Abbildungen der Seite

By fea and land, to every coaft I come,
And, like the quack, I travel much at home.
To ftand on pickett which the foldiers dread,
Enlivens me who otherwise am dead,
Hanging's the last courfe does to fome befal,
But I, unhung, can fhape no course at all;
Yet foon, as hung, I fcamper to and fro',
Looking out fharp quite round me as I go,
Although I have no eyes, nor can I reft,
'Till I the object find I fancy beft,
Whom I respect fill with my nobleft part,
Altho' he be but of a ftony heart:

I am remarkable for conftancy,
Yet fickle mortals learn to rove from me.
Without doors, I in houfe am clofe confin'd:
And, tho' I am myfelf opaque and blind,,
1 fo inlighten others that they know
By me, tho' fenfelefs, where they ought to go.
I ftand divided too, tho' whole and found,
In quarters, which, tho' old, yet new are found.
Thus I by flat abfurdities made clear,
Shall, tho' conceal'd to the fair fex appear.

MEDICAMENTUM Efficax, Tutum, citò Parabile.

R Sal martis (nimirùm vitriolum viride ad albedinem torrefactum, dein in minutiffimum pulverem comminutum) 3ij. pulv. crem. tartar. rad. jall. fol. fenn. å 3j. pulv. zinziber, 3j & 3ij. ol. chym. gariophyll. gutt. duodecem fyr. cort. aurantior. q. f. ut fiat electuarium.

Egregiè & præ cæteris ferè omnibus junioribus fœminis pallentibus & anhelis opitulatur; immò dicam huic ineft virtus plenè divina contra CHLOROSIN. Siquidem uteri vafa muco infarcta & à muniis ferientia aperit & ftimulat.-Sanguinem depaupera

June 20, 1759.


tum & inertem exaltat & acuit ;-humores limofos & fubfiftentes attenuat & expurgat ; efficax medela ad obftructionem amovendam; fæpe-fæpius enim notavi effectus feliciffimos ex chalybeatis & catharticis unà conjunctis obtigiffe.

Detur quant. nuc. mosch. per mens. integrum.

Vefperi & mane jejunanti.

Vefperi fuperbibendo hauftum cerevifiæ cal. cum zinzibere.

Mane hauftulum infuf. falviæ. Exercitium colendo, & frigus interim curiosè cavendo.

Chart Parva, Kent..

An ABSTRACT of fome ACTS passed in the laft Seffion, being the Sixth, of the prefent Parliament.

An Act for inforcing the Execution of the Laws relating to the Militia; and for removing certain Difficulties, and preventing Inconveniencies, attending, or which may attend, the fame.

N act paffed in the 30th year of his

A prefent Majefty, intitled An Act for the better Ordering of the militia Forces in

the feveral Counties of that Part of Great

Britain called England,' and another paffed in the 31st, intitled, An Act to explain, amend, and inforce the faid A&t;' but, as certain counties, &c. have not yet completed the fame, thefe and the prefent act are required to be put into fpeedy execution in fuch counties, &c. where little progrefs has been made therein, A general meeting is to be held for appointing and regulating the fubdivifion meetings of the Deputy Lieutenants. Subdivifion meetings may be changed, as fhall be found convenient, When a fufficient number to act fhall not appear at any fubdivifion meeting, the Clerk is to give notice of another meeting to be held within 14 days after. Deputy Lieutenants and Justices are annually to caufe the lifts, defcribed by the act of 31 George II, to be returned to them in their fubdivifion

meetings, at the times and places appointed at the general meeting; and all other the regulations, provifions, and directions of the faid act, fubfequent thereto, and required to be observed in the year 1758, are to be duly complied with, and executed, as

the bat, ha thre quid the faid act preferibed, cafe fhall require; and, the method, in this and the faid act prefcribed, is to be annually obferved. The militiarefidence, is to ferve where he was firft man, having more than one place of chofen ; and Magiftrates are to quarter and billet ferjeants and drummers in inns, livery-ftables, and alehouses, &c. where convenient lodgings are to be found them.

of Ely, are, that a Deputy Lieutenant is The qualifications of Officers, in the Ifle tain of 100 l. and a Lieutenant, or Enfign, to be poffeffed of 2001. per annum, a Capof 501. A moiety of all eftates is to be fituate or arifing within the faid ifle; and a penalty of acting where not qualified is fpecified in the directions of the acts herein provided.

