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In the discussion of this most significant and comprehensive subject, it naturally divides itself into two distinct parts:

1. The needs of the body; which are physical, finite and temporal, and require physical, finite and temporal supplies; and

2. The needs of the soul; which are spiritual, infinite and eternal, and require spiritual, infinite and eternal supplies.

The needs of the body so manifestly assert themselves that there can be no doubt of their reality and of their characteristics. The supplies for these needs are so plainly discerned by the bodily senses, that their reality and characteristics are as certain as are the needs of the body themselves and their characteristics. These supplies are so wonderfully adapted to the body and its needs, and so all-satisfying to them, that they demonstrate beyond a doubt, that the body, its needs and their supplies, are all the marvelous work of an all-wise, all-just, allbeneficent and almighty Creator.

The needs of the soul also assert themselves in a manner that demonstrates beyond question their reality and their characteristics. The complete and satisfactory provision of the Creator for all the needs of the body of Man is a certain evidence of His complete and satisfactory

provision for all the needs of the soul of Man; as the body and the soul of Man are both parts of one complete creation, for all of whose needs abundant supplies are provided. The provisions of the Creator for the needs of the soul, however, are spiritual and must be spiritually discerned and realized. Hence, the natural Man is unable to perceive and enjoy them, since he is totally bereft of the spiritual sense with which his first parents were endowed, when created.

In fact, the natural Man, of himself, is totally ignorant of his origin, how he came into existence; of his present deplorable condition, how he was brought into it, and how he can be delivered from it; and of the end of his life, what it shall be. Accordingly, he is in absolute need of a complete revelation from his Creator upon these and all other vital questions relative to his entire existence, both for time and for eternity.

The Hebrew sacred Scriptures, now commonly known as the Bible, constitute this needed revelation. In this discussion will be found a carefully prepared outline of this revelation:

1. Of Man's glorious creation and life with the Lord God in Eden;

2. Of his inglorious fall and its dreadful consequences upon all of his posterity;

3. Of the most gracious and amazing salvation promised for him by the Lord God in Eden, and accomplished by the sacrificial death of His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross of Calvary; and,

4. Of the unlimited and all-satisfying provisions of the Lord God for all of the needs of the soul of Man.

In this connection a number of the most apparent and,

doubtless, the most vital needs of the soul are definitely specified, as well as the particular provisions recorded in this revelation for their full supply. They are so completely adapted to each other-the needs of the soul and the provisions for their supply—so all-satisfying to them, that without doubt, the soul, its needs and the provisions for their supply, like the body, its needs and their supplies, previously mentioned, are all the marvelous work of an all-wise, all-just, all-beneficent and almighty Creator.

All of these marvelous and glorious provisions of the Lord God for the soul of Man, both for time and eternity, are freely available to any Man who will turn away from his sinful life, and put his whole trust in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour, and thereby enter into the everlasting Kingdom of God.

While the Lord Jesus Christ by His death on the cross purchased salvation for all men, and while He Himself began the establishment of His Kingdom upon the earth, it is clearly His will, as definitely made known by Himself, that all men must be led to Him for personal salvation and into His Kingdom by human agency under the direction of the Holy Spirit. This places a tremendous responsibility upon all true Christians, since the great masses of mankind are without Christ and His Kingdom. This may be accounted for to a considerable extent.

1. By a want of true consecration on the part of the great majority of Christians to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom;

2. By the use of all kinds of means and methods to influence men and women for their moral welfare without the Gospel of Christ and of His Kingdom;

3. By turning over all of His work to the comparatively

few employed public servants, the great majority of whom are faithful to their calling and trust; but are dreadfully handicapped in many ways, chiefly by the almost universal absence of volunteer workers in winning their fellow men and women to Jesus Christ and into His Kingdom; and

4. By too much dependence upon temporary efforts on a large scale at times and places too far apart to make up in the least degree for what is lost by the first three hindrances above mentioned. Whatever may, or may not be, the real causes of the deplorable condition of our fellow men and women at the present time in the world, the fact of its real existence is not only certain, but is plainly evident to all observers.

All through the discussion of this all-important subject, the name of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God have been made prominent, as the only channels through which all the blessings of the Lord God can be bestowed upon sinful men.

Jesus Christ Himself declared:

1. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matt. 6:33).

2. "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matt. 11:28).

The Apostle Peter, full of the Holy Ghost, and addressing the rulers and elders of Israel concerning the saving power of Jesus Christ, said: "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved" (Acts 4: 12).

In conclusion of this subject, a definite and practical

plan of individual volunteer effort for individuals on the part of all true Christians, in all conditions of life, is suggested, by which they could render the greatest possible service to their fellow men in their present deplorable condition.

In this effort they could and would individually lead their fellow men and women to Jesus Christ for personal salvation from all of their sin and into the Kingdom of God, wherein all of their needs to the uttermost could and would be supplied for time and eternity, by the unlimited and all-satisfying provisions of the Lord God for men.

Moreover, in this blessed service as individuals for individuals in the name of Jesus Christ and under the direction of the Holy Spirit, all true Christians could and would cooperate most harmoniously and efficiently with each other, with the regularly appointed ministry, and with all other employed servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the work of His Church on the earth.

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