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gage. He was joined by 5o French troops, who worked his artillery; and, by the most authentic accounts, his army consisted of about 20,000 fighting men, exclusive of those under the command of Jaffler Ally Cawn, and Roy Dowlub, who did not act against us. The number killed in the enemy's camp were few, as they only stood a cannonading. We had about 19 Europeans killed and wounded, and 30 Seapoys. Suraja Dowla, after his defeat, withdrew privately ; as did Montoll, his prime minister; and Monick Chaund, one of his generals. t On the 26th of June, Jaffer Ally Cawn entered the city of Muxadavad ; and, by a letter from the Colonel of the 36th, we were informed of his having placed Jasier Aily Cawn in the ancient feat of the nabobs of this province; and that the usual homage had been paid him by all ranks of people, as Subah of the provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Orixa. The 30th, late at night, a letter came from the Colonel, advising that Suraja

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Treaty made with Adm. Watson, Col. Clive, Gov. Drake, Mr l'atts, and the committee. I. The agreement and treaty made with Nabob Surajud Dowla, I agree to, and admit of. II. The enemies of the English are my enemies, whether Europeans or others. III. Whatever goods and factories belong to the French in the provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Orixa, shall be delivered to the English, and the French never permitted to have factories or settlements any more in these provinces. IV. To indemnify the company for their losses, by the capture of Calcutta, and the charges they have been at to repossess their faciories, I will give one crore of rupees. V. To indemnify the English inhabitants, who suffered by the capture of Calcutta, I will give fifty lack of rupees. VI. To indemnify the losses suffered by Jentoes, Moormen, &c. I will give twenty lack of rupees. VII. To inhabitants, the Armenian Peotts of Calcutta, who suffered by the capture, I will give seven lack of rupees. The division of these donations to be left to the Admiral, the Colonel, and committee.

VIII. The lands within the Moratta ditch all round Calcutta, (which are now possessed by other zemidars), and fix hundred yards all round without the ditch, I will give up entirely to the com


IX. The zemidary of the lands to the southward of Calcutta, as low as Culpee, shall be in the hands of the English company, and under their government and orders. The customary rents of every district within that tract to be paid by the English into the King's trea

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XI. From Hughley downwards, I will build no new forts near the river. XII. As soon as I am established Subah of the three provinces, I will immediately perform the above-mentioned articles. Dated the 15th of the moon Ramazan, in the fourth year of the present reign.

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dine, ministers, and Mess. Francis Farquharson and Alexander Chalmers, accountants, were appointed to examine the books. These gentlemen having met on the 7th, and the house-books. being laid before them, they remitted to Mess. Farquharson and Chalmers, accountants, two of their number, to examine the books and vouchers, and to report their opinion upon the whole. This subcommittee met on the 9th, examined the books from January 1752, and gave in a signed report, bearing, that they found, that the contribution of 17; 2 was fairly entered and accounted for ; that the books are balanced, examined, and docketed, by a quorum of the weekly managers, and the whole drawn into a general abstraćt yearly; that having compared the yearly accounts with the general abstract referred to in the representation, they found the same did agree with the books; that having sumned up the particular and general accounts before mentioned, they found thein rightly summed, and the balances rightly carried forward ; and that, upon the whole, so far as they could judge from the said examination, they were humbly of opinion, that the books are kept in as regular and distinčt a method, as the variety of circumstances attending so extensive a management can admit. The committee of the Lords, viz. the Lords President, Justice-Clerk, Auchinleck, and Shewalton, having met with the Lord Provost and magistrates on the 12th, and heard the above-recited report read, they found, that the management of the house, and of the last contribution for it, has been regular, proper, and entirely satisfactory; and that a new voluntary contribution was absolutely necessary for the support of that laudable institution. Theft reports were laid before the town-council, and an act of council was unanimously passed, dated Jan. 18. appointing a voluntary contribution to be made for the support of the workhouse. This act was printed, distributed to the inhabitants, and read from the pulpits, with suitable exhortations; and the contribution was

* begun

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