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London, Published April 1827, by Wightman & Cramp, 24, Paternoster Row.


APRIL, 1827.


(Continued from p. 103.)

Baptism.' This work had been reprinted with a preface by eight Congregational ministers of the then town of Norwich, one of whom was my great uncle, under whose

DR. BALDWIN thus continues his instructions I had been brought up.

narrative :

I thought very highly of the work, "Not long after I had obtained and had read it with much attena hope of an interest in Christ, tion more than once, in order to when meditating on the character furnish myself with arguments in of the Saviour, these words were favour of infant baptism. These impressed very forcibly on my arguments had satisfied my mind mind,These are they which fol- until now, when I read the Scriplow the Lamb whithersoever he tures with different feelings. I goeth.' I was struck with the wished to be candid, and to receive thought, and wished that I might the truth wherever I might find it. be one of them, for they seemed to But after all, when I perceived that me to be peculiarly blessed. But the evidence appeared against my the question immediately occurred, former sentiments, and in favour of 'Where has the Saviour gone as an the baptism of believing adults example for his people to follow?' only, it required an amazing strugI was first led to view him coming gle to surrender the point. I confrom Galilee to Jordan, to be bap-cealed my conflicts from all my tized of John in Jordan. I at once Baptist friends, but unbosomed mysaid to myself, I cannot follow him self freely to several Pedobaptist in this, nor am I required to. I ministers, hoping that they might have been already devoted to God be able to remove my difficulties. in infancy; therefore this part of But all of them proved physicians Christ's example can have no claim of no value. I had fully resolved upon my obedience. Still the to follow the truth wheresoever I words followed me, These are might find it. they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.' I at length resolved prayerfully to search the New Testament, with, I trust, a heart breathing the language of the Apostle, Lord, what will thou have me to do?'

"I had been educated in the principles, and what I now consider the prejudices of the Congregationalists. I had read little on the baptismal controversy, except Dickenson's Divine Right of Infant VOL. II. 3d Series.

I well knew, moreover, that all my earthly connections were decided Pedobaptists. I endeavoured to count the cost, and though I should forfeit their friendship, felt determined to follow the dictates of my own conscience.


During my unsettled state of mind, a respectable Congregational minister visited and lodged at my house. In the course of the evening, he introduced the subject of his visit, which was, he said, to invite me to offer myself a candidate


at the remark, and after a moment's silence, replied, I hope, Sir, I shall be directed to do what is right.' Thus we parted, perhaps. with mutual dissatisfaction.

"He put into my hand at parting, Wall's Abridgment of his History of Infant Baptism.' But all the help I derived from this was, to be confirmed in what I had before feared was true. Dr. Wall

for examination before the Associ- told me.'* I was much shocked ation to which he belonged, with a view to my being licensed to preach the Gospel in their fellowship. But being so far convinced of the correctness of the distinguishing sentiments of the Baptists, I thought it improper to take any step until my mind should be decided. I thanked him for his friendly invitation; but frankly told him the state of my mind. I requested him, if he thought I was in danger of unhesitatingly acknowledges that embracing an error, to endeavour the primitive mode of baptism was to reclaim me. With this view, I immersion, and blames the Presbyrequested him to tell me where to terians for changing it into sprinkfind a warrant for infant baptism. ling. Neither during my inquiries He immediately referred to Genesis nor before them, had I ever seen a xvii. and went at large into the page written by the Baptists, exordinary argument founded upon cept a small pamphlet written by the Abrahamic covenant. After S. Wilson, entitled A Scripture conversing till a late hour, I inform- Manual.' This I had read many ed him that I had hoped he would years before. I once told a Baphave convinced me that infant bap-tist minister that I wished to have tism was right; but was sorry to some conversation with him resay, he had entirely failed. My specting Baptism, as I had some conscience still preponderated to-doubts in my mind on that subject. wards the opinions of the Baptists. He replied, Do you only read 'Sir,' said Î,' in this case, what your Bible, and you will do well shall I do?' Why,' said he, if enough.' I thought the advice we cannot agree to think alike, correct, and determined to follow we must agree to differ.' We it. And whether now right or united in prayer, and retired to


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Previously to my baptism, I visited my friends at Norwich, Connecticut. I then took an opportunity of conversing with my former venerable pastor. He received me very kindly; and when at his request I related my religious exercises, was quite melted into tears. But when, towards the close of the evening, he suspected from some of my inquiries, that my mind was not established in the doctrines of Pedobaptism, he remarked to me, in rather a stern tone of voice, 'Well, Thomas, if you renounce your infant baptism and are rebaptized, I shall reprobate you, notwithstanding all that you have

wrong, I can only say, that the Bible and my own conscience compelled me to be what I am. In the latter part of the summer of 1781, I was baptized by the Rev. Elisha Ransom, then of Woodstock, Vermont.

