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-whether ignorant or educated, whether married or not, whe ther American, European, African, bond or free-are hereby counseled to drink no more coffee. Of tea we need not here write, since the greater of the two evils, among our women, is the decoction of coffee. We can promise health to no woman, unless she immediately comply with this injunction.

Again: it will be impossible for our women to maintain healthy systems while their husbands insist on the legal rights of wedlock during the period of pregnancy. The custom is devastating to every feminine sensibility, to say nothing of the crippling and polluting effect exerted by it upon her reproductive functions. The expanded heavens are begemmed with eyes that see these matchless sins. Deadly, indeed, is the detestable effect on the sacred soul of woman. Let husbands and wives, and the friends of children, see to it; no conjugal relation should exist between the married during the period of uterogestation. Women can produce offspring with impunity, and without danger or severe pain, if their companions will but reverence and shield them. Let every true Brother do what is right.

“Do what is Right, for the day dawn is breaking,

Hailing a future of freedom and light;

Angels above you are silent notes taking
Of every action; then do what is Right."

Yes, do what is right! The scientific quack will pretend to you that his skill is adequate to the reparation of all damages occasioned by your disobedience. Beware! His pretensions are fatal to your spiritual progress. We can prove that physicians do not because they cannot-cure the distressing diseases of women. Certain symptoms, indeed, they readily modify, transpose, invert, and master at length; but the fundamental, functional derangements of the reproductive system, no College of physicians can control. In fact, the honorable and the best

educated physicians of the age confess themselves powerless in the presence of the radical diseases. Husbands, Brothers, Wives, Sisters! reflect on your sacred missions to each other, and henceforth honor your nature and its exalted destiny.

FEMALE MIDWIVES A NECESSITY.-The majority of married women are suffering from the misfortunes of mal-practice during confinement. Many sensitive natures cannot become reconciled to the universal custom of masculine assistance. Heaven grant that all women will very soon openly remonstrate against the shocking intervention. Beautiful souls always shrink from the wretched system of " doctoring" a child into existence. What are your intelligent wives and daughters doing? Able physicians should have wives, or daughters, or agreeable female associates, who comprehend the facts of pregnancy, and all the modus operandi of parturition. Hundreds of beautiful women, in every station of life, are suffering from unskillful treatment at the hands of man. The forcible disengagement of the placenta has disabled many a noble lady for life. All these evils are preventible, and they should be preached against and abandoned by every harmonial soul.



THE human spirit is framed for the perception and enjoy. ment of heavenly realities. Its strongest passion is the development and possession of the Beautiful. Thousands would prefer physical Beauty to spiritual happiness. Beauty is more attractive and influential, in the soul's juvenile periods, than intellect or moral excellence. The best feelings of the aged are moved by "the beauty of holiness."

All young dreams are mingled with the elements of imperishable beauty. The pictures of hope and the longings of the imagination are painted on the canvas of eternity. The soul swells with unutterable yearnings for the speedy fulfillment of the prayer: "Thy kingdom come-on earth-as in heaven." And why? Because the very elements of which the spirit is constituted are the exclusive property of the Summer World to come. The next sphere is imagined as a possible part of this, the rudimental. Wherefore men invest this primary existence with those imperishable characteristics which, in the very constitution of the universe, are inseparable from the Spirit Land.

The soul's inmost fount of intuition is ever and anon touched by the presence of an angel. It throbs with the impulsions of immortal hope. It swells with emotions of sublime discontent. The miseries and materiality of this life become clogs, evils, and burdens, too hard and too unnecessary to be longer borne. The impatient spirit prays "for the kingdom of Heaven on carth."

Human association is no longer satisfying. The soul goeth forth thirsting and hungering after righteousness. From the invisible Spirit of Creation, the God of Nature, the soul obtains rest and hope. The frowns of Winter are exchanged for the sweet smiles of Spring. The abundance, the dignity, the beauty and perfections of the Spirit Land, are visible in Nature's birds and trees, in her landscapes and flowing streams. Dreams of deathless enjoyments, visions of universal happiness, are revived like flowers in the summer time, and every effort of the fancy is toward the Beautiful and the Immortal.

The human spirit is longing-through its hopes, its fancies, its prayers, its reasonings, and its fears—for its native eternity. The most vitiated mind is accessible through some one of its many beautiful avenues. The practical voluptuary, the soul that is wandering through the wilderness of trespasses and sins, is susceptible to the magnetism of good and truth. Sympathy, or music, a holy picture, poetry, intellect, or beauty—each soul is approachable through one or more of these; and he who thus reaches the fallen, or sorrowing, and continues the labor of elevation all around the foundations of the unhappy outcast, will save the sufferer with an everlasting salvation. Who wants a richer reward?

The power of the spirit to imagine and anticipate the reali ties of the Spirit Land is so perfect, that, on its arrival there, a feeling of familiarity steals over the mind, as though it had many times before witnessed the same scenes. Poets, and painters of landscapes, color all their best thoughts with the vague tints of immortal beauty. When such minds arrive at the eternal world, and open their spiritual senses upon the verities and landscapes of the Summer Land, they feel instantly at home and content, having anticipated many of the external forms of truth and beauty which characterize that existence.

All love of the Beautiful, all passion for Music, all attrac tions of Sympathy, all dreams of Love, all aspirations for Wis. dom, all yearning after Purity, all prayers to know and possess the whole Truth-all these are good, for they attest the immortal existence in store for the spirit, to which, by virtue of its origin and essence, it is indissolubly allied.

The most physically wretched, the morally insane and crippled, the intemperate, and brutal, and vicious, the saint and sinner-all, as one man, cry naturally to Heaven! The soul instinctively dreads death, because it cannot die: but confounding the physical fact with the spiritual conception of it, the tongue prays for the speedy advent of the kingdom of Heaven. The memory gathers the garlands of intuition, revives the vague realities of past dreams of truths, and impresses the intellect with a sense of earthly possibilities. Wordsworth gave the

internal workings, thus:

"On the mind

They lay like images, and seem almost

To haunt the bodily senses."

In this manner the spirit's intuitions overflow the sensorium, so to speak, and flash before the inward faculties with all the tangibility of a scene of yesterday; so that, in the lapse of years, the intellect can neither discriminate nor separate the pictures or dreams of intuition from impressions derived by actual contact through the senses with the landscapes and objects of this present world.

Wherefore thousands of sincere natures, not knowing that the mind is a native of eternity, imagine that God designs supernaturally to extemporize a celestial kingdom of eternal bliss, displacing the earthliness and perishableness and misery of this sphere with a "new heaven and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." Such pray for the transformation of earth into

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