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with British power and influence? Reformation, his pure word, and let Why hath he raised us up as the them see that they carry out the child of Britain ? and as a child we principles of the Reformation. I would always live in affection, rather would fain stand among you as the than be thrown into parricidal colli- representative of a Church that asks -sion with her. Why all this, but for your animating guidance, and that God would give the honour of speak as from the hindmost rank of the world's conversion to the chosen the advancing host, to those who people of this land ? I am perfectly must either lead us on or block up satisfied with the views I have taken our way, in the name of Him who -of Scripture truth, that this nation died on the cross, in the name of Him and its dependencies are to be the who rules upon the throne, and who chosen instruments for hastening on will appear in the chariot of salvathe glories of Messiah's kingdom. I tion to crown His servants with holook for the triumph of the Gospel nour, Go forward, go forward still! here; and here I am told that souls Suffer us not to be led into darkness, come up to the very bar and platform and doubt, and death, simply by the of this Society to plead their need evil influence of those before us. Let and the Saviour's wounds and dying me return to my own land cheered, love. But must it be said that the and to carry back the testimony to Christian Church here is too busy our faltering failing people, that at with indulgence, and luxury, and least the Missionary Society of the cares at home, to mind the wants of Established Church of Great Britain those who are perishing abroad? is now the faithful, accredited, perThis position must not be taken. The manent, untiring, spiritual messenresponsibility of our actions is taken ger and servant of the crucified Jein connexion with yours; we follow sus, everywhere preaching the one where you lead. Let us not be led single, simple, life-giving truth, that into faltering and doubtfulness. God guilty man is made perfect, and saved has given to Protestant Britain and alone and for ever by the finished to Protestant America-let them be righteousness of a holy and glorious one here too--the blessings of the Redeemer.


The Thirty-eighth Annual Meeting of this Society was held in the Great Room, Exeter Hall, on Wednesday the 11th of May. The platform was occupied by a large body of clergymen of the Church of England, and ministers of other communities, and laymen of rank and respectability. Amongst other eminent and inflúential persons, we observed the Bishop of Winchester, the Bishop of Norwich, the Bishop of Chester, the Bishop of Worcester, the Earl of Chichester, Earl Harrowby, Lord Glenelg, Chevalier Bunsen, Lord Sandon, Lord Teignmouth, &c.

The Committee commenced their Report by expressing their deep sense of thankfulness to God for the marked success which still continued to attend the operations of the Society. The issues for the year had amounted to more than 800,000 copies of the sacred Scriptures. In France, the agent of the Society continued his labours with untiring zeal and most pleasing results; 146,050 copies of the

Scriptures had issued from the press during the year ; 95,194 had been put in circulation by colporteurs, 84 of whom were, more or less, employed by the Society. The total distribution since 1820 was 1,692,659, of which 961,504 had passed through the hands of the Society's agent during nine years. The French Bible Society had issued, in the course of the year, 60,272 copies of the Scriptures, and their total issues amounted to 458,070. From the depôt at Frankfort 42,914 had been issued. The German Bible Society continued to prosecute their work with more or less zeal, annually distributing about 100,000 copies. The Prussian Bible Society, with its numerous Auxiliaries still took the lead; 35,436 copies had been printed during the past year, and 27,000 were now in the press. The Hungarian Association had issued 11,864 copies, making for five years a total of 54,500. Since the commencement of the operations of the Society in Belgium in 1835

there had been issued 97,332 volumes, and during the past year 9,750; but owing to the violent opposition to the agency in that country, there had been a decrease in the distribution. The Netherlands Bible Society had issued 12,080 copies last year. From St. Petersburgh, 11,754 copies were issued, making since the commencement in 1828, 81,208; the Society there had been furnished during the year with 1,495 copies in English, German, and Hebrew. Another edition of 25,000 of the Finnish version was in the press ; the Finnish Bible Society had distributed 278,000 copies,-the Swedish, 14,905. The Central Prussian Bible Society had issued since its establishment 1,776,400 copies. From Spain and Portugal there was little or no encouraging intelligence. At Athens the work of disseminating the Scriptures was proceeding favourably; 5,627 copies had been issued. A translation of the Old Testament into the Persian language was about to be printed. In British India, the number of copies of the Scriptures, in whole or in part, printed in the course of last year, was larger than had been printed in all the thirty years preceding, and to that might be added many thousands of copies printed by other Societies. The Calcutta Association issued during the past year 36,378 copies, making a total of 359,305. At Madras, 25,072 were distributed last year. Two Reports from Bombay, received since the last Anniversary, speak favourably of the operations there. Under the present circumstances of China, of course little of an encouraging nature could be expected, a check being put upon the direct introduction of the Scriptures amongst the Chinese; but 500 copies of the New Testament in their language had been forwarded for the purpose of being intrusted to benevolent and pious individuals who might accompany the warlike expedition to their shores. From Singapore, 3,445 VOlumes in various languages were issued during the year. At Sidney, Van Dieman's Land, &c., the work of Bible circulation under the superintendence of local associations, was proceeding with success. In the Islands of the Pacific, the desire to possess copies of the word of God was universal, and the supplies sent out had been received with joy and thankfulness; 5,000 copies had been