An ACT for applying the Money granted, in this Seffion of Parliament, towards defraying the Charge of Pay, and Cloathing for the Militia, from the $ f

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31st of December, 1758, to the 25th of March, 1760.

The fum of 90,000l. being granted to his Majefty, upon account, towards defraying the charge of pay and cloathing for the militia, the Treafury is to repay, out of the faid fum, the 1,332 1. 10 s. advanced by his Majefty, in pursuance of the addrefs from the Commons; and the perfons as fhall have received the fame, for the fervice of the militia, are to account with the Receivers-general of the land- tax. The Treafury, upon certificate that the number of Officers and private men required in a regiment, or battalion, are inrolled, &c. are to iffue warrants to the Receivers general for pay of the militia, four months in advance, at the rate of 6 s. a day for each Adjutant, of 1 s. for each ferjeant, with the addition of 2 s. 6 d. a week for each ferjeant-major; of 6 d. a day for each drummer, with the addition of 6 d. a day for each drum-major; and alfo at the rate of for each private man, with the addition of 6 d. to each corporal, for every day in which fuch private man or corporal fhall be refpectively employed in the militia; and

I S.

alfo at the rate of 2 s. for each militia-man, for his march on the Monday and Saturday in Whitfun week; and alfo at the rate of 5 d. a month for each private man and drummer, for defraying the contingent expences of each battalion of militia; and alfo for half a year's falary for the Clerk of each battalion of militia, at the rate of 501. a year; to the Clerk of the general meetings, at the rate of 51. 5s. for each meeting; and to the feveral Clerks of the fubdivifion meetings 1 l. 1 s. for each meeting; and alfo for cloathing, where the militia hath not already been cloathed, at the rate of 1 1. 6 s. for each private man and drummer, and 21. 10s. for each ferjeant, with the addition of 1 l. 1 s. for a fecond coat and hat for each ferjeant. And, for the more complete cloathing, where the militia has already been cloathed, at the rate of 5s. for each private man and drummer, and at the rate of 1 l. 1 s. for a second coat and hat for each ferjeant.

Warrants are alfo to be iffued, by the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury, for making the regular payments and iffues, without new certificates from the Lieutenants or Deputy Lieutenants for that purpofe; the money is to be paid to the Clerks of the battalions, and four months pay in advance to be paid within 14 days after the expiration of every three months. Clerks receipts are to be a difcharge to the Receivers-general; and the Clerk of each batta

Ion is to pay one month's pay in advance to the Adjutant, 14 days to the ferjeantmajor and drum-major, and two months in advance to each Captain for his company. The Captain is to account yearly to the Clerk for the pay of his company, and pay over the balance, money allowed for alfo to be accounted for annually, but the contingent expences excepted; which is balance to be applied to the general use of the battalion. The Clerk may retain money to make good his own falary, and dif charge the cloathing account; but is to give fecurity, the bond to be lodged with the Receiver-general; and non performance of is to receive full cofts of fuit, and 51. per the conditions to be put in fuit by him, who refidue to be accounted for to the Auditor cent. of the money recovered thereon; the of the Exchequer. The Clerk of the battalion is alfo to render an account to the Receiver general, of the monies received and difburfed, with vouchers for the fame, and pay over the balance; the faid account to be tranfmitted to the Auditor. The Lieutenant neglecting to take proper fecu. rity, or to lodge the fame with the Receivergeneral, is made anfwerable for any lofs of the public money. Penalties, &c. may be recovered by law; and no fee is to be paid for iffuing warrants for payment of


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An ACT to explain and amend an A& made in the 29th Year of his prefent Majefty's reign, intitled, An A&t for the Encouragement of Seamen, and the more fpeedy and effectual Manning his Majefty's Navy;' and for the bet ter Prevention of Piracies and Robberies by Crews of private Ships of War. Repeated complaints having been made of divers outrageous acts of piracy and robbery, in violation of the laws of nations in general, and of this kingdom in particular, in order to prevent the fame, so much of the claufe, as directs the Admiralty, upon application, and security given, to grant commiffions to privateers, is repeated, and the Admiralty from the 1ft of June, 1759, are to grant commiffions, upon owners, &c. giving fuch bail and fecurity as is ufual. The prizes are to belong folely to, and be divided among the owners and captors, as fhall be agreed between them; referving only the cuftoms and duties payable by act 29 Geo. II. No commiffion is to be granted to veffels, in Europe, under 100 tons burthen, 10 guns, and 40 men; unlefs the Admiralty fhall think fit; the owners giving bail and fecurity. The Ad



