Lucio. She it is. Ifab. Let him then marry her. The Duke is very ftrangely gone from hence; Governs lord Angelo; a man whose blood Which have long time run by the hideous law, Seek his life? Lucio. Has cenfur'd him already, prayer And, as I hear, the Provost hath a warrant Ifab. Alas! what poor Ability's in me, to do him good? And make us lofe the good we oft might win, Men give like gods; but when they weep and keeel, As As they themselves would owe them. Ifab. I will about it ftrait; No longer staying, but to give the mother [Exeunt. ACT II. SCENE I. The PALACE. Enter Angelo, Efcalus, Juftice, and attendants, ANGEL O. E muft not make a fcar-crow of the law, Setting it up to fear the birds of prey, Their perch, and not their terror. Let us be keen, and rather cut a little, Than fall, and bruife to death. Alas! this gentleman, Whom I would fave, had a moft noble father; Let but your honour know, Whom I believe to be moft ftrait in virtue, Had time coher'd with place, or place with wifhing, Could Could have attain'd th' effect of your own purpose, Ang. 'Tis one thing to be tempted, Escalus, The jury paffing on the prifoner's life, Efcal. Be't as your wisdom will. Prov. Here, if it like your honour. Be executed by nine to-morrow morning. Some run through brakes of vice, and anfwer none Enter Elbow, Froth, Clown, and Officers. Elb. Come, bring them away; if thefe be good peo ple in a common-weal, that do nothing but ufe their abuses in common houses, I know no law; bring them away. VOL. I. R Ang. Ang. How now Sir, what's your name? and what's the matter? Elb. If it please your honour, I am the poor Duke's constable, and my name is Elbow; I do lean upon justice, Sir, and do bring in here before your good honour, two notorious benefactors. Ang. Benefactors? well, what benefactors are they are they not malefactors? Elb. If it pleafe your honour, I know not well what they are; but precife villains they are, that I am fure of, and void of all profanation in the world, that good chriftians ought to have. Efcal. This comes off well; here's a wife officer. Elb. He, Sir a tapfter, Sir; parcel bawd; one that ferves a bad woman; whofe houfe, Sir, was, as they fay, pluckt down in the fuburbs; and now fhe profeffes a hot-houfe; which, I think, is a very ill houfe too. Efcal. How know you shat? Elb. My wife, Sir, whom I deteft before heav'n and your honour. Efcal. How! thy wife? Elb. Ay, Sir; whom I thank heav'n is an honest woman. Efcal. Doft thou deteft her therefore? Elb. I fay, Sir, I will deteft my felf alfo, as well 4 as fhe, that this houfe, if it be not a bawd's houfe, it is pity of her life, for it is a naughty houfe. Efcal. How doft thou know that, conftable? Elb. Marry Sir, by my wife; who, if she had been a woman cardinally given, might have been accused in fornication, adultery, and all uncleannefs there. Efcal. By the woman's means? Elb, Ay Sir, by miftrefs Over-don's means; but as he fpit in his face, fo fhe defy'd him. Clown, Sir, if it please your honour, this is not fo. Elb, Elb. Prove it before these varlets here, thou honou rable man, prove it. Efcal. Do you hear how he mifplaces? Clown. Sir, fhe came in great with child; and longing (faving your honour's reverence) for ftew'd prewns; we had but two in the houfe, which at that very inftant time ftood, as it were, in a fruit-dish, a difh of fome three pence; (your honours have feen fuch dishes, they are not China difhes, but very good dishes.) Efcal. Go to, go to; no matter for the dish, Sir. Clown. No indeed Sir, not of a pin; you are there in in the right: but to the point; as I fay, this miftrefs Elbow, being as I fay, with child, and being great belly'd, and longing, as I faid, for prewns; and having no more in the difh, as I faid; master Froth here, this very man having eaten the reft, as 1 faid, and as I fay paying for them very honeftly; for, as you know, mafter Froth, I could not give you three pence again. Froth. No indeed. Clown. Very well; you being then, if you be rerembred, cracking the ftones of the forefaid prewns. Froth. Ay, fo I did indeed. Clown. Why, very well; I telling you then, if you be remembred, that fuch a one, and fuch a one, were paft cure of the thing you wot of, unless they kept good diet, as I told you. Froth. All this is true. Clown. Why, very well then. Efcal. Come, you are a tedious fool; to the purpofe: what was done to Elbow's wife, that he hath caufe to complain of? come to what was done to her. Clown. Sir, your honour cannot come to that yet. Efcal. No Sir, I mean it not. Clown. Sir, but you fhall come to it, by your honour's leave and I beseech you, look into master Froth here, Sir, a man of fourfcore pound a year; whose father dy'd at Hallowmas. Was't not at Hallowmas, mafter Froth? R 2 Froth. |