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sublime knowledge of Nature and her Laws. Under the influ ence of this harmonial teaching, the student himself becomes a systematic work on Physiology. His self-healing energies constitute the most scientific Pharmacy of curative preparations. The inexhaustible treasuries of scientific lore are secreted in man's organization. The true physician, the unritual, but spiritual, teacher in the departments of physiology and health, is certain to reach the unseen springs of life, and he invariably depends upon the immutable flowings of vital energy for the success of his prescriptions. But patients seldom take any interest in the workings of the natural powers. Hence, frequently, to the efforts of the true physician the words of Pope are lamentably applicable:

"Truths would you teach, or save a sinking land?
All fear, none aid you, and few understand."

By physiological "VIRTUE" we design to imply, not a careless confidence in the never-failing operations of bodily functions -by which abuse and neglect are oftentimes surrounded and defended—but we mean the co-operation of habits and daily conduct with the requirements of the laws of life and happiness.

For example: If your lungs demand pure air, in order to circulate and purify the crimson current of life, you are vicious -morally and intellectually vicious-unless you supply that virtuous demand. If your mouth asks for bread and you give it tobacco instead, then you are not physiologically virtuous. If your body calls for rest, quiet, or a change of occupation, and you heed it not, or, instead, give it brandy and irritating stimulants, you are then violating the laws of organic virtue.

What follows? All the vagabond troupe of vicious feelings which pervade, torment, betray, and crucify you, when you would be at peace within the temple. The reverse of these

conditions is equally—yea, even more-impressive and forcible. That is to say, give your bodily organs the free use of whatsoever they in health demand, and cease feeding them while they yet have the still small power to cry, 'Hold, enough!" and your virtuousness will bloom beautifully out upon every look, word, and deed.

Rheumatism and analogous diseases are frequently caused by inattention to-i. e., vicious treatment of some of the expanding and contracting principles that regulate the organism. The two inseparable processes common to all animal bodies, termed endosmosis and exosmosis-first, the attraction of fluids and ethers from the external to the interior, and second, the repulsion of similar elements from the mucous membranes to the exterior surfaces-must be kept in a balanced condition, otherwise health is overthrown in an hour, and "disease" (of the sort natural to the person or the climate,) is the inevitable consequence. Vice, not virtue, prevails in such case. And the sufferer, like Job, is wicked enough to fancy that "the arrows of the Almighty" rankle in the marrow of his bones and in the nerves of his flesh.

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A bad state of the liver is inseparable from evil impressions of men and things. A bitter-tongued and sour-stomached individual is no lover of music, though it may excite him, and his pinions of his fellow men will very nearly correspond to the state of his bodily vices. "The green-eyed monster was never blest with fine digestion or a sweet breath. His food was changed into the "gall of bitterness," and his cup of milk into the tea of "wormwood," and equally perverted were all his impressions of men and the world. The doctrine of demons, of devils, of evil genii, was conceived in the womb of physiolog ical vice. "Hell" is the shortest phrase to express "burning discord "a great boil, on the way to suppuration—an inflam

mation of the brain, on the gallop to a hot delirium-an crysipe. las, burning destruction into the flesh-an itch, with no power to scratch-a violent discord, resulting from physiological viciousness, is the bottom of the oriental conception of the "bottomless pit." The "pit" here referred to is no other than the pit of the stomach, whereon the great fulcrum of the lever of Health works, good or evil, just as the possessor, by his habits and conduct, may at any time determine. "Our young people," says a Thinker, "are diseased with the theological problems of original sin, origin of evil, predestination, and the like. These are the soul's mumps, and measles, and whooping-coughs, and those who have not caught them cannot describe their health or prescribe the cure."

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THE mathematical and sympathetic correspondence between the visceral organs and different sections of the brain, briefly explained in foregoing pages, is beautiful and significant beyond the common understanding; and we know that we shall be con ferring a permanent blessing by embodying, in a few more paragraphs, the secrets and benefits of these wonderful relations, processes, and representations.

Very intelligent and educated correspondents write us substantially as follows: "I have read your New Discovery for general debility, &c.; the principles laid down appear reasonable, but I cannot use my Will as you direct; my appetite is tolerably steady and good; my bowels operate regularly; I have no difficulty about sleeping; but somehow, I am unable to gain strength; my food does not build up any vital energy," &c., &c. Now let us consider the health gospel.

The tender spirit of many suffering ones blends to sadness and despondency. It is natural and righteous to desire to live long in the land. The harp-strings of the young heart tremble when disease seems determined to corrode them, to break them in twain, to pluck the dew-drops of happiness from the flowers of hope and health. An angel's visit is frequently interpreted to mean, "" Earth-child, come, come away!" It is sad to yield

up thy heart as a trophy, a slave, to premature Disease. Thou art designed and constituted for an earthly career "of threescore and ten years," and as many more as thy obedience to the Laws of Health may add thereto; but thou art not designed to dwell in the dark, damp dungeons of corruption and disease— not fitted for gloomy rooms of mortal suffering, while the earth is filled with splendors and music, and the heavens are trembling with the soul-essence of the Infinite and Eternal. There is nothing more desirable than pure, rosy, virtuous, meritorious HEALTH. O, that we could speak with the penetrative eloquence of an angel! Would that we could "dip our pen in the rose-light, fresh from fountains of the sun," and write out in a few comprehensive celestial sentences, the whole gospel of physical perfectibility as the only basis of spiritual completeness and endless prosperity! But we must content ourselves with the ink and language of earth, whereby to portray and enforce the glory and virtue of bodily health and greatness.

EFFECT OF AIR ON MIND.-Few persons imagine that their lungs are inseparable from their thoughts. Not that the pulmonary structures and functions occupy the heart of thoughts; but that as a man inspires the physical atmosphere, so does his mind conduct itself as to thinking, willing, and wishing. For example: If a human being should be imprisoned in a small room, not properly ventilated, and not replenished with fresh air from without-so that his breathing would be confined to the same atmosphere for a great number of hours each daythe consequence would unmistakably be exhibited in the mental operations of the victim. He would think in a circle, because he would breathe in a circle, and his digestion would be imper fect. His thoughts could not bound cheerily over the landscape, because the atmosphere of the landscape does not enter his lungs. Physicians and patients are habitually imagining

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