miralty may revoke any former or future commiffions, of which notice is to be forthwith fent to the fhip's owners, agents, or fureties. The times limited for order of revocation are to take place, at the expira. tion of 20 days, from and after fuch notice given, if the veffel be in the Channel; at the expiration of 30 days, if in the Northern feas; at the expiration of fix weeks, if to the fouth of Cape Finisterre, or in the Mediterranean; at the expiration of three months, if in North-America or the WestIndies; and at the expiration of fix months, if in the Eaft-Indies. Complaint may be made to the King in Council of fuch revocation, within 30 days next after the Secretary of the Admiralty fhall caufe notice thereof to be given, and the Council's determination is to be final; and, if the order fhall be fuperfeded, the commiffion is to ftand good. None are liable to punishment before personal notice received of such order of revocation. The ufual bail and fecurity is to be taken, the parties making oath of their qualification; and the Marfhal fatisfying himself as to the fufficiency thereof. Perfons, applying for commiffions, are to make application in writing, and fet forth a description of the vessel, specifying the burthen, the number and nature of the guns, to what place belonging, the owner or owners names, and the number of men intended; all which particulars are to be inferted in the commiffion, which is to be produced to the Collector or other Officer of the port, who is to examine the ship, and fee how far fhe agrees, in all respects, with the said description; and if the agrees thereto, or be of a greater force or burthen, is to grant a certificate, which shall be a clearance to fuch veffel. To depart without fuch clearance, or with a force inferior to that specified in the commiffion, makes the commiffion null and void, and the Commander is to be imprisoned without bail or main prize for such space as the Court of Admiralty fhall direct, not exceeding one year for any one offence. The collector, &c. granting a falfe certificate, is to forfeit his office, and 100l. Tonnage is to be afcertained according to the rules prescribed by act 8 Annæ. Privateers agreeing for the ranfom of neutral fhips made prizes, and discharging them without bringing them into port, are deemed guilty of piracy; and to fuffer death and confifcation of goods, &c. Privateers may take contraband goods from on board neutral fhips, with confent of the Commanders, and set the veffels at liberty; but are not to purloin or embezzle the fame; which if done, every

fuch person shall be subject to the penalties provided by law. All papers, &c. found on board prize veffels, are to be brought into the regiftry of the Admiralty; but fuch only as fhall be thought neceffary by the Proctors to be tranflated and made ufe of, &c. No Officer of the Court of Admiralty, or Advocate, &c. of the Court, is to be any ways interested in privateers, on forfeiture of his employment, and 1001. and the Advocate, &c. is to be difqualified from practising in the said Courts, and the Regifters and Marshals of the Court difqualified from acting as Advocates or Proctors, on forfeiture of their respective offices. Commiffions heretofore granted to veffels of inferior force and burthen, than this act allows, except fuch as fhall be confirmed by the Admiralty, are revoked and declared void. Confirmation of commiffions is to be granted without fee. Where the commiffions of inferior veffels are vacated by revocation, his Majesty may appoint perfons to adjust the claims of the owners for damages; and, the fums, certified by them, are to be paid out of the next fupplies. A feffion of the Court of Admiralty is to be held in March and October yearly. Commiffioners of the Court, and Juftices of the Peace, are impowered to take informations of piracy, &c. and, if they fee caufe, to apprehend and commit the offenders; and to oblige the profecutors and evidences to enter into recognisances to appear and profecute; and on refufal to commit them. Recognisances and informations are to be tranfmitted to the Register of the Court, to be laid before the Judge, and kept among the records. The Marshal, Sheriffs, and other Peaceofficers, are to obey and execute all precepts and orders of the Commiffioners and Justices. Where an appeal fhall be interpofed from the sentence of the Court, containing goods taken as prize, the capture may be appraised, and, upon fecurity given, to be delivered to the party; and, if there fhall be any difficulty or objection to the giving or taking fecurity, the Judge may order the goods to be landed, and fold by auction, and the money to be depofited in the Bank, &c. If fecurity be given by the claimants, the Judge is to give the capture a pass. This act is to be in force during the prefent war with France.

An ACT for Relief of Debtors with respect to the Imprisonment of their Perfons; and to oblige Debtors, who shall continue in Execution in Prifon beyond a certain Time, and for Sums not exceeding what are mentioned in Sfa the

the Act, to make Difcovery of, and deliver upon Oath, their Eftates for their Creditors Benefit.

