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time he removed to the curacy of “to remain in a communion, on the Milford, in Hampshire.

side of which all his earliest feelings From this period we are indebted, and convictions lay.” Conviction as Mr. Evans remarks, “to the pen and conscience, however, carried the of one who possessed the most inti- day, and Mr. Evans, his wife, and mate opportunity of knowing my some clergymen who saw with them, father's mind. It will be evident, reluctantly seceded from a Church in that as a clergyman of the Church of which they felt they could no longer England, I could not have written all minister. that follows; but to its general accu- The opinions he then formed were racy I can bear testimony."

permanent, and, notwithstanding the At Milford Mr. Evans remained many and frequent reports to the until the close of the year 1815; hav- contrary, Mr. Evans never once reing during that period grown much gretted the step he had taken. in the knowledge of those glorious In January, 1816, Mr. and Mrs. doctrines of grace, by the preaching Evans were baptized by immersion of which his ministry was greatly at Taunton, and after preaching about blessed. Persecution followed upon that place for some time, and then this faithful exercise of his office, as making provision for the spiritual inmay be gathered from the following struction of the little band at Milford, extract:

to whom he had been made useful,

Mr. Evans removed to London, and “We cannot be surprised, however,

preached successively in the Swiss that Satan was alarmed at all these

Church, St. Giles, and Cross Street, results of the preaching of the cross, and

Hatton Garden. he soon stirred up at Milford a bitter

In 1818 Mr. Henry Drummond spirit of opposition to Mr. Evans personally, and also to those who had received


but the chapel. In John Street, bed.

built the Chapel in John Street, Bedthe gospel which he declared. The for

ford Row, specially for Mr. Evans, mer was manifested by some of the prin- gave it to him for his life, and in Occipal gentry leaving the church as soon ţober of that year he commenced a as the prayers were over, before the com ministry there only to be dissolved by mencement of the sermon, or by ceasing death. altogether to attend, and placing a pad- Shortly after this Mr. Evans fell lock on the pew they had occupied; and into those erroneous views of the perthe latter by some of the farmers refusing sonality of the Son and of the Holy to employ the labourers who went to the

Ghost which caused much disquiet to services at the vicarage, while servants

his own mind, and which gave the were discharged for the same cause. In the principal family of the parish, nine

deepest pain and anxiety to those servants were turned off in one day for who were amongst his most valued their religion's sake. It ought to be

friends. For the full particulars of borne in mind, however, that there was this perplexing period of Mr. Evans' not at this time the effort to conciliate,

life, we must refer our readers to the

life, we must or the humble and loving spirit, for pages of the Memoir. We cannot which in after-life Mr. Evans was so re.. however notice, without the sincerest markable. He was then young and ardent, gratification, the earnest way in which and his unflinching and uncompromising he sought counsel from on High, and spirit in the cause of truth led him for- the child-like manner in which he ward, and induced errors which he after

threw himself and his doubts at the wards saw and regretted.”

feet of one (Dr. Wardlaw) well calIn the early part of 1815 a great

culated to afford the soundest advice. change took place in Mr. Evans' We give the result. views, and he was led seriously to consider the two questions which per

“ The investigation, however, issued in plexed him,- Infant Baptism and the

his becoming convinced that his former union of the Church with the State.

view was unscriptural and most dangerHe sought in vain for any counsel

ous; and his mind was gradually, but

firmly fixed in the conviction, that the that should so satisfy his mind upon Son and the Holy Ghost are, with the these points, that he might be able Father, truly, properly, personally God.

