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ciled us to the loss. We could not call her to be patient and resigned- her relihim lost. He seemed to have been called gion was great, if it made her able to bear early to a throne. Why should we mourn what was laid upon her. And this it for one so blest ? Faith assures us that did. But when the end came, and Death such trials, too, shall work out glory; and offered to free her from suffering, and inwe dried up our tears in the sure and cer- troduce her into that goodly place where tain hope that the resurrection will show there shall be no more pain, she received our bud in full bloom in the midst of the him with a smile, as if a friend had come, paradise of God.

and willingly yielded to his call. April 21.--At last she has ceased to April 22.-To-day, the day following suffer and begun to enjoy. For many her death, we carried to the grave all that weary years Matilda Lake has been slowly was left of our friend, Matilda Lake. Much consumed by a cancer. It has been a as I valued a friend, a bright pattern of long, lingering death, and the existence what a Christian should be, it was almost on which she has now entered is bliss. It a pleasure to me to bury her. Her body must be doubly sweet to her who has known had been the seat of pain, her soul had nothing but anguish for so many years on been the only seat of enjoyment; and it earth. If it be so terrible to suffer twenty was a pleasant thought they were now sunyears, what must eternal misery be? Yet dered, and her spirit free from the associashe has been patient. I assisted the sur- tion by which it has so long been distressed. geon five years ago, when he sought to It was not to be spoken at her funeral, but extirpate the cancer with the knife. It was I felt it all the while as the honest con. a tedious, cruel business; and though I viction of the Christian, who believes that have seen more bloody operations, never the world to come is a reality – but a step did I witness one more painful. Her's beyond the present. was the only calm countenance in the May 10.- Never was a brighter day than room. Before the first incision was made, that on which we walked to the grave of a I kneeled at her side, at her request, and young man. C. R- cut down in the asked God to give her strength according midst of his health and hopes. It seemed to her day. When I rose, I looked on her like a day for a bridal, and the sombre face as though it had been an angel's. “I feelings which the scene awakened were am ready, doctor,” she said ; and my heart inost unsuited to the season. He was just sunk, while almost a smile played on her going into business with his father, and wan, fair face. She strove to be cheerful. had returned from a tour, where he had She was wonderfully supported; and while caught the seeds of disease, and a swift we were ready to faint she was strong inflammatory fever set in, and hurried him When it was all over, and she was again to the grave. What a lesson on the unplaced in her couch, she said, Did Jesus certainty of all human hopes! I am not thus suffer, and shall I repine ?" I had at ease in my own mind as to his present fretted many times when the little ills of state. He had never given attention to life had annoyed me; but here was a spi- the great concerns of his soul while he rit tried sorely, for long and weary years, was in health ; and when sickness was on with anguish unspeakable, yet a murmur him, I tried to lead him to a sense of his never had escaped her lips. It was a les condition, and to show him the way of salson that I hoped would do me good. Andvation. But the ground of hope in his then a few months of rest succeeded; to case, so conforting to his parents, was so be followed, alas! by the painful, ago faint, that I find no satisfaction in dwellnizing return of the gnawing worm within. ing on it. I fear for him, rather than

The knife had not eradicated the living hope. malady. It was there, and began its fear- June 2.-An infant was buried this day, ful work again. Days of torment, nights an infant of a few days only on earth; a of torture, long and dreary, now lulled by flower that scarcely began to bloom before opiates, and then revived with intense it was removed. “Of such is the kingpains, the poor sufferer bore on and bore dom of heaven." How many infant souls, on, all the appointed time, waiting till her or rather souls of infants, there must be in change should come. And now at-last it glory! We are accustomed to think of has arrived. Through much tribulation our friends in heaven as retaining the same she has fought her way upward; made per degrees of age as they had attained at fect through suffering she has at, length death. An infant dead appears to us to been permitted to enter into her rest. Her be an infant always in heaven. A patrideath was peaceful --- not triumphant, for arch departed, seems to be a venera ble her spirit was so chastened by long pain, spirit among the angels. But the sculs that she never rejoiced ; it was enough for of the redeemed are making progress far more rapidly than the best of saints on fire of health. Yet she was as beautiful earth. This infant, whose dust we min- now as when less than a year ago I had gled with other dust to-day, is now making stood before her, a bride, and heard her such advancement in knowledge and holi- vows-those vows from which death was ness, that long before we are released from now to grant her a release. She smiled as the body, it will have outstripped us in the I entered, and gave me her delicate hand comprehension of the mysteries of the as cheerfully as in the sunniest days. kingdom. It is not an infant in knowledge “How is it with you to-day, Mrs. B-?" now. It is a companion of angels, and I asked, as I sat down by her side. “I learns from them, and goes with them to feel very well,” said she, “but they tell the fountain-head of all wisdom, drinking me that I have fever, and that does not from streams that never dry. I should promise as well as we could wish.” “In love to taste those waters! O, why are thy your sickness has the Saviour been as prechariot wheels so slow, my Saviour, why ? cious to you as in days past ?“More

July 16.-Death has not been very busy than ever; I have given myself to Him among us of late. Unusual health has again, and that lambkin there in the craprevailed, and we have rejoiced in the dle, and my dear husband" — and here blessing. But he has not forgotten us. her voice trembled, and the tears filled her He called this morning, and left his seal large eyes; and I interrupted her by askon the brow of one of the loveliest of my ing if she had given them so completely flock. A few days ago, Mrs.