An Officer may not carry his prifoner to any tavern or other public houfe, without his confent; nor charge him for liquor or other things, than fuch as he fhall freely and particularly call for; nor demand, for caption or attendance, any other than his legal fee; nor exact any gratuity money; nor carry his prifoner to gaol within 24 hours after his arreft, unless he fhall refufe to be carried to fome fafe houfe of his own appointment within fome city or town, if arrefted there, or within three miles thereof. Nor may an Officer take for the lodging, diet, and other expences of fuch prifoner more than fhall be allowed, in fuch cafes, by an order of the Justices in their general or quarter feffions, which order they are required to make with all expedition; a copy whereof is to be hung up in fome confpicuous part of the feffions-houfe, or other proper place. An Officer fhall deliver a copy of the faid claufes to the prifoner, if carried to a public houfe, and permit him or his friend to read over the fame, before any liquor or victuals be brought or called for. An Officer offending in the premiffes, befides the breach of covenant, is liable to be punished for a misdemeanor. Sheriffs and gaolers are to allow debtors in cuftody to fend for, or have brought to them, victuals and beer from what place they fhall think fit; and to have and ufe fuch bedding and linen, &c. as they fhall think fit, or fhall be fupplied with, without purloin ing or detaining thereof, or obliging them to pay for the fame. Tables of fees are to be made to be taken by the goalers within their respective jurifdictions, and to be figned by the Judges or Juftices making or altering the fame, as alfo rules and orders for the better government of the gaols, and prifoners therein, and copies thereof to be hung up in all Courts of affize, great feffions, quarter feffions, and public rooms of each prifon. The fame may be faid of bequests and benefactions to poor prifoners, whereof the payment, recovery, and receipt are to be fettled; and Sheriffs and other Offcers, offending against this act, are to forfeit sol. (exclufive of other penalties) to the party aggrieved.

A debtor charged in execution for any fum or fums not exceeding 100 l. &c. may exhibit a petition to the Court, certifying therein the caufes of his imprisonment, with a fchedule of his real and perfonal eftate at the time, and charges affecting the fame, and alfo the ftate of his effects at the time

of his firft imprisonment, and the fecurities, bonds, notes, and books, relating thereto, with the names and places of abode of the witneffes. Fourteen days previous notice of fuch intended petition is to be given to the creditor, or his attorney, at whose fuit he is charged in execution; with a copy of the schedule he intends to deliver into Court, An affidavit of the due service of fuch notice is to be delivered at the fame time with the petition into Court, and read openly; and a rule to be made, upon receiving the petition, for bringing the prifoner into Court, and fummoning the creditor, &c. and the creditor appearing, or not appearing thereto, oath being made of the due fervice of the rule, the Court is to examine into the matter of the petition in a fummary way, and administer an oath to the prisoner, that the account by him set forth in his petition is full and true, except wearing apparel and bedding, and the tools and inftruments of his trade and calling, not exceeding ten pounds in value in the whole. The Court may thereupon order an affignment to be made, on the back of the petition, of the prifoner's eftate and effects, and conveyed to the creditor, &c. the fame to be subject to prior incumbrances; and the creditor may thereupon take poffeffion, and fue in like manner as affignees of Commiffioners of bankrupts; and no release of the prisoner, fubfequent to fuch affignment, may be pleaded in bar of any fuch action. The Court thereupon is to make a rule for dif charge of the prifoner; and the Sheriff or gaoler, being ferved with a copy thereof, is to let the prifoner at liberty. The Sheriff is not liable to action of escape thereupon. The affignee is to make fale of the estate and effects of the prisoner, and make a dividend accordingly amongst the other creditors. But if the creditor fhew caufe of disbelieving the prisoner's oath, and defire further time for information, the Court is to remand the prifoner back to a further day, Objections to the form of the schedule are to be made at the first time the prifoner is brought up. The creditor not appearing the fecond day, or not making a further difcovery, the Court is to make a rule for discharge of the prifoner, unless the creditor infift upon his detention, and covenant to allow him 2 s. 4 d. per week; but upon failure, at any time, in the payment thereof, the prifoner, upon application to the Court, is to be discharged, upon executing fuch affignment and conveyance as aforefaid. The prifoner refufing to take the oath, or being detected of fallity therein, or refufing to execute an affignment, &c. of his eftate, is to be continued in execu

tion. Where more creditors than one infift on the prisoner's detention, they are to pay him each not exceeding 1 s. 6d. per week.

