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Gon. Marvellous fweet mufick!

Alon. Give us kind keepers, heaven; what are these?
Seb. A living drollery. Now I will believe
That there are unicorns; that in Arabia

There is one tree the phoenix throne, one phoenix
At this hour reigning there.

Ant. I'll believe both:

And what does elfe want credit, come to me,
And I'll be fworn 'tis true. Travellers ne'er did lie,
Though fools at home condemn 'em.

Gon. If in Naples

I fhould report this now, would they believe me?
If I fhould fay I faw fuch islanders:

(For certes thefe are people of the island)

Who tho' they are of monstrous fhape, yet note
Their manners are more gentle, kind, than of
Our human generation you fhall find

Many, nay almost any.

Pro. Honeft lord,

Thou haft faid well; for fome of you there prefent Are worfe than devils.

Alon. I cannot too much muse,

Such fhapes, fuch gefture, and fuch found, expreffing (Although they want the use of tongue) a kind of excellent dumb difcourfe.

Pro. Praise in departing.

Fran. They vanifh'd ftrangely.

Seb. No matter, fince

They've left their viands behind; for we have fto machs.

Will't please you taste of what is here?

Alon. Not I.

Gon. Faith Sir, you need not fear. When we were boys, Who would believe that there were mountaineers, Dew-lapt like bulls, whofe throats had hanging at 'em Wallets of flesh? or that there were fuch men, Whofe heads ftood in their breafts which now we find

Each putter out of five for one will bring us



Good warrant of.

Alon. I will ftand to, and feed,

Although my laft; no matter, fince I feel

The beft is paft. Brother, my lord the Duke,
Stand to, and do as we.


Thunder and lightning. Enter Ariel like a harpy, claps bis wings upon the table, and with a queint. device the banquet vanishes.

Ari. You are three men of fin, whom destiny (That hath to inftrument this lower world, And what is int't) the never-furfeited fea

Hath caus'd to belch you up; and on this Island, Where man doth not inhabit, you 'mongst men Being moft unfit to live: I have made you mad; And ev'n with fuch like valour men hang and drown Their proper felves. You fools, I and my fellows Are minifters of fate; the elements

Of whom your fwords are temper'd, may as well Wound the loud winds, or with bemockt-at ftabs Kill the ftill-clofing waters, as diminish

One f down that's in my plume: my fellow-minifters Are like invulnerable. If you could hurt,



Your fwords are now too maffie for your ftrengths,
And will not be up-lifted. But remember,
(For that's my business to you) that
From Milan did fupplant good Profpero:
Expos'd unto the fea, (which hath requit it)
Him and his innocent child: for which foul deed
The powers delaying, not forgetting, have
Incens'd the feas and fhores, yea, all the creatures
Against your peace: thee of thy fon, Alonso,
They have bereft; and do pronounce by me,
Ling ring perdition, worfe than any death.
Can be at once, fhall ftep by step attend

You and your ways; whofe wraths to guard you from,

dowle that's in my plumb.


Which here in this moft defolate Ifle, else falls
Upon your heads, is nothing but heart's forrow,
And a clear life ensuing.

He vanishes in thunder: then, to foft musick, Enter the
Shapes again, and dance with mocks and mowes, and
carrying out the table.

Pre. Bravely the figure of this harpy haft thou
Perform'd, my Ariel; a grace it had devouring:
Of my inftruction haft thou nothing bated

In what thou hadft to fay: fo with good life,
And obfervation ftrange, my meaner minifters
Their feveral kinds have done; my high charms work,
And thefe, mine enemies, are all knit up

In their distractions: they are in my power;
And in thefe fits I leave them, whilft I visit
Young Ferdinand, whom they fuppofe is drown'd,
And his and my lov'd darling.

Gon. I' th' name of fomething holy, Sir, why ftand you
In this ftrange ftare?

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Alon. O, it is monftrous! monftrous!

Methoughts the billows fpoke, and told me of it; The winds did fing it to me, and the thunder, That deep and dreadful organ-pipe, pronounc'd The name of Profper: it did bafe my trefpafs. Therefore my fon i' th' ooze is bedded; and I'll feek him deeper than e'er plummet founded, And with him there lye mudded,

Seb. But one fiend at a time,

I'll fight their legions o'er.

Ant. I'll be thy fecond.



Gon. All three of them are defp'rate; their great


Like poifon giv'n to work a great time after,
Now gins to bite the fpirits. I beseech you
That are of fuppler joints, follow then swiftly,
And hinder them from what this ecftafie
May now provoke them to.

Adri. Follow, I pray you.






Profpero's Cave.

Enter Profpero, Ferdinand, and Miranda.


F I have too aufterely punish'd you, Your compenfation makes amends; for I

Have giv'n you here a third of mine own life,

Or that for which I live; whom once

I tender to thy hand: all thy vexations
Were but my tryals of thy love, and thou
Haft ftrangely food the teft. Here afore heav'n
I ratifie this my rich gift: O Ferdinand,
Do not smile at me that I boaft her off;
For thou fhalt find fhe will outstrip all praise,
And make it halt behind her.

Fer. I believe it Against an oracle.

Pro. Then as my gift, and thine own acquifition Worthily purchas'd, take my daughter.

If thou doft break her virgin-knot before
All fanctimonious ceremonies may
With full and holy right be minifter'd,
No fweet afperfion fhall the heav'ns let fall
To make this contract grow: but barren hate,
Sour-ey'd difdain, and difcord fhall beftrew
The union of your bed with weeds fo loathly,
That you fhall hate it both: therefore take heed,
As Hymen's lamps fhall light you.

Fer. As I hope

For quiet days, fair iffue, and long life,

With fuch love as 'tis now: the murkieft den,
The moft opportune place, the ftrong'ft fuggeftion
Our worfer Genius can, fhall never melt

Mine honour into luft, to take away
The edge of that day's celebration,

When I fhall think or Phœbus' steeds are founder'd,
Or night kept chain'd below.

Pro. Fairly fpoke.

it then, and talk with her, fhe is thine own. What, Ariel; my industrious fervant, Ariel.

[blocks in formation]

Ari. What would my potent miafter? here I am. Pro. Thou and thy meaner fellows your laft fervice Did worthily perform; and I must use you In fuch another trick; go bring the rabble, O'er whom I give thee power, here to this place; Incite them to quick motion, for I muft Bestow upon the eyes of this young couple Some vanity of mine art; it is my promife, And they expect it from me.

Ari. Prefently?

Pro. Ay, with a twink.

Ari. Before you can fay Come, and go,

And breathe twice; and cry, fo, so;

Each one tripping on his toe;

Will be here with mop and mow.

Do you love me, mafter? no?

Pro. Dearly, my delicate Ariel; do not approach 'Till thou doft hear me call.

Ari. Well, Iconceive.


Pro. Look thou be true; do not give dalliance Too much the rein; the ftrongest oaths are straw To th' fire i' th' blood: be more abftemious,

Or elfe good-night your vow.

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