B b e to the Saviour, that she would be willing came the inother of her first-born. It was to leave them all in His hands, if He a time of gentle gladness among her friends, should take her to Himself. She turned and none thought that sorrow was to tread her eyes full upon me, with such a look of on the heel of joy. For a day or two there inquiry, that my heart failed me before was every reason to believe that she was her gaze. For a moment neither of us doing well, when a fever supervened, and spoke. Then she turned to her husband, baffled all the remedies of skill, and all and saw the tears streaming down his the ministries of love. Her young hus- cheeks, and he buried his head in the pilband came to me the day before yester- lows near her cheek. She raised her hand day, and, with tears such as men seldom and let it lie across his neck, and said to shed, told me of the danger, and the warn- me with so much tenderness, yet strength, ing the physician had given him, that his that it melted while it comforted me, "I precious wife might not survive. He said see it all you think that I may not live he never thought she could die ; and now dear, dear husband; sweet babe blessed he found it very hard to persuade himself Saviour, precious Saviour-yes. I can go that it was so ; his babe to be left mother- to Him, and He will stay with them.” less, and himself a widower! it seemed too I t was hard for me to do my sad duty much; he could not make it a reality even now, and tell her what were our fears; but to be apprehended. But he wished I she anticipated all I had to say, and was would come over and break it to her, if calm, while we were agitated and distressed. indeed it were true, as he was sure that he “How long does the doctor think it could not. I walked around with him, will be ?" she asked. I told her that her and strove to point him to the precious pulse was irregular, and gave indications Saviour, who was dear to his wife, and that she might not be spared to us more who would be her support in death, if she than a day or two longer : but we would were now called on to die. “You shall yet hope that God would bless the means see,” said I, “ that her trust in Christ is employed for her recovery, and raise her sufficient for such an hour is this; and if up. With as much calmness as if she you will study her features when I speak were getting ready for a journey, she now to her of the coming of death, you will be addressed herself to the great work of preassured that it has no terrors for her soul. paration. Yet it seemed as if that were She is prepared, and will be ready to go done. But she would have her faith tried, whenever she is called.” He was silent and she besought me to search and see if when I ceased speaking, and I felt that he her views were right, and her hope well needed the consolation that his wife would founded. I did so. I led her to a faithful enjoy if she were to be taken from him. examination of her own heart by the light

As we entered the room where she was of God's Word; and the closer the light lying, I found her raised slightly in the was brought, the brighter was the evidence bed on pillows ; her fair face was whiter that she was in union with the Redeemer. than alabaster, save that each cheek was Then I read to her the twenty-third

tinged with the hue of the fatal fever, and Psalm, which has been the comfort of so . her eyes were lighted with more than the many thousands of saints; and as I read,

a smile, like that of a seraph, illumed her her of her child. It was in vain that I face, and joy took possession of her soul, spoke to her of the duty of submission to “I know that my Redeemer liveth,” she the Divine will, assuring her that our said ; and I begged her to try and com Father in heaven is too good to be unpose herself to rest, for I feared that we kind, and too wise to err in his treatment had conversed too much for her feeble of his creatures; what we know not now state. I was leaving the room, and looked we shall know hereafter, and the future to her husband to follow me, but her arms will reveal even good, as the fruit of what were around his neck, and I left them to now seems adverse and trying. I might gether. It is hard to part. God help as well have spoken to a mountain torthem in their grief!

rent, and bade it flow softly. She would In the evening I called again and found not pause to listen to my words, nor her more feeble, but her faith more strong. would she respond to comfort drawn from Her pulse was now very rapid, and then God's own book. I prayed with her and very faint; and I saw it was too late to left her. To-morrow we bury the little hope that she could be restored. She girl, and I shall have my feelings tried had bid adieu to her friends, and had again by a renewal of the painful scenes committed her child to one who would through which I have passed to-day. tenderly care for it, if God permits it to September 30.-On looking over my live; and now she was waiting for her notes of the month, I find that death has change to come. Strangely, she lived on been uncommonly busy among us-no and on. through the long night, and all less than four children and one young the next day, and into another night; man have been buried. These deaths have yet was she peaceful and trusting; the made my own labours much more severe, only happy face in the room was her's ; being called on almost daily to visit fami“ while all around her wept, she only lies in affliction with sickness or bereavesmiled.”

