd's Apple Culturist, 932. Bernard's

Wonderful Escapes, 932. Lady Belcher's Mutineers

of the Bounty, 932. New Materials for American

History in Austrian Archives, 932.

309. Systematic Position of Pterodactyls, 309. Ety-

mology of the Name "Horse-Chestnut," 309. Per-
tuiset Powder, 309. Confusion of Names of Fishes,
310. Relationships of Phylloxera, 310. Lead-Foil
for Dressing Wounds, 310. Seguin Collection of
Fossil Mammals, 310. Simple Mode of rearing Mush-
rooms, 310. Detection of Logwood Dye in Wine,
310. Fungus Growth on Insects, 310. Andrews on
the Chronology of American Lakes, 311. Toselli
Method of cooling Liquids without Ice, 311. Value
of Revaccination in Small-Pox, 311. Effect on the
Frog of the Removal of the Brain, 311. Comparative
Period of Melting of Natural and Artificial Ice, 312.
"Allios" of the Plains of Southern France, 312.
Breeding Ostriches in Captivity, 312. Ratio between
the Size of the Chick and the Egg, 313. Purification
of Gypsum Waters, 313. Rate of Nervous Excitation,
464. Supposed natural Origin of some Forest Fires,
464. Man in the Tertiary Period, 464. Cultivation
of the Cinchona-Tree in Algiers, 464. Cure of
chronic Somnambulism, 464. German Explorations
in Greenland, 464. Deep-Sea Soundings in the Adri-
atic, 465. Use of Sulphate of Baryta in Whitewash-
ing, 465. Embossing Wood, 465. Pale Yellow for
Signals, 465. Exploration of Eastern Asia, 465.
Temperature of the Sun, 466. Reduction of native
Sulphides, 466. The Microscope in Geology, 466.
Alkalinity of Carbonate of Lime, 466. Protection
against Sea-Sickness, 466. Vision of the young Mole,
466. Aluminium for small Weights, 466. Boiling
Point of unmiscible Liquids, 467. Haughton on Ani-
mal Mechanics, 467. Work on European Mollusca, 467.
Simple Washing and Ironing Machines, 467. Fitting
Candles into Sockets, 467. Cerium a Test for Strych-
nine, 467. Secret Writing, 467. Fixing Pencil or
Crayon Drawings, 468. Fertilization of the Flowers
of Rhodea, 468. Sugar-cutting Machine, 468. Sub-
stitution of Strontian, etc., for Lime in Bone, 468.
Poison of the Scorpion, 468. Rigidity of the Jaws
in Drowning Persons not a Sign of Death, 469.
Chloralum, 469. Mboundou Poison, 469.



tion of Heat by Fungi, 469. Ice from the Tosselli
Machine, 469. Net-work of coagulated Blood, 469.
The Delhi Boil, 469. Distinguishing real from ap-
parent Death, 469. Ancient Phoenician Sun-Dial,
470. Mode of Administering Chloral, 470. Halford
Method of Curing Snake-Bites, 625. Combustion of
Smoke, 625. Hypodermic Injections, 625. Antiquity
of Man, 626. Temperature of Insects, 626. Remains
in the Caves of the Altai, 626. Homeric Iron, 627.
Physiological Effects of Coffee, 627. Non-conduct-
ing Handles of Tea-Pots, 627. Temperature of the
Earth at different Depths, 627. Colorometric De-
termination of Gold in Quartz, 628. Paper from Oat
Refuse, 628. Chioride of Zinc as a Paint, 628. Iron
Slag Cement, 628. The Sargasso Sea, 628. New
Buildings for the British Museum, 629. Protection
of Wild-Fowl, 629. Blue Color of Lake and Sea
Water, 630. Progress of Natural and Physical Sci-
ence in 1870, 781. Electro-Plating of Nickel, 782.
Composition of the Bones in Paralytics, 782. Hal-
ford Cure for Snake-Bites, 782. Origin of Civiliza-
tion, 782. Vaccination in Africans, 782. Shell Heaps
in New Brunswick, 782. Geographical Distribution
of the Ostrich, 783. Formation of Plumbago, 783.
Difference in the Blood of the European and the
Bengalee, 783. Tame Codfish, 783. Formation of
Clouds, 783. Frogs in New Zealand, 784. Glaciers
in the White Mountains, 784. Torpedoes as Means
of Defense, 784. Origin of the Phosphate Beds of
South Carolina, 784. Development of Ozone by the
Battery, 784. Improved Method of taking Plaster
Casts, 784. Poisonous Qualities of Bromide of Po-
tassium, 785. Rapid Method of Tinning, 785. Weav-
ing among Lake-Dwellers, 785. Faunal Provinces of
the West Coast of America, 786. Scarcity of poison-
ous Serpents in Tropical America, 786. Pegging
Lobsters' Claws, 786. Petrel Oil, 786. Transversely
striated Muscular Fibre in Mollusca, 786. Fossil
Whale in Canada, 787. Value of various Antiseptics,
787. Non-amalgamable Gold, 787. Chloral in Sea-


Sickness, 787. Bed of the North Atlantic, 787.

