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gum of camphor. Keep the bowels and stomach warm and comfortable by external applications-so also the feet and legs, by enveloping them in several folds of flannel. Be quiet, walk about but little, and always sit in an inclined position. If the feverishness is considerable, the patient should be washed all over in tepid water, should be rapidly dried with the magnetic hand of friendship, and then placed between fresh sheets. This treatment, with little or no homeopathic medicine, will cure the severest case of acute dysentery, in three or four days. We would urge one other thing, viz.: The use of small water injections about three times a day, or immediately after there has been a considerable discharge of mucous and blood, accompanied with straining and griping pains in the bowels. Retain the injection until Nature insists upon another discharge.

Treatment for Chronic Dysentery.

This disease may be controlled and cured by simple methods The first, as in acute attacks, is to stop eating. Make a tea of flax-seed, with a strong infusion of cloves; drink a swallow every fifteen or twenty minutes. Strong coffee, without milk and sugar, may be taken, with a little roast potato and bread, for dinner. Warm water, or slippery-elm injections, are not to be omitted in chronic dysentery. Bilious persons, having the obstinate form of this disease, will find great virtue in the fol lowing: Turkey rhubarb and willow charcoal, of each (pulverized,) one table-spoonful; of saleratus, a piece as large as a hazle-nut; put these in a tumblerful of water; let it stand cov ered up twelve hours, when, after thoroughly stirring it, the liquid will be ready for use. DOSE.-A tea-spoonful of the liquid about once in every four hours during the day.

Never wake up at night to take anything in the shape of medicine.) We cannot too strongly urge the value of hand

magnetism in restoring the balance of health to the system. And, furthermore, we would once more impress you to remember that, especially in all stomach and bowel disturbances, the WILL is a powerful physician. Do not fail to avail yourself of his skill and benefactions. Always sleep with your mouth closed, so that the air, by passing through the warm nostrils into your lungs, may be purer and more magnetic, and, therefore, more energizing to the nervous system.

Diseases of the Heart-Hypertrophy.

A father says: "My daughter is seventeen years old. At times, suddenly, and without any warning, her blood seems to stagnate; she then falls to the floor, and we have to rub around the heart in order to bring her back to consciousness. After she comes out of this situation, she remembers nothing about it. Her body and face swell, and it is some hours before she can again pin her clothes together."

DIAGNOSIS. The left cavities of the heart-particularly the walls of the left ventricles-are considerably thickened; and there seems to be a diminution of the capacity of the cavities, and not an enlargement, as is most commonly the case in this country. And yet the organ is not absolutely diseased; it is merely arrested, and spasmodically contracted now and then, while in the performance of its functions. If long continued, the result would likely be hypertrophy of the left auricle near where the pulmonary artery and the aorta overlap it, but this extremity need not be feared, because it may be avoided. The above symptoms may be classified under a general term-Cardiac Syncope-which means to strike down, or produce swooning, by disturbances proceeding from the organic action of the heart. It is possible that, occasionally, the membranes of the lungs and heart would enlarge with an excess of watery blood, but this is unimportant in administering the correct prescrip

tions. The primary cause of the whole disturbance lurks in the pneumogastric and sympathetic nervous systems. The brain. not the heart, circulates the blood. The heart is merely a mod erator-an organ to regulate and graduate the operation. Hence the treatment should be addressed to the seat of those forces by which the blood is made to flow through the organism.

REMEDY.-Numerous remedies hasten to present themselves from the fields, water, and air; but we must give the formula that is best, and most likely to be followed: Mandrake-root (Podophyllum peltatum,) Fox-glove (Digitalis,) and Hardhackleaves (Spira tomentosa,) of each half an ounce. Let these articles macerate (soften,) over night, in one pint of rain-water. Then steep over a slow fire about two hours, and strain off the liquid. When entirely cold, add one pint best brandy and half pound of brown sugar. DosE.-This simple medicine is very powerful, and must be used with care, as an overdose of it would bring on the symptoms which it is here given to cure. The largest dose is a tea-spoon two-thirds full; it is best to begin with only ten drops night and morning. When the patient is attacked with insensibility, convulsions, and coldness of extremities, and swelling about the waist, do not fail to make hot applications to the skin over the heart and about the waist. It is well to rub and manipulate the chest and spine a quarter of an hour each night. Feet must be kept warm and dry, and rubbed with both hands, and then wrapped in flannel every night. Drink little fluid; eat no uncooked apples; one roasted potato, with brown bread and butter, should do for breakfast. Practice deep-breathing about ten o'clock every morning; likewise a few minutes after retiring for the night. The Will-power should be frequently exerted on the muscles of the stomach and bowels.

Palpitation of the Heart, and Wasting.

The great destroyer of the tissues, called Oxygen, works upon food, when the system is in a healthy condition; but, in diseased conditions, Oxygen co-operates with the alkalies, and thus consumes the tissues. This warfare is going rapidly forward in all inflammatory and febrile disorders, resulting in emaciation and in the perceptible wasting away of the bodily substances. But when the digestion is normal and prompt in point of time, then the oxygen inspired performs the kindest and most beautiful offices-the vivifying effects thereof being equally distributed through all parts of the dependent economy. Any deficiency of acid in the stomach and in the blood, or any excess of alkalinity and residuum in either, is sure to be succeeded by some local derangements in places the most impressible or predisposed. Palpitations of the heart are among the commonest symptoms of indigestion. In such case, we know that a rectification of the digestive functions would be a cure. Take a tea-spoonful of lemon juice just before breakfast and dinner-or, instead, eat a whole sour orange. Never eat between meals. Expand your breast, absorb the air, enlarge your spiritual heart, and all the rest shall be added-refresh ment, strength, health, happiness.

Heart Disturbances and Nervousness.

Your heart-troubles are occasioned by magnetic exhaustion and dyspepsia. For long years you have swallowed enormous quantities of coffee every day. Your temperament is motivemental; that is, you are overflowing with mental activity, and with nervousness contrary to all the laws of health and longevity You are wearing out and wasting rapidly away. Now, put your. self under the discipline of the WILL. The effect should be motion only when motion is required by your occupation

When you can, take Rest in Spirit-do not "fret,” and “stew,” and worry" the life out of those about you. This will soon relieve the "heart disease." No patent medicine in America can furnish you with the elements of health.

Dyspeptic Pain about the Heart.

For breakfast eat plenty of brown or rye bread crumbled into a tumblerful of sour milk, in which you have first beaten up a fresh egg. Use very little sweet—no pies, no puddings, no drinking between meals. Twice a week, before dinner, dissolve fifteen grains of magnesia in a wine-glass of peppermint water, and drink it at once. Manipulate your waist, and knead the bowels while suffering from a dyspeptic pain in the heart. You may fortify yourself, if you will but obey the laws of life, against the fillibustering approaches of Gen. De Bility.

For Lump in the Throat.

Manipulate the throat from behind the ears forward, and thence down over the breast, just previous to retiring for the night. Once a week it will be well to anoint your whole body with good olive oil, mixed with a little essence of spearmint Restrain your desire for stimulations of either tea or coffee. May the angels sing their songs into the heart of earth's children. Be thou a justice-lover and a peace-maker in the land of thy fathers. The upper spheres will aid thee and thine

Canker on the Tonsils.

The simplest remedy for chronic affections of the throat, with canker-ulcers on the tonsils, and lassitude throughout the system, is this: Thoroughly rub the skin of the neck with cicuta ointment, such as is put up by druggists-Unguenta Conii. Then envelop the throat in a compress of lamb-skin or

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