ment, and having five funerals to attend, Six hours before she ceased to breathe, in addition to the regular services of the her voice failed, and she could only tell of pulpit, on the Sabbath and during the the emotions of her soul by the expression week. that played upon her face. She raised her How rarely do the people appreciate hand, as if she would have something, and the amount of exhausting toil which a after some thought, her babe was brought season of sickness brings upon a pastor to her. A smile of unspeakable delight who desires to be faithful to the fock! expressed her joy, and it was laid upon her Could he discharge his duty without breast. What a picture !-- life and death having a heart in it, he might not be embracing, kissing each other! “The bowed down. It requires no great amount gate of heaven opened there and closed.” of physical labour to go to a house of She died with her babe in her bosom. mourning; but it does make a draft on

August 4.-How varied the effects of the sensibilities of the feeling pastor that grief! Some who love their children often prostrates. A family in sorrow is dearly seem to be but slightly moved a load on his heart. They cannot be when they are taken away; and others, shaken off in a moment. To minister who never displayed any great amount unto them in private, to be with them in of parental affection, refuse to be com- the death-struggles of those dear to them, forted when their little ones die. Mrs. to bury their dead, and to preach the J- has always appeared to me indif- words of truth and fidelity with a conferent to her children. Engaged in her sciousness of accountability--all these domestic cares, and troubled about many must make a draft on a pastor's strength, things, her children have seemed to be and he needs health and grace to stand in her way, and she has been anxious to it. Again, he suffers oftentimes by the have as little to do with them as possi. thoughtlessness of the people, and their ble. She has therefore neglected them. ingratitude too. A day or two ago, one of them, a little September 18.--I heard, in the street, wild thing of five years, was attacked with that the child of Mr R. S— had been croup, and last night died. I was suin ill for a few days, and now was not exmoned early in the morning, and found pected to l ve. Of course, I called there Mrs. J in the depths of anguish, re- before returning home, and was received fusing, like Rachel, 'to be comforted. In with expressions of great surprise that I a dark room, on a sofa, she was giving had not been there before. I assured vent to her sorrow, in tears and lamenta- the anxious parents that I had not heard tions, as if the strings of her heart were of their situation until a few moments toru rudely by the hand that had robbed ago; and although this silenced them, it was plainly to be seen they felt that I ceased to breathe, having had no disease was much to be blamed for not knowing to contend with, but yielding to the grathat the child was sick. People have an dual decay of her powers of life. It is idea that the minister must have some good for old people to die. It is a great thing of omniscience. They wonder that relief to her; and though she was loved he does not come to see them in affliction, and honoured by those who were near her, and all the time they are wondering, he is she was more blessed far in the thought quite ignorant that they are in distress at of her departure to glory, than in the enall. This often leads them to harbour joyment of her friends on earth. hard thoughts against the minister, when November 14.-Another of our veneratheir own neglect is the only occasion of ble members has been called home tohis absence from them in the hour of their day. The old must die. I have long sorrow. When sickness enters a family, looked upon father S- as ripe for glory. if the pastor's presence is desired, he Indeed, it has appeared strange to me should be informed of the fact directly, by that God has spared him so long. Yet word sent for the purpose. Confined to he has not altogether outlived his usefulhis study, or visiting in another part of ness. His hoary head has always been in the parish, or absent for a few days from the ways of righteousness. The example home, he may not hear of the case until of such a man is a treasure not to be the patient is dead or well. And although lightly esteemed. We have none left like a minister gives notice once a-month that him. Of such men heaven is the proper he desires his people to send him word, dwelling-place. in case of sickness, and they desire his December 29.-The year is drawing to presence, not one out of five of the fami. a close, and I have been to-day by the lies in such circumstances would pay any dying couch of one who I thought would attention to it; but they will be wonder- have lived on till the end of the year, if fully surprised that they can have sick. not towards the spring of another. He ness without his knowledge of it. Some- has evidently been sinking with the conbody will tell him of it, they think, and sumption. And though failing gradually, so they complain if he does not come to and for six months having no hope of resee them. This is thrown in here to re- covery, his death was sudden. So true it cord my sense of the ingratitude I have is, we are never expecting to die. often experienced when doing more than December 31. The year is closing. my strength would justify, and yet find. Well, it has not been a year of as great ing, that from absolute ignorance of the mortality as the one preceding. But there wants of my people, I had inadvertently has not been a month without a death in overlooked some of them.

the parish, and in the month of SeptemOctober 7.- An aged lady, a mother in ber we buried five. How many scenes of Israel, has been taken to heaven to-day, sorrow I have passed through! Am I She had been waiting many years, all better for the experience ? If God would ready to go, her house set in order, and give me grace to iinprove by what I must her desire to depart being far stronger see and hear, these death-beds might be than her desire to stay. She went to sleep rich means of grace to my own soul. O last night as quietly as usual, and this that He would teach me! morning was breathing harder than she was wont when the family awoke. It was

[The foregoing “Leaves from a Pastor's Note

Book" are extracted from that most interesting plain that she was dying, and shortly she and useful periodical, the Christian Treasury.]