" In consequence of this, he from his of God in building up His Church, had pulpit openly and solemnly stated the gone to their rest, and had been succhange which had taken place in his ceeded by those who, while they included views; inserted in two periodicals, one of in their testimony many truths of great them a number of the . Evangelical Ma- practical importance, suited also to a time gazine' for 1823, a brief, but unreserved, in which the kingdom of Christ was to, retractation of his former sentiments on be more largely extended than at any this point; and, after more mature con- previous period, had yet allowed the class sideration, in the year 1826 published of truths above alluded to, if not to fall the work before alluded to, 'Letters to a into disuse, yet to hold a less prominent Friend,' the object of which was, dis- place in their teaching than the Word tinctly and explicitly to disavow the opi- of God commands. Mr. Evans aimed nions advanced in his · Dialogues,' which at combining the substance and spirit of he did most unreservedly, retracing the both these classes of truths, and while he steps which led to such deviation from fully stated the total and entire depravity truth, giving his reasons for his subse- of man by nature, without ability to turn quent change, proving from the Word of himself to God, the free, sovereign, electGod the fallacy of his former sentiments, ing love of God, flowing through the with deep abasement of soul, and confess. cross of Christ, and the absolute need of ing his error before God and man. He the power of the Holy Ghost, to combought up all the copies of his former mence in regeneration and carry on in work which were at the booksellers; and, sanctification His work in the soul--he from that time, both his friends and was fettered by no shackles of system : others were instructed to purchase for and while he maintained that the atone. him every copy, new or old, which they ment of Christ was for the sins of His could meet with, and he invariably com own people, he proclaimed the Gospel as mitted them to the fames, often with free to every creature under heaven. expressions of the deepest self-loathing The truths which search and probe the. and penitence before God. His sin was conscience, and urge to a full surrender truly ever bedre him, and he walked of the whole spirit, soul, and body to. softly all his years in the bitterness of holiness and love, in all the detail of his soul.”

daily life, both domestic, social, and pub. In 1825, Mr. Evans' father died;

lic, in retirement, and in business, were pressed home upon his hearers ; but he

delighted also in statements of truth of his son,

which contribute to the nourishment and “ That God nad blessed his constant strength of the believer; upon the prinendeavours to bring his beloved parent to ciple that service could only be continuthe knowledge of the truth as it is in ously and cheerfully rendered by those Jesus, that the strong-holds of self- who were well supported and sustained, righteousness were broken down, and that the love and practice of the precept that he expired humbly trusting in the were only diligently exemplified by those merits of his Redeemer.”

who lived upon the promise. Hence

many were gathered round him, and Six years aterwards Mr. Evans

ended their days in fruitfulness under his lost, at a sudda blow, the wife to

ministry, who had been trained up under whom he had been united for nearly what has been technically termed high twenty-one yea:s. After mourning doctrine, who would have been repelled her loss for two years, Mr. Evans re- from the precept which they afterwards married with one who was eminently learned to hold as dear as the promise, had qualified to fill he void, both in her the sceptre of their Lord been so exhibited husband's heart ind to assist him in by him as to conceal from them His his pastoral work

cross. It was a common saying among The general claracteristics of his

the spiritually-minded, and the most preaching are very accurately given

consistent in conduct, of the worshippers in the following passage :

at John-street Chapel, that the way in

which the practice of the believer was “ His scheme of Gospel truth, while it blended with the highest privileges of had much of the spiit of the preceding, the Divine life, led them to enter with had much also of tha of the present age. increasing and hearty love into his own, The distinguished nen who embraced beautiful perception of the mode in which the broader view of Calvinism, and who religion interiningled itself with the in their day had been ingularly honoured whole course of life.”

The relationship in which Mr. from sleep he devoted to prayer, media Evans stood with respect to Christians tation, study of the Scriptures, and the other than those composing his own perusal of his favourite authors.

perusal of his favourite aut

The flock, is thus truly stated :

works of Dr. Owen, Samuel Rutherford,

John Howe, and Robert Traill, afforded “ The subject of this memoir stood in

him the richest delight. It was his cusa peculiar position in the Church of

tom in reading Scripture, to use the pen Christ. The having been formerly in the Established Church, and still holding

much, either on the margin of his Bible

or in a commonplace book; and he frecommunion with many of her most

quently recommended this practice to valuable members and ministers, together

others, as one which he had found very with the power and spirituality of his ministry, induced many, who were never

useful in arranging and consolidating his

thoughts. under other circumstanves within the walls of a Dissenting place of worship, to We have felt much pleasure in frequent John-street Chapel. This was running through these brief memomore especially the case on the week-day rials of a pastor to whose voice it evening, when ministers and Christians was the privilege of the writer in of every denomination, and from all parts, early life to listen with profit; we can might be seen listening to and enjoying only rapidly pass to the time when the word which he preached.”