A prifoner, charged in execution, in county and other gaols diftant from Weftminster, to proceed in like manner by petition and affidavit; and the Court is to make a rule thereupon, for his being brought up to the next afsizes, &c. 1 s. per mile is to be paid to the gaoler, for his expences, out of the prifoner's eftate, or by the Treasurer of the county. The creditors are to be fummoned, and a copy of the rule ferved on them; and, upon affidavit made of fuch fervice, the Court is to appoint a time for hearing the matter of the petition; and, the creditors appearing thereto, or not, proof being made of their being duly ferved with the notice, and copy of the schedule of the prifoner's eftate, the Court is to proceed therein in a fummary way; and adminifter the oath to the prifoner; and make fuch order in the premifles as fhall feem meet, and proceed as aforefaid concerning the prifoner's discharge.

A prifoner refufing to deliver up his eftate and effects to fatisfy his creditors, the creditors may compel fuch prifoner to be brought up and deliver into Court a fchedule of his eftate and effects, and the incumbrances affecting the fame, upon oath; giving the prifoner 20 days notice of fuch intention, in order that his eftate and effects may be devested out of him, and affigned and conveyed as herein after directed. Like notice is to be given of fuch intention to the other creditors; and also to the Sheriff and gaoler, requiring them to bring up fuch prifoner, who is to be brought accordingly at the cofts of the creditors, with a copy of his detainer. A Sheriff or gaoler, making default in the premiffes, after due notice given, and tender of reasonable charges, forfeits 201. to the party aggrieved, with treble cofts of fuit. The prifoner, upon proof of due notice as aforefaid having been given him, is to deliver in, upon oath, to the Court a schedule of his eftate and effects, and figned by him; and is to affign and convey the fame in truft, for the benefit of his creditors, they agreeing to his difcharge, and to accept a proportionable dividend of his effects; but, if any fhall refuse to agree thereto, then the fame to be in truft for the creditors only requiring the prifoner to be brought up for the purpose aforefaid. The overplus, remaining after all charges, is to be paid to the prifoner, and the prifoner complying, to the fatisfaction of the Court, is to be fet at liberty, paying for his dif charge fees 2 s. 6 d.


The future effects of the prifoner are li able to debts unfatisfied; and no advantage is to be taken of the ftatute of limitation, unless he was intitled thereto before he ftood charged in cuftody on the original fuit. A prifoner, neglecting or refusing to deliver in a schedule of his estate and effects, or to make an affignment and conveyance thereof, is to be tranfported for 7 years; and, for delivering in a falfe account, to fuffer the pains and penalties of wilful perjury. Perfons convicted of perjury are to fuffer in like manner, and be liable to be taken on a procefs de novo, and charged in execution for the debt, and never have the benefit of this act. If the prisoner's effects fhall not fatisfy his debt, and the Warden's fees, &c. the Warden is to receive only a proportional dividend with the other crediA prifoner difcharged is not liable to arreft, or action, for the fame debt, unless convicted of perjury; but the judgment is to remain in force, and execution may be had thereon against his eftate and effects. Affignees may compound with the creditors in full discharge of their debts, and fubmit difputes relating to the prifoner's eftate and debts, &c. to arbitration, &c. the fame to be binding to creditors and prifoners, and affignees are therein indemnified. On complaint to Court of any infufficiency, fraud, mifmanagement, or other misbehaviour of the affignees, the parties are to be ordered to attend the Court thereon; and the Court is to make fuch order therein as they fhall think juft. On removal of any affignees, the prifoner's eftate and effects are to be vefted in and delivered over to the new affignees. Where mutual credit hath been given, the affignees may only ftate the account, and demand the balance. None are intitled to the benefit of this act, who have taken, or shall take, the benefit of any act of infolvency, unless compelled by a creditor to deliver up his eftate and effects. This act is not to extend to Scotland.

An ACT for the more effectual Prevent

ing the fraudulent Importation of Cambricks and French Lawns.

No cambricks, or French lawns, are to be imported, but in bales, &c. covered with cloth, containing each 100 whole pieces, or 200 half pieces, on penalty of forfeiture thereof: The fame to be imported for exportation only, and to be lodged in the King's warehouses, and delivered out under like fecurity and reftrictions as prohibited Eaft India goods. One half of the old fubfidy is payable only upon the importation. What goods fhall be in private cuftody, are to be depofited, by the ft of Auguft next,

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