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successors. They had, and still have, their Vapor Baths, by throwing water upon hot stones, and standing or sitting in the steam. In America, the Vapor Bath is much less known and appreciated than in the continents of Europe and Asia, and yet, in no country are they more needed. In England, and all other moist climates, the skin is kept in a supple condition, the cuticle pliant, and the pores, or orifices (every one of which is an excretory organ,) are habitually opened. It is for this reason that the blood is so readily discernible, giving a fine color to the face of the English lady; and thus, we find the English complexion better than that of France and many other countries, while we rarely meet with that pallid appearance so common to the inhabitants of our cities, or the sun-burned and opaque complexion of the inhabitants of the country. While all other organs of the body are equally healthy with those of England, the immediate surface of the skin is less so, and hence, all those diseases common to the surface are more prevalent in America than in England. Some of these diseases of the surface are readily communicated to any weak organ, and thus, in some parts of the country, colds and coughs prevail.

Pseudo Health.

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The reader will consider himself hereby authorized and duly commissioned to "whisper" the ensuing statement to every individual who enjoys miserable health," or whose symptoms ale variable-now up, now down-under the treatment of some college-bred physician, to wit: That it is impossible to communicate health and strength to the human body. Let the remark be a thousand times emphasized and enforced from the mouth of every sacred canon: That no human body can be stimulated up into a healthy and harmonious condition. The constitutional vigor is increased or diminished only by and through the

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mi fedentely organized

he rightest, retest, TISS minds, are most enseegribie. I e adest retims of stimulus.


Why this? Please reply O


ATION When mankind were simple, unartistic, ignodeveloped, their physical and mental wants were

few and simple, and, therefore, easily satisfied. Limited capa cities demand limited means of subsistence. The simple-minded have simple desires, and such seek only simple gratifications.

But as the law of Progress began to swell the buds of human intelligence, and to expand and enlarge man's capacities for discovery and mechanical, inventions, in that same proportion did the excitability, and irritability, and irrascibility of the mind increase and multiply. High susceptibilities of organization are indispensable to the development of Art, Music, Science, and Spiritual Experience. Poetry, Philosophy, Literature, Architecture, &c., are impossible to coarse and low-toned minds. Exalted refinements of the voluntary parts of the brain, and great delicacy, also, of the whole ganglionic nervous web-work thereunto attached, are prerequisite to the conception of fine principles in any department of human interest.

Parents, of such exquisite refinement and consequent genius, transmitted, not their talents and superior proclivities to their offspring, but, instead, all the excitability, and irritability, and restiveness; and thus, many times, the children of very superior parents receive only such miserable inheritance by the fires of procreation. Consequently, as you readily perceive, such offsprings are diseased in many ways, especially in their nervous systems; and such, therefore, search for the appropriate remedies as a young duck naturally takes to the water."

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Originally, and by themselves considered as medicines, the various stimuli used by different races are pure and appropriate remedies for diseases of the nervous system. Tobacco, coca, opium, hashish, alcohol, tea, coffee, &c., are beautiful and appropriate medicines. And the all-wise Father principle of man's existence unerringly led the East Indian, the Greek, the Italian, the Chinaman, the Monks, the Indian of America, and the nervously-diseased of all countries, to the perfect remedy

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momines a murcie composure, amid the entrum na tag veraments of a discordant society. I NA WET I disermence of these desirable effects that hem ne vahe frst instance, led to the discovery ✨ of severaí simulants. But, strange to say, these same vill generate exactly opposite effects in the nervous those who, in health, use them as socializing agents tual luxuries; that is to say-tobacco, zen, rufet,

rum, &c., will beget in healthy persons the same excitability, and irritability, and irrascibility, which symptoms these remedies are given by the God of Nature to destroy in "those that

are sick."


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But the time has at length come on earth, we think, when people may erect the standard of Health. This standard will permit the use of remedies only in cases of disease and suffering. All stimulants and weeds are medicines. If our parents, by the force of any imaginable cause or habit, imparted to our nervous system a love for stimuli, it is our individual prerogative to exalt Will, and Wisdom, and Love, above the hereditary bias. " young man must be A MAN-on his own account, and for the promotion of his own individual prosperity, both on earth and in the Spirit Land. His dear mother may have lived and worked through long years of suffering and excitement, the friction and hardship of which she may have sought in ignorance to overcome, by recourse to tea and coffee, or, perchance, by the use of opium and snuff; so, too, his headstrong and not well-educated father-fired with energetic blood, and with the irrascibilities consequent upon some transgressions, either physical or mental, may have resorted to alcohol and other so-called stimuli, as means of oiling the wheels of life— imparting the mad wish (or appetite,) for delightful sensations nervous system of our Young Man." But there is but one absolute remedy, namely: INDIVIDUALIZE YOURSELF, and set out to control your appetites by the WILL, which is the center of gravity in the possession of every individual mind. Remember: The gods help those who help themselves—in other words, you will have plenty of friends when you do not need them. Hence the necessity of SELF-FRIENDSHIP.

to the

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Self-Rectification in this World.

STATEMENT." In my soul there is a feeling of evil done by itself to itself. Having lost all my former faith in oral confes

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