"From my constantly speaking in public, I began to fear being suspected of aspiring to become a preacher. This impression I studiously laboured to prevent. An

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ardent desire for the salvation of peace and calmness of mind. It immortal souls on the one hand, was indeed that peace of God, and on the other, a consciousness which passeth all understanding. of my want of those acquirements It was a season never to be forwhich I considered necessary to gotten, whilst memory holds a qualify me for the work, kept me place in my breast. It had, morefor some time in a state of per-over, a considerable effect in replexity.

conciling me to devote myself to the work of the ministry. In the days of my vanity I had never looked forward to any appointment with such intense desire as I now waited the return of the holy Sabbath, that I might meet with the children of God, and tell my fellow sinners the blessedness there is in believing.

"It may not be improper here to mention a remarkable season of prayer, which I once at this time enjoyed. [If these lines should ever meet the eye of any other person, I hope that what I am to relate will not be imputed to vanity or egotism. Behold, before God I lie not.'] While the subject of preaching was yet undetermined in "The winter succeeding, we my mind, after sermon one Lord's were favoured with a refreshing day, as was then customary, a season. Several were, as we brother present, who was far gone hoped, brought home to God; in consumption, addressed the peo- among them one, who has since ple in a very affecting exhortation: become a minister of our Denomiafter which I was requested to nation. The church continued pray. I engaged-but it is im-united in love, and additions were possible for me to describe the made from time to time of such as scene which opened to my view. we trust shall be saved. Soon after I began to speak, my soul appeared drawn out in an uncommon degree towards God, and the ecstasy of joy that I then felt was absolutely indescribable and full of glory. For a few moments, I apprehended I was about to quit the body. Words flowed as it were without an effort of thought. My language and conceptions appeared uncommonly elevated. When I had closed and opened my eyes, I perceived the assembly almost all in tears. One man cried out in an anguish of soul, I am undone!' Some others, who had remained in a hardened, stupid state until now, were trembling and weeping. These impressions with some, I have reason to hope, terminated in saving conversion to God.

"Although I had generally conducted the religious exercises in most of our public meetings, yet it was not until August of 1782, that I attempted to take a text and preach doctrinally and methodically. The news soon circulated widely, that I had begun to preach; and the next Sabbath many collected from most of the neighbouring towns. Our assemblies were full and attentive, and the prospect highly encouraging, and thus in general it continued.

"In the spring of 1783, the church invited me to receive ordination. I consented to be ordained, but not as the pastor of that particular church. It was, however, understood that I should perform the duties of a pastor so long as I should think it proper to stay with "This gracious manifestation of them. A meeting was then called, divine mercy and goodness to me and the subject laid before the was accompanied with a peculiar town. They unanimously voted to


concur with the church, and pre- Lord bless you, brother; such men sented a call on their parts. Ar-as you will never want.' rangements were accordingly made," My mode of travelling was on and a council convened in Canaan, horseback. In pursuing my apon the 11th of June, 1783, at which pointments, I had often to climb time I was publicly ordained to the ragged mountain and descend the work of an evangelist. Rev. the deep ravine. These exchanges, Samuel Shephard, of Brentwood, from rocky steeps to dismal (New Hampshire) preached on the swamps, were far from unfrequent occasion from 2 Cor. iv. 7. Rev. at that early period of the settleElisha Ransom, of Woodstock, Ver- ment of this part of our country. mont, gave the charge, and Rev. The roads are since so improved, Samuel Ambrose, of Sutton, (New that it would be difficult to perHampshire) gave the right hand of suade the traveller now-a-days that fellowship. Some other minister- they had ever been so bad as the ing brethren also assisted on the early settlers represent.


"The church enjoyed as great a degree of harmony as commonly falls to the lot of churches in the age in which we live. Additions were from time to time made, until our number amounted to seventy. A considerable portion of these were from the adjacent towns.

"I continued my labours with this church seven years, during which time, though principally at home on the Sabbath, I spent much of the intervening time in visiting and preaching in the destitute parts of the surrounding country. There were few towns within the space of fifty miles round, in which I did not occasionally preach.

"The people were not, however, so much wanting in kindness, as in the means of assisting a travelling minister. As for silver and gold, the greater part of them had none. The cause for this scarcity of money arose from the particular circumstances of the times. At the close of the revolutionary war, the continental currency, which had before depreciated to almost nothing, ceased. The little silver that remained in the coffers of the rich, was with much reluctance permitted to be drawn from its long sequestered concealment. It hence often happened, that the travelling preacher must either beg or go hungry, if he happened to travel where he was not known. This, however, did not very frequently fall to my lot. I am, however, well aware, that mankind in general are much more likely to remember a single circumstance of affliction, though the suffering be ever so short, than many mercies of long continuance."

"In this warfare, I went chiefly at my own charges. Some few churches, however, which I visited by appointment of the association, made me some compensation, and some individuals made me small presents; but I do not recollect that during the whole of this period, in all my journeyings, I ever received a public contribution. After some years arduous labour I usually met with a kind recep- at Canaan, Dr. Baldwin received tion from Christians of all denomi- several invitations from destitute nations; and besides receiving churches, among which was the their decided approbation, often, Second Baptist Church in Boston. quite often received the following He visited that place in the summer benediction, with a hearty pressure of 1790, and in the month of Noof the hand at parting,- The vember became Pastor of the

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