Page. Yes, and you heard what the other told me? Ford. Do you think there is truth in them? Page. Hang 'em, flaves, I do not think the Knight I would offer it; but thefe that accufe him in his intent towards our wives are a yoak of his difcarded men, very rogues now they be out of service. Ford. Were they his men? Page. Marry were they. Ford. I like it never the better for that. Does he lye at the Garter? Page. Ay marry does he. If he fhould intend his voyage towards my wife, I would turn her loofe to him; and what he gets more of her than fharp words, let it lye on my head. Ford. I do not mifdoubt my wife, but I would be loth to turn them together; a man may be too confident; I would have nothing lye on my head, I cannot be thus fatisfy'd. Page. Look where my ranting hoft of the garter comes; there is either liquor in his pate, or mony in his purfe, when he looks fo merrily. How now, mine hoft? SCENE VI. Enter Hoft and Shallow. Hoft. How now, bully Rock? thou'rt a gentleman, cavalerio-juftice, I fay. Shal. I follow, mine hoft, I follow. Good even, and twenty, good mafter Page. Mafter Page, will you go with us? we have fport in hand. Hoft. Tell him, cavaliero-juftice; tell him bully Rock. Shall. Sir, there is a fray to be fought between Sir Hugh the Welch priest, and Caius the French doctor. Ford. Good mine hoft o'th' garter, a word with you.. Hoft. What fay'ft thou, bully Rock? Shal. Will you go with us to behold it? my merry hoft hath had the meafuring of their weapons, and, I think, hath appointed them contrary places; for, be lieve me, I hear the parfon is no jefter. Hark, I will tell you what tour fport fhall be. Hoft. Haft thou no fuit againft my Knight, my gueft-cavalier? Ford. None, I proteft; but I'll give you a pottle of burnt fack to give me recourfe to him, and tell him my name is Brook; only for a jeft. Hoft. My hand, bully thou fhalt have egrefs and regrefs; faid I well and thy name fhall be Brook. It is a merry Knight, Will you go an-heirs? Shal. Have with you, mine hoft. Page. I have heard the Frenchman hath good skill in his rapier. Shal. Tut, Sir, I could have told you more; in thefe times you ftand on diftance, your paffes, foc cado's, and I know not what: 'tis the heart, mafter Page; 'tis here, 'tis here. I have feen the time, with my long fword, I would have made you four tall fel lows skip like rats. Hoft. Here boys, here, here: fhall we wag? Page. Have with you; I had rather hear them fcold than fight. [Exeunt Hoft, Shallow and Fage Ford. Tho' Page be a fecure fool, and ftand fo firmly on his wife's frailty, yet I cannot put off my opi nion fo eafily. She was in his company at Page's houfe, and what they made there I know not. Well, I will look farther into't; and I have a difguife to found Falstaff: if I find her honeft, I, lofe not my labour; if the be otherwife, 'tis labour well beftow'd Exi Fal. I SCENE VII. Enter Falftaff and Pistol. Will not lend thee a penny. Pift. Why then the world's mine oyfter, which I with fword will open. Fal. Not a penny. I have been content, Sir, you Thould lay my countenance to pawn; I have grated upo: upon my good friends for three reprieves for you, and your coach-fellow, Nim; or elfe you had look'd through the grate, like a geminy of baboons. I am damn'd in hell for fwearing to gentlemen, my friends, you were good foldiers, and tall fellows. And when miftrefs Bridget loft the handle of her fan, I took't upon mine honour thou hadst it not. Pift. Didft thou not fhare? hadst thou not fifteen pence? Fal. Reafon, you rogue, reafon: think'ft thou I'll endanger my foul gratis? At a word hang no more about me, I am no gibbet for you: go, a fhort knife, and a thong, to your manor of Pickt-hatcht go, you'll not bear a letter for me, you rogue; you ftand upon your honour? why, thou unconfinable bafenefs, it is as much as I can do to keep the term of my honour precife. I my felf fometimes, leaving the fear of heaven on the left hand, and hiding mine honeur in my neceffity, am fain to fhuffle, to hedge, and to lurch; and yet you rogue will enfconfe