VINCENTIO, Duke of Vienna. Claudio, a young gentleman. Lucio, a fantastick. Two Gentlemen. Varrius, a gentleman, fervant to the Duke. The ftory is taken from Cinthio's Novels, Measure t Measure for Measure. ACT I. I. SCENE I. E A PALACE. Enter Duke, Efcalus, and Lords DUKE, SCALUS. Efcal. My lord.. Duke Of Government, the properties t' unfold, Would feem in me t'affect speech and Since I am a not to know, that your own fcience My ftrength can give you: then no more remains Of common justice, y'are as pregnant in, As art and practice hath enriched any That we remember. There is our commilion, From which we would not have you warp. Cali hither; jut to know.. I fay, bid come before us Angelo : Lent him our terror, dreft him with our love; Of our own power: fay, what think you of it? To undergo fuch ample grace and honour, Duke. Look where he comes. Ang. Always obedient to your Grace's will, I come to know your pleasure. Duke. Angelo, There is a kind of character in thy life, As if we had them not. Spirits are not finely touch'd, The fmalleft fcruple of her excellence, But like a thrifty goddefs, fhe determines Her felf the glory of a creditor, Both thanks, and ufe. But I do bend my fpeech Hold therefore, Angelo: In our remove, be thou at full our felf. Live in thy tongue and heart: old Efcalus, Ang |