Spawning of Herring, 787. Liebreich's Pepsin, 787.

Destroying the Taste of Cod-liver Oil, 788. Mixture

of Alkaline Salts with Plaster of París, 788. Bronz-

ing Objects of Wood, etc., 788. Dust as a Ferment,

788. Detection of Silk in Fabrics, 788. Removal of

Ink Blotches from Writing, 788. Observations on the

Solar Eclipse of 1870, 933. French preserved Bread,

933. Extracting Juice from Sugar-Cane, etc., 933.

Insects in Hailstones, 933. Experiments with com-

pressed Gun-Cotton, 933. Heating by Circulation of

Petroleum, 933. Glycerine Cement, 934. Acidifica-

tion of Alcohol by Lycopodium, 934. Treatment of

Small-Pox Subjects, 934. Physiology of Mosquito

Curtains, 934. Utilizing Furnace Slag, 934.

nibalism in Europe, 934. Heating Cars by Sand, 934.

Hard Water versus Soft, 934. Explosive Balloons,

934. Theory of Bessemer and Heaton Steel Proc-

esses, 935.

Thermo-Dynamic Acceleration and Re-

tardation of Streams, 935. Killing Whales by Can-

non, 935. Microscopic Character of Iron and Steel,

936. Dodo Pigeon, 936. Action of Ice on the North

American Coast, 936. Weight of Alligators, 936.

The Spectroscope for testing the Purity of Water,

936. Western Tertiary Fossils, 936. Gun-Cotton in

Bisulphide of Carbon, 937. Extraction of Pepsin

by Glycerine, 937. Remedy for White Ants, 937. Im-

proved Photographic Processes, 937. Peculiarities

of New Zealand Zoology, 938. Permanganate of Pot-

ash for Colds in the Head, 938. Skin-Grafting, 938.

Ventilating Rooms, 938. Remedy for Carbolic Acid

Poisoning, 938. Hereditary Deformities, 938. Nail-

nibbling Propensities of the Cockroach, 938. Spon-

taneous Generation, 938. The Food of the Sea Her-

ring, 939. Parthenogenesis in Diptera, 940. Mortar

for Use in Damp Places, 940. Huge Fossil Algæ, 940.

Prevention of Sea-Sickness, 940. Prehistoric En-

gravings on Bone, 940. Cleaning Paint, 941. Freez-

ing Mixtures, 941.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


[blocks in formation]

..Emma B. Cobb 693

.....H. M. Alden 294

[blocks in formation]

Annie Thomas 215
.Moncure D. Conway 894


..H. M. Alden 576
Kate P. Osgood 378
Laura M. Doolittle 117
.S. S. Conant 233

Lost in the Forest at Night
Monkeys on a Frolic...
Pursued by Peccaries

... 815

Great Crevasse, Foot of Mont Blanc..




From the French, by Mrs. H. S. Conant 749

.....Mrs. C. A. Merighi 271

W. F. G. Shanks 1

See "Pio Nono and his Councilors."


....Justin M'Carthy 120
Benson J. Lossing 753
T. B. Thorpe 612
..A. G. Constable 66

[blocks in formation]


Theatre of the Oberammergau Passion Play 174
The Crucifixion as represented..

"Joseph of Arimathea."-Thomas Rendl... 180

"Christus."-Joseph Mair

"Pilatus."-Tobias Flunger..

"Maria."-Franziska Flunger...



[blocks in formation]

....Junius Henri Brown 496

Norfolk Island.


Kingston, Norfolk Island


Landing-Place, Sidney Bay.



W. R. Hooper 219

With an Introduction by S. S. Conant 830

The Courtier with the elastic Neck.




SONG IN GOLD, A.......

SONG OF FIRE (With two Illustrations)....

Moncure D. Conway 894

Berthold Auerbach 55
.Moncure D. Conway 87

Thurlow Weed 594
Lewis Kingsley 258
.C. C. Hazewell 277
......S. S. Conant 336

..Mrs. Harriet Prescott Spofford 424
.Mrs. Harriet Prescott Spofford 526

From the German, by C. C. Shackford 608

VOICE OF CHRISTMAS PAST, THE (With 18 Illustrations)..... Mrs. Z. B. Buddington 187

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


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