[The Editors are not responsible for every statement or opinion of their correspondents; at the same time, their object is to open the pages of their Magazine to those only, who seek the real good of that Protestant Church with which it is in connexion.] To the Editor of the Christian Guardian. times in the Churches. As it may be

interesting to some of your readers Sir, In the Prayer of Consecration I will give the clause which has in the Communion Service there have been the subject of the greatest at different times been verbal changes change. which singularly illustrate the Theo- In the English Liturgy of 1549 it logical bias which prevailed at divers stood thus : “ Hear us (O merciful

Father) we beseech thee; and with and creatures of bread and wine; that thy Holy Spirit and Word vouchsafe we receiving them according to thy to bless and sanctify these thy gifts Son our Saviour Jesus Christ's holy and creatures of bread and wine, that institution, in remembrance of his they may be unto us the body and death and passion, may be partakers blood of thy most dearly beloved Son of his most blessed Body and Blood.” Jesus Christ, Who, in the same These changes are singular and innight” &c.

teresting to the student of EcclesiasIn 1552 it was altered to the follow- tical History. ing (which is nearly our present) form:

I am, Sir, yours truly, “ Hear us O merciful Father we be

Feb. 1852. seech thee; and grant that we receiving these thy creatures of bread and wine, according to thy Son our Sa

To the Editor. viour Jesus Christ's holy institution, Sir,- In Rev. J. C. Ryle's tract, in remembrance of his death and pas- "Wheat or Chaff?”' is this forcible sion, may be partakers of his most passage: blessed body and blood : Who” &c. " I know also that some believe there

In the Scotch Liturgy of 1637, it is a hell, but never allow that anybody is stood thus: “ Hear us, O most merci- going there. All people with them are ful Father, we most humbly beseech good as soon as they die,--all were sinthee, and of thy almighty goodness cere,-all meant well, -and all, they hope, vouchsafe so to bless and sanctify with got to heaven. Alas! what a common thy word and holy Spirit these thy delusion is this! I can well understand gifts and creatures of bread and wine, the feeling of the little girl who asked that they may be to us the body and her mother where all the wicked people blood of thy most dearly beloved Son: were buried, 'for she found no mention so that we receiving them according so that we receiving them accordinc on the grave-stones of any except the to thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ's good. (PP• 40, holy institution, in remembrance of Can we have a stronger practical his death and passion, may be parta- illustration than this of the incongruity kers of the same his most precious of the present indiscriminate use of the body and blood: who" &c. *

burial service, against which “nearly In the American liturgy it stands 3,000” clergymen have at last raised thus: “And we most humbly beseech their united protest? Doubtless God thee, O merciful Father, to hear us; was “ heartily thanked” for their “deand of thy Almighty goodness, vouch- liverance out of the miseries of this safe to bless and sanctify with thy sinful world,” at the interment of all Word and Holy Spirit, these thy gifts these persons eulogized on the grave

stones; and the hope" that all in• This form was continued in the Scottish Office of 1743- the first “standard” edition of the post-revolution Services and also in that of 1755. In the Office of 1764—the second “ standard” edition--it was altered thus, “and

little hillocks which cover our churchof thy Almighty goodness vouchsafe to bless and sanctify with thy word and Holy Spirit, yards. If therefore, Mr. Ryle's tract these thy gifts and creatures of bread and wine,

be right, the present system of unithat they may become the body and blood of thy most dearly beloved Son" &c. In an edition of 1796 it runs thus, "that they may become the spiritual body and blood of thy most dearly beloved Son." (Hall's Reliquiæ, vol. v.) The term

Yours, &c., M. A., Oxon. may become the body and blood" has been 20th Feb., 1852. thus explained by Scottish writers, viz. “become what the bread and wine became when Christ said “This is my body'- This is my

To the Editor. blood,'” that is “may be unto us the body and blood of Christ, as it is in the Service of 1637; GORHAM versus THE “ GUARDIAN”. or as it is more plainly expressed in the English and American Services, “that we, receiving

NEWSPAPER. them according to our Saviour's holy institu Sir,--In the "Record” of the 2nd tion in remembrance of his death and passion, may be partakers of his most blessed body and

instant, there was a letter from Mr. blood.

Gorham, complaining of the editor of

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