JUNE, 1842.

forwarded to Rorotonga, and 3,000 to that island where the lamented Williams laboured so long. From South Africa the intelligence was of the most gratifying kind; the Bechuana version of the New Testament, printed under the superintendence of Mr. Moffatt, had arrived, and was received with so much delight that it may be said to have made the solitary places glad, and the wilderness to blossom as the rose. The people surrounded the waggons, and immediately on the boxes being taken down, were eager to purchase, and most of the payments were made in sheep and goats. A grant of English Bibles and Testaments, and some in the language of the natives, had been made at Fernando Po, and to the station of the Church Missionary Society in Abyssinia. The persecution of the Christians in Madagascar was still as severe as ever; but amidst all their sufferings the converts maintained their faith, cherishing the sacred volume as the source of their consolation. Some of them had desired a fresh supply, their old ones being worn out. A successor to Mr. Wheeler, the deceased agent of the Society in the West Indies, had been found in Mr. James M‘Murray, many years agent to the Mico Charity, and he had gone out with a large supply of Bibles and Testaments. The Society there had received 7,350 copies during the year, and remitted 9161. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick had been visited by an agent. From Toronto 3001. had been received, and 9,522 copies of the Scriptures had been issued last year. The Association had ordered 1,300 in the same period. At Montreal the total number issued was 55,478 ; and a Bill had been passed by the Legislature to admit the printed Scriptures free of duty. 1,000 copies in the language of Greenland had been forwarded. The American Bible Society had received subscriptions to the amount of 118,860 dollars, and issued 150,202 copies during the past year. With reference to the domestic proceedings of the Society, the Report stated that

£. s. d The total amount received during the year, applicable to the general objects of the Society, including subscriptions, donations, legacies, dividends on stock, and contributions of Auxiliary Societies, is . . • 44,045 11 5

[ocr errors]

£. s. d. owes to its exertions. For another Compared with last year, showing

reason, too, I should be glad if we an increase of · · · 1,300 17 0

could take this survey of the Society's Amount received from sales of

operations; I think it would go far Bibles and Testaments . 50,204 14 10 to rekindle the ardour of some, which Total amount from all sources is 95,095 4 8

I grieve to say, has been sadly chilled The issues of the Society

in this country. I think it would not have been, from the De

only encourage us to further exerpository at home . 584,544

tions, but also tend to mollify the , Depots abroad 231,007

feelings of those who are extreme

815,551 Total issues of Bibles and Testa.

to mark what they think amiss in the ments since the commencement

constitution or measures of this Soof the Society . . . . 14,038,934 ciety. I would go back to the time

when the demand of this country for The total number of Associations printing the Scriptures was satisfied and Branch Societies in connexion by 20,000 or 30,000 copies in a year, with the parent Institution, was 2,828, when men would have been startled and 100 new ones were established at the thought of 800,000 copies being last year. The Report concluded by required by this Society — when asking, after these statements, whe throughout the Roman Catholic poputher the Committee were not justified lation of Ireland, the Scriptures were in calling upon their friends to join an unknown book-when, with rethem in exclaiming, “Let the Lord gard to the principality of Wales, it be magnified, who hath pleasure in was hopeless to procure a single copy the prosperity of his servants !”