Mr. Evans was to be removed from Those who had tasted that Christ

his long loved ministerial labours. was precious to the believer, loved to

Towards the year 1847, the first note feed in that pasture which filled their

of warning was given that the tabera souls with all the richness of those

nacle must be taken down. Obliged Gospel truths which Mr. Evans de

to abridge his labours, and seek rest lighted to unfold. They heard him

and refreshment, he returned with as the minister of Christ, and forgot ardour to his work on the least in him the outward and minor dis

amendment; but he was soon to find tinctions which separated them from

that his mind and strength had been the communion, or rather congrega

overwrought, and increasing illness at tion, in which he presided.

length laid him aside altogether. We must also commend the follow- Compelled to leave London in the ing passages to the attention and ex

summer of 1842,ample of our readers :

" Previous to his departure he assem

bled the members of the Church on Sun“He deeply felt the importance of a day evening, June 24t), at the table of decided separation from the world in the

the Lord, and, before he left them, adChristian, and especially in the Christian dressed a few words of exhortation and minister ; and while he disapproved of comfort. It was a solenn and refreshing anything approaching to an affected sin- season, but little did he or they anticipate gularity, he thought it ought to be mani.

that they thus met fæ the last time on fest in the dress, furniture, table, and

earth." domestic arrangements of the child of God, that he had received the command,

It was while making a tour through * Be not conformed to this world.'

a part of Scotland, hat the accident " Perhaps the distinguishing feature in

occurred which was the immediate his Christian character was humility. cause of his deceae. Thrown from Those who knew hin best knew how a hired phạton, the injuries which he little he spoke of himself, or of the suo received seemed at first free from cess which had attended his ministry. danger, but repeaed attacks in the His standard of holiness was a very high wounded parts, seved to wear out a one, and the view he maintained of his frame already nearly broken down, own sinfulness was deep and pungent. and, after three months' suffering, He had not habitually spiritual joy ; he during which he was severely tried was a man of much inward conflict, but

by delirium, excitement, and

ī he never rested satisfied short of peace in y Jesus. He communed much with his a sharp conflict with his spiritual own heart in private before God. To enemy, he was rileased, and entered secure this he was a very early riser, being into the joy of his Lord. His dying seldom in bed alter ball-past five in the message to his p:ople was most hummorning, and the hours thus redeemed ble and comfortag.

es "He felt his sins and his deservings with holy pleasure on a character more than ever, but that he stood accepted like that of Mr. Evans, in whom shone in the Beloved notwithstanding all. •In so much the lineaments of our comJesus I stand : Jesus is a panacea.''

mon Master. Not less consoling was the character of his dying moments.

The RAINBOW IN THE NORTH : a short “His latest expression of consciousness, about two hours before his departure, was

Account of the first Establishment of that of opening his eyes and raising them Christianity in Rupert's Land by the to heaven, as the text was repeated, 'I Church Missionary Society. By S. shall be satisfied when I awake with Thy likeness ;' after which, life gradually ebbed

TUCKER, Author of "South Indian away, till he did awake in the presence Sketches.Third Edition, pp. 222. of his Lord, at half-past six in the morn Nisbet and Co. ing of December 1st.” We have thus followed rather more

No one can question the truth of

the remark, in the preface of this vofully than usual, this sketch of one of Christ's ministering servants, who,

lume, that “the interest felt in mis

no; sionary work must very much depend differing from us in many unimportant points, yet was thus spoken of by one

on a knowledge of its details." There who, like ourselves, remains consci

are two ways of imparting this know

ledge—the living voice and the printed entiously attached to the national Es

page; and we must confess that we tablishment:

have often deplored the want there “Rarely is the steward of the mysteries certainly exists of the latter. We acof God so richly furnished for his arduous knowledge, indeed, that much valuawork as he ; whether he aimed to fulfil ble information is communicated in the work of the Evangelist, to give milk the form of magazines, occasional pato babes, or to edify the Church with the pers, and annual reports ; and we also deep things of God, drawn from the trea

I know that such sources of intelligence sury of his large and experienced heart;

are eagerly and pains-takingly sought whether he poured the healing consolations of the Gospel into the troubled

á after by those whose minds are spibreast, or girt himself with the terrors of


ritually, awa

ritually awake to the importance of the Lord' to grapple with the conscien

the work. But for the ordinary reaces of the ungodly, -seldom are such va- der, for the young, and for all those ried and opposite gifts concentrated in who are but partially interested as yet the same character as those which were in missionary designs, there is needed combined in effective vigour, yet mellowed something beyond the baldness of the by genuine humility, in this distinguished tract, and less repulsive in its arrangeminister of God.

ment than the closely-packed report. “And now his course is ended, and he The interesting little book before us is gathered to his fathers. If it were left is just one that meets the want; and to my own selection, in whose steps as a

. we hope that other friends of missions

* pastor I would choose to tread, and whose model I would faiu cherish, I know none

will not be slow to imitate the excelamong modern names whose mantle I

lent example which our authoress here would rather inherit than of this eminent

has set them. servant of his Lord."

