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Christian. THE UNION OF DIVINE GRACE AND HUMAN ENDEAVOUR-this is the doctrine, my young friend, which you request me to illustrate. To the accomplishment of any undertaking perhaps nothing is more conducive, than a clear perception of what is to be done, and a knowledge of our means of performance. For a dependent being, who is destined to live forever-who is to experi

ence the same immortality as his Maker-there is nothing more important conceivable, than SALVATION IN HEAVEN. What shall a man give in exchange for his soUL? Compared with this spiritual principle, the material globe itself, the glorious abode of immortal minds and the footstool of God, dwindles into insignificance:-even the universe becomes an assemblage of luminous motes, floating in in

finite space.

Disciple. If such be the value of salvation, allow me to inquire," where in the name of this spiritual principle, this breath of the Eternal, can it be found? and how may I secure its attainment?"

Christian. Attend; listen to a simple developement of fact, though a figurative representation, and I will inform you.

It is the season of summer.

We stand here upon the Looking toward the east, you have full in view the expanse of waves, the moving picture of a fleet, the vast awning or curtain of heaven outspread above them, and beyond all the disk of the sun coming up in glory.

border of the ocean at sunrise.

Disciple. I feel on my heart the grandeur and sublimity of the prospect; I acknowledge them to be worthy of creative power and wisdom.

Christian. But let the eye of your mind extend farther; something more remains to be seen and enjoyed. Advance beyond the horizon, even to the very centre of the sea. There, looming high above the waters, you discover a world by itself—a green and beautiful ISLAND.

Two thousand years ago, this island was a secret region. A cloudy pavilion hovered over it, which no human eye could penetrate. Mariners, indeed, were known

once an age to discern glimpses of it afar off, caught and escaping like a faint meteor or rainbow swayed and blown away by the wind. Still it remained undiscovered, and must have continued forever unknown, had not a messenger from God, our conductor to salvation, been commissioned to unveil its mystery, and make it a haven for those who were weary and lost amid the waves.

Disciple. You awake my curiosity. May I learn something more minute of this island paradise?

Christian. Adjacent to the shore, the land rises abruptly on all sides, exhibiting a wall or barrier of evergreen woods; but having surmounted this rampart or woody circumference, you perceive extending in remote perspective a VALLEY, encircled by a chain of lofty ridges, on which the sky appears to rest and repose.

Disciple. Ah! let me enter that seclusion of the sky. Christian. Are you there? Within the bosom of those mountain summits, you seem to realize your nearness to heaven; and as you wind round by the left-hand or northern boundary, led by the flashing light and sweet murmuring of water, you find it gushes up by a ROCK venerable with the moss of ages unknown. Overflowing its brim, it forms a stream, which diffusing itself down the southern declivity, imparts freshness to the air and verdure to the earth. A cup of crystal hangs over its brink. Disciple. Is it the Cup of Immortality? or does the whisper of my heart deceive me?

Christian. Draw near and ascertain its peculiar virtue. With deep awe you approach the sacred FOUNTAIN. Receiving the element with thirsty lip, you immediately assume another nature. With your mortal part, your pains, imperfections, infirmities, fears, and solicitudes all consume

away like incense, and the pure fragrance of the soul alone remains. This transformation is felt by all, who come to the attainment of the mysterious Cup; but the manner in which it is produced, the will of Heaven has left unrevealed; and our faculties can form no conception of the miraculous process. Its effect, however, has been revealed. Do you covet this blessed liberation? Would you become a partaker of its glory? To you to every righteous person-it will communicate immortal youth, enlargement of the powers of the mind, a reunion with christian friends and all the children of God who have gone before, and a susceptibility of enjoyment that will grow more and more exquisite from one period of eternity to another.

To this fountain you are invited to repair; the Lord of the Island invites mankind, nation after nation, and age after age, to come and partake. His proclamation is made to all: "Ho! every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters!"

Disciple. These circumstances-do they not wear a visionary air? They seem to be of too great promise to be true.

Christian. Your caution is prudent. In a matter of such moment, you do well to proceed upon rational grounds. But if there be anything conclusive in evidence, rest assured that the testimony, by which you have these discoveries confirmed to you, is infallible; God himself has set his seal to their truth.

Disciple. But how shall we pass the interposing ocean? and how shall we know the way?

Christian. You observe that vessel by the water-side. In that same vessel our great master performed the voy

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age, and left on board his perfect instructions-a most accurate delineation of the course you are to steer.

Will you not hasten on board? All things are now ready. The SHIP has sustained no injury in her voyages of eighteen hundred years. It is true she has had to ride out many tempests, to repulse many foes, and what has been even more unwelcome, to sail with the embarrassing appendages of indiscreet friends: still Infinite Wisdom, Goodness, and Power forever preside at the helm. The crimson flag-it was dipped in the lifeblood of the Captain of our Salvation!—but do you not see it displayed on high? Yes-his Flag of the Cross still waves triumphant; and He, though dead, forever lives to advocate the cause of his followers.

A breeze freshening from the west, like the south wind of St Paul, blowing softly from the shore, would persuade us to embark. There is no impressment, no irresistible compulsion, nothing to affect the freedom of our decision. We may either join yonder assembling multitude, who are this morning bound for the Island of the Blessed; or we may pursue some course of our own, that appears more attractivé.

Disciple. But shall we not, with voluntary eagerness, seize the proffered opportunity? Since no other name under heaven is given among men whereby we can be saved, except the name of our Deliverer from Death, shall we not secure those Waters of Salvation, which he lost his life in disclosing?

Christian. If we have faith we shall; if we repose confidence in his testimony respecting this Valley of Immortal Life ;—if we are not slothful and sluggish, but disposed to put forth our most powerful exertions in manag

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