—when you might go over the greater The Bishop of Chester came for part of the continent of Europe, and ward to propose the first Resolution, scarcely find a copy of the Scriptures - That the Report, an abstract of to be procured, even at the largest which has been read, be received, price-when there were but thirtyand printed under the direction of the seven translations of the Scriptures Committee.' His Lordship com into foreign languages, and most of menced by remarking, that an ex- those chiefly confined to the knowpression of satisfaction had emanated ledge of the curious; and in this way from the Meeting, on an intimation would I meet the objections which we being given that the Report was sometimes hear against the constitudrawing to a close ; he must be for- tion and plans of this Society. I given for beginning his address with would, in this respect, take an examanything that might seem ungracious, ple from the great Athenian commanbut he certainly thought that demon- der, who, when assailed by calumny, stration of feeling was a little so, for replied to his accusers in one word, the Report had related nothing but which brought to the knowledge of the great successes with which this the assembly the recollection of his great work had been crowned. And victory—and that word was “ Maraalthough it would have lengthened thon." His enemies calumniated it, (continued the Right Rey. Prelate) him, but his friends deigned only to allow me to say that, gratified as we repeat “Marathon!” So when we have been in listening to the Report are told of our indiscriminate associwhich has just been read, if anything ations with others, and of our impercould have added to the interest with fect constitution, let us answer, that which we have regarded it, it would we have 137 translations of the have been its being accompanied by Scriptures; that we have circuthe Report which was read thirty lated 14,000,000 of copies of the eight years ago, so that, by way of word of God; and have more than contrast, we might judge best of the 7,000 kindred or affiliated instimeasure of success granted to this tutions. There is another matter Society. Nay, if we go back to the of encouragement and confidence ; beginning of this century, and con it is that the endeavours we are using sider how not only this country, but to circulate the word of God receive the face of the whole world has been the blessing of him who gave it. Will changed and altered through the in it be said by any that this is dangerstrumentality of this Society, as re- ous ground, and that we are not at gards the word of God, we shall, and liberty by the event to judge of the not till then, have a just view of what propriety of any operations? In this country and the world at large some instances, I am aware, success would be an improper criterion apostles refer with regard to this whereby to judge of the favour of question? They inquired what effect God; but here, where questions of the gospel, received without the ordiright and wrong cannot be confound- nances of the Jewish law, had upon ed, we are at liberty thus to judge. their hearts and lives : had it the In mere matters of expediency, I effect it was intended to produce, think it is right to consider whether which it ought to produce, and which our measures have the favour of God, it must produce, if blessed of God, and are such as we ought to pursue and which it could not produce withor not. Now in that matter which is out,-had it the effect of purifying brought against the society, that their hearts by faith? The answer many persons who differ upon the in- was given by Peter, “Seeing that terpretation of the Bible unite in cir- God hath put no difference beculating it, there can be no wrong; tween them and us, purifying their no question of right and wrong can hearts by faith, therefore let us here be confounded. Even under not perplex or trouble them, or the most selfish expectation, even laya yoke upon their neck, supposing what I believe never en which neither we nor our fathers tered the head of any one connected were able to bear. Therefore, I with the Bible Society, that a person would say, since God has thus blesunited with it, because he desired an sed this Society, which its enemies opportunity to promote his own say cannot be blessed, since the spirit views, the objection cannot hold; for of God has produced a concord and no one has any private opportunity a unity which they declare never can beyond another of carrying his views be produced among persons who out, for he must circulate the Scrip differ in things to themselves importtures without note or comment. So, ant, but still not in the sight of God then, even here no question of right essential, let us not trouble or perand wrong is concerned, it is a mere plex the society with questions of this question whether such co-operation is kind, but let us proceed on our way, likely to succeed. And now we may believing that we have the countesafely inquire, has it succeeded? The nance and support of him whom answer is, look at the operations of alone we desire to serve, and to whom the Society during so many years! we give all the glory. There is anoAnd we may safely appeal, too, to ther question connected with the Sothe concord, which has animated the ciety, which may perhaps be treated proceedings of the Committee, and in somewhat the same way; and I the general concerns of the Society, regret to say, that it is a question on and say, that that concord produced which many excellent men, many amongst such persons, and existing with whom I desire to walk in the on such a subject, is a strong proof of house of God as friends, differ from the blessing of God, and that he is us. They complain of the practices guiding the minds and influencing of the Society, and many of them the actions of those concerned. If refuse to unite in its proceedings, the result also be such as the report because they are not