The writer may be congratulated

on having chosen a most apposite Like the editor of the volume be- title. The beloved John, in his subfore us, we have offered no opinion lime description of the throne of God, on Mr. Evans' secession. Deeply do tells of a "rainbow round about” it; we regret that divisions do, and per- and very significantly does this emhaps must exist; and, while we feel blem of free grace and mercy convey that it is our mission to endeavour, as to the purchaser of Miss Tucker's vofar as in us lies, to lessen the causes lume the character of those details of division, it is our great delight to which they may expect to find. On lay aside the consideration of such a dark and benighted land, situated matters, and to recognize and dwell northward of the territory of the Uni

ted States, and westward of that of “The doubts and fears which had har Canada, the Sun of Righteousness has rassed the mind of Mr. Smithurst were at length shone forth, and a stormy now changed into gratitude and joy, as, past is giving place to fairer and

in the afternoon of Sunday, he admitted brighter days. The once nominal

into the fold of Christ thirty-eight adults

with their children,-eighty-seven in the Christian, and the once rude Red In

whole, - thus called out of darkness, dian, here worship their common Fa

and brought into •marvellous light.' And ther; and over a number of zealous

it would be vain to attempt to describe but scattered clergy is now placed an the glowing thankfulness with which Mr. apostolic bishop, who “takes the over- Budd musť have witnessed this result of sight" of an enormous diocese with “a his devoted and self-denying labours.” ready mind.” Thirty years ago, the name of Christ was unknown: there

Further on we have the following:are now some ten missionary stations, with five substantial churches and “In 1848 we read, that nearly all the eight ordained clergymen, besides ca- Indians who frequented the Pas had put techists. The Cumberland Pas station themselves under Christian instruction ; is a remarkable instance of mission- four hundred and twenty-four had been ary effort blessed of God. It was baptized, and though among these there commenced in 1840 by a native cate still lingered some prejudices and superchist, and two years afterwards was stitions, yet they were all more or less. visited by one of the missionaries :

adorning their profession by holy and consistent lives.

"In summer there were often as many “One of Mr. Smithurst's objects in

as four hundred at public worship; there visiting the station was to baptize any

were fifty-seven communicants, some of who should be prepared for the sacred

whom, if absent at Christmas. or at Easrite ; but his mind inisgave hiin when he

ter, would return on foot from a distance found how large a number presented

of one or two hundred miles, to gather themselves as candidates. He could not

round the table of the Lord. imagine that so many could be properly

“A spirit of piety, and devotion was prepared; and knowing that the Roman

cultivated in their families--their social Catholic priests had from time to time

and domestic comforts increased; and visited the neighbourhood, and, without

could we by some magic power transport giving them any instruction, had bap

ourselves to the shores of the Saskattized all who were willing, tying a metal

chewan, we should see that there, as cross, round their necks, and assuring

everywhere else, godliness has the prothem they were safe, he could not repress

mise of the life that now is, as well as the fear that, notwithstanding Mr. Budd's

that which is to come. If our visit were faithful Scriptural instruction, some of

in winter, we would cross the frozen river the people must have imbibed erroneous

with our missionary and his wife, enter views. During Saturday evening and

some of the cottages, and compare with the early part of Sunday morning. he

some dirty Indian tent the scene that examined them individually and search

would greet us here- the bright fire, the ingly, and to his grateful satisfaction

clean and comfortable room, the family fonnd that not only were their minds in

gathered round the cheerful hearth, and formed, but their hearts awakened. A

thankfully rejoicing in their altered cirdeep sense of their own lost state by na

cumstances. Or it we made a suininer ture—the necessity of a change of heart

flight, we might stand at the close of by the operation of the Holy Spirit

some calm day at the door of the Mission a dependence on Christ alone for accept

House, and listen while we heard on the ance, and an entire renunciation of all

nearer shore a father conducting the deself-dependence, were evident in them

votions of the family; or, borne across all; and many of them, when speaking the water from the farther bank, in the of their past lives, were greatly affected.

stillness of the evening air our ears would Their hearts,' they said, were so sore

catch the sound of many voices mingling they were ready to break in pieces.' All

in praises to Redeeming Love." had given up their heathen practices, regularly attended every means of grace in their power, and had endured consi The account of the Indian village derable opposition from their heathen formed by one of the missionaries, neighbours.

Mr. Cockran, and afterwards put un

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