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Slen. What hoe! hoc father Page!

Page. Son, how now? how now fon, have you difpatch'd?

Slen. Difpatch'd? I'll make the best in Gloucesterfhire know on't; would I were hang'd la, else. Page. Of what, fon?

Slen. came yonder at Eaton to marry mistress Anne Page, and me's a great lubberly boy. If it had not been i'th' church, I would have fwing'd him, or he fhould have fwing'd me. If I did not think it had been Anne Page, would I might never ftir, and 'tis a poft-mafter's boy.

Page. Upon my life then you took the wrong.

Slen. What need you tell me that? I think fo, when I took a boy for a girl: if I had been marry'd to him, for all he was in woman's apparel, I would not have had him.

Page. Why this is your own folly. Did not I tell you how you should know my daughter by her gar


Slen. I went to her in white and cry'd mum, and fhe cry'd budget, as Anne and I had appointed, and yet it was not Anne, but a post-master's boy.

Mrs. Page. Good George be not angry; I knew of your purpofe, turn'd my daughter into green, and indeed fhe is now with the Doctor at the Deanery, and there married.


Enter Caius,

Caius. Ver is miftrefs Page? by gar I am cozen'd, I ha' marry'd one garfoon, a boy; one pefant, by

Q 3


gar. A boy; it is not Anne Page, by gar I am co


Mrs. Page. Why? did you not take her in green? Caius. Ay be gar, and 'tis a boy; be gar, I'll raise all Windfor.


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Ford. This is ftrange! who hath got the right Anne?
Page. My heart mifgives me; here comes Mr. Fen-
How now Mr. Fenton ?

Anne. Pardon, good father; good my mother,

Page. Now miftrefs, how chance you went not with Mr. Slender?

Mrs. Page. Why went you not with Mr. Doctor, maid?

Fent. You do amaze her. Hear the truth of it. You would have marry'd her moft fhamefully, Where there was no proportion held in love: The truth is, fhe and I, long fince contracted, Are now fo fure that nothing can diffolve us. Th' offence is holy that he hath committed, And this deceit lofes the name of craft, Of difobedience, or unduteous title; Since therein fhe doth eviate and fhun

A thousand irreligious curfed hours

Which forced marriage would have brought upon her.
Ford. Stand not amaz'd, here is no remedy.
In love, the heav'ns themselves do guide the ftate;
Money buys lands, and wives are fold by fate.

Fal. I am glad, tho' you have ta'en a fpecial ftand to ftrike at me, that your arrow hath glanc'd.

Page. Well, what remedy? Fenton, heav'n give thee joy;

What cannot be efchew'd, muft be embrac’d.

Eva. [To Fenton afide.] I will dance and eat plums at your wedding.

Fal. When night-dogs run, all forts of deer are chac’d.

Mrs. Page. Well, I will mufe no further. Mr.


* This speech is taken from the edit. of 1619.

Heav'n give you many, many merry days.
Good husband, let us every one go home,
And laugh this fport o'er by a country fire,
Sir John and all.

Ford. Let it be so, Sir John:

To mafter Brook you yet fhall hold your word;
For he, to-night, shall lye with mistress Ford.

[Exe. Omnes

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