satisfied with has declared, then we have a proof of regard to the perfection of our versuccess, and success under such cir- sions. I believe that the versions cumstances, is a proof of the divine circulated by this Society have not blessing. Am I wrong if I think we in any degree the imperfections which may even here introduce a Scripture have been laid to their charge. But example? Are we not allowed to let us put the question in the fairest form our judgment by Scripture? I way; many of them are imperfect need not remind this assembly, that versions ; they are made in languages it was a question with the apostles with which we have but a trifling themselves, and with others in the acquaintance, and some of them are early days, of which we read in the versions which the Roman Catholics Acts of the Apostles themselves, will recognize, I was going to say whether the heathen converts were that Roman Catholics will approve, justified in not observing the ceremo- but I am convinced the Roman Canies of the law of Moses, and that tholics will approve of no version. there were those who disturbed and They will never admit one any furperplexed the church, saying, “Ex- ther than they are obliged. Still cept ye observe these ordinances, ye there are versions which they will recannot be saved.” To what did the cognise. But the question is, Have these versions the effect which the give up their sheep or their goats to Scriptures ought to have? Do they purchase the Scriptures we have sent? transform the character of men ? Are Can we make the people of Madagasthey found to convey the way of sal- car, who cannot read their Bibles vation through Christ Jesus in such without danger of being put to death, a manner that they who read them complain that their books are wearwill learn that way and follow it? ing out, and ask for new ones? No. We cannot read the records of this The Society employs agents, but we Society without finding numerous in know on whom the agency of the stances of this sort; and therefore I heart depends. It is God's own spisay, why perplex and trouble the rit that moves the heart, and inclines Committee with questions of this the people to receive his own word. kind, which we may have full confi and provides before hand the means dence they will always judge of with necessary for his purposes. We have the fullest desire to honour God's heard such interesting accounts of word and perform his will ? Let us the Society's operations in its thirnot lay a yoke on them, but let us ty-eighth year, that we must say, gladly join in circulating these ver- though it has now arrived at its mansions, the best we can procure, trust- hood, it shows no sign of approaching ing that he who has hitherto blessed old age. I trust it will go on and them, and by whom alone they can prosper, that those who hesitate will be made a blessing, will continue to hesitate no longer about giving their carry home that word to the hearts of hands to this work; certainly, that all to whom it is sent. Indeed, none of its friends will think of leavit is a great comfort with regard to ing it. I wish nothing more than the proceedings of this Society, that this, that, as it is a Bible Society for we cannot proceed one step in it, ex- the world, so it may be the Bible Socept as God, I may say, leads us by ciety of the world. the hand. He whose word we are Lord GLENELG. -My Lord, I rise circulating, must co-operate in every to second the motion which has just measure we use, and in every new been presented by the Right Rev. translation we attempt. I do not Prelate, who, in the commencement think that this has been often consi- of his remarks, alluded to the recepdered; I am sure not by the enemies tion which this assembly gave to an of the Society, for they have not observation that the Report was aplooked into its concerns, and they proaching to a conclusion. The deknow not how it is carried on. But gree of impatience then expressed by it is worth while considering that the assembly may now be forgiven, there is one thing only which the So because the abbreviation of that Reciety can do without the co-operation port accelerated the time for us to be and blessing of Almighty God. The gratified by the speech of that Right Society might purchase Bibles, stow Rev. Prelate, of which I shall say them away in chests, and freight ves no more in his presence than that it sels to carry them out, and land them was able, wise, and judicious, adapted on foreign shores; (indeed, this is to the circumstances of the Society, what some people imagine to be the worthy of the cause he advocated, character of our operations, for it was worthy of the man by whom it was only last week that I read in a tract delivered, and worthy of the Church intended for general circulation, that whose ordinances he administers. It shiploads of Bibles had been sent to was a speech, however, which may foreign countries, and trampled make me well reluctant to follow that under-foot there, and no thought Right Rev. Prelate, and I should intaken whether the people were ready deed have been willing to decline to receive them, or whether they this opportunity of presenting myself could be of any benefit to those who to you this day, because, being prehad them ;) but can we incline the cluded by various circumstances people to whose country these Bibles from taking an active part in the orare sent to become distributors in dinary and daily exercises of the sending them through the land ? For Society, I feel that it is scarcely cominstance, in France, could we provide patible for me to rise up either as its that there should be eighty-four col- advocate or apologist. But being porteurs to carry out Bibles through called upon I felt I could not refuse, the provinces of that kingdom? Or and I am happy in being able to decould we persuade the Bechuanas to clare, that I look upon it not merely

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