your rags, your cat-a-mountain looks, your red-lettice phra fes, and your bold-beating oaths, under the fhelter of your honour! you will not do it, you! Pift. I do relent, what wouldft thou more of man? Enter Robin. Rob Sir, here's a woman would speak with you, Fal. Let her approach. Enter Miftrefs Quickly. Quic. Give your worship good-merrow. Quic. Not fo, and't pleafe your worship. Fal. Good maid then. Qui. I'll be fworn, as my mother was the firft hour I was born. Fal. I do believe the (wearer: what with me? Quic. Shall I vouchfafe your worship a word o two? Fal. Two thoufand, fair woman, and I'll vouchfaf thee the hearing. Quic. There is one miftrefs Ford, Sir: I pray come a little nearer this ways: I my felf dwell with Mr Doctor Caius. Fal. Well, on: miftrefs Ford, you fay. Quic. Your worship fays very true: I pray your worship come a little nearer this ways. Fal. I warrant thee no body hears : mine own people, mine own people. Quic. Are they fo? heav'n blefs them, and make them his fervants. Fal. Well: miftrefs Ford, what of her? Quic. Why, Sir, fhe's a good creature. Lord, lord your worship's a wanton; well, heav'n forgive you, and all of us, I pray Fal. Miftrefs Ford, come, miftrefs Ford Quic. Marry this is the fhort and the long of it; you have brought her into fuch a canaries as 'tis wonderful: the beft courtier of them all, when the court lay at Windfor, could never have brought her to fuch a canary. Yet there has been knights, and lords, and gentlemen, with their coaches; I warrant you coach after coach, letter after letter, gift after gift, finelling fo fweetly; all musk, and fo rufsling, I warrant you in filk and gold, and in fuch alligant terms, and in fuch wine and fugar of the beft, and the faireft, that would have won any woman's heart; and I warrant you they could never get an eye-wink of her. I had my felf twenty angels given me this morning; but I defie all angels, in any fuch fort as they fay, but in the way of honefty; and I warrant you they could never get her fo much as fip on a cup with the proudeft of them all and yet there has been Earls, nay, which is more, Penfioners, but I warrant you all is one with her. Fal. But what fays fhe to me? be brief, my good She-Mercury. Quic. Marry, he hath receiv'd your letter, for the which the thanks you a thousand times; and the gives you to notifie, that her husband will be absence from is houfe between ten and eleven, Fal. Ten and eleven. Quic. Ay, forfooth; and then you may come and fee the picture, fhe fays, that you wot of: mafter Ford, her husband, will be from home. Alas! the weet woman leads an ill life with him, he's a very jealoufie-man; fhe leads a very frampold life with him, good heart. Fal. Ten and eleven: woman, commend me to her, I will not fail her. Quic. Why, you fay well: But I have another meffenger to your worship; miftrefs Page has her hearty commendations to you too; and let me tell you in your ear, fhe's as fartuous a civil modeft wife, and one (I tell you) that will not mifs you morning and evening prayer, as any is in Windfor, whoe'er be the other; and the bad me tell your worship that her husband is feldom from home,, but fhe hopes there will come a time. I never knew a woman fo doat upon a man; furely I think you have charms; la; yes in truth. Fal. Not I, I affure thee; fetting the attraction of my good parts afide, I have no other charms. Quic. Bleffing on your heart for't. Fal. But I pray thee tell me this; has Ford's wife and Page's wife acquainted each other how they love me? Quic. That were a jeft indeed; they have not fo little grace, I hope; that were a trick indeed! but miftrefs Page would defire you to fend her your little page, of all loves: her husband has a marvellous infection to the little page; and truly mafter Page is an honeft man. Never a wife in Windfor leads a better life than fhe does; do what fhe will, fay what fhe will, take all, pay all, go to bed when the lift, rife when the lift, all is as fhe will; and truly fhe deferves it, for if there be a kind woman in